Crafting A Healthy Student Diet Plan: Foods, Tips And More For Academic Success!



Published on: 10-Apr-2024


10 min read




Anushka Tripathi


Crafting A Healthy Student Diet Plan: Foods, Tips And More For Academic Success!

Crafting A Healthy Student Diet Plan: Foods, Tips And More For Academic Success!

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Juggling classes, exams, and a social life – student life is a whirlwind! But amidst the chaos, one thing often gets neglected: fueling your body for optimal performance. 

In their pursuit of academic success, students must pay attention to the importance of proper nutrition. What they eat directly impacts their cognitive function, energy levels, and overall well-being. 

Taking a balanced and mindful approach to your diet can provide your body and brain with the nutrients you need to excel academically and succeed in school. But this is especially important for busy people balancing work, school, family, and social activities. A 2020 study published in the Journal of American College Health (JACH) found that healthy eating habits can increase academic performance in college students 

This blog is your roadmap to crafting a healthy student diet plan that goes beyond just powering through all-nighters. We'll explore how the food you choose impacts your focus, memory, and even your mood, all crucial ingredients for academic success. Continue reading to know more! 

Table Of Contents 

1. What Should A Student Eat?  

2. Healthy College Student Meal Plan 

3. What Should Be In A Student Diet Plan? 

4. What Food Should Students Eat? 

5. Student Healthy Diet Plan Tips 

6. Dietitian’s Recommendation 

7. The Final Say  

8. FAQs  

9. References   

What Should A Student Eat?  

Studies show that students perform better when they eat well, and a healthy student diet plan is associated with higher grades, better memory and attention, and faster information processing. One reason is that foods rich in fibre, protein, and healthy fats, such as eggs, yoghurt, apples, and oatmeal, keep you full longer and give you enough energy to stay focused and alert throughout the day.   

A healthy student diet plan combined with regular exercise gives your body and brain the building blocks for focus, memory, academic performance, overall well-being, mental performance resilience, and reduced risk of disease. The key is to move away from nutrient-poor processed foods typically high in sugar, salt, and fat (e.g. fast food, potato chips, soft drinks, instant noodles, energy drinks, etc.) and switch to healthier foods rich in fruits and vegetables 

Students with busy schedules who exercise regularly often have higher energy needs. Healthy carbohydrates such as brown pasta, rice, cereal, whole-grain bread, and potatoes are great for supporting immunity, increasing satiety, and promoting muscle health 

Nutritious protein options such as lean meat, yoghurt or non-dairy yoghurt substitutes, lentils, nuts, fish and eggs are excellent choices. Omega-3 fatty acids are another important nutrient to consider because they benefit cognitive function. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fatty cold-water fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, etc.), tuna, flax seeds, flaxseed oil, and walnuts.  

Healthy College Student Meal Plan 

Here is a sample student diet plan that you can consider to keep your healthy lifestyle in check: 

Early morning 

1 glass lukewarm water with lemon & 5 almonds (overnight soaked) + 4 walnuts  


2 egg whites & 1 yolk omlette+ 2 brown or multigrain bread toast / 2 small veg dosa or 2 to 3 idlis with sambhar & coconut chutney / 1 bowl oats with milk & apples / 2 veg or paneer parantha & low fat curd / 2 boiled eggs & 1 brown bread toast with peanut butter/ 1 veg & egg white cheese grilled sandwich  


1 glass of low-fat milk + 1 serving of Roasted nuts / roasted mixed seeds / roasted peanuts/ roasted chana 


1 bowl dal/beans/chicken curry/ egg curry + 1 bowl veg + 1 – 2 chapati  or brown rice + cucumber/ beetroot salad   


1 cup green or black coffee+ 1 bowl sprouts chaat/ kala chana ghugri / peanut chaat/ makhana chaat 


1 bowl veg or chicken soup + grilled chicken or fish or tofu + 1 bowl veg kachumber salad 

What Should Be In A Student Diet Plan?  

Nutrition for students is based on the same ideas as nutrition for adults. Everyone needs the same substances: vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Depending on their age, children need different amounts of certain nutrients.   

