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Unravelling The Amazing Health And Skin Benefits Of Eating Mango This Summer!

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Written by:

Anushka Tripathi


Published on: 11 May 2024


10 min



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Mangoes are summer treasures! Some people refer to the mango (Mangifera indica) as the "king of fruits". It features an ample seed in the centre, making it a member of the drupe or stone fruit family. The mango is indigenous to India and Southeast Asia, where it has been growing for more than 4,000 years. Mangoes come in hundreds of varieties, each having a unique flavour, appearance, size, and colour 

Mangos are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and have been associated with several health benefits, including enhanced immunity, better digestion, ocular and digestive health, and possibly even anticancer effects. In this blog, we will unravel some amazing health and skin benefits of eating mango so that you can revamp your summer diet with this sweet, delicious and healthy fruit. Keep reading the blog to learn more!  

Table Of Contents 

1. 4 Amazing Benefits Of Eating Mango This Summer 

2. Is Mango Good For The Skin? 

3. Benefits Of Mango For Your Skin 

4. Is Mango High In Sugar? 

5. What Are The Side Effects Of Mangoes? 

6. The Final Say 

7. FAQs 

8. References 

4 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Mango This Summer 

Here are some of the best benefits of eating mango. Take a look at the below-mentioned points: 

1. Low-Calorie, High-Fibre Content 

The benefits of eating mangoes include their very low-calorie density, with only 100 calories found in one cup (165 grams). Most fresh produce has a low-calorie density. Eating mangos makes it quite simple to get in some of your recommended daily intake of fibre. Also, one serving, or 3/4 cup, of mango has 2g of fibre. In addition, just 3/4 cup of mango will provide you with:  

  • 50% of your daily vitamin C,  

  • 8% of your daily vitamin A and  

  • 15% of your daily folate needs.  

However, bear in mind that this might not be the case with dried mango. Dried mangoes have a higher calorie density, 510 calories, and 106 grams of sugar in just one cup (160 grams).   

2. May Help Prevent Diabetes 

Mangoes may help prevent diabetes because of their high fibre content, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Mangoes also include chemicals such as mangiferin and antioxidants, which are associated with better insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation, which help prevent diabetes. Mangoes in a balanced diet may help control blood sugar and reduce the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. 

However, since mangoes also contain sugar (22.5 grams per cup), people with diabetes should be advised to consume only half a cup. If you have diabetes, try eating mangoes with a low glycemic index, like Alphonso or Payri. 

3. High In Healthy Plant Compounds 

The benefits of eating mango include plant chemicals called polyphenols, which function as antioxidants to shield your body and are abundant in mangoes. The flesh, skin, and even the kernel of this fruit contains more than a dozen distinct varieties.  

  • Catechins in mangiferin 

  • Anthocyanins 

  • Gallic acid 

  • Rhamnetin 

  • Benzoic acid 

  • Kaempferol 

Antioxidants are vital because they shield your cells from harmful free radicals. They are extremely reactive substances that can harm your cells. Free radical damage has been connected in studies to chronic diseases and ageing symptoms. Mangiferin, one of the polyphenols with the greatest attention, is sometimes referred to as a "super antioxidant" due to its exceptional potency in protecting the body from oxidative free radical damage.    

4. Contains Immune-Boosting Nutrients 

The list of benefits of eating mango includes that just in one cup (165 grams), mangoes provide 10% of your daily requirement for vitamin A. Inadequate intake of this vitamin is linked to an increased risk of infection. Moreover, 165 grams (1 cup) of mangoes delivers almost 75% of your daily requirement for vitamin C 

This vitamin can boost the production of white blood cells in your body, which fights disease, helps these cells function better, and strengthens the defences in your skin. Other nutrients found in mangoes that could help boost immunity are copper, vitamin E, folate, and vitamin B.   

Is Mango Good For The Skin? 

Yes, mango is good for the skin! It is on the list of best foods for healthy skin and is high in vitamins A and C, which are necessary for skin health.  Vitamin A promotes skin regeneration and repair, while vitamin C helps in collagen production, keeping the skin firm and youthful. They provide more than 8% of your daily requirements for copper, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin A, and vitamin E, and 67% of your daily requirements for vitamin C. You should also be aware that mangoes are an excellent nutritional addition that will help keep your skin healthy. The high vitamin C concentration promotes the natural collagen formation in your body while the high level of antioxidants guards against premature ageing and sun damage. 

