Craft Your Customised Diet Plan With Expert Guidance & Meal Planning Tips!



Published on: 27-Mar-2024


10 min read




Anushka Tripathi


Craft Your Customised Diet Plan With Expert Guidance & Meal Planning Tips!

Craft Your Customised Diet Plan With Expert Guidance & Meal Planning Tips!

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Achieving meaningful and lasting good health requires a thoughtful nutritional plan. Your body requires a proper balance of nutrients and calories to maintain energy during exercise and daily activities. Maintaining this balance is the key to weight management and losing fat. 

A customised diet plan based on your eating habits and nutritional needs can help you stay healthy, provide essential nutrients, prevent acute and chronic diseases, help your body function, and more.  

By consulting a registered dietitian who employs a holistic methodology, you can build customised diet plan for weight loss or any medical condition, attuned to your personal needs. This approach promotes a balanced intake of whole foods, which optimises your health while allowing you to enjoy your dietary journey.  

If you are someone thinking of starting your customised diet plan, then this in-depth guide is your solution. We’ll discuss how personalised diet plans work along with expert insights so that you can make the best decision for your health. Read to know more? Let’s get into the topic!  

Table Of Contents 

  1. What Is A Customised Diet Plan? 

  1. How Do I Customise My Meal Plan? 

  1. How Do I Make A Diet Chart For Myself? 

  1. How Do I Start A Monthly Meal Plan? 

  1. The Final Say 

  1. FAQs 

  1. References  

What Is A Customised Diet Plan? 

Personalised diet and nutrition planning is an emerging field of research. Advances in technology that improve testing and understanding of the factors that influence an individual's digestive and metabolic profile have led to new ways to personalise diets.  

Our bodies are unique with differences in biochemistry, metabolism, genetics, and microbiome. So, depending on your individual eating habits, body size, weight, cholesterol levels and lifestyle, a registered dietician or nutritionist can develop a customised diet plan specifically designed to take these factors into account.  

A personalised diet plan is more than just a grocery list or typical eating habits. Unlike generic plans aimed at the masses, personalised diets consider the little things, from metabolic rate and potential food intolerances to specific fitness goals and dietary preferences. 

How Do I Customise My Meal Plan? 

Customising your meal plan according to your food preferences, nutritional requirements, specific diseases, and health conditions is highly effective and essential for your overall health.  

To customise your meal plan, certain points & factors are essential, which need to be considered as these have a huge impact on your requirements as well as your response to the meal plan. Here are some tips and tricks to consider when customising your meal plan to fit your nutritional needs and preferences: 

1. Understand Macronutrients 

The first step in creating a meal plan is to determine your nutritional needs. Each person has different needs, depending on factors such as age, gender, weight, and activity level. By knowing your micronutrients, you can determine your specific needs by evaluating your current eating habits, lifestyle, and health goals.  

  • Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of fuel. They come from fruits, vegetables and grains (like bread). Carbohydrates break down into glucose during digestion. This is used by cells as energy or stored in muscles as glycogen for later use. 

  • Proteins are essential for building muscle and keeping your body functioning properly.  

  • Fats are important for absorbing vitamins A & D but should be limited because they contain more calories than carbohydrates or proteins. To determine how many grams of each you should eat each day based on your activity level. 

Generally, your macronutrient distribution should be of 20%-30% fat, 30% protein and 40%-50% carbohydrates stemming from your daily calories.  

To determine how much calories you should consume per day, calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) using this formula:  

BMR = 655 + (4 x weight in pounds)/(24 x height in inches), then multiply that number by an activity factor ranging from 1-6 depending on how active you are during the day (1 being sedentary; 6 being very active).  

This will give you an estimate of how many calories need to be consumed daily based solely on resting metabolic rate, how much energy is required just sitting around doing nothing! 

2. Create A Meal Plan 

Now that you know what to eat and when to eat it, it's time to make a meal plan. 

This step is essential if you want to lose weight and keep it off. The best way to do this is by creating a grocery list based on the foods that are allowed on your diet plan.  

Then go shopping for those items at the store or online (if ordering online). 

Once all the food has arrived at home, store them in their proper places so they are easy for when mealtime arrives! 


3. Track Your Progress 

You must track your progress to stay motivated and achieve your health goals. You can weigh yourself or do it every morning and record your progress. Based on this, you can make any necessary adjustments to your plan to achieve your goals! 

