Acne: Types, Causes And Natural Treatments



Published on: 29-Aug-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 22-Jan-2024




Kshama Shrivastava


Acne: Types, Causes And Natural Treatments

Acne: Types, Causes And Natural Treatments

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Are PCOD and PCOS the same thing? Many women get confused between the two, frequently using the terms interchangeably, particularly when attempting to understand the relationship between PCOS, PCOD, and pregnancy. Despite similarities, such as being related to the ovaries and hampering hormones, both conditions are distinct. 

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are two of the most common  health issues women face related to their ovaries and the functioning of their hormones. PCOD and PCOS are frequently used interchangeably, but some distinctions exist.

Table Of Contents

1. What is PCOD?

2. What is PCOS?

3. What Are The Causes Of PCOD?

4. What Are The Causes Of PCOS?

5. PCOD Vs PCOS: What Is The Difference

6. Lifestyle Modification For PCOD Vs  PCOS

7. Diet Management For PCOD Vs PCOS

8. Dietitian’s Recommendation

9. The Final Say

10. FAQs

What Is PCOD?

PCOD is a medical condition in which the ovaries produce many immature or partially-mature eggs, which develop into cysts. Every woman has two ovaries, which release an egg alternately each month. The ovaries produce trace amounts of androgens or male hormones. 

In this condition, the ovaries typically enlarge and secrete large amounts of androgens, disrupting a woman's fertility and health. The best PCOD treatment often focuses on reducing the severity of such symptoms. 

What Is PCOS?

Women with PCOS, the ovaries produce more androgen than usual, interfering with egg development and release. As a result, some of the eggs turn into cysts, which are tiny liquid-filled sacs. Instead of releasing during ovulation, these cysts accumulate in the ovaries and can enlarge.

What Are The Causes Of PCOD?

The precise cause of PCOD is unknown. However, a link between PCOD and high levels of male hormones (Hyperandrogenism), low-grade inflammation, excess insulin, and heredity has been established.

Other factors contributing to PCOD include early menarche, pollution, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

What Are The Causes of PCOS?

The precise cause of PCOS has yet to be identified. Several factors, including

1. Increased Testosterone Levels

Male hormones are released in excess when insulin and luteinising hormone levels are elevated. PCOS develops as a result of a disruption in ovulation.

2. Rise In Luteinizing Hormone

The pituitary gland of males secretes luteinising hormone, which aids in ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum and male luteinising hormone production. When luteinising hormone levels rise, male hormones become unbalanced.

3. Prolactin Levels Have Increased 

Prolactin is a hormone that aids in milk production after childbirth. Excessing this hormone, which lowers oestrogen levels, causes hormonal imbalance.

PCOD Vs PCOS: What Are The Differences

People often confuse PCOD and PCOS. To remove that confusion, ToneOp enlightens you with all the necessary points of PCOD and PCOS and how they differ from each other.

1. Nature Of The Condition 

PCOS is a serious condition. However, PCOD is not an actual disease because it can be managed with the proper diet and exercise. In contrast, PCOS is a metabolic disorder.

2. Causative Factors

PCOS is a disorder of the endocrine system, while PCOD is a condition scdue to hormone imbalance. Both conditions are thought to be caused by hormonal imbalances and genetics. 

According to the theory, high levels of male hormones restrict the ovaries from producing eggs usually. Excess androgen production has also been linked to insulin resistance and inflammation.

3. Occurrence

Polycystic Ovarian Disease affects nearly one-third of all women worldwide. There are fewer patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. PCOD is more common in comparison.

4. Impact Of PCOD And PCOS On Pregnancy

Polycystic Ovarian Disease does not cause infertility in all women and should not be considered a barrier to pregnancy. In about 80% of cases, women can conceive with minimal assistance and have a healthy pregnancy. Conception can be complex for women with PCOS due to hormonal irregularities. 

To conceive, one must have balanced hormonal cycles that allow the ovum to release and infuse with the sperm post-intercourse. Conception can be complex if you have the syndrome because the levels of androgens in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are so high.

5. PCOS Is A Serious Disease

PCOD is not considered a disease because it can be improved with the proper diet and exercise regimen. PCOS is a  metabolic condition.

6. PCOD Is More Prevalent

PCOD affects nearly one-third of all women worldwide. PCOS has a smaller patient population.

7. PCOS Has Serious Consequences

Women with PCOS tend to develop diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and even endometrial cancer.

8. PCOS Is Visible Early In Life

Girls with PCOS exhibit disease symptoms as soon as adolescence starts. Acne, excessive hair growth, and weight gain appear younger due to metabolic disturbances.

