Boost Your Immunity With Monsoon Fruits and Vegetables



Published on: 03-Aug-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 01-Dec-2023






Boost Your Immunity With Monsoon Fruits and Vegetables

Boost Your Immunity With Monsoon Fruits and Vegetables

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We Indians eagerly wait for the arrival of monsoon, a season to sit back, relax on your balcony with a cup of chai and crispy pakodas, and enjoy drizzling with the earthy odour of soil. 

Although monsoon brings refreshing rain after summer, it also carries deadly diseases and infections like malaria, cholera, dengue and gut infections. 

Hence, it becomes of utmost importance to strengthen your immunity. Consuming nutritious fruits and vegetables can boost your immunity and prevent bacterial infections.

TONEOP health experts strongly advise washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming them, as they carry various harmful germs and microorganisms.

Table Of Contents

1. Monsoon Fruits And Vegetables For a Stronger Immune System

1.1 Monsoon Fruits 

1.2 Monsoon Vegetables 

2. The Final Say

Monsoon Fruits And Vegetables For a Stronger Immune System

Eating fresh is the best way to go with any season, especially for monsoons when everyone is most likely to get sick. 

Including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet is the best preparation to avoid infections and diseases during the monsoon. 

Monsoon induces cravings for fried and tasty food. But it is strongly advised to avoid unhealthy snacks and add the freshness of seasonal fruits and vegetables available in the market that help fight infections and boost immunity. 

The rainy season comes with an extensive list of seasonal fruits that can benefit your health, reduce the risk of monsoon sickness, and even manage weight. 

Monsoon Fruits 

The season of rain dance and romantic songs brings in a lot of bacterial infections that will end in harming your overall health. Most of this can be prevented by the type of food you eat. 

1. Pomegranate

The pomegranate is a round red fruit. The antioxidants present in it helps to boost immunity. The peak season of pomegranates is from August to October in India. 

It also consists of vitamin B, which increases the production of Red Blood Corpuscles and improves blood circulation—preventing numerous infections, such as cold and flu.

Pomegranate is the powerhouse of many vital nutrients that help rejuvenate the body and works as an anti-ageing agent. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that benefit arthritis patients. It also controls blood pressure.

2. Litchi

Famous for their immune-boosting properties, Lychees are a natural bounty in tropical regions. High in fibre, they help in better digestion and curb acidity. They also contain vitamin C, which prevents the body from catching a cold. 

Litchis help to avoid skin-related issues like acne and pimples that are majorly caused in the monsoon season. That is not it! They are also beneficial for asthmatics and control breathlessness. 

3. Pear

Pear is greenish-yellow fruit high in vitamin C. One pear contains around 12% of your daily requirement of vitamin C. 

4. Jamun

Jamun is rich in iron, folate, potassium,  vitamin C, and fibre, which help boost immunity and keep your body healthy. It is the first monsoon fruit and is great for diabetic patients because of its low-calorie content. Jamun can improve blood circulation and boosts kidney and liver activity. 

5. Plums

Plum is a superfood that aids in cancer treatment.  It can be easily grown in your backyard. Consuming plums during the rainy season will boost immunity and keep monsoon-related ailments at bay. 

They are high in vitamin C, fibre, copper and potassium. A must-eat during the monsoon season because of its immunity-boosting qualities, it helps with acute diseases such as cancer and ailments such as constipation. 

6. Cherries

Cherries contain antioxidants which are anti-inflammatory and can fight against infections. It can lower insomnia and headache.

Cherries are extensively used in pastries and cocktail drinks but are best consumed directly. They are high in potassium and low in sodium. They help reduce blood pressure and uric acid. Cherries are also used to make pies, jams, and tarts.

7. Peach

Sweet with a little tart flavour, the aromatic peach is a ready-to-eat fruit without peeling the skin. Cut in slices and kept out, they turn brown like apples. You can also use peaches to make jams, pies, tarts, salads and cocktails.

They are a good source of vitamin A and B-carotene, which helps protect us from oral cancer and skin issues and improves vision. They are also known to have fluoride, which helps prevent dental caries.

8 Apples

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is quoted for a reason. Apples contain potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, and phosphorus. They are one of the most readily available fruits throughout the year. Also, apples promote healthier bones, skin, nervous system, and brain.

9. Mangoes

Mangoes contain a good amount of Vitamin A and C, which boost immunity and are ideal to consume. It can also help to treat skin issues which are caused due to humidity. Some varieties of mangoes like Langra, Totapuri and Kesar are available till August during the monsoon.

Monsoon Vegetables

1. Bottle Gourd (Lauki)

Bottle gourd is considered the healthiest vegetable to be consumed in monsoon. It is rich in soluble and insoluble fibre, which benefits digestive concerns. Lauki contains Vitamins C and B. It is low in calories and easily digestible.

2. Bitter Gourd (Karela)

Bitter gourd is best for diabetic patients as it controls blood sugar levels. Bitter gourd is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and minerals. It is ideal to be consumed in the rainy season and is the easiest vegetable to grow.

3. Beetroot

Beetroot contains potassium, iron, manganese, vitamin C, and fibre, increasing haemoglobin levels and protecting against bacterial and viral infections. 

Beetroot is considered a powerhouse of nutrients, as it improves blood pressure and blood circulation.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber is a low-calorie vegetable like a bottle gourd that hydrates the skin and enhances immunity with vitamins A, C, B and K and other minerals like potassium, copper, and manganese. Cucumbers are the easiest vegetable to consume in a salad, snack, or sandwich.

5. Tomato

Tomatoes contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamin C and K that improves the immune system to stay safe from infections. Tomatoes are extensively used worldwide and can be consumed in salads, soups, sauces and curries.

6. Radish (Mooli)

Mooli regulates blood pressure, provides hydration and strengthens digestion. Because of the presence of vitamin C, radish boosts immunity, repairs tissues, and enhances tissue growth. Consuming radish helps to stay away from flu and the common cold.

7. Brinjal

Brinjals are an excellent source of fibre, calcium and iron. There are some exciting Indian recipes for preparing baigan, like baingan ka bharta, baigan-aloo curry and bharwa baingan. People also prefer brinjal chips as a snack.

The Final Say

Nature has ways of resourcing the cure and prevention for the problems caused by various climatic changes and natural phenomena. Changing climate is one of the major causes of seasonal infections and diseases. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are naturally rich in nutrients which fight them. To cope with these diseases, it is vital to consume such fruits, which can strengthen immunity and keep you safe during rains.

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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.  

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