Ganpati’s Modak Symbolises Reward: Reward Yourself For Achieving Small Health Goals



Published on: 08-Sep-2022


10 min read




Tarishi Shrivastava


Ganpati’s Modak Symbolises Reward: Reward Yourself For Achieving Small Health Goals

Ganpati’s Modak Symbolises Reward: Reward Yourself For Achieving Small Health Goals

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Ganpati Bappa Morya!

We have been in a constant conflict of choosing what to eat. Is it healthy? Does it go well with our diet?

We sometimes lean towards the love of delicious food and take a break from our diet routine. 

Ganesha's favourite sweet, “Modak,” symbolises reward and sacrifice. 

He holds the modak in his hand as a symbol of the reward of dedication. 

Similarly, when you sacrifice your favourite food to achieve your health goals, you get rewarded with something more beneficial.

Well, it is up to you if you want a toned tummy or a big round one like Ganesha! But eating healthy is not just about building six-pack abs or having toned legs. It is about eating right for overall health and well being

Ganesha has always taught us that rewards are the best way of making any task easy to achieve. Therefore, treat yourself to small achievements whenever you feel these tasks can become a burden. 

Rewards like sweet little modak can always be the best push!

This journey of eating healthy and being consistent is hard to achieve when no rewards exist. Instead, everyone needs a little push, motivation and little treats to keep the consistency intact.

This is a long journey with zero shortcuts!

You cannot achieve excellent health or reduce weight overnight. It is a long and time-taking process. However, you can reward yourself for achieving small targets. 

Let us simplify this for you!

Make a checklist of small achievements that will make you go the extra mile. It becomes easy and motivating when you see yourself achieve these small goals. 

Start from the small and then move forward to significant achievements like:

1. Set a target weight loss goal. For example, if you're looking to lose 20kgs, divide it into 4 stages of 5 kgs. 

2. Set a goal of what you want, a lean body, muscle gain, or a healthy life with some physical activity.

3. Do not lose track if you spend the whole day eating according to your diet plan.

4. Restrain from eating junk food, and stick to a home-cooked meal.

5. Target one day at a time and ensure indulging in at least one physical activity every day.  

You can make other smaller goals and ensure you honestly achieve them. When you are honest with yourself, your body also treats you by showing positive results. 

Now let us talk about how you can make treats a bit healthy;

Ganesh Ji loved modak! The 10 days festival is a blast of flavourful modaks all over. You can find modaks of every flavour in every sweet shop. Some devoted moms treat Ganesha with homemade prasad of modaks. They try their best to make it delicious yet add healthily. 

Then why can not you make the extra effort and make the healthy move? 

Make a list of things you want to do when you achieve these goals, and mark which achievement you will reward yourself with, like 

1. Take yourself out for dinner

2. Go for shopping

3. Enjoy a spa day

4.  Go for a movie night 

5. Take a long drive with your friends

6. Buy a rose on every kg you lose

7. Bake a cake 

8.Cook healthy desserts

These can be your treats for all the small successes and how you can stay consistent and not fall off track. Mark your progress over time and see how these rewards have made your goals easy to achieve. 

Now you might wonder how to cook healthy desserts. Well, we have the answer for that too. You can have a glance and learn how to make healthy desserts;

ToneOp is here to add a pinch of deliciousness to your healthy life. Make delicious and healthy recipes with us and be consistent. ToneOp has these fantastic features to track your daily calories and know how many calories you have consumed in a day. 



TONEOP is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.  



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