7 Benefits of CoQ10 for Women And Potential Side Effects On Overuse



Published on: 04-Apr-2024


10 min read






7 Benefits of CoQ10 for Women And Potential Side Effects On Overuse

7 Benefits of CoQ10 for Women And Potential Side Effects On Overuse

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Certain supplements have garnered significant attention to enhance vitality in terms of health and wellness, and one such compound for women has emerged as a powerhouse in promoting female health. The compound CoQ10 has gained popularity recently for its remarkable benefits. Another name for CoQ10 is ubiquinone, which is essential for cell energy production. From supporting heart health to bolstering skin radiance, the benefits of CoQ10 for women are overwhelming. As women go through various stages of life, from puberty to reproductive years, menopause and beyond, maintaining optimal levels of CoQ10 becomes increasingly essential. 

The WHO supports this by stating that 37% of infertile couples are due to female infertility, which is highly influenced by CoQ10 levels. Thus, CoQ10 offers a holistic approach to female wellness, addressing various aspects of health pertinent to women's lives. This is why understanding the benefits of CoQ10 for women, a naturally occurring compound in the body, is essential. 

This blog discusses the significant advantages of incorporating CoQ10 into women's daily regimens. So, keep reading!  

Table Of Contents 

1. Why Should Women Take CoQ10? 

2. Top 7 CoQ10 Benefits for Females  

3. Coenzyme Q10 Benefits For Female Fertility  

4. CoQ10 Side Effects On Liver  

5. Dietitian’s Recommendation 

6. The Final Say 

7. FAQs 

8. References 

Why Should Women Take CoQ10? 

Women may consider taking CoQ10 for various reasons beyond its benefits. Firstly, as women age, their natural production of CoQ10 declines. This decline eventually impacts overall energy levels and vitality. Also, stress, poor diet, and exposure to environmental toxins further deplete CoQ10 levels in the body. Thus, supplementing with CoQ10 helps replenish these diminished levels, supporting women’s wellness. 

Secondly, women who are planning to conceive or are pregnant benefit from CoQ10 supplementation. By ensuring adequate CoQ10 levels, women may support their fertility and reproductive outcomes. Furthermore, during pregnancy, the body undergoes significant physiological changes, and adequate CoQ10 levels may help support maternal health and fetal development. 

Lastly, women with specific health conditions, such as cardiovascular issues or chronic fatigue syndrome, may find CoQ10 supplementation beneficial. CoQ10 is known for its potential to support heart health by promoting proper cardiovascular system functioning. Its role in cellular energy production helps alleviate fatigue symptoms and support energy levels, enhancing the quality of life for women with these conditions. 

Overall, while the benefits of CoQ10 for women are widely recognised, considering its role in supporting various aspects of women's health provides further motivation for its supplementation. 

Top 7 CoQ10 Benefits for Females  

Let’s explore the immense benefits of CoQ10 for women to include it in your treatments for the right cause: 

1. Improves Your Heart Health 

One of CoQ10's foremost benefits for women is its positive impact on heart health. CoQ10 aids in maintaining optimal heart function by supporting the production of ATP, the body's primary energy molecule. Women, particularly as they age, are at an increased risk of cardiovascular issues. Moreover, it assists in promoting proper circulation and maintaining healthy levels of blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of heart-related complications.  

2. Give You The Energy Boost 

CoQ10 plays a pivotal role in the energy production process within cells. It facilitates nutrient conversion into usable energy. Fatigue and low energy levels are common concerns for many women, often attributed to hectic lifestyles, stress, or inadequate nutrition. By supplementing with CoQ10, women can experience a natural energy boost, promoting vitality and combating feelings of fatigue.  

3. Reduces Oxidative Damage To Cells 

Women, particularly those exposed to environmental pollutants or experiencing hormonal fluctuations. Oxidative stress arises from an imbalance of your cell’s free radicals and antioxidants in the body. By scavenging free radicals and mitigating oxidative damage, coq10 benefits inflammation reduction. CoQ10 helps maintain youthful vitality and supports overall well-being. Benefits from the antioxidant properties of CoQ10 can lead to slow cellular damage and slow ageing.  

4. Improves Skin Health And Radiance 

CoQ10 contributes to skin health by reducing oxidative stress, neutralising free radicals, and supporting collagen production. Radiant, youthful skin is often a desired aspect of beauty and vitality for many women. Incorporating coq10 benefits for skin into skincare routines can rejuvenate and nourish the skin from within. As a result, it helps minimise the appearance of low skin elasticity, fine lines, and wrinkles and enhances overall radiance.   

5. Maintains Your Hormonal Balance 

By maintaining cellular health, CoQ10 aids in mitigating the effects of hormonal fluctuations and promoting overall hormonal equilibrium. CoQ10 exhibits the potential to promote hormonal balance by supporting mitochondrial function and optimising cellular energy production. Hormonal imbalances, like those experienced during menstruation, menopause, or due to certain medical conditions, can impact women's health and well-being.   

6. Enhances Exercise Performance And Recovery 

CoQ10 supports endurance by enhancing cellular energy production and optimising oxygen utilisation. It can offer notable benefits in terms of performance and recovery for women engaged in regular physical activity or exercise routines. This promotes faster recovery post-workout stamina and exercise performance. Furthermore, its antioxidant properties aid in reducing exercise-induced oxidative stress.  

