Independence Day- Freedom Of Good Health



Published on: 15-Aug-2022


10 min read




Kshama Shrivastava


Independence Day- Freedom Of Good Health

Independence Day- Freedom Of Good Health

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Independence day: a day every citizen of India cherishes, prides and celebrates. This 15th August, India marks 75 years of independence as Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Uncountable freedom fighters fought for the nation, which they consider their family. Many lives were sacrificed, and families were divided in unshattered dedication to attain independence and liberate India from oppression, dictatorship, and injustice. 

But are these the only things that enslaved us? Are you free if you are dependent on hundreds of medicines? Are you free if you are bed-ridden due to a fatal disease? Are you free if you can not even think of touching a sweet on a special occasion because you have severe diabetes? Are you free if you can not enjoy tracking with your family because your stamina does not support you?

This Independence day, let us be resolute to attain freedom from all those habits and health barriers that we are under control. Let us aim to reach mental and physical health, free from anything that might hamper growth and peace. Holistic health is true freedom.

5 Healthy Habits to Adopt For Freedom From Diseases

1. Choose A Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle has numerous benefits not only for the body but for the mind too. For example, a healthy lifestyle can eliminate the risk of having cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis. Also, a healthy lifestyle has many benefits for your social and personal life. Besides, a systematic lifestyle improves the relationships within the family. Most importantly, the person with a healthy lifestyle lives longer than those without.

2. Regular Checkups

We live in an extremely toxic world where the lifespan is reducing, and the number of diseases is increasing. Health check-ups keep track of health parameters.  Make a habit of getting yourself checked at least once a year or as recommended by the expert. 

Regular health checkups have different benefits:

1. It prevents health issues. 

2. It lowers health care costs.

3. It eliminates further growth of the disease. 

4. Finally, it reduces the risk of complications during treatment.

What are the tests included in the Full Body Checkup?

Following are the tests that can be taken for a complete body check-up:

6 Monthly Health Examinations

  • Complete Blood picture(CBP) and urine examinations
  • Lipid Profile Test, which includes cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, and HDL.
  • Vitamin: Vit D, B complex, Iron 
  • Thyroid Function Test: TSH, T3, T4
  • Kidney Function Test: Blood Urea, Uric Acid, Serum Creatinine
  • Liver Function Test: SGPT, SGOT, Serum Bilirubin
  • Pulmonary Lung Function Tests
  • Diabetes tests: Blood Sugar Fasting, Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PP), HbA1c
  • Hepatitis B Tests
  • CT Calcium Scoring
  • Total body fat percentage

Yearly Health Examinations

1. Cardiac examination : Chest X-Ray, ECG & 2D Echo,TMT

2. Eye Checkup

3. PSA

4. CT Coronary Angiography (Heart)

5. CT Screening of Neck Vessels (Carotid)

6. Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) (for the elderly)

7. Sono-mammography & Pap smear (for women)

8. Abdominal Check: Ultrasonography of abdomen & pelvis

3. Good Diet

A diet including fruits and vegetables has been proven to provide multiple health benefits, such as reducing the risk of several chronic diseases. 

However, making significant changes to your diet and dietary habits can sometimes seem very overwhelming.

Instead of targeting big changes, starting slow can be helpful.  It is likely more manageable to start with just one thing rather than all of them at once.

Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine might temporarily relieve stress but are extremely harmful and have negative health impacts. They can make stress and anxiety worse in the long run. The Well-nourished bodies cope better. So start with a healthy and nutritious breakfast, and try to add more organic fruits and vegetables to your diet. Strictly avoid processed foods and sugar, and drink more water.

4. Regular Physical Activities

If you also want to enjoy every moment of your life, your physical fitness is extremely important. Exercise does not mean going to a high-class gym or painful early morning workouts. Exercise means you have to spend 30 - 45 mins of your day indulging n a physical activity. It includes avoiding lifts and taking stairs, brisk walking, avoiding using vehicles for short distances, 3 min walk every 3 hours sitting etc.

This simple step towards your health can help reduce your risk of heart attack, manage your weight, control your blood cholesterol and blood sugars, and strengthen your muscles and bone.

5. Mental Health

Sudden or ongoing stress affects your mood by disturbing the hormones inside your body. This can raise anxiety levels, blood pressure, and heart rate and lead to life-threatening diseases like diabetes, heart attack, stroke, unexplained weight gain, memory loss and depression. These changes eventually pitch your body into a fight or fight response. 

"If constantly under stress, most of us will eventually start to function less well," says Malaika Stoll, M.D., chief medical officer of SutterSelect.

10 Ways to Cope with Chronic Stress

We all need to know when to close our eyes and take a deep breath during rising tension. Follow these tips to prevent or reduce chronic stress:

1. Re-balance work and home.

2. Exercise

3. Take a healthy diet and limit alcohol and stimulants.

4. Connect with people who you feel comfortable with.

5. Carve out hobby time.

6. Practice meditation, stress reduction exercises or yoga.

7. Sleep Enough.

8. Bond with your pet.

9. Take a vacation.

10. See a counsellor, coach or therapist.

Let this Independence Day be a day for you to be free from any unhealthy habits and diseases. Follow these easy tips and enjoy your health at its best.

About ToneOp

ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.  

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