Top 10 Health Benefits Of Water As A Nutrient With Water Nutrient Examples



Published on: 08-Aug-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 19-Dec-2023






Top 10 Health Benefits Of Water As A Nutrient With Water Nutrient Examples

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Water As A Nutrient With Water Nutrient Examples

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anting transformations that unfold within your body when you prioritise hydration? Have you ever considered the extraordinary benefits of elevating water from a thirst quencher to a vital nutrient? Explore water's top 10 health benefits, showcasing its significance beyond essential hydration in this blog.

Before discussing water as a nutrient, were you aware that 70% of your body is composed of water? It's more than just a simple liquid; water is the essence of life itself. Your skin, organs, and cells all depend on water as a vital nutrient to function optimally. 

Also, recent research from NCBI suggests sustaining adequate hydration levels can result in a remarkable 25% improvement in overall physical performance.

So, read on to uncover the wonders of water as nutrition, explore real examples of water nutrient-rich sources, and understand why treating water as an essential nutrient is key to transforming a healthier you.

Table Of Contents

1. Why Is Water An Important Nutrient?

2. 10 Health Benefits Of Water As A Nutrient

3. What Are Examples Of Water Nutrients?

4. Major Signs Of Dehydration In Body

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References

Why Is Water An Important Nutrient?

It is always said that water plays a vital role in our body, and water as a nutrient is indispensable for your overall well-being. It constitutes a significant portion of your body, making up about 60% of your total body weight. Proper hydration is crucial for various physiological functions, including digestion, nutrient absorption, and temperature regulation.

In fact, water is involved in almost every metabolic process in your body. It serves as a lubricant for joints, aids in the elimination of waste through urine, and helps maintain healthy skin.

Additionally, water plays a vital role in supporting cognitive function; even mild dehydration can impair concentration and mood. To ensure you meet your daily hydration needs, aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

Remember, water as a nutrient is not just about quenching your thirst; it's about fueling your body's intricate mechanisms and keeping you in optimal health.

10 Health Benefits Of Water As A Nutrient

Let us explore the major health benefits of water as a nutrient for the proper functioning of your body:

1. Balances Your Body Fluids

Staying adequately hydrated ensures that your bodily functions operate smoothly. Proper fluid balance is essential for nutrient transport, cell communication, and overall cellular function, emphasising the significance of water as a foundational nutrient.

Additionally, maintaining optimal fluid levels supports the health of your cardiovascular system by ensuring proper blood viscosity. Adequate hydration also aids in regulating electrolytes, contributing to a well-functioning and balanced internal environment.

2. Regulates Your Body Temperature

A key function of water as a nutrient is its ability to regulate body temperature. By sweating and evaporative cooling, water helps keep your body temperature within the optimal range. This not only prevents overheating during physical activity but also avoids heat-related illnesses.

Additionally, water's role in temperature regulation extends to promoting quality sleep, as the body's ability to cool down is essential for a comfortable and restful night's sleep.

Also Read: Top 10 Body Cooling Foods With Their Health Benefits And Tips 

3. Reduces Joints Friction

Water, as a nutrient, lubricates your joints, reducing friction and minimising wear and tear. This is particularly important for joint health, ensuring smoother and more comfortable movement. Joint lubrication provided by water supports flexibility, reducing the risk of injuries and contributing to enhanced overall mobility.

In addition to reducing friction, water in the joints acts as a shock absorber, mitigating the impact on the joints during activities such as walking, running, and other weight-bearing exercises.

4. Promotes Energy Production

As a nutrient, water is involved in various metabolic processes that generate the energy your body needs to function at its best. Moreover, water aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, essential macronutrients that contribute to the body's energy supply.

This emphasises the interconnected relationship between water and nutrient metabolism in sustaining overall energy levels. Additionally, maintaining hydration levels supports the transportation of oxygen to cells, a key component in the energy production process, ensuring optimal cellular respiration and energy efficiency.

5. Aids In The Absorption Of Food

As a nutrient, water facilitates digestion and absorption of food in your digestive system. It helps break down nutrients and ensures their efficient absorption into the bloodstream.

Additionally, maintaining proper hydration levels aids in preventing constipation, as water softens stool and promotes regular bowel movements, contributing to a healthy digestive system.

6. Eliminates Body Waste And Toxins

Water as a nutrient supports the proper functioning of your kidneys and helps flush out unwanted substances. Adequate water intake enhances the filtration capacity of the kidneys, promoting the efficient removal of metabolic waste products and toxins from the bloodstream.

Moreover, water acts as a medium for various detoxification processes in the liver, supporting the conversion of harmful substances into water-soluble compounds that can be excreted from the body.

7. Improves Cognitive Performance

Staying hydrated with water as a nutrient is linked to improved cognitive function. Dehydration can impair concentration and cognitive abilities, emphasising the importance of maintaining adequate water levels for optimal brain performance.

Additionally, maintaining optimal hydration levels aids in reducing the risk of headaches and migraines, common symptoms of dehydration that can negatively impact cognitive performance.

8. Maintains Blood Volume In Your Body

Water is an essential nutrient for maintaining the proper volume of blood in your circulatory system. This ensures that nutrients are transported efficiently to cells, supporting overall health.

Adequate blood volume facilitated by water is crucial for maintaining blood pressure within the optimal range, preventing issues like hypertension. Furthermore, proper blood volume supports oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, contributing to the efficient functioning of various physiological processes.

9. Promotes A Healthy Skin Complexion

Water as a nutrient helps in keeping your skin hydrated, leading to a radiant and healthy complexion. Dehydration can contribute to skin dryness and premature ageing. Optimal skin hydration provided by water supports the skin's elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Moreover, water helps flush out toxins from the skin, promoting a clearer complexion and preventing conditions such as acne. This highlights its role not only in external hydration but also in supporting skin health from within.