Benefits Of Mango For Your Skin 

Along with the benefits of eating mango, they have several distinct benefits for your skin, some of which include:  

Supports Collagen Formation 

One of the key benefits of eating mango is its high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C helps to create collagen, the most prevalent protein in your skin. Collagen gives your skin structure and flexibility, helping it stay firm and youthful. Vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy, which is characterized by scaly skin and poor wound healing. Mango can help promote collagen formation and preserve healthy skin.  

Can Reduce Acne 

Mangoes contain a lot of Vitamin A, which is essential for good skin. Vitamin A deficiency may raise the risk of acne by causing an overproduction of keratin, a protein that can block pores and cause acne. Include mangoes in your diet to guarantee appropriate Vitamin A intake, which may help minimise the risk of acne and promote cleaner, healthier skin. 

Reduces Signs Of Ageing 

Vitamins C and E protect your skin from environmental damage. Sun and pollution cause vitamin loss, making your skin vulnerable to ageing. Also, vitamin C helps produce collagen, which prevents wrinkles and ageing symptoms. 

Protects Against Skin Cancer  

An antioxidant polyphenol found in mangoes is termed mangiferin. Mangiferin is most concentrated in mango peels, seeds, and kernels. Mango plants also have large concentrations of this chemical in their leaves, stalks, and bark. Some research suggests that mangiferin may lower your risk of developing some cancers, such as skin cancer. 

  • Breast cancer 

  • Colon cancer 

  • Cervical cancer  

Is Mango High In Sugar? 

Now, you must have understood all the possible benefits of eating mango, but is it high in sugar, too? Yes, mangoes contain natural sugars, primarily fructose and glucose. While they are relatively high in sugar compared to some other fruits, they also provide essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fibre. 

People with diabetes may have blood sugar spikes from mangoes if they consume them in excess. Mangoes are strong in carbs, which can raise blood sugar levels despite their health benefits. However, the fruit's fibre content can limit how much sugar can be absorbed. Experts believe mangoes are worth eating because of their low glycemic index (GI). Foods are categorised as high if their GI is 70 or higher, medium if their GI is 56 to 69, and low if it is 55 or lower. Mangoes are a healthy choice because they have a GI of 51, which is low. So, consume mangoes in moderation if you have diabetes.  

What Are The Side Effects Of Mangoes? 

After reading all the major benefits of eating mango, here are the possible side effects: 

  • Dermatitis: Mangoes contain urushiol, a compound also found in poison ivy, poison oak, and cashew nuts. Individuals with a sensitivity to urushiol can develop an itchy, blistering skin rash (dermatitis) after consuming mangoes or coming into contact with the peel. 

  • Gastrointestinal Discomfort (Dyspepsia): The high fibre content in mangoes can cause bloating, gas, and abdominal cramps, especially in those not accustomed to a high-fibre diet. 

  • Hyperglycemia: Mangoes are a good source of natural sugars, particularly fructose. Consuming large quantities can lead to a temporary spike in blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), which can be a concern for individuals with diabetes. 

  • Drug interactions (Cytochrome P450 inhibition): Certain compounds in mangoes may interact with medications metabolised by the Cytochrome P450 enzyme system, potentially impacting their effectiveness. Consult a healthcare professional if you take medications and plan to consume large amounts of mangoes. 

The Final Say 

The benefits of eating mango are understood in this blog. Mangos are full of vitamins, minerals, and fibre, so they should be a frequent fixture in your fruit bowl. The fruit may help the immune system, digestive system, and eyes, among other parts of the body. Additionally, it might encourage changes in skin and heart health. So, make the most of this seasonal delight by incorporating it into your diet and skincare routine. Let the mango work its magic from within, nourishing your body and enhancing your glow. 


1. Is mango high in sugar? 

Fresh mango contains over 22 grams of natural sugar per cup (165 grams), which is high compared to other fresh fruits. 

2. Can I eat two mangoes a day? 

It is ideally recommended to consume 1-2 mangoes a day. 

3. When not to eat mango with meals? 

Eating mangoes with meals like lunch and dinner can result in weight gain and a spike in postprandial blood glucose. 

4. What are the side effects of mangoes? 

Some people may experience throat pain or allergy symptoms (stomach pain, sneezing, and runny nose) after consuming certain mango species. Eating mangoes in excess results in gastrointestinal problems such as stomach pain, indigestion and diarrhoea. 

5. When not to eat mangoes? 

Avoid consuming mangoes if you have a known allergy to them or if you're experiencing digestive issues like bloating or diarrhea. Also, it's best to avoid eating mangoes close to bedtime as they are high in natural sugars and may disrupt sleep for some individuals. 


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