The optimal healthy student diet plan for their growth and development considers your child’s age, activity level, and other characteristics. Focusing on nutrient-dense foods can help students get the essential nutrients they require while limiting overall calories. Consider the following nutrient-dense foods to add to the student diet plan:



Daily Amount 


Go for seafood, lean meat, eggs, beans, peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds.  

Around 50 grams,10-30% of total calorie intake 


Encourage your child to eat fresh, canned, frozen, or dried fruits. Go for canned fruit with a light label or packaged in its juice. This means there is very little added sugar. Around ¼ cup of dried fruit counts as one serving of fruit.        

Vitamin C: 65-90 mg, Fiber: 25-38 grams 


Provide a variety of fresh, canned, frozen, or dried vegetables. Each week, choose peas, beans, or a colourful vegetable. When selecting canned or frozen vegetables, look for ones low in sodium  

Vitamin A: 700-900 mcg, 

Vitamin K: 55-75 mcg, 

Magnesium: 310-410 mg 


Choose whole grains such as chapati, bread or pasta, oatmeal, jowar, bajra, quinoa, and brown or red rice.  

Carbohydrates: 45-65% of total calorie intake 

Dairy products  

Encourage your child to consume low-fat or low-fat dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese. Fortified soymilk drinks are also included in dairy products.  

Calcium: 1000 mg, 

Vitamin D: 600 IU 

What Food Should Students Eat? 

Here are some foods that can be added to the healthy student meal plan:   

1. Nuts And Seeds   

Nuts and seeds are perfect nutritious snacks and should be a must in the student diet plan. These have been proven to improve memory, concentration, and thinking capabilities.  

2. Berries  

Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, dark cherries, goji berries and mulberries are rich in antioxidants, which help keep your memory sharp as you age. They are also a great source of fibre and glucose, which provide energy to the brain 

3. Fruit   

Just a piece of fruit can make a great snack. Apples, oranges, grapes, kiwi, pineapple or bananas help provide energy to your brain while providing your body with vitamins, minerals and fibre.  Hence, you must add a variety of fruits to the student diet plan. 

4. Dark Chocolate   

This is a treat for all chocolate lovers! Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and natural stimulants. It helps improve the blood flow to the brain, improve concentration, and increase the body’s production of mood-boosting endorphins, making you happier  

5. Egg   

Eggs are a good source of several nutrients linked to brain health, including vitamins B6, B12, folate, and choline. They are also one of the easiest to prepare (thanks to hard-boiled eggs!).    

6. Cheese   

Your body uses fat from the foods you eat for healthy brain function. Cheese is rich in omega-3 and fatty acids, a great source of healthy fats, protein, calcium and B vitamins, making it a delicious way to keep your brain healthy.    

7. Greek Yogurt   

This is a great option if you are looking for a filling snack. It has twice the amount of protein than regular yoghurt, making you feel full when eaten alone or with your favourite granola or fruit. Yoghurt is proven to relieve stress and improve mental performance.     

8. Olive   

Olives contain polyphenols, natural chemicals that reduce oxidative stress in the brain. Consuming healthy olives daily can improve your memory and boost cognitive abilities. 

Student Healthy Diet Plan Tips  

After knowing about the foods to add to the student diet plan, here are some tips on how to create a healthier and better diet for your students are as follows:  

1. Eat A Nutritious Breakfast 

Eating a healthy breakfast helps fuel your brain and improve your focus throughout the day. Eat protein, whole grains, and healthy fats for breakfast. Studies and experts show that skipping breakfast has a negative impact on academic performance. Also, if you don’t have time to prepare or eat breakfast properly, eat toast, fruit, and juice; your body will thank you 

2. Make Healthy Food Selections  

Opt for boiled sweet potatoes or a green salad with low-calorie dressing. Be sure to avoid high-fat foods such as french fries, fried chicken, and cheese sandwiches.   

