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10 Common Myths Regarding Post-Delivery Diet

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Rishi Singh


13 Mar 2023


19 Jan 2024


10 min



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Your concentration will likely be on your infant now that you have become a mother. It is, nevertheless, critical that you pay attention to your own health! After all, you can only nurse and focus on your child's health and growth if you restore your own strength and vitality. While nursing helps moms burn calories, it also makes them extremely hungry. Since you are a nursing mother, taking appropriate  medical care and consuming nutrient-rich foods guarantees your baby receives adequate nutrients through your milk. A breastfeeding mother needs around 500 more calories each day on average.

As a result, you must consume complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, unpolished millets, pulses, legumes, fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables, and meals strong in protein, calcium, and iron. In the postnatal time, you will receive many well-meaning pieces of advice and ideas about your food, but not all of it is worth following.

Table Of Contents

1. 10 Myths About Post-Delivery Diet

2. Foods To Eat Post Delivery 

3. Post-Delivery Care Tips

4. Dietitian’s Recommendation

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

10 Myths About Post-Delivery Diet

Common Myths Regarding Post Delivery Diet

ToneOp brings you a list of common myths around post-delivery diets. 

Myth 1. Avoid Some Hot Or Cold Meals

Please accept my apologies for my profanity. It is completely absurd! In Indian cuisine culture, according to many elderly people, vegetables like brinjal are considered 'hot', whereas okra (bhindi) and other fruits are treated as 'cool'. Science refutes this and declares it to be false. In rare circumstances, individuals advise new mothers to avoid potatoes and other root foods incorrectly. Because you have just given birth, your body requires all the nutrition it can obtain. You should eat a well-balanced diet and avoid consuming extra calories.

Myth 2. Eating Betel Leaf(Paan) Benefits Digestion And Gives Breastfeeding Mothers Calcium

If you consume 'Sadapaan,' digestion could be aided. Still, there is no proof that it provides calcium to mothers. Eating paan will not supply calcium but will discolour your teeth.

Myth 3. Drinking Ajwain (Carom Seed) Water Is Necessary After Giving Birth

Yes, ajwain can help with digestion, breast milk production, and immunity. As a result, it is widely prescribed to new mothers. If you do not enjoy the flavour of Ajwain water, try other drinks instead, which will cause you to drink less than you need. Remember that staying hydrated is more important for your healing and breastfeeding supply than drinking Ajwain water solely. Suppose your body receives all the necessary nutrients from a well-balanced diet, and you get as much rest as your baby permits. In that case, you will make enough breastmilk for your baby and likely recover well.

Myth 4. Eating Ghee After Birth Strengthens Your Joints

No, that is not correct! Normally, ghee functions as grease, allowing for simple and pain-free joint motion. However, there is no link between ghee and joint discomfort or strength. During pregnancy, the mother's body produces a hormone called relaxin, which aims to relax your joints in preparation for birth. Even after birth, the effects of this hormone take some time to wear off. As a result, your joint strength will come back with time.

On the other hand, consuming excessive ghee will increase your weight, risk of heart problems, cholesterol level, and cancer risk. Suppose you notice that your joints are weaker than they were during pregnancy or that they are uncomfortable. In that case, you may have a new medical issue that requires your doctor's attention.

Myth 5. A Woman Should Not Drink Much Water After Giving Birth

This is a complete myth. Water consumption is critical for new moms, and they must keep hydrated. A minimum of 3-4 litres of water is essential for their bodies to work properly and to offer their all when caring for their infant. Drinking less water might be dangerous since it can produce blood clots. New moms tend to sweat a lot when producing milk. It is thus much more critical for them to keep hydrated.

Myth 6. What Should I Consume, And What Should I Avoid?

Various things could be improved about this issue. Your eating habits throughout pregnancy must be followed during the postpartum period. A well-balanced and healthy diet would be beneficial to you. Simply ensure that the cuisine is not very hot or aromatic. New moms should take 400-500 more calories than usual to ensure optimal lactation and nursing. These should be in the form of nutritious calories rather than excessive fat. Ghee is a fantastic source of healthful calories when ingested in moderation.

You must also eat fresh, home-cooked meals that are high in veggies. You should also consume a lot of fruits throughout this period.

