What Happens On Consuming Too Much Sugar?

Chocolate, lime juice, ice cream! Did your mouth water? We all go a little too out of control when the temptation of sweet craving surrounds us!
These lip-smacking desserts can be soul-satisfying; however, consuming too many calories can start many unwanted diseases.
We all know how harmful sugary meals and desserts can be when consumed excessively. However, there are mindful ways to satisfy your cravings while maintaining calorie consumption.
Let us first understand the two main characteristics of sugar!
Sugar is the simplest form of carbs. The first type of sugar is naturally occurring sugar, like lactose in milk, and the other is added sugar, a mixture of simple sugar, such as sucrose, glucose, or fructose in fruits. The most common type of sugar is sucrose.
Table Of Contents
1. Effects Of Consuming Too Much Sugar
2. How To Keep Your Sugar Temptations At Bay
3. A Guide To Stop Sugar Cravings At Night
4. The Final Say
5. FAQs
Effects Of Consuming Too Much Sugar
1. Increases Weight
Consuming excess sugar leads to weight gain, diabetes, cavities, etc., because it is high in calories. Instead, swap your desserts with healthier choices like fruits, nuts, etc., to keep your weight under control. Also, drinking sugar-laden beverages can lead to increased visceral fat, a deep belly fat associated with diabetes and heart disease.
2. Leads To Heart Risk
High-sugar diets have been linked to increased risk of obesity, inflammation and high triglyceride, blood sugar and blood pressure levels, which are known to spike heart diseases. In addition, a sugar-laden diet has been linked to atherosclerosis, a condition characterised by fatty, artery-clogging deposits.
3. Exacerbates Acne Breakouts
Foods high in carbohydrates and refined sugar can increase the risk of acne. Foods with a high glycemic index, like processed sweets, spike your blood sugar more rapidly than foods with a lower glycemic index.
4. May Increase Your Risk Of Cancer
Eating excessive amounts of sugar can cause cancer irrespective of your weight. Diets high in sugar surge inflammation in your body and may cause insulin resistance. Both spike the risk of cancer.
5. It May Increase The Risk Of Depression
While a healthy diet can boost your mood, a diet high in added sugar and processed foods may trigger the chances of developing depression and other mood disorders. Consult a professional if you are showing signs of depression.
6. Sugar Ages Your Skin Fast
Foods high in sugar can age your skin quickly and lead to several health hazards like depression, diabetes, etc. Also, a poor diet can contribute to skin ageing.
7. Drains Your Energy
Consuming too much sugar can cause energy to spike, quickly followed by a sharp drop. Foods loaded with sugar but lacking protein, fibre, or fat can make you feel more tired than before.
Tips and Tricks To Keep Yourself Away From Sugar
1. Kickstart Your Day With A Nutritious Meal
Commence your day with a nutritious meal, as you will be less tempted to eat sugar. Include oats, eggs, Dalia, etc. You crave fewer sweets when you get into the habit of consuming them less.
2. Keep Sugary Food At Bay
Avoid stocking processed foods and go for healthier options like granola bars. One can also go for unsweetened soy milk and herbal tea to cut back on sugar consumption.
3. Choose Foods That Help Curb Temptations
Foods like baked cinnamon apples, sliced apples with nut butter, etc., can curb your temptations.
4. Do Not Dwell On Thoughts Of Sugary Stuff
Take your mind off sugary candies and chocolates. Instead, switch to protein bars and other healthy bars. Go for a stroll to change the scenery from your mind.
5. Timely Meal
Eating your meal at the right time is imperative as you get less tempted by sweets. Therefore, to curb your hunger pangs, eating nutritious food provides all the necessary minerals, vitamins, fibre, etc., required by the body.
6. Give Priority To Quality, Not Quantity
If you want a sugar spree, indulge in one and keep it small. Treating yourself with a little treat is not bad if you have it once in a while.
7. Get A Good Amount Of Sleep
Getting a deep slumber is essential to curb your sugar cravings. People who get inadequate sleep crave sweets, which hampers productivity the next day.
A Guide To Stop Sugar Cravings At Night?
Sugar cravings at night can come from sensory stimulation or if you are habitual of eating sweets after your meal. Here are a few tips to stop your sugar cravings at night.
1. Keep Yourself Hydrated
The urge to crave sweets after dinner often makes you believe you are thirsty. However, if your dinner is a little on the saltier side, you might experience increased dehydration, which usually increases sugar cravings.
2. Eat Mindfully
Consuming sugary food once in a while is natural. But binge eating sweets can have adverse health effects. An excellent way to overcome sugar cravings is by examining your eating pattern and being aware of what you consume.
3. Keep Yourself Engaged
Keeping yourself engaged is essential, as your cravings disappear when you are involved with some other activity. For example, if you have already eaten enough, try to distract your mind by engaging in some task.
4. Avoid Sugary Drinks
A glass of soda at dinner can be the cause of your late-night temptations. At night intake of beverages should be avoided so your sugar level remains stable.
5. Reach Out To A Doctor
You are craving a particular food because you lack specific vitamins and minerals. If you have constant sugar cravings, reach out to a doctor, as it can indicate a health condition.
6. Eat Enough During The Day
Rather than restricting yourself from eating enough, try crowding your plate to stay nourished, as this helps curb your late-night cravings.
The Final Say
Sugar-laden foods pose major health-related problems like weight gain, type-2 diabetes, tooth decay, etc. For these reasons, sugar should be consumed in moderation which is easy when you maintain a balanced diet.
1. Does sugar fit into a healthy diet?
Fruits, grains and vegetables contain natural sugar, which is not generally harmful. However, added sugar and artificial sweeteners have adverse effects on the body.
2. Does depression trigger sugar cravings?
Yes, because many people lack certain vitamins and minerals, your body urges to fill those deficiency gaps by triggering cravings, and most people connect it with sweet cravings. However, your body asks for some vitamins and minerals.
3. Is sugar craving a sign of nutrient deficiency?
Mainly calcium and magnesium deficiency causes sugar cravings. So, next time, understand what your body says and try to satisfy the nutrient deficiency.
4. Why is sugar added to foods?
Sugar is added to foods to enhance the taste of fibre-rich foods, add hues to baked foods, balance the flavour and create a good feel and texture in the dishes.
5. What are the symptoms of consuming too much sugar?
Some of the symptoms of consuming too much sugar are weight gain, you feel hungry at all times, poor skin quality, high blood pressure, etc.
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