Is Khakhra Good For Health And Weight Loss? Easy Khakhra Recipe!



Published on: 28-Dec-2023


10 min read






Is Khakhra Good For Health And Weight Loss? Easy Khakhra Recipe!

Is Khakhra Good For Health And Weight Loss? Easy Khakhra Recipe!

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Is khakhra good for health? Though it sounds like a simple question, understanding its snacking effectiveness is more than just a delicious bite. This blog will revolve around the heart of the matter: your health, as khakhra benefits your health while satisfying your taste buds and keeping you in top-notch shape. So much at once!

Containing essential nutrients, khakhra offers an intricate balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fibres, with all potential essential vitamins and minerals contributing to your overall well-being. This highlighting factor makes it a snack supporting your health goals, offering satisfaction and nourishment in every crispy bite.

Let’s uncover the potential goodness that khakhra might bring you and your health, finding reasons why khakhra is good for health, especially aligning with your cravings and health goals transformation.

Table Of Contents

  1. What Is Khakhra?

  2. Is Khakhra Good For Health?

  3. Is Khakhra Good For Weight Loss?

  4. How To Make Khakhra?

  5. Nutritional Value Of Khakhra

  6. The Final Say

  7. FAQs

  8. References

What Is Khakhra?

Khakhra is a crispy, thin, and crunchy version of roti. Handmade and roasted, it becomes a delightful snack in Rajasthani and Gujarati cuisines. The traditional khakhra is typically made from wheat flour and allows for a healthier alternative. Opting for this offers enhanced nutrition in terms of protein and carbohydrates and boosts mineral intake while providing ample dietary fibre.

If you seek dietary diversification or need to manage conditions like celiac disease, often associated with excessive wheat consumption, substituting wheat with finger millet or ragi is beneficial. The final product is then subjected to sensory evaluation using a nine-point hedonic scale this step guarantees that its quality and taste satisfy you at the highest level.

Also Read: Explore 7 Foxtail Millet Benefits And 4 Major Side Effects For Your Health! 

Is Khakhra Good For Health?

People often ask, is khakhra good for health? Indeed, it is a gluten-free alternative for those with sensitivities. Khakhra is a healthy snack option when consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. It offers certain health benefits due to its nutritional content. Here are some beneficial considerations of khakhra for your overall health:

1. Providing Essential Nutrients

As a good source of B vitamins, iron content and magnesium counts with essential fibres, khakhra is made from whole wheat flour, providing essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants– highlighting why is khakhra good for health as a whole meal. 

While promoting your body’s red blood cell formation, these essential nutrients in khakhra help your body’s nerves function properly. With this, antioxidants help defend against your regular oxidative stress while reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting your overall well-being.

2. Supporting Digestive Health

Khakhra is made from whole wheat flour with high dietary fibre and is highly beneficial for your digestive health, helping prevent constipation while promoting a feeling of fullness throughout your day. 

Also, containing prebiotics, whole wheat flour in khakhra helps promote beneficial gut bacteria growth. So, by enhancing your digestive gut's regularity and smooth functioning, khakhra helps contribute all its goodness for balancing your gut microbiome.

3. Contributing To Protein Intake

Essential for building your body’s tissue while also repairing it as and when needed, khakhra contributes to your protein intake in the best possible way. Khakhra also includes sesame seeds or sometimes powdered legumes, which are especially valuable for you if you love engaging in regular physical activity with higher protein requirements.

4. Maintaining Low Sugar Levels

Typically low in added sugars, unlike many processed snacks, khakhra is generally recommended for preventing obesity and potential type 2 diabetes symptoms in your body. 

Also, khakhra helps you regulate your blood sugar levels with its low-sugar additives, which allow the slow release of energy from complex carbohydrates in whole wheat flour. Without causing rapid spikes in your blood glucose, this helps provide your body with a sustainable fuel source.

Also Read: 8 Healthy Alternatives Of Unhealthy Diets You Need To Start Today!

5. Reducing Saturated Fat Intake

Khakhra contains low saturated fats, and as your health requires healthy fats to function properly, khakhra, when prepared with olive oil or avocado, positively supports your cardiovascular health, further enhancing its nutritional profile.

6. Adapting To Various Dietary Preferences

Khakhra can be adapted to various dietary preferences. For example, it can be made with different spices and seasonings to suit individual tastes, and it can be paired with healthy accompaniments like yoghurt, hummus, or fresh vegetables. 

Also, including alternative chickpea or millet flour for making khakhra, it can cater to gluten-sensitive individuals. Moreover, using flaxseeds or chia seeds with their omega-3 fatty acid content will support your brain and heart health.

Is Khakhra Good For Weight Loss?

Indeed, khakhra has been proven to enhance a weight loss-oriented diet significantly. Its inherent qualities present a sensible and satisfying snack option for individuals seeking to reduce excess pounds. The crunchiness of khakhra offers a gratifying texture, rendering it an enjoyable substitute for higher-calorie snacks.