9. PCOD Patients Do Not Have Significant Fertility Issues

They can conceive successfully with a bit of medical assistance. Women with PCOS, on the other hand, experience infertility. They even have higher miscarriage rates.

10. Women With PCOD Can Still Ovulate Regularly

Women with PCOD may have similar symptoms to those with PCOS, but they retain the ability to ovulate regularly and thus can conceive successfully. On the other hand, those with PCOS do not ovulate due to a severe hormonal imbalance that disrupts the ovulation process.

Lifestyle Modifications For PCOD Vs PCOS

PCOD / PCOS primarily affects female hormone balance. The following lifestyle modification steps will assist females in lowering their androgen levels:

1. Maintaining A Healthy Body Weight 

Maintaining a healthy body weight or losing weight can help improve overall cholesterol levels, lower the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease and keep ideal insulin. A BMI of 18.5 - 24.9 is considered ideal and healthy for females. In contrast, a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese and unhealthy. 

Androgen levels can help restore ovulation in the menstrual cycle as well. Consult a dietitian for a weight-loss plan to help you achieve a healthy BMI.

2. Do Regular Exercise And Stay Active

If you have PCOD or PCOS, regular exercise and staying active will help you control your weight and regulate your blood sugar levels.

Diet Management For PCOD Vs PCOS 

There needs to be an understanding of how urban lifestyle is leading to PCOD and PCOS. Unhealthy eating, junk food, and sugar intake all lead to these medical conditions.

While neither PCOD nor PCOS can be the consequence of eating a specific food, a healthy diet plan for medical conditions can help prevent or alleviate both symptoms. PCOS has been linked to obesity and being overweight; additionally, losing weight with these conditions is more complicated.

Over half of all PCOS patients are overweight or obese, so PCOS patients are primarily advised to lose weight because a healthy, balanced diet combined with regular exercise can boost metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity, and aid in weight loss safely. PCOS patients have hormonal imbalances and high blood cholesterol levels.

Diet is rarely a priority for Indian women. They must understand that working out alone will not help them lose weight. It is far more important to maintain a healthy diet. A healthy diet should include plenty of fibre and protein (1 g/kg body weight). It is recommended that a 30% calorie deficit, or 500 to 750 kcal per day (1200 to 1500 kcal per day), be stated.

If you have PCOD or PCOS, follow a low-carb or complex-carb diet to help maintain insulin levels. Consume fish, meat, eggs, above-ground vegetables, and natural fats (such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and butter). 

At the same time, limit your consumption of processed flour bread, sugary desserts and drinks, corn syrup-sweetened items, and sugar and starchy foods (like potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, and beans).

Unless you realise the symptoms of PCOD and PCOS may be similar and difficult to distinguish. Dietary modifications are also required. Both PCOD and PCOS will necessitate dietary and lifestyle changes to aid your recovery.

Dietitian’s Recommendation

Maintaining good health is critical for preventing and treating hormonal disturbances and conditions. The best treatment for PCOD and PCOS is to take the necessary steps to make the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes (as discussed above) to help overcome the syndrome.

-Dietitian Lavina Chauhan 

The Final Say

PCOS and PCOD are diseases that affect our ovaries and hormones, but they differ in some ways. While PCOS is more severe than PCOD, both can be treated if caught early. 

Exercise routine and a healthy diet can help control symptoms and improve hormonal imbalances caused by PCOS and PCOD. If you have excessive hair growth, irregular periods, or lower abdomen pain, you should see a doctor who can help you further.


1. Which is more serious, PCOS or PCOD?

PCOD doesn't have any severe complications. PCOS have serious complications such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and endometrial cancer in a later stage.

2. Is PCOD/PCOS lifelong?

Not PCOD, but PCOS is definitely a lifelong medical condition that may lead to future long-term health risks. It's commonly connected to uterine cancer, heart problems, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, obesity, anxiety, or depression if untreated.

3. Will removing ovaries stop PCOS?

As the problem of PCOS is a life-long problem, removing the ovaries will not cure the problem. There have been circumstances where some women have had regular menstrual cycles in the months following the surgery and even some pregnancies.

4. What surgery is done for PCOS?

Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is a surgical treatment for PCOS that can help treat the condition. Electrocautery or a laser is used to destroy affected parts of the ovaries.

5. Can PCOS go away with weight loss?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for PCOS, but overweight women can help balance their hormone levels through weight loss. Otherwise, treatment is aimed at managing symptoms.

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