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Top 10 Foods To Improve Bone Health

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Written by:

Anjali Dwivedi


Published on: 09 Jan 2023


Updated on: 02 Dec 2023


10 min



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Have you ever had a sudden, intense ache in your bones, back, or perhaps a shift in your posture? Well, if you are going through this frequently, you could have weak bones. Chronic bone and joint pain is a common problem, especially among the elderly.

Our skeletons gradually deteriorate as we age. Reduced bone density and age-related degeneration are two major causes of skeletal-system issues as we age. Calcium and vitamin D are necessary for proper bone development and growth in children and adolescents. Inadequate bone calcium levels increase the risk of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. This can be treated with special diets for the medical condition Because of the body's inability to absorb over 500 mg of calcium at once, eating calcium-rich meals should be spread out throughout the day.

Table Of Contents

1. Why Is Bone Health Important?

2. Causes Of Weak Bones

3. Key For Strong Bones

4. Top 10 Bone Healthy Foods

5. Dietitian’s Recommendations

6. The Final Say

7. FAQs

Why Is Bone Health Important?

Bones have several functions, including supporting the body, shielding vital organs, securing muscle attachments, and storing calcium. Building strong, healthy bones during childhood and adolescence is crucial, but it is never too late to take care of your bones.

In a constant bone formation and breakdown cycle, your skeleton constantly adapts to new demands. Bone mass grows throughout childhood because bone formation outpaces bone resorption. Bone density typically peaks between the ages of 30 and 35. After that point, you will still undergo some bone remodelling, but you will lose a little more bone than you gain.

The risk of developing osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle, is proportional to how much bone mass you have at age 30 and how quickly you lose it afterwards. Put another way, the less likely you are to suffer from osteoporosis later in life, the higher your peak bone mass.

Causes Of Weak Bones

  • Your diet is deficient in calcium.
  • Inactive individuals are more likely to get osteoporosis.
  • The risk of developing osteoporosis may be raised by a lifestyle that includes frequent use of cigarette products and alcohol.
  • If you are female, osteoporosis is a higher threat to you.
  • Loss of bone mass is a common side effect of being underweight and shows you need to gain weight.
  • If you have a first-degree relative with osteoporosis, you have a much higher chance of developing the disease yourself.
  • An excess of thyroid hormone can also bring on a decrease in bone density.
  • Bone loss can also be caused by eating disorders and some drugs.

Key For Strong Bones
Just by changing your lifestyle a little, you can stop or at least decrease the rate at which your bones are depleting. For instance:

1. Eat A Diet Rich In Calcium-Containing Foods

The daily RDA for calcium is 1000 mg for adults aged 19–50 and males 51–70. Men and women over the age of 71, respectively, are advised to take 1200 mg each day.

Dairy products, almonds, broccoli, kale, canned salmon with bones, sardines, and soy products, like tofu, are all excellent sources of calcium. Talk to your doctor about calcium supplements if you have trouble getting enough minerals through food alone.

2. Do Not Ignore Vitamin D

Calcium absorption in the body is inhibited without vitamin D. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin D is 600 international units (IUs) for individuals aged 19–70. For people 71 and older, the daily dosage climbs to 800 IUs.

Oily fish, including salmon, trout, whitefish, and tuna, are excellent food sources of vitamin D. Some other foods that are rich in vitamin D are mushrooms, eggs, fortified cereals and milk. In addition, getting some sun helps the body make its own vitamin D. Concerned about not receiving enough vitamin D? Talk to your doctor about possible supplementation.

3. Do Something Active Every Day

Walking, running, and stair climbing are all examples of weight-bearing workouts that can help you grow strong bones and reduce bone loss.`

4. Stay Away From Drugs And Alcohol

Please refrain from smoking. You should not drink more than one alcoholic beverage daily if you are a woman. Likewise, do not consume over two alcoholic drinks daily if you are a male.

Top 10 Bone Healthy Foods

Bone health can be improved to a great extent by incorporating the following products:

1. Dairy goods

Calcium, the most crucial nutrient for bone health, may be abundant in dairy products like milk, yoghurt, and cheese.

Milk and other dairy products provide between 52 and 65 percent of the daily calcium intake. In addition, they contain plenty of bone-building proteins, potassium, and phosphorus.

If you want healthy bones, the USDA suggests drinking one cup of fat-free milk and eating one cup of fat-free yoghurt every day.

2. Nuts

Importance of nuts is not unknown. Almonds contain the highest calcium concentration of any nut, and their high magnesium level helps the body absorb and retain the calcium they provide.