Khakhra's portion control aspect empowers individuals to manage their calorie intake effectively. This promotes a satisfying sense of fullness without sacrificing flavour. Furthermore, its minimal sugar content supports weight loss goals, reducing added sugars is a prevalent strategy in effective weight management.

Khakhra's rich dietary fibre content actively bolsters weight loss endeavours. It facilitates digestion, enhances regular bowel movements, and engenders a sense of fullness, thus diminishing the propensity for overeating. Embedding khakhra as part of your balanced diet is crucial to successful weight management and ensuring its inclusion alongside an array of nutrient-dense foods.

How To Make Khakhra?

Is khakhra good for health as a breakfast option? It provides sustained energy throughout the morning. Here’s a khakhra for weight loss recipe for fitness geeks to mould and personalise as per your taste:


  • Whole wheat flour - 1 cup

  • Ragi (finger millet) flour - 1/2 cup

  • Besan (chickpea flour) - 2 tablespoons

  • Methi (fenugreek) leaves, finely chopped - 1/4 cup

  • Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon

  • Cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon

  • Ajwain (carom seeds) - 1/2 teaspoon

  • Salt - to taste

  • Water - as needed (for kneading)

  • Olive oil - 1 teaspoon (for dough)

  • Olive oil - for roasting


1. Prepare the Dough

  • In a mixing bowl, combine whole wheat flour, ragi flour, besan, chopped methi leaves, turmeric powder, cumin seeds, ajwain, and salt.

  • Add a teaspoon of olive oil to the mixture.

  • Gradually add water and knead the ingredients to form a smooth, firm dough.

  • Cover the dough and let it rest for about 15-20 minutes.

2. Divide and Roll

  • Divide the dough into small, lemon-sized balls.

  • Take one ball, dust it with some whole wheat flour, and roll it out into a thin, round disc. Ensure it's rolled thinly for a crispy texture.

3. Heat the Griddle

  • On a medium flame, heat the tawa or the griddle. 

  • Once hot, place the rolled dough disc on the griddle.

4. Roast the Khakhra

  • When small bubbles start to appear, flip the khakhra.

  • Apply a few drops of olive oil on both sides and press gently with a spatula.

  • Continue cooking until both sides are golden brown and crisp.

  • Make sure you repeat the process for the remaining dough balls. 

5. Cool and Store

  • Allow the khakhras to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container.

  • Enjoy your homemade, healthy khakhras as a delightful snack or part of your weight loss journey!

  • Feel free to customise the recipe by adding spices or herbs according to your taste preferences.

Nutritional Value Of Khakhra

Note the given khakhra nutritional values and remember that these values may vary based on specific recipes and preparation methods.


Khakhra (per 100g)

% Daily Value







Total Fat



Saturated Fat






Dietary Fiber
























Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)






Vitamin E



The Final Say

As this exploration about whether is khakhra good for health and weight loss concluded, you now know the healthiest answer to your food cravings. Khakra is not just a typical Indian flatbread, it’s a tastier and more sustainable choice for your health and weight loss goals. 

With its versatility, deliciousness, and impressive nutritional profile, khakhra deserves a permanent spot in your pantry. This humble creation offers more than mere sustenance. Indeed, whether you curb cravings with a healthy snack, need a light breakfast option or even desire the perfect travel companion for satisfying hunger pangs, this versatile dish delivers every time!

Khakhra, apart from its taste and convenience, packs a powerful health punch. It boasts low-calorie content and high fibre concentration, which promotes satiety. This makes khakhra an ideal tool for weight management, not to mention that the blend of nutrients it offers supports overall well-being. 

Therefore, embrace khakhra's potency and experiment with varied flavours and recipes. Remember that engaging in healthy eating need not equate to monotony, rather, immerse yourself and unleash your palate into the rich diversity of khakhra, a gateway leading towards an entire realm brimming with delectable goodness!


1. How can I make khakhra at home with a basic khakhra recipe?

Making khakhra at home is easy. Mix whole wheat flour, ragi flour, besan, and chopped methi leaves. Roll the dough into thin discs and roast on a griddle with olive oil until crisp.

2. How many khakhra calories are there in a single serving?

The calorie content in khakhra varies, but on average, a single khakhra has around 50-70 calories. It can be a low-calorie snack, making it suitable for various diets.

3. Is khakhra healthy for me?

Yes, khakhra is healthy for you. It can be a nutritious snack when made with whole grains and minimal added fats. It's low in saturated fat and provides essential nutrients.

4. What are the khakhra health benefits if consumed regularly?

Khakhra offers various health benefits. It is a good source of dietary fibre, aiding digestion, and its whole grain content contributes to heart health. The versatile snack also supports weight management when included in a balanced diet.

5. How does khakhra benefit weight loss?

Khakhra benefits for weight loss are immense as it is a low-calorie, high-fibre snack that promotes a feeling of fullness. It can be part of a balanced diet, helping you manage your weight while enjoying