Mung Dal: Nutritional Value And Health Benefits



Published on: 23-Nov-2022


10 min read




Shubhi Sidnis


Mung Dal: Nutritional Value And Health Benefits

Mung Dal: Nutritional Value And Health Benefits

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Legume seeds are appropriately referred to as "poor man's meat." This is because they are high in proteins, bioactive compounds, minerals, and vitamins. Mung dal or green gram dal are small, oval green beans that belong to the legume family and are scientifically known as Vigna radiata.

Mung bean is a one-of-a-kind legume that absorbs the flavours of other spices and herbs while not losing its qualities. As a result, it is one of the richest plant protein sources. It is available in various forms: whole, split, de-husked (yellow), and ground. Mung dal has been used for food and medicine since time immemorial.

It is a native of India but is also widely cultivated in other Asian countries. Mung dal is one of the easily digestible legumes; it is a comforting food for those recovering from any illness and is also great for weighty loss.

Mung beans are also called pachai payaru in Tamil, cherupayar in Malayalam, hesaru kaalu in Kannada, pesara pappu in Telugu, and Mung dal in Hindi. Because of its essential nutrient profile, adding mung dal to your daily meal plan is thought to provide healing health benefits.

Table Of Contents

1. What Is Mung Dal?

2. Nutritional Value Of Mung Dal

3. Health Benefits Of Mung Dal

4. Side Effects Of Mung Dal

5. Culinary Uses Of Mung Dal

6. Dietitian’s Recommendation

7. The Final Say

8. FAQs

What Is Mung Dal?

Mung dal is one of the easiest-to-digest forms of pulses and is beneficial in many medical condition. It is commonly available in three forms: whole mung beans, split mung dal and unhusked mung dal. It is widely consumed in India. 

Mung dal is a leguminous plant in the Fabaceae family with the scientific name Vigna Radiata. This tiny, oval-shaped green bean is primarily used in Indian cuisines, and every meal is incomplete without it.

Mung dal is marketed as a superfood because it is one of the world's richest plant-based protein sources. India produces the most legumes and pulses in the world, particularly mung dal.

Nutritional Value Of Mung Dal

Underwritten is the nutritional value of 100g of mung dal.

  • Calories- 347 kcal
  • Protein- 24g
  • Fat- 1.2 g
  • Carbohydrates- 63 g
  • Potassium- 1246 mg
  • Sodium- 15 mg
  • Vitamin A- 2%
  • Vitamin C- 8 %
  • Vitamin B6- 20%
  • Iron- 37%
  • Magnesium- 47%
  • Calcium- 0.13 mg

Health Benefits Of Mung Dal

Evidence suggests that legumes, such as mung beans, can be considered a healthy diet pattern, according to the office for Disease Control and Prevention. According to their research, plant-based diets are essential for improving their health and lowering their risk of chronic illnesses. 

Mung beans are an excellent way to incorporate more plant-based foods into one's diet. Mung dal is highly nutritious and readily available and has many health benefits, such as:

1. Potent Antioxidant Effects

Mung dal is rich in antioxidants such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, caffeic acid, and cinnamic acid, to name a few, which have the potential to protect cells from oxidative damage. A high level of free radicals in the body interacts with cells, increasing the risk of chronic inflammation, heart disease, and cancer. 

According to ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) research, antioxidants found in mung beans can reduce the formation of tumour cells in the lung and stomach. Furthermore, sprouted mung contains six times more antioxidants than regular mung, so incorporating green gram sprouts regularly can improve overall health.

2. Improves Gut Health

Mung dal contains a lot of fibre, primarily soluble fibre pectin, which helps with digestion and regulates bowel movements. Moreover, resistant starch promotes the secretion of fatty acids butyrate in the gut by nourishing the gut flora. 

Butyrate improves gut health by nurturing colon cells, activating the gut's immune response, and lowering the risk of colon cancer, according to evidence. Aside from that, the carbs in mung dal are more accessible to digest than those in other legumes, reducing the likelihood of flatulence and bloating.

3. Improves Heart Health

Mung dal is high in antioxidant flavonoids, which are known to protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce inflammation. Moreover, it contains significant amounts of magnesium and B vitamins, which help to regulate heart rate and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Regular consumption of mung dal improves blood circulation to and from the heart, lowers LDL cholesterol by increasing bile acid excretion, and ensures optimal heart muscle function.

4. Controls Blood Pressure

High in potassium, magnesium, and dietary fibre, mung dal may help regulate blood pressure. According to ICMR research, essential nutrients found in mung dal have the potential to lower high blood pressure. 