  • Keep a food diary 

  • Assess your results 

  • Adjust your plan as needed, then repeat steps 1-4 until you are happy with the results 


4. Make Healthy Habits 

If you are like most people, your diet probably is not as healthy as it could be. So now that you have got a personalised plan for what to eat and when, how do you make sure that you stick with it?  

The best way is through developing healthy habits. A habit is something that becomes automatic over time. Once you develop a habit of doing something (like eating three meals per day), you don't even have to think about it anymore because your brains just do it automatically! 

So, how do you develop these good habits? First of all, try setting aside some time every day when all of your meals come from the same list of foods--for example: breakfast could be oatmeal and fruit; lunch could be salad with chicken breast or tuna fish; dinner could be brown rice pasta with marinara sauce on top.  

This way, everything will have similar nutritional profiles, so there won't be any surprises when calculating calories later on down the line best yet? It will save tons of time during prep! 

How Do I Make A Diet Chart For Myself? 

By following steps, you can make a diet chart for yourself: 

1. Set Your Own Goals  

First of all, you need to have a specific goal to strive for. Are you trying to shed pounds, get fit, build muscle, or maintain your current weight? This is the starting point of the diet. Define it!  

2. Calculate Your Calorie Intake 

Based on these personal goals, you can calculate how many calories you should eat per day based on your current weight, size, age, and gender. You can find many websites online that can provide you with the amount you need. 

3. Divide Macros  

If you know how many calories you should eat, you can split the total amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat into each meal. This also depends on your purpose and can be found online. Choose your food wisely and make sure it is something you can afford.  

4. Mix It Up  

The best nutrition schedule is universal. You don't have to eat the same food every day. You can do this by finding similar healthy foods and getting a variety of the appropriate macro and micronutrients. Planning ahead will make it easier to prepare and make changes. 

5. Find Foods Rich In Nutrients  

Another thing you should always include in your diet is nutrient-dense foods. These are foods that meet your daily requirements for vitamins and minerals, and they include fruits, vegetables, etc.  

Some of the best nutrient-dense foods are spinach, eggs, nuts, Greek yoghurt, and even salmon. Eating these foods regularly, as part of your diet or as a snack, will help you get the nutrients you need to stay healthy!  

6. Stick To Your Eating Schedule  

When people go on a diet, they mainly focus on what they eat. But it's equally important to stay focused when eating. Most people don't feel great after eating just three meals a day. Instead, eating every 3 to 4 hours is best to keep your metabolism running throughout the day.  

This can be a snack, meal, etc. It is also important to eat a protein-rich breakfast. Skipping breakfast leads to weight gain and a slower metabolism. Lastly, eat a hearty dinner. This way, you won't have to snack at night. Late-night snacks or late-night snacks are harmful to health.  

In fact, studies have shown that eating late at night can cause your body to store calories as fat. Eating late in the evening allows you to burn those calories for energy.  

7. Find A Meal Preparation Method That Fits Your Daily Life 

People have trouble preparing and planning meals because they often have a poor routine. They may feel like they must prepare meals early in the week and follow other people's schedules.  

But if you find a way to prepare your meals to fit into your daily routine, things will become much easier. For example, preparing each meal the night before may be easier than cooking many meals at once.  

Another way to make meal prep easier is always to use a list when buying your groceries. Think about the recipes you want to prepare during the week and buy only what you need for those recipes.  

8. Eat Food You Really Like 

Most people think dieting means eating only fruits and vegetables. If you don't like a certain food item which are healthy, it may become difficult for you to eat them in long run. One way to make your personalised diet plan more effective is to eat foods you actually enjoy 

Make a list of nutrient-dense foods you enjoy and try to include them in your diet throughout the week. This will also allow you to try new foods without forcing yourself to eat foods you don't like.  

9. Variety Is Best  

When planning meals, variety is always better. If you don't have enough recipes to repeat, you are likely to get tired of your diet plan and give up prematurely. Instead, make a list of a few healthy recipes to choose from each night. Instead of eating the same foods every day, you can find simple ways to vary your foods and make your meals more unique.  

It is also important not to exclude certain food groups. Restricting your diet in this way makes it easier to overeat these foods later. The only thing you can do is have everything you want in moderation. Eating small portions to satisfy your appetite reduces your chances of developing bad eating habits.  

10. Don’t Forget To Plan Your Snacks 

Lastly, it is very important to plan your snacks as well as your meals. If you always want to snack during the day, this is a quick and easy way to do so. However, these foods typically do not provide the best nutrients.  

Instead, you can plan ahead what snacks you will eat each day and when you will eat them. You can include different types of nuts, cut fruits, protein bars, etc. in your diet. Having these on hand will make you less likely to choose a less healthy alternative snack.  

