Exercise And Better Sleep: Here Are The Best Exercises To Improve Your Sleep Quality!



Published on: 30-Jul-2024


10 min read




Anvesha Chowdhury


Exercise And Better Sleep: Here Are The Best Exercises To Improve Your Sleep Quality!

Exercise And Better Sleep: Here Are The Best Exercises To Improve Your Sleep Quality!

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Two essential components of a healthy lifestyle are exercise and sleep, each of which significantly impacts the other. Exercise and sleep are closely connected, with regular physical activity considerably enhancing sleep quality. Consistent exercise helps you fall asleep faster, improves sleep depth, and regulates your body's internal clock. It also reduces stress and anxiety, everyday sleep disruptors, and can alleviate insomnia symptoms. 

While morning and afternoon workouts are particularly effective, moderate evening exercise can aid relaxation. Activities like running, swimming, weightlifting, and yoga contribute to better sleep, making regular exercise a vital component of a healthy sleep routine. 

Here, in this blog, we will discuss the intricate relationship between exercise and better sleep, emphasising 5 best exercises for good sleep along with some tips on exercise for better sleep at night. Keep reading to know more!

Table Of Contents

1. 5 Best Exercises for Good Sleep

2. 6 Exercises For Better Sleep At Night

3. What Are Some Convenient Exercises For Sleeping Better?

4. Expert’s Advice 

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References

5 Best Exercises for Good Sleep

Regular, moderate exercise is essential for enhancing sleep quality. To improve sleep, consider these exercises:

1. Aerobic Activities (Walking, Running, Cycling)

Walking, running, and cycling make your heart beat faster and release feel-good chemicals called endorphins. This helps lower stress and anxiety, making relaxing and falling asleep at night easier. Regular aerobic exercise also helps your body get used to a sleep schedule so you can sleep better and wake up refreshed.

2. Strength Training (Weightlifting)

Weightlifting builds muscle and has big mental benefits. It can lessen depressive and anxious sensations, which are frequent causes of poor sleep. By improving your mood and lowering stress hormones like cortisol, weightlifting can help you get deeper and more restful sleep.

3. Yoga

Yoga mixes gentle movements with breathing exercises and mindfulness. This combination helps calm your mind, release tension in your body, and lower stress levels. Doing yoga regularly has been shown to improve sleep quality, which helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Certain yoga poses and routines, especially those focused on relaxation, can be beneficial before bedtime.

Also Read: 5 Restorative Yoga For Better Sleep Quality With 4-7-8 Sleep Trick!

4. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an elegant, slow-moving workout that uses deep breathing and soft motions. It promotes relaxation and mindfulness, which can reduce stress and anxiety. People who practice Tai Chi often have better sleep quality and fewer problems like insomnia. Its smooth movements also relax muscles and calm the nervous system, preparing the body for a good night's sleep.

5. Stretching

Doing gentle stretches before bed can relax your muscles and ease any tension from the day. This helps your body feel physically relaxed and mentally calm, making it easier to unwind and fall asleep. Stretching regularly can also improve your flexibility and how comfortably you sleep.

Also Read: Boost Your Melatonin Levels With These Top 7 Foods For Better Sleep 

6 Exercises For Better Sleep At Night

Here are some additional tips and exercises to assist you in improving your sleep routine: 

1. Deep Breathing

Start your pre-sleep routine 15 to 30 minutes before bedtime and include deep breathing exercises. This time frame gives you ample time to slow down your breath and prepare your body for sleep.

2. Mindfulness Meditation

Spend 10-20 minutes practising mindfulness meditation about 30 minutes before bed. Mindfulness techniques help calm the mind and reduce stress, setting the stage for restful sleep.

3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Perform a progressive muscle relaxation exercise 20-30 minutes before bedtime. This technique gradually releases muscle tension, preparing your body for a peaceful night's sleep.

4. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)

While similar to meditation, this breathing technique has a more physical component. It involves alternating breaths through each nostril, balancing the energy within the body. Practice for 10 minutes regularly to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

5. Eye Exercises 

Our eyes often work hard throughout the day. Exercises like eye rolling, focusing on near and distant objects, and palming (covering eyes with warm hands) can relax the eye muscles and reduce digital eye strain.

6. Light Cardio

Engage in light cardio exercises, such as walking or gentle cycling, 60-90 minutes before bedtime. Try to avoid strenuous exercise two to three hours before bed as it may prevent you from falling asleep.

Also Read: Herbal Teas For Better Sleep: A Relaxing Bedtime Routine

What Are Some Convenient Exercises For Sleeping Better?

Adding particular activities to your program might significantly improve the quality of your slumber. The following are some efficient workouts and habits that can help you get more sleep:

1. Walking 

Walking is a simple and effective exercise that can significantly boost the release of hormones that control sleep and reduce stress levels. To improve your sleep quality, try walking for 15 minutes after dinner.

2. Cycling

Cycling is also excellent for improving the quality of your sleep. Aerobic activities, such as cycling, raise heart rates and promote the production of hormones that regulate sleep. Try to finish cycling earlier in the day so it does not disturb your ability to fall asleep later at night.

3. Yoga Nidra 

Yoga Nidra, also called yogic sleep, mixes body positions, breathing methods and meditation to calm the body and mind. Including movements like corpse pose, legs up the wall, or child's pose in your evening routine can greatly help enhance sleep.

4. Stretching

Mild stretches can help reduce physical discomfort and release muscle tension. Neck stretches, shoulder rolls, and hamstring stretches can help your body tell when it's time to wind down. Include these in your nightly routine.

5. Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy, which is a slow, thoughtful method involving soft movements and deep breaths, can assist in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. This type of exercise that requires little energy input might help enhance the length and quality of sleep if done consistently.

6. Pilates 

Pilates can help calm your nervous system and prepare your body for sleep through progressive muscle relaxation or deep breathing techniques. Incorporate Pilates into your evening routine to facilitate falling asleep and improve overall sleep quality.

7. Balance Drills

Basic balance drills, such as one-leg stands or mild stability exercises, can enhance general body awareness and relaxation. They can also help lower stress and improve sleep quality.

Also Read: Best Essential Oils For Anxiety And Sleep: How They Work & Tips For Usage 

Expert’s Advice 

As a health expert, I often advise incorporating regular exercise for better sleep. Exercise helps regulate hormones, reduces stress, and expends energy, all essential for restful sleep. 

Aim for various activities, like aerobic exercises and strength training, but avoid vigorous workouts close to bedtime. Instead, opt for moderate exercise earlier in the day to naturally wind down in the evening. Pairing exercise with a balanced diet rich in sleep-supporting nutrients further enhances its benefits for sleep quality.

                                                                     Health Expert
Aditi Upadhyay

The Final Say

Exercise and better sleep are closely linked, and exercise is a key factor in improving your sleep routine. Whether it is walking, running, strength training, yoga, or gentle stretching, regular physical activity can improve the quality and duration of sleep. By reducing stress and anxiety, exercise creates optimal conditions for restorative rest. 

Establishing a consistent exercise routine, especially before bedtime, can lead to deeper sleep and better health. Finding activities you enjoy and sticking to them is crucial for reaping the benefits of improved sleep through exercise!


1. What is a good workout before bed?

You can include these exercises before bed:

  • Stretching

  • Yoga

  • Breathing Exercises

  • Mindful Meditation

  • Light Cardio

2. Can you suggest some workouts that can get me to sleep better quickly?
Here are some workouts that can give you quick sleep: 

  • Walking or cycling for aerobics

  • Weightlifting or resistance bands for strength

  • Yoga or Pilates for flexibility and relaxation

  • Tai Chi for gentle movement and stress relief

  • Pre-bedtime stretching routines

3. What are some breathing exercises for good sleep?

Some breathing exercises for good sleep are:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing

  • 4-7-8 technique (inhale, hold, exhale)

  • Alternate nostril breathing

  • Deep belly breathing


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