5. Encourages Weight Loss

Mung dal, which is low in calories, fibre and protein, can be included in the diets of people trying to lose weight. Severe Indian studies by the ICMR(Indian Council of Medical Research) and NIN(National Institute of Nutrition) have shown that a high-fibre and protein diet suppresses the hunger hormone ghrelin. 

It increases the fullness hormones peptide and cholecystokinin, which aids in curbing the appetite, lowering overall calorie intake, and promoting weight loss.

6. Cancer Prevention

Mung dal contains a large number of essential amino acids, oligosaccharides, and polyphenols, which help to prevent the onset of cancer. Moreover, Mung dal's potent antioxidant properties protect the body from cell mutation and DNA damage.

Mung dal, which is high in flavonoids and antitumor properties, also prevents the formation of tumour cells and lowers the risk of cancer.

7. Immune System Support

Mung dal contains various nutrients, including folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, zinc, magnesium, and calcium, which help reduce inflammation. While high in phytonutrients and flavones, it also has potent antioxidant properties that aid in activating immunity.

Mung dal's immune-boosting nutrients promote the formation of white blood cells, which aids the body's defence mechanism and keeps infections at bay.

8. Diabetes Management 

Mung dal contains fibre, soluble fibre pectin, and is high in protein, which slows the release of glucose in the bloodstream and keeps blood sugar in check. It has a low glycemic index, stimulates insulin secretion, and lowers blood glucose and fat levels.

Mung dal contains antioxidants vitexin and isovitexin.

9. Improves Women's Health

Mung dal is high in thiamine, riboflavin, folate, and B-complex vitamins, which benefit women's health. The high folate content reduces the risk of neural tube defects, autism, stroke, and heart disease.

While thiamine is essential for growth and development, supplementing it with other water-soluble vitamins reduces the risk of metabolic issues that may affect the placenta and foetus during pregnancy.

Side Effects Of Mung Dal

Mung dal is not known to have any adverse health effects. Mung beans, on the other hand, contain oxalates, which are naturally occurring substances in plants, animals, and humans. When these oxalates build up in the body's fluids, they can crystallise and cause health problems.

People with kidney and gallbladder problems should avoid mung beans. Oxalis may impair calcium in the body. However, chemicals in raw husks can cause upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Culinary Uses Of Mung Dal

Mung dal is widely used in many preparations in India; some of such most popular mung dal preparations are as follows:

  • Whole mung dal curry
  • Split mung dal curry
  • Mung dal tadka
  • Mung dal cheela
  • Mung sprouts 
  • Mung dal halwa
  • Mung dal and veggie soup
  • Mung dal khichdi
  • Mung dal barfi
  • Mung idli
  • Mung dal parantha
  • & Many such more regional dishes too.

Dietitian’s Recommendation

Mung dal may have numerous health benefits. Making it a part of your daily menu is a good deal. Eating legumes can be healthy and an excellent way to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet. Moreover, mung beans are simple to prepare.

-Dietician Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say

Mung dal is high in essential vitamins, minerals, protein, and antioxidants and provides numerous health benefits. When consumed as a part of a balanced diet, mung bean may help to prevent obesity, lower cholesterol, regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels, lower inflammation, and avoid cancer. This versatile dal blends well with all the ingredients and can be prepared in various ways; incorporate it into your daily diet to reap the benefits.


1. Is it good to eat mung dal daily?

Yes, you can eat mung dal every day. The iron content of mung dal helps reduce anaemia risk. Moreover, incorporating organic mung dal into your daily diet strengthens your immune system and reduces your risk of developing diseases.

2. Who should not eat mung?

Mung beans provide 80% of the RDI(Reference Daily Intake) for folate in one cooked cup (202 grams) (3). They are also high in protein, iron and fibre, which women require more during pregnancy. However, pregnant women should avoid consuming raw mung bean sprouts, as they may carry infectious bacteria.

3. What is the best time to eat mung dal?

Dal should generally be consumed during the day, and whatever is eaten at night should be light.

Mung dal is one such dal which can be eaten at night as it is easily digestible.

4. Is mung a Superfood?

Mung dal can be called a superfood as it contains a good amount of low-fat protein, potassium, dietary fibre, manganese, calcium, magnesium, iron, folate and several vitamins. It is rich in fibre and low in calories.

5. Is mung dal good for the brain?

Rich in B-complex vitamins, this yellow dal breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and produces energy for your body to spend. Moreover, folic acid helps maintain healthy brain function and helps build DNA. Mung dal is particularly rich in dietary fibre.


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