Yoga For Hair Growth: Best Asanas, Benefits & Instructions For Better Scalp Health



Published on: 02-Apr-2024


10 min read




Anushka Tripathi


Yoga For Hair Growth: Best Asanas, Benefits & Instructions For Better Scalp Health

Yoga For Hair Growth: Best Asanas, Benefits & Instructions For Better Scalp Health

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Yoga, an ancient practice revered for its myriad health benefits, offers a holistic approach to hair care that addresses wellness's physical and emotional aspects  

In pursuing healthy, vibrant hair, we often turn to an array of products and treatments, overlooking the natural remedies that lie within. But have you ever imagined that you can perform yoga for hair growth? Yes, yoga has a bundle of haircare benefits, which will be unveiled in this blog! 

You will learn about various yoga techniques specifically tailored to support hair growth and their numerous benefits. By harnessing yoga's power, you can stimulate hair growth from the inside out, enhance circulation, nourish your scalp, and promote relaxation. Keep reading the blog to learn more about different yoga for hair growth 

Table Of Contents 

1. Understanding About Yoga For Hair Growth 

2. 5 Yoga Asanas For Hair Growth  

3. Asanas For Hair Fall Control  

4. Benefits Of Yoga For Hair Growth 

5. Instructions For Incorporating Yoga Into Your Routine  

6. Dietitian’s Recommendation  

7. The Final Say 

8. FAQs  

9. References  

Understanding About Yoga For Hair Growth 

Factors such as stress, hormonal balance, and blood circulation deeply influence hair health. Before exploring the specific techniques, it's essential to understand the interplay between yoga and hair growth. By incorporating yoga into your routine, you create an optimal environment for hair follicle nourishment and growth 

Yoga directly addresses these underlying factors. It supports hair health and offers a myriad of additional benefits for overall well-being. 

5 Yoga Asanas For Hair Growth 

Here are the top 5 asanas for hair regrowth that you must try if you are frustrated by hair loss! 

1. Balayam: Also Known As Finger Yoga For Hair Growth 

Balayam is believed to stimulate acupressure points on the fingers. This simple yet potent technique involves rubbing the nails of your hands against each other, which in turn promotes blood circulation to the scalp and strengthens hair follicles. Practice this technique for 5-10 minutes daily on an empty stomach for optimal results.  

  • Stimulates Hair Follicles 

Balayam is believed to stimulate the nerve endings and acupressure points in the fingers to activate the hair follicles and promote hair growth. 

  • Improves Blood Circulation 

The rubbing motion of finger yoga promotes a healthy scalp environment. It increases blood circulation to the scalp, providing essential nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles 

  • Strengthens Nails 

Balayam is vital for strengthening your nails and improving their appearance, along with its potential benefits for hair 

  • Reduces Stress 

Finger yoga indirectly supports hair health by minimising stress-related hair loss. Like other forms of yoga, it can help promote relaxation and reduce stress. 

Also Read: Healthy Ageing Tips: Reducing Stress And Anxiety For Better Health 

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) 

In this inverted yoga pose, the head is positioned below the heart. As blood circulates more efficiently, the scalp receives essential nutrients and oxygen, promoting hair growth and overall scalp health. Facilitating increased blood flow to the scalp. While focusing on deep, rhythmic breathing, hold the pose for 1-3 minutes.  

  • Strengthens your whole body 

Yoga stretches your hamstrings and calves while also strengthening your arms and legs. The pose is known to improve the strength of your external oblique abdominal muscles. 

  • Stimulates blood circulation 

As a mild inversion, Downward Dog reverses the usual forces applied to the spine, enhancing blood flow to the brain 

  • Relives chronic pain 

Practising regularly as part of a weekly yoga routine may help alleviate chronic back pain. 

3. Sirsasana (Headstand Pose) 

The headstand is revered for its ability to reverse gravity's effects. As fresh, oxygenated blood reaches the hair, it promotes circulation and blood flow to the scalp, improving hair growth and thickness 

To ensure proper alignment and safety, beginners should practice under the supervision and guidance of an experienced yoga instructor. 

  • Stimulates blood circulation  

It directs blood circulation towards the brain and heart, enhancing cardiovascular function. The headstand may also improve blood circulation to the facial region, arms, and shoulder and increase the oxygen supply. 

  • Psychological and neurological attributes  

Sirsasana enhances memory capacity and visual working memory. It also helps improve an individual's attention span, decision-making, planning ability, and concentration.    

  • Helps maintain a balanced posture  

One can achieve postural control by keeping the centre of pressure in a small area. Regularly practising Sirsasana can help one learn the art of equal body weight distribution, which may also help one achieve postural stability 

4. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) 

As you fold forward, allow the crown of your head to descend towards the floor, creating gentle traction on the scalp.  

This gentle forward fold stretches the hamstrings and spine, resulting in increased blood flow to the scalp. Focus on deep breathing and relaxation, then hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 

  • Supports Spine  

It helps lengthen and make your spine more flexible. Standing forward bend pose may also release the tightness in the lower back and strengthen the muscles that run along the spine 

  • Strengthens Hamstrings  

The Standing forward bend pose allows you to invert the torso by putting your head below the heart. It provides a high level of intensive stretch to the tight hamstring, allowing them to loosen up.  

  • Enhances Digestion  

Uttanasana pose allows the body to twist, which may benefit the abdominal organs by facilitating the digestive tract work and helping to relieve digestive ailments such as constipation.    

5. Kapalbhati Pranayama (Skull-Shining Breath) 

Kapalbhati promotes detoxification and nourishment, leading to healthier hair follicles and more robust growth. Kapalbhati Pranayama is a dynamic breathing technique that cleanses the respiratory system and invigorates the mind.  

  • Improves Lung Capacity 

Kapalbhati Pranayama involves forceful exhalations, which strengthen the respiratory muscles and increase lung capacity. 

  • Detoxifies the Body 

The rapid exchange of air during Kapalbhati helps to flush out toxins from the respiratory system and purify the blood. 

  • Boosts Digestion 

This pranayama stimulates the digestive organs and promotes better digestion and assimilation of nutrients. 

  • Enhances Mental Clarity 

Kapalbhati Pranayama is known to invigorate the mind and increase mental alertness and clarity. It helps to alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calmness and focus. 

  • Tones Abdominal Muscles 

The repetitive contraction of the abdominal muscles during Kapalbhati helps to tone and strengthen the core muscles. 

  • Balances Energy 

Regular practice of Kapalbhati Pranayama helps balance the flow of prana (life force energy) within the body, improving overall health and well-being. 

Asanas For Hair Fall Control 

Here are a few more yoga asanas for hair fall control: 

Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose) 

By increasing blood circulation to the head, this pose stimulates the scalp and can help prevent hair falls.  

Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose) 

Inverted poses like Viparita Karani improve blood circulation to the scalp by reducing hair fall and promoting relaxation. 

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose) 

Promoting hormonal balance and reducing hair fall. This pose helps in improving blood circulation to the scalp and stimulates the thyroid gland. 

Benefits Of Yoga For Hair Growth 

Here are some of the significant benefits of yoga for hair growth that you may be surprised to know: 

1. Improved Blood Circulation 

Many yoga poses and breathing techniques enhance blood circulation. This increased blood flow delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles throughout the body, including the scalp, to promote healthy hair growth and prevent hair loss 

2. Stress Reduction 

Yoga practices like meditation, deep breathing, and relaxation help lower cortisol levels and curb chronic stress as they significantly contribute to hair loss and scalp issues like itching and dandruff, reducing the impact of stress on hair health and inducing a state of calmness.  

3. Balanced Hormones 

Hormonal imbalances disrupt the hair growth cycle, and yoga helps regulate hormone levels by supporting the endocrine system. This improves issues like hair shedding and thinning, promoting hormonal balance and optimal functioning.  

4. Enhanced Scalp Health 

Certain yoga poses and techniques stimulate the scalp, improving its health and condition. This can help alleviate dandruff, dryness, and inflammation, creating a conducive environment for healthy hair growth.  

5. Mind-Body Connection 

Cultivating mindfulness and self-care practices and yoga encourages awareness of the mind-body connection, and individuals can make conscious choices that support hair growth and overall well-being by fostering a deeper understanding of how our lifestyle choices impact our health, including the health of our hair.  

Instructions For Incorporating Yoga Into Your Routine 

Read out a few instructions for incorporating yoga into your daily routine: 

1. Set Aside Time 

Schedule regular yoga sessions into your weekly routine. Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits of yoga for hair growth by aiming for at least 3-4 sessions per week. 

2. Start Slow 

If you are new to yoga, begin with gentle, beginner-friendly poses. As you build strength and flexibility, gradually progress to more advanced practices. Listen to your body and honour its limitations to prevent injury 

3. Combine With Other Hair Care Practices 

While yoga can significantly improve hair health, it's essential to complement it with a balanced diet, proper hydration, and good hair care habits. Eat a nutrient-rich diet, stay hydrated, and use natural hair care products free from harsh chemicals.    

4. Seek Professional Guidance 

If you have any specific concerns about hair loss, consult a healthcare provider or dermatologist about scalp conditions. They can offer personalised advice and treatment options tailored to your needs.  


Dietitian’s Recommendation  

As a dietitian, I recommend complementing your yoga routine for hair growth with a nutrient-rich diet. Combining a balanced diet with yoga practices reduces stress, enhances blood circulation, and supports overall hair vitality, promoting healthier, stronger locks from within.  

Ensure you get ample vitamins and protein, especially A, C, D, and E), minerals like iron and zinc, and essential fatty acids. Incorporate foods like fruits, leafy greens, nuts, lean proteins, seeds, and whole grains. Stay hydrated and limit processed foods and sugars, which can negatively impact hair health.   

Dt. Akshata Gandevikar 



The Final Say 

By incorporating yoga for hair growth into your wellness routine and practising targeted techniques, you can nourish your scalp, strengthen your hair follicles, and unlock the full potential of your hair health 

Yoga provides a holistic approach to promoting hair growth. It addresses the underlying factors influencing hair health, such as stress, circulation, and hormonal balance 



1. What are the Adho Mukha Svanasana benefits for hair? 

With this yoga asana, the blood flow into the brain increases because of gravity. The oxygenated blood flow to the brain helps strengthen your hair follicles and helps grow your hair faster 

2. What is the best way to remove dandruff yoga for hair growth? 

Here are the best yoga for hair growth and removal of dandruff asana: 

  • Paschimottasana (Two-legged Forward bend) 

  • Balayam Yoga (Rubbing nails) 

  • Chakrasana (Lying-down Body twist) 

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing Dog pose) 

  • Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) 

3. How does rubbing nails yoga for hair growth helpful? 

It is believed that rubbing your fingernails together stimulates hair growth and promotes blood flow to the scalp. Addressing the causes of hormonal imbalances also boosts hair health and reduces greying. 

4. Which yoga is best for hair growth and thickness?  

Rabbit pose, Adho much Savasana, and Sarvangasana are considered best for hair growth and thickness.  

5. How often can yoga be done to promote hair growth?  

You should do hair yoga thrice a week to promote hair growth.  


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