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Nutrition Week Day 7: Nutrition For Healthy Skin

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Written by:

Amrita Sandhu


Published on: 07 Sept 2022


Updated on: 29 Oct 2023


10 min



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Did you know that consuming vitamins and minerals can help your skin glow instead of spending loads on expensive products? 

We have seen people using topical beauty products to enhance their beauty. The market has numerous brands that claim to cure all skin problems and make the skin healthy, but at the end of the day, it is all just marketing jargon for brands. They say, “You are what you eat”, and your dietary habits reflect on your skin by providing glow, shine, elasticity, etc.

Table Of Contents

1. Role Of Nutrition In Improving Skin Health

2. Nutrients For Healthy Skin 

3. The Final Say

4. FAQs

Role Of Nutrition In Improving Skin Health

Proper nutrition is vital to maintain growth throughout life. From the moment we are born until now and beyond, nutrition plays an integral part in our lives. 

Lack of a nutritious diet may cause malnutrition, affecting the overall body from skin to organs. Moreover, insufficient nutrients can cause early signs of ageing, wrinkles, other infections, stress, lower lifespan, and many more.

Thus, choosing the right foods helps to cure all the signs of ageing, boosts skin elasticity and firms the body by keeping all skin issues away. So, choosing the right food can help maintain the skin's quality and overall health.

Nutrients For Healthy Skin 

1. Beta Carotene 

Beta carotene is naturally found in red and orange-coloured fruits and vegetables like beetroot, oranges, mango, and other green leafy vegetables. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that stays in the body for a long time. Other than that, it helps maintain the skin's beauty by protecting it from harsh sun rays.

You can also use Vitamin A supplements but with the consultation of your doctor.

2. Acai 

You must have heard people adding acai in smoothies or breakfast bowls, seeds, and granola/muesli. Acai is packed with antioxidants that fight the body's free radicals. It also helps maintain cell functions due to the presence of superoxides. But people should consume acai in small portions as it has higher calories. In addition, acai is rich in vitamin C; vitamin C works as an anti-ageing vitamin and helps to boost immunity by providing glowing skin.

3. Vitamin E

Also called the anti-ageing vitamin, Vitamin E is great for hair, skin, nails and the eyes. Vitamin E is present in seeds, nuts and some green vegetables. Vitamin E helps keep the eye healthy and reduces the onset of wrinkles on the face when applied in moderation and by consulting your doctor before using it.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also known as Ascorbic acid. It helps boost immunity, reduce skin pigmentation, and raises collagen, stimulating the skin's elasticity and making it more youthful.

Vitamin C also helps to protect our skin from heavy UV rays. Vitamin C is better applied topically than ingesting because it gives better results on the skin. You can get vitamin C in oranges, kiwi and many other fruits and vegetables.

5. Potassium

Potassium helps to remove the excess water from the body by reducing the puffiness of the skin and body by combating acidity and eliminating toxins from the body. Some sources of potassium are dates, coconut water, banana, oats etc.

6. Lycopene

Lycopene is present in tomatoes which are also considered to have anti-ageing properties. They act as a sunscreen for the skin and help curb pigmentation, making the skin healthier. 

7. Biotin

Biotin helps to boost hair elasticity and makes the hair strong. The doctor recommends biotin supplements for hair and nails. Moreover, some foods like avocados, almonds and egg yolks contain great biotin content.

8. Zinc

Zinc helps to boost immunity and keeps us healthy. In addition, it helps treat acne and cleanses the skin from within. Foods like seeds, legumes and pulses contain a good amount of zinc.    

9. Lean protein

Protein slows down the skin's ageing process and prevents drooping and loosening of the muscles in the body. Lean meats, like chicken breast and fish, turkey, salmon and eggs, provide high-quality protein. It helps reverse ageing, makes you stronger, and builds good muscles. Also, a high-protein diet helps to produce more collagen in the body, which helps firm up the skin and makes you look younger.

10. Selenium

Selenium is excellent for curbing pollution and harmful sun rays from entering the body. It works great as an antioxidant which helps fight the body's free radicals and protect the cells and replenish them. Moreover, it helps to protect the skin from dryness. Some foods with selenium are nuts and seeds, whole grains, mushrooms etc. 


1. What is the role of nutrition in healthy skin?

Eating a healthy diet helps to make the skin smoother, hydrated and wrinkle-free as vitamins and minerals help provide micro-nutrients which make the skin plumper.

2. What are some foods rich in vitamin C?

Oranges, grapes, kiwi and some vegetables are rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps keep skin pigmentation away and boost immunity.

3. Which oil is best for healthy skin?

Olive oil is considered best for healthy skin because it contains MUFA and works as an anti-ageing agent.

4. How does zinc work for the skin?

Zinc helps clear the acne, smoothens the skin from within and boosts immunity.

5. How does water work towards healthier skin?

Water keeps the skin hydrated and moisturised by removing toxins from the body. And promote clear skin.


TONEOP is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.  



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