While almonds have a higher magnesium level than walnuts, both are good sources of minerals. But the omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid in walnuts help prevent bone loss and degeneration that comes with ageing.

Magnesium and omega-3 can also be found in abundance in Brazil nuts.

3. Whole Grains And Cereals

The mineral silicon, which improves bone density, is abundant in cereals, including barley, rice, and wheat. In addition, an abundance of silicon has been found in some mineral waters.

Although the precise mechanism of silicon's effect is yet unknown, it includes the stability of collagen in the bone matrix.

4. Seeds

Magnesium is one of several minerals that may be found in abundance in seeds.

Pumpkin seeds provide more health benefits than any other kind of seed. Strong, healthy bones might be one of the many benefits of eating pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are delicious when roasted. Pumpkin seeds make a great, healthful snack when roasted with your seasonings. Try incorporating roasted pumpkin seeds into your favourite dishes, such as soups, salads, cereals, curries, and even baked goods like muffins and pancakes.

For a nutritional boost and to appease picky eaters, try blending some soaked pumpkin seeds into burger meat or spaghetti sauce.

5. Fruits

Bone-healthy elements and vitamins are abundant in many types of fruit. For example, bananas have a lot of potassium and a fair amount of magnesium. Nondigestible carbohydrates are also abundant in these foods. These aid in the digestion and absorption of calcium, a mineral essential to developing and maintaining strong, healthy bones.

The mineral potassium, which helps maintain healthy bones, is abundant in both bananas and kiwis.

Dried plums, also known as prunes, have a naturally sweet flavour and are an excellent source of carbohydrate inulin, which aids in the body's absorption and retention of calcium.

In addition to their fibre and protein content, prunes are a good source of potassium and vitamin K, all of which contribute to stronger bones and faster fracture recovery.

Boron, which aids in the absorption of vitamin D, is essential for creating strong bones and is abundant in prunes, raisins, and dried apricots.

Vitamin C, abundant in oranges, is needed to make collagen, a protein that binds bones and muscles and aids in the lubrication of joints. They also include the carbohydrate inositol, which promotes bone calcium absorption.

Eating oranges, either whole or in juice form, has been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

6. Veggies

There is a lot of calcium in green leafy veggies like spinach. Broccoli and cabbage are two more vegetables high in calcium and may provide you with the mineral and protein you need to build strong muscles and enjoy greater joint mobility.

Unfortunately, the oxalates in green leafy vegetables might prevent your body from absorbing calcium. Therefore, blanching the leaves before using them in a dish is recommended to reduce these oxalates.

7. Crabs

Zinc is very abundant in king crabs. As of late, it lights that this mineral can aid in raising bone density and, by extension, warding off osteoporosis. So, if you want stronger bones, try eating a king crab claw once a week. Zinc may also be found in high concentrations in shellfish.

8. Fish

Bone health is supported by the high vitamin D and calcium content in salmon, tuna, and herring. In addition, they are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which help protect bones from being weakened by diseases like osteoporosis and injuries like fractures.

9. Soy products

The chemical compound isoflavone supports bone health. The isoflavone in soy products has been shown to improve bone density. In addition, tofu and other soy foods are rich in calcium, an essential mineral for bone development.

10.Vitamin K

By altering osteocalcin, a protein involved in bone production, vitamin K2 promotes bone health. Osteocalcin may now bind to minerals in bones and assist stop calcium loss from bones because of this change.

MK-4 and MK-7 are the two most prevalent forms of vitamin K2. Liver, eggs, and meat all contain trace quantities of MK-4. MK-7 is a substance found in fermented foods like cheese, sauerkraut, and natto, a soybean product.

The Final Say

Since bones are composed of living tissue, they are constantly being remodelled and renewed. Reduced bone repair and increased bone breakdown are both effects of ageing. Therefore, bone density decreases as we become older. The only surefire method to avoid this is to pay close attention to bone health throughout infancy and adolescence before the onset of age-related changes.

Combining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a lifestyle free from harmful vices like smoking and binge drinking may improve bone health.


1. What should I avoid to maintain good bone health?
Avoid smoking and too much alcohol intake. Refrain from eating junk foods, and do not lead a sedentary lifestyle.

2. What exercises are good for building healthy bones?
Weight-bearing activities such as weightlifting, running, and jumping are good for building healthy bones.
Other bone-beneficial exercises include yoga and Tai chi. Yoga improves muscle strength and flexibility, and Tai chi improves balance and strength.

3. How is bone density measured?

Bone mineral density (BMD) testing utilises a low-dose X-ray to assess the nutrient content of a person's skeleton. Simply put, this is the only test available that can diagnose osteoporosis. 

About ToneOp

ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers. 

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