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Stretches Before Bed And Their Benefits: ToneOp

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Anjali Dwivedi


17 Feb 2023


22 Jan 2024


10 min



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Stretching before bed is one of the most effective remedies for sound sleep, generally forgotten while discussing natural sleep cures like sipping chamomile tea or wafting essential oils. This little step, however, may aid in sleep onset and duration.

Several studies have linked the practice of meditative movements, such as tai chi or Yoga, to sleep better. In addition, a higher quality of life was also associated with better sleep and is suggested to many people with conditions like  hypertension, depression or thyroid.

How does stretching help one fall asleep? You may chalk it up to a combination of factors.

Sound sleep is also linked with improved skin quality which is why it is suggested by many to focus on getting proper sleep during the  complete makeover offered by Toneop.

As an added bonus, stretching can also aid your body physically by easing muscular tension and warding off cramps that keep you up at night. Therefore, you should avoid strenuous exercise just before bedtime and focus on the body stretches before bed to help you relax.

Table Of Contents

1. 8 Stretches For A Sound Sleep

2. Benefits Of Stretching Before Bed

3. How Long Should A Stretch Last?

4. The Final Say 

5. FAQs

8 Stretches For A Sound Sleep

Stretching before bed is essential for a peaceful and sound sleep. Here are a few body stretches you can do for the best results:

1. Knee To Chest

Lift and bend one leg at a time while resting on your back on the floor or mattress. Then, lay both hands on your knee and raise it to your chest. Hold for a few seconds while being as calm as possible. Then, finally, do the same thing on the other side. If raising your knee to your chest one at a time is too difficult, try bringing both knees to your chest simultaneously.

Getting deep spinal flexion with this stretch is beneficial for relieving lower back pain.

2. Spinal Twist

When you lie on your back, spread your arms wide. Raise your right foot off the ground and set it down gently. Cross your right leg across your left side of the body and let it droop to the floor slowly.

You can grasp your knee with your left hand, but there is no need to force it any farther than it would go on its own.  If you tilt your head to the right, you will get an even better turn. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly as you feel the tension leave your spine. Then, move to the reverse side and do the same.

The advantages include increased flexibility in the spine and less slouching caused by spending too much time at a desk.

3. Side Stretch

Cross your legs or prop yourself up on your heels and sit up straight, then raise your left arm over your head. To do this, bend to the right and rest your arm on the floor while maintaining your left arm up over your ear. There should be a pull on your left side. Next, move to the reverse side and do the same.

The benefits of this exercise include strengthening your core muscles and stretching your obliques and spine.

4. Lunge

You may lunge from a standing or kneeling posture by putting one foot in front of the other. Put part of your weight on the knee that is not supporting it. Focus on maintaining a neutral spine and a free chest, then switch sides.

Excellent for lengthening the muscles that attach to your hips and thighs. Those who spend their days in an office chair may benefit just as much from this stretch as runners.

5. Butterfly Pose

Having crossed your legs in front of you, sit on the floor with your feet together. You should lean forward as far as comfortably possible while maintaining your back straight. 

Let yourself relax in this position for a few minutes to maximise the benefits of the stretch. Practising this exercise regularly might help you stretch your inner thighs and lower back.

6. Child's Pose

After coming up on your hands and knees, you should return to your heels while keeping your arms outstretched in front of you. Keep your knees slightly wider than your hip distance apart. Again, pay attention to maintaining a long, lean spine.

Putting your head on the floor after having walked your hands forward until you are almost flat on the ground is a good way to relax. Soothe yourself in this reclining posture. If you feel strain in your shoulders, try resting your arms at your sides instead.

Advantages include loosening up tense muscles in the neck and back and opening up tight shoulders.

7. Bear Hug

Starting with your arms at your sides, wrap them around your body to mimic a self-hug. You may increase the depth of the stretch by grabbing your shoulders and pulling.

Hold this position for 30 seconds while you breathe. You should then relax, spread your arms, and swap which arm is on top.

8. Legs Up the Wall

Stretch out on your side with your legs up against the wall. Lift your legs up the wall until they are perpendicular to the floor while you slowly turn onto your back. Let go of any stress in your hips.

To get the full benefits of this posture, hold it for at least a few minutes and ideally for up to 15 minutes. You may get even more comfort by placing a pillow or cushion beneath your hips.

It helps with digestion and restless legs by increasing blood flow to the legs. The last stretch of your workout should be this one to help you unwind.

Benefits Of Stretching Before Bed

Benefits Of Stretching Before Bed

Body stretches before bed have multiple benefits, some of which are mentioned below:

1. Decreases Stress

The benefits of stretching to both the body and the mind are many. If you want to go to sleep faster at night, try including some light stretching into your bedtime routine.

If you are looking for a way to perk up after a late night in front of the computer, try stretching instead.

Studies have shown that when performed properly, activities like yoga and stretching may have profoundly calming and meditative effects. In addition, it is helpful to disconnect from the day's stressors by bringing your attention to your body and the activities you are now doing.

2. Enhanced Blood Flow

As a spectator, you may help your body out by stretching before a game or match. Increased oxygen and nutrients delivered by your blood to your muscles and joints improve their performance.

3. Relaxes Tense Muscles

When you sit for long periods of time, tension builds up in your muscles, which may make it hard to relax and fall asleep. If you are experiencing muscular tension, stretching may help you relax. Since stretching increases muscular length, it follows that the muscle will be able to withstand less strain once stretched.

4. Relief From Lower Back Aches

Back pain is a common sleep disruptor, especially if it occurs in the lower back. Experts agree that stretching may help reduce back pain even more than a high-quality mattress does.

5. Reduces The Risk Of Accidents

Consistent bedtime stretching has been shown to alleviate back discomfort and lower the chance of injury in general.

When you stretch, you increase the flexibility of your muscles and joints. Consistent stretching prevents muscular tightness, which may lead to decreased performance and an increased risk of injury during physical activity.

How Long Should A Stretch Last?

You will get the full advantages of stretching once you do it for a considerable time, which is another consideration.

Each stretch should be held for at least 60 seconds, as Harvard research recommends for healthy adults. If you cannot maintain the stretch for a full minute, they suggest repeating the exercise multiple times. Repetition is key, so if you can only hold a stretch for 30 seconds, repeat and hold it for another 30 seconds.

The Final Say 

It is not always easy to fall asleep or stay asleep. Over half (55%) of yoga practitioners also reported improved sleep quality due to their practice.

Flexibility has been demonstrated to reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors. Endorphins are released while stretching, which has been found to improve one's mood and ability to unwind.

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