10. Aids In Weight Loss

Choosing water as a nutrient-rich beverage over sugary drinks can support weight loss efforts. Water has zero calories and can help control appetite, making it a valuable ally in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Furthermore, water assists in the breakdown of fat molecules in the body, facilitating their utilisation as an energy source during physical activity. This reinforces its role not only in reducing calorie intake but also in promoting the efficient metabolism of stored fats.

What Are Examples Of Water Nutrients?

Have a look at these dieticians' suggested examples of water as a nutrient which you can easily access:

1. Calcium-Rich Dairy Products

Include water as a nutrient in your diet by opting for calcium-rich dairy products like milk, yoghurt, and cheese. These items provide essential calcium for bone health, and their water content also contributes to your overall hydration, supporting various bodily functions.

2. Nutrient-Dense Green Leafy Vegetables

Boost your nutrient intake by incorporating water as a nutrient through green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard. These veggies not only supply vital vitamins and minerals but also contribute to your hydration needs, promoting optimal bodily functions.

3. Citrus Fruits For Vitamin C

Enjoy the dual benefits of vitamin C and water as a nutrient by indulging in citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons. Beyond providing a refreshing taste, these fruits enhance your hydration levels and deliver a powerful antioxidant boost to support your immune system.

4. Potatoes With Potassium Sources

Integrate water as a nutrient into your diet by consuming potatoes, a starchy vegetable rich in potassium. This essential mineral, along with the water content in potatoes, aids in maintaining proper hydration and supports your cardiovascular health.

5. Iodized Salt For Iodine Content

Enhance your iodine intake by using iodised salt as a seasoning. In addition to providing a flavour boost to your meals, this salt variant ensures you get the essential mineral iodine, contributing to thyroid health and reinforcing water as a nutrient in your daily diet.

6. Omega-3 Seafood Options

Include water as a nutrient in the form of omega-3 fatty acids by incorporating seafood options such as salmon, mackerel, and trout into your diet. These fatty acids, coupled with the water content in seafood, offer cardiovascular benefits and support overall hydration.

7. Fortified Breakfast Cereals

Start your day with water as a nutrient by choosing fortified breakfast cereals. These cereals provide essential vitamins and minerals and contribute to your daily hydration needs, ensuring a nutritious and well-hydrated beginning to your morning.

8. Legumes For Plant-Based Proteins

Embrace the combination of plant-based proteins and water as a nutrient by including legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and black beans in your meals. Not only are these legumes rich in protein, but their water content also aids in digestion and supports overall hydration for optimal well-being.

Major Signs Of Dehydration In The Body

Note the given dehydration symptoms with quick action steps for your reference:

Sign of Dehydration

How does it feel?


Increased Thirst

Feeling excessively thirsty even after drinking fluids

Drink water regularly throughout the day.

Dark Yellow Urine

Urine is concentrated and appears darker than usual

Increase water intake, aim for light yellow urine.

Dry Mouth and Skin

Dryness in the mouth, cracked lips, and parched skin

Hydrate with water, use lip balm, and moisturise your skin

Fatigue and Dizziness

Feeling tired, weak, and experiencing dizziness

Rest and rehydrate, and avoid strenuous activities


Persistent headaches are often accompanied by lightheadedness

Drink water and consider electrolyte-rich beverages

Decreased Urination

Reduced frequency and volume of urine

Increase fluid intake, especially water and hydrating foods

Dry, Cool Skin

Skin feels cool to the touch and lacks moisture

Apply moisturiser, drink water, and avoid excessive sun exposure


Difficulty in passing stools due to lack of water in the colon

Increase fibre intake and water consumption

Reduced Sweating

Inability to sweat during physical activity or in hot conditions

Stay cool, drink water, and seek shade when necessary

Also Read: How Much Water Is Too Much? 7 Side Effects Of Overhydration! 

The Final Say

To sum up this exploration of the top 10 health benefits of water as a nutrient, consider this: water is not merely a liquid to quench your thirst but a fundamental element sustaining your well-being.

It's not just about hydration; it's about acknowledging water as a vital nutrient that powers your body's intricate mechanisms. From supporting digestion to enhancing skin health, water plays a multifaceted role.

So, make every sip count, recognising that each drop contributes to nourishing your cells, organs, and overall vitality. Embrace water as an essential nutrient, and you'll find the key to unlocking a healthier and more vibrant you.

Cheers to the wonders of water as a nutrient and its boundless benefits to your health!


1. Can I get vitamin A from water?

No, vitamin A is not sourced directly from water. However, water plays a crucial role in transporting and facilitating the absorption of nutrients, including those like Vitamin A, obtained from food sources.

2. Is water a nutrient?

Yes, water is indeed a nutrient. It plays a vital role in our body, aiding in digestion, nutrient absorption, and temperature regulation.

3. What are the 10 importance of water?

Water is crucial for various bodily functions, including hydration, supporting metabolism, regulating body temperature, lubricating joints, and flushing out toxins.

4. Is water a good source of nutrients?

While water itself doesn't provide vitamins and minerals, it is essential for nutrient transport and absorption. Water ensures that your body effectively utilises nutrients from food.

5. Are vitamins water soluble?

Yes, some vitamins are water soluble, like vitamins C and B. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and are easily absorbed, contributing to various physiological processes.

6. What does the nutrient water do for your body?

Water as a nutrient is indispensable; it keeps you hydrated, supports organ function, helps in nutrient transport, aids in digestion, and contributes to overall well-being. Adequate water intake is vital for optimal health.


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