3. Keep Nutritious Snacks In Hand 

If you are hungry after studying late at night, don’t be tempted by candy, chips, or ice cream from the vending machine. Instead, choose healthy or dried fruit, peanuts, popcorn without butter, white rice, or whole-grain cookies. These are all the best options for night activities.   

4. Priortise Calcium-Rich Foods  

Eating foods rich in calcium helps the body prevent osteoporosis. This is a condition in which a person’s bones become weak and brittle later in life. This is why we need to include calcium-rich foods in every nutritional plan or student diet plan, starting at age 20. People who don’t like milk can substitute it with low-fat yoghurt, low-fat cheese, or green leafy vegetables 

5. Limit Your Sugar Intake 

Refined sugar contains calories but few other nutrients. This is also a major cause of tooth damage. So always use it sparingly and instead use dietary sweeteners to sweeten coffee, tea, cereals and fruit.   

6. Maintain A Hydration Routine 

Did you know that your body needs at least 8 glasses of water daily and may need more if you exercise vigorouslyTo help you remember, bring a water bottle to class and keep it handy during those late-night classes.    

7. Practise Portion Control  

This is because digestion requires a lot of energy. If this energy can be conserved, it can be used to provide more energy for focus. This is like redirecting your digestive energy to provide more energy for studying. Fruits and salads are easy to digest. Plus, you feel lighter.    

8. Avoid Processed Foods 

Processed foods have a high content of sugar and unhealthy fats, which can cause brain fog and difficulty concentrating. Instead, choose whole, minimally processed foods like seasonal fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins.     

9. Limit Caffeine And Sugary Drinks 

Caffeine may temporarily improve your concentration but can also cause confusion and decrease your ability to concentrate later. Instead, choose coconut water, lemon water, or soup. 

10. Balance Treats  

Treat yourself to outside or packed foods sometimes! But remember to rely on something other than junk food all the time. You won’t be tempted to buy candy, chips, or ice cream from the vending machine if you get hungry during late-night activities. Options include fresh or dried fruit, pretzels, unbuttered popcorn, rice cakes, or whole wheat crackers. If you have a refrigerator, try raw vegetables with low-fat yoghurt or cottage cheese dressing 

Dietitian’s Recommendation  

There is no doubt that what we eat affects our physical and mental health and can even impact academic success. Learning a few nutritional basics can help you have more energy and stay healthy. Even busy students can use these simple strategies. 

Dt. Lavina Chauhan 

The Final Say 

It’s important to follow healthy eating habits when studying or taking exams. While healthy eating and lifestyle are generally the most important, research has shown that certain foods can help improve mental performance, making them great choices for students.  

If you want to improve your mental abilities and overall health, and if you are a student planning to diet, don’t get hung up on counting calories in your food. Focus on eating nutritious foods rather than overly processed foods. This blog gives you a variety of options to choose from.    



1. What are some easy and healthy student meal plan ideas? 

Here are some healthy and simple student meal ideas: 

  • Overnight oats 

  • Chicken curry 

  • Chicken stir fry 

  • Salads 

  • Breakfast Sandwich 

  • Chicken burrito bowl 

  • Smoothie 

2. What is the best diet for a student? 

Focusing on nutrient-dense and accessible food for students is an excellent way to provide kids with the nutrients they need without exceeding their calorie requirements. Choose seafood, eggs, beans, peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds to obtain nutrient-dense foods. 

3. What should be eaten for breakfast to maintain the hostel student diet plan? 

Here are some simple and healthy breakfast options to include in a college student diet plan: 

  • Avocado toast 

  • Cucumber sandwich 

  • Sprout bowl 

  • Fruit yoghurt bowl. Have this healthy fruit bowl for breakfast and get all possible nutrients. 

  • Corn chaat. Sweet corn has fibres and would make you feel fuller for longer. 

4. What is included in the low budget student diet plan? 

Here is the list of foods to be added to the low budget easy student meal plan: 

  • Eggs 

  • Whole Milk 

  • Peanut Butter 

  • Potatoes 

  • Oats 

  • Whey Protein 

  • Bananas 


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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp. 

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