7. Supports Your Cognitive Function 

CoQ10 exerts neuroprotective effects by combating oxidative stress, reducing inflammation, and supporting mitochondrial function in brain cells. Cognitive health is paramount for women of all ages, from managing daily tasks to preserving long-term brain function. CoQ10 supplementation may help maintain cognitive function, memory retention, and overall brain health by offering women a natural means to support mental acuity and vitality.  

Coenzyme Q10 Benefits For Female Fertility  

After exploring the incredible benefits of CoQ10 for women, have a look at these major advantages for female fertility: 

1. Promotes Your Ovarian Health 

Supplementation with CoQ10 may help counteract age-related declines in ovarian function by supporting and promoting cellular health. Ageing is linked with a decline in CoQ10 levels in the body, which decreases fertility and reproductive function. This, in turn, could positively influence ovulation, follicular development, and overall fertility potential.  

2. Improves Fertilising Egg Quality 

By optimising egg quality, CoQ10 increases the chances of successful fertilisation and embryo development. CoQ10 supplementation has been linked to improvements in egg quality. High-quality eggs are crucial for successful conception and healthy pregnancy outcomes, including enhanced mitochondrial function and reduced DNA damage within eggs.   

3. Regulates Your Hormonal Levels 

CoQ10 may help regulate hormone levels such as estrogen and progesterone by supporting the production and activity of certain hormones involved in the reproductive process. Hormonal imbalances can disrupt menstrual cycles and impair fertility; maintaining hormonal balance is essential for ovulation and women's overall fertility.   

Coq10 Side Effects On Liver  

Note the side effects over the benefits of CoQ10 for women on liver function to be cautious: 


CoQ10 Facts 

Effect on Liver 

Safety Profile 

CoQ10 is typically well-absorbed and utilised by the body without harming the liver or other organs. 

Generally well-tolerated; rare reports of adverse effects. 

Limited Evidence 

In most cases, CoQ10 is well-tolerated and doesn't cause significant liver issues. Reports of liver-related side effects associated with CoQ10 supplementation are rare. 

There is limited evidence of adverse effects on liver function. 

Interaction with Medications 

CoQ10 levels can be reduced by certain medications like statins, which are used to lower cholesterol.  

While CoQ10 itself isn't known to cause liver problems, interactions with medications affecting liver function should be considered. 

It may interact with medications affecting liver function; cautious use is recommended in individuals with liver conditions. 

Monitoring and Caution 

Individuals with existing liver conditions or at risk of liver disease should be cautious when taking CoQ10 supplements.  

If experiencing symptoms of liver problems such as jaundice, abdominal pain, or unusual fatigue, seek medical attention promptly. 

It is advisable to monitor liver function regularly, especially in individuals with liver conditions. 

Dosage Considerations 

There's no established recommended daily allowance (RDA) for CoQ10.  

It's advised to start with a lower dose (100-300 milligrams per day for adults) and gradually increase under healthcare professional guidance. 

Dosage must be monitored carefully based on health requirements, particularly by those with liver conditions. 

Dietitian’s Recommendation 

As a dietitian, I highly recommend integrating Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) into women's diets for its multifaceted health benefits. Incorporating CoQ10-rich foods like organic meats, fish, nuts, and seeds into meals or considering supplementation under professional guidance can benefit women seeking to optimise their health and vitality. CoQ10 serves as an antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidative damage and bolstering heart health, vital for women's overall well-being. 

Its role in energy production enhances vitality and combat fatigue, which is essential for managing busy lifestyles. Additionally, the benefits of CoQ10 for women include supporting hormonal balance, aiding in skin rejuvenation, and even promoting cognitive function. Prioritise a balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods alongside any supplementation for comprehensive health support.  

Dt. Akshata Gandevikar 

The Final Say 

This is how, from supporting heart health and energy production to enhancing skin radiance and cognitive function, the benefits of CoQ10 for women are extensive and profound. As always, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before initiating any supplementation regimen to ensure personalised guidance and optimal health outcomes. At last, Coenzyme Q10 emerges as a remarkable ally in promoting women's health and vitality across various domains. 


1. When should I take CoQ10 morning or night? 

CoQ10 can be taken at any time of the day, but many people prefer to take it with breakfast in the morning to ensure optimal absorption. However, if it causes you to feel energised or keeps you awake at night, you may consider taking it earlier in the day or with your lunch. 

2. What medications should not be taken with CoQ10? 

CoQ10 may interact with various medications, including but not limited to: 

  • Blood-thinning medications like Warfarin 

  • Blood pressure medications 

  • Statins 

  • Thyroid medications 

  • Chemotherapy drugs 

  • Diabetes medications 

3. What happens when you take CoQ10 everyday? 

Taking CoQ10 daily may help support cellular energy production, heart health, and overall vitality. Some individuals report increased energy levels and improved well-being with regular CoQ10 supplementation. However, individual responses may vary, and monitoring for any adverse effects is essential. 

4. How much CoQ10 does a woman need? 

There is no standard recommended daily allowance (RDA) for CoQ10. The appropriate dosage depends on age, health status, and individual needs. For reference, a typical dose for adults ranges from 100 to 300 milligrams per day. 


About ToneOp 

ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp. 

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