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Strength Training Guide For Beginners

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Written by:

Amrita Sandhu


Published on: 04 Oct 2022


Updated on: 19 Jan 2024


10 min



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Not having proper knowledge of where and how to start your strength training regime can be intimidating, right? Read on to understand why strength training is essential and how to start your training program.

Strength training is a type of exercise that helps you gain muscle mass and boost your muscular strength. Strength training is a crucial aspect of a workout. Learning new skills is an exciting opportunity. Discover what activities you enjoy and create an active lifestyle that meets your needs and preferences.

Table Of Contents

1. Importance Of Strength Training For Beginners

2. How Do I Start Strength Training?

3. Tips For Safety During Strength Training

4. The Final Say

5. FAQs

Importance Of Strength Training For Beginners

Your neurological, muscular, connective tissue, and metabolic systems are all made more capable of handling and recovering from increased training loads attributable to strength training. 

The stresses generated by muscular tissue enhance connective tissue quality and boost bone density by strengthening tendons and ligaments and making your muscles relieve a part of the strain and load placed on your joints. In addition, this training guard against age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia) and enhances joint health. Strength training is also a practical approach to boosting your self-esteem regarding your physical and mental progress, look, and presence in the world.

How Do I Start Strength Training?

Taking help from a fitness expert is highly recommended to avoid injuries or incorrect forms. But, first, you must understand yourself and how to start your fitness journey. Following are a few ways to get your strength training started.

1. Always Start With A Short And Simple Program

Your objective is to perform a workout that targets all muscle groups twice a week on days other than consecutive ones. This way, you will establish a solid foundation and advance week by week.

2. Choose The Right Weights To Lift

Use weights that are just right—not too light or heavy. The weight is too light if you can complete a set with little effort. It is too heavy if your form suffers or you merely use your momentum to swing the weights.

You can exert an arduous effort, just right, with good form, control, and minimal strain. Start with a weight that you can effectively lift ten to fifteen times. Start with one or two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, then gradually increase to three or more sets.

3. Warm-Up

Some aerobic activities, such as a 5-minute jog or brisk walk, will increase blood flow to your muscles and prepare them for a good workout. Other practical warm-up exercises include a few minutes of jumping jacks or skipping. Also, do some dynamic stretches before starting your main workout.

4. Focus On The Form

Good form means you reap all of the benefits of your workout and avoid injuries simultaneously. Pay attention to your posture (stand tall with your chest up and your core tight), move slowly (this ensures your muscles, not momentum, are doing the lifting), and remember to breathe to maintain good technique. Exhaling during the most challenging part of the workout helps drive the movement and not hold your breath.

5. Take Proper Rest

Take a rest of at least 45-60 seconds between sets. This prevents muscular fatigue, particularly when you first start. Additionally, it is best to avoid working out the same muscle parts twice a row because rest days are essential for developing lean muscle tissue and avoiding injuries. Some people like to alternate between working on their upper body one day and their lower body the next when strength training. Let your muscles rest for at least 48 hours.

6. Limit Your Workout To 45-50 Minutes

In this amount of time, you can complete the necessary exercise. Longer sessions could have the opposite effect of improving results while raising your risk of burnout and muscular weariness. You can gradually increase your session time by 10-15 minutes once you are an intermediate. For the first few weeks, focus on Learning how to do each exercise rather than how much lifting or how many exercises you are doing. 

7. Stick To A Plan

Maintaining a program for a minimum of four to five weeks is crucial, roughly how long it takes for your body to improve. After that, you can alter your regimen to make it harder. Your body will remain in the same position if you use the same weights for the same exercises each week. You can alter the number of reps or weights used, select a new workout, or rearrange the exercises you perform.

8. Cool Down

After your workout, gently stretch your muscles. Stretching can increase flexibility, relieve muscle tension, and lower injury risk. Do static stretches post-workout and hold for 10-15 seconds.

9. Sets, Reps,  And Weight

Perform 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise to start. Initially, aim for 1 to 2 sets. You can increase the weight and add more sets as your strength grows. To decide how much weight to utilise, use trial and error. Perform 1 set with a lesser weight at first. Keep adding weight if you feel challenged but can still complete the necessary number of reps with proper form. The final rep ought to be challenging yet doable.

Tips For Safety During Strength Training 

It is essential to focus on safety when you start a weight training routine. There are some common mistakes to avoid while strength training. Keep an eye on your body and resist applying excessive stress. Ensure that you:

  • Put on the appropriate gear for weightlifting, such as closed-toe shoes and, if necessary, weightlifting gloves.
  • Exercises should be done gently, paying close attention to the appropriate form.
  • Use a spotter to assist you when lifting heavy objects, especially those over your head.
  • Keep yourself hydrated when working out.
  • Before lifting, inhale, and while lifting, exhale. The breath should never be held while lifting weights.
  • If you experience sharp or stabbing pain, stop exercising. If the pain does not go away when you stop exercising, seek medical attention.
  • Always take the help of a professional fitness expert or a trainer before starting your fitness program.
  • Consult your doctor about a weight-training and fitness regimen safe for you if you have a medical problem.

The Final Say

Strength training is crucial for overall health and fitness. For beginners, it focuses on compound exercises. These actions use several muscular groups until you have adequate strength to isolate muscles and push them to their limits. Consider beginning with a certified personal trainer's assistance if you have never lifted weights. They will be able to design a strength training programme just for you and teach you the correct form for a variety of exercises. While most gyms feature free weights like dumbbells, barbells, and resistance machines, you may also obtain a thorough weight training workout at home with minimal equipment. Start anywhere but be sure to.


1. How should I start my strength training workout?

Start with a gentle cardio warm-up for 5 minutes. Each exercise should be performed once, one set at a time, with brief rests. Modify or avoid any workout that hurts or makes you uncomfortable. Note how the movements feel and the weight you have chosen so you can keep track of your progress.

2. How often do I need to strength train in a week?

Three weight training workouts each week will probably yield the required results if your primary goal is to increase strength. If your goal is to build muscles, start with at least 4-5 days of strength training a week. The same goes for the people who have a goal of weight loss.

3. What should be my mindset when I am about to begin my first workout?

Your initial workout serves as a gauge for how your body is doing and how various activities feel. These traditional exercises are an excellent beginning to developing a deeper connection with your body. Instead of utilising much weight or performing many reps, the goal is to concentrate on your form and complete the movements correctly.

4. How should I start and build my workout plan?

Starting with 1 or 2 sets of each exercise, you can work on all the major muscle groups throughout a workout before increasing the number of sets or weights as the exercises become more manageable. Later, you can divide your plan into upper body, and lower body alternate split followed up with push, pull and leg split. 

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