How Do I Start A Monthly Meal Plan? 

You can start your monthly meal plan by considering the following points: 




Step 1 

Set a budget  

  • Before you start planning and preparing meals, you need to know what your financial situation is like. 

  • Once you have crunched the numbers, sort them from monthly totals to weekly totals to daily totals. 

  • This will help you save money on eating out when you want to grab a quick bite to eat or go out with friends!  

Step 2 

Check you monthly calendar & schedule 

  • Before you start planning your meals for the month, take a look at your monthly calendar and review your schedule.  

  • Your schedules can change from week to week, so it's important to look at the upcoming week and see what you have already planned. 

Step 3 

Plan your meals  

  • Now that you have a budget, you can start planning your meals for the month.  

  • Choose 7 to 8 healthy, nutritious recipes and meals to rotate through throughout the month.  

  • This way, you and your family won't get sick of the recipes, and you can change or repeat them if you want. 

  • Take one big shopping trip at the beginning of the month and then be prepared to eat as much as you can. 

Step 4 

Make a list of the ingredients you need 

  • Now it’s time to make a grocery list for your monthly meals!  

  • The first step is to look at what you have in your kitchen, what ingredients you already have, and see if you can create a dish with those ingredients and add them to the mix!  

  • This will save you money, and you can put it back into your budget or set it aside. Win-win.  

Step 5 


  • This is probably the most difficult part of the meal planning process because it's so easy to get distracted and throw everything on your mind into your shopping cart. 

  • But you must stick to the list! Buy things according to your list and stick to it.  

  • If you plan to freeze food, be sure to purchase/plan food storage containers that fit your space. 

Step 6 

Meal Preparation 

  • It depends on what's best for you and your family, but if you are buying food in bulk, it's a good idea to take the time to prepare as much as you can in advance to save space and time at the store.  

  • Longer-term tasks include chopping vegetables, peeling meat, and preparing breakfast. 

Dietitian’s Recommendation 

A customised diet plan is an effective weight loss plan because it considers your individual goals. Whether you want to build muscle, develop healthy eating habits, lose fat, or learn how to create a balanced diet, it’s designed to fit your needs. When you receive a customized diet plan, your preferences will always come first. The goal is to guide people towards a healthy lifestyle, respecting their individuality and encouraging adaptive and mindful eating habits. 

Dt. Lavina Chauhan  

The Final Say 

A customised diet plan can help you know how your body functions and accordingly devise nutrition planning according to your requirements.  

Diet is a crucial aspect for maintaining good health, and as the world is full of diverse individuals, it's evident that personalisation is the future. By adopting a customized approach, powered by technology and guided by scientific research, you not only ensure optimal health but also promote a sustainable and enjoyable path to well-being.  

By acknowledging and embracing your unique dietary requirements and preferences, you can pave the way for a healthier and more nourished society. 


1. How to plan my own customised diet plan for weight loss? 

Here are the key points to keep in mind before beginning with a customised diet plan: 

  • Avoid calorie counting. 

  • Find nutrient-dense foods. 

  • Stick to an eating schedule. 

  • Find a meal prep method that fits your routine. 

  • Eat foods you like. 

  • Variety is best. 

  • Remember to plan for snacks. 

2. What is the best customised diet plan app? 

ToneOp is an Indian health and fitness custom diet planner that offers customised diet plans based on goal-specific regional diet plans (e.g. weight loss, muscle gain, etc). It includes features like calorie tracking, home workouts, recipes, yoga, training, gym workouts, and health tips. 

3. What must be included in a customised diet plan for weight gain? 

Here are the foods to add to a customised diet plan for weight gain: 

  • Eggs 

  • Oily fish like salmon and tuna.  

  • Beans and legumes, including chickpeas, black beans, lentils, cannellini, and hummus. 

  • Nut butter and nuts like cashews, peanuts, almonds and walnuts. 

4. What should be included in the customised diet plan for muscle building? 

Here are the foods to add for muscle building: 

  • Meats, poultry, and fish 

  • Dairy: Yoghurt, cottage cheese, low-fat milk, and cheese 

  • Grains: Bread, cereal, crackers, oatmeal, quinoa, popcorn, and rice 

5. How to maintain a customised diet plan for medical condition? 

People with medical conditions may require a special diet including carbohydrates, sugar, and fat to help manage their blood sugar levels. A diet low in sodium helps in managing high blood pressure. 


About ToneOp 

ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp 

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