Shubh Diwali: Home Remedies For Dust Allergies



Published on: 18-Oct-2022


10 min read




Shubhi Sidnis


Shubh Diwali: Home Remedies For Dust Allergies

Shubh Diwali: Home Remedies For Dust Allergies

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Diwali is a festival which has great significance regarding cleaning each corner of your house. People pray to Shubh and Labh, as the gods are closely associated with money and prosperity and pay visits to the clean and beautifully decorated homes.

Goddess Laxmi visits the house as a symbol of peace and prosperity.

Hence, house cleaning becomes an essential part of pre-festive activities.

But Diwali cleaning is not the regular cleaning activity we perform daily. It is also the purification of the house; by deep cleaning the house, you not just throw out dust and garbage but also purify the house from all negative energies and make it more welcoming for the guests and the gods.

Some people are allergic to dust, and deep cleaning of the house can trigger allergies and make it difficult for them to participate in pre-Diwali activities.

Before proceeding toward the home remedies for allergies, let us first understand what causes you to be sensitive toward some things.

Cause Of Allergies

The symptoms of allergies are the body’s way of defending against foreign invaders. But sometimes, the body fails to distinguish between real threats like influenza and non-threatening ones like pollen, grass, or pet dander. 

In human bodies with allergies, the immune system releases histamine, a compound released by the cells in response to allergy, injury and inflammatory reactions.

Children and individuals with weaker immune systems are more prone to experience allergies. However, as the immune system develops, the body responds more efficiently to triggers, including common allergy irritants and illnesses. As a result, some people may even outgrow their allergies, while others may develop allergies well into adulthood.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the symptoms you are experiencing to decipher the source of the allergy and what precautions you can take to prevent it.

Symptoms Of Allergies

The allergy symptoms are similar to many other illnesses. Still, in general, children suffering from allergies will experience

  • Sneezing
  • Runny Nose
  • Itchy Throat
  • Watery Eyes
  • Coughing

Some Preventive Tips For Dust Allergy

  • Keep your home dust-free and enforce regular cleaning.
  • Get regular pest-control services to avoid insects and unwanted health issues because of unsanitary conditions.
  • Install a high-efficiency filter in your AC.
  • Make use of bed linen and mite-proof pillows.
  • Keep your house free of humidity.
  • Prohibit the entry of your pets inside your bedroom and sleeping area.

Above-written are some steps you can take to avoid getting triggered by your allergies; further, for better prevention, Toneop brings you several home remedies and cures which you can use in times of allergic reactions.

Home remedies for allergies

1. Saline Nasal Drops

Saline nasal irrigation is a therapy to rinse the nasal cavity with water and salt. It has beneficial effects on both children and adults with allergic rhinitis, which is often referred to as hay fever.

2. Probiotics

studies indicated that probiotics might help improve symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Allergies cause an imbalance in the immune system forcing the body to react strongly to a stimulus. Consumption of enough beneficial bacteria to balance the gut bacteria will help in getting relief from allergies. Have curd or yoghurt to boost the gut bacteria, consisting of probiotics.

3. Honey

A popular theory suggests eating locally-produced honey can help reduce reactions to allergies. Honey lessen symptoms of seasonal allergies, although there's no scientific evidence to prove it.

According to the theory, over time, you will lower your allergic reaction to the pollen that the bees collect to make honey.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin c acts as a natural antioxidant and antihistamine and helps reduce the amount of histamine a body produces in an allergic reaction. 

Natural medication practitioners suggest an intake of 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily to reduce histamine levels.

5. Peppermint Essential Oil

Study shows that peppermint oil treatment has anti-inflammatory effects that reduce the symptoms of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis to warrant clinical trials. In addition, it can be breathed directly or can be put on a handkerchief.

Essential oils can be diffused into the air but should be diluted in carrier oil if applied topically.

6. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Known to reduce inflammation, eucalyptus oil may help you with congestion. Breathing it in from the bottle or breathing the eucalyptus-defused air can provide you with comfort. In addition, advocates of natural healing suggest using eucalyptus oil as an antimicrobial agent by adding it to each load of wash during allergy season.

7. Steam

Another way of treating dust allergy is Taking steam. To do this, take boiling hot water in a large bowl and bend over the steam it releases. Cover your head with a towel to inhale it properly. Doing this for 10 minutes will show you the result. This process soothes your nasal passage, clears the cavity, and eases breathing.

8. Ghee Or Clarified Butter

Our respiratory passage is open to dust and other allergens. Minimise the effect of allergens; it is great to lubricate the nasal mucous membrane with ghee.

Ghee contains anti-inflammatory properties as well, which help clear the nasal passage and also provide relief from constant sneezing.

9. Green Tea

People who suffer from allergies would want to add green tea to their sniffle-fighting arsenal.

Green tea is a magic potion for treating various ailments and includes treating dust allergies. Green tea is full of a catechin called Epigallocatechin gallate, which contains antioxidant properties and is recognised for its anti-allergic protective effects.

10. Neti Kriya

Saltwater, or saline water, has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to cure nasal irritation and congestion. 

How to perform it?

1. put water in the pot,

2. tilt your head over the sink

 3. pour water in one nostril, and let it come out of the other 

Do it 2 3 times for instant relief; you can also learn this kriya from an expert.

 11. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is an effective home cure to subside the symptoms of dust allergies. As it carries anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, it can do miracles in eliminating dust allergies.

Aloe vera works well in treating pain and swelling caused by dust allergies. Consuming it in the quantity prescribed by the expert can provide you relief.

12. Turmeric

Turmeric's active component is curcumin, a polyphenolic phytochemical anti-amyloid with antiseptic properties. Turmeric is also one of the most used cooking ingredients in most Indian households and is an effective dust allergy remedy.

Adding turmeric to your milk will give you a delicious flavour and prevent dust allergies; you can add honey for the taste. Drink turmeric milk two times a day for better results. 

13. Wasabi or Horseradish

This Japanese horseradish works incredibly well in treating dust allergies.

Wasabi is now readily obtainable in Indian supermarkets and is accessible to everyone. Wasabi consists of isothiocyanate that helps to decongest the chest and stimulate mucus flow. This pungent green paste helps to breathe by opening the airways and is great for blocked nasal passages.

14. Apple cider vinegar

This potion is not only used for seasoning purposes and as an edible substance but is also effective in treating dust allergy. In addition, apple cider vinegar is purported to boost immunity and support lymphatic damage.

Experts recommend Mixing 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and consuming it three times a day can relieve allergic symptoms. This drink slows down mucus production, heals the breathing airways and clears the lymphatic system.

No nook and corner should be left this Diwali; clean it all!

Pre-Diwali activities are even more fun than the festival itself as it brings the whole house together, and everyone from children to elderlies participates in the house cleaning.

However, Diwali brings light, peace and prosperity into the houses, and our responsibility is to welcome positivity with cleanliness. However, some of us are allergic to dust and need to take care of it.  By following the instruction written above, you can indeed participate in the pre-festive activities and enjoy your Diwali this year without sneezing the whole time.


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