Myth 7. The More Milk You Ingest, The Better Your Nursing Experience

Of course, milk is a good source of fat and protein, but it should be used in moderation. 150 mL of milk twice a day should be plenty.

Myth 8. You Must Consume Bland Meals Such As Khichdi If Breastfeeding

In most circumstances, what you eat has no effect on the baby. Anything you consume has already been digested by the time your milk reaches your kid.

Myth 9. You Must Avoid Specific Meals To Keep Your Infant From Gassiness

Most people believe that what you consume will not harm your kid. When a breastfed infant fusses for no apparent reason, it is sometimes ascribed to gas induced by something the mother ate. However, this is only sometimes the case.

Breast milk tastes introduce your infant to the things that your family consumes. However, the flavour of your breast milk changes based on what you eat. Your infant may hesitate to adapt to new breast milk flavours, especially if they are garlicky or spicy, but the flavour will not harm them.

Myth 10. Avoid Consuming Spicy Foods

Even though spicy food somewhat flavours your breast milk, eating spicy food is fine unless your baby appears uncomfortable or fussy after a feed.

Foods To Eat Post Delivery 

  • You must eat nutritious foods that will provide you with energy.
  • Continue to eat regularly throughout the day.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Avoid drinking, smoking, and using drugs.
  • Avoid excessive caffeine consumption, particularly colas.
  • Nutritious foods will keep you fuller for longer and make you feel energetic enough to care for your newborn despite a lack of sleep.
  • Avoid eating packaged meals. They appear handy, but remember they are high in salt and/or artificial sweeteners, tastes, and colours.
  • Make certain meals ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator, such as hummus, yoghurt dips, chutneys, makhana, salads with carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes, whole wheat multigrain bread, parathas, dosa batter, soups, vegetable/meat cutlets, and sweet potato fries (stir-fried).
  • When travelling, have dried fruits, nuts, and fruits in your handbag.
  • Drink lots of water, especially if you are nursing.
  • Rest as much as you can.
  • To nourish your body, provide well-balanced food.
  • To treat stomach discomfort, use a hot water bag, heating pad, or hot water bottle to the region.
  • Constipation is common throughout the postpartum period. Drink plenty of water and eat more fibre-rich foods to help it go away.

Dietitian’s Recommendation

Your nutrition influences your health and your baby's health, and it is vital for feeling relaxed and happy when nursing. And, because breast milk spontaneously adapts to provide your kid with the proper quantity of protein, carbs, and fat for growth, you can be certain that your baby is receiving the ultimate superfood.

The Final Say 

So these are the things you must watch out for. This blog aims to help moms avoid these "Postpartum Myths" and receive excellent postpartum care. Postpartum care is critical. If you give birth in a hospital, the nurses may arrange for you to eat, relax, and care for your baby for the first several days. Allow yourself to be pampered; you deserve to be well-cared for.

-Dietitian Lavina Chauhan 


1. Is it OK to diet following a crash after giving birth?

No, do not crash diet. Your body needs a healthy diet to heal and recuperate after childbirth. Also, you need more calories than usual if you are breastfeeding. Low-calorie diets are typically deficient in essential nutrients and will make you feel lethargic.

2. How many days of rest are needed after delivery?

It can take several months to completely heal from pregnancy and childbirth. Even though many women feel mostly recovered by 6–8 weeks, it could take longer than this to feel like yourself again. You can have a sense of hostility in your body during this period.

3. Can I eat rice after post-delivery?

Sure, incorporate whole-grain carbohydrates like brown rice into your diet to maintain a high energy level. Brown rice and other foods like them give your body the calories required to produce the highest-quality milk for your infant.

4. Why is a post-delivery diet important?

 A post-delivery diet is significant in speeding up post-pregnancy body recovery, balancing hormones, boosting energy levels, preventing bone loss and hair loss, and promoting milk production. What you eat and drink plays an important role in the quantity and quality of milk.

5. Do nuts increase breast milk supply?

Yes, nuts are packed with healthy fats and antioxidants, which can boost your milk. If your milk supply is low, snack on raw or roasted nuts. Walnuts, almonds, cashews, and pistachios are all great choices.

About ToneOp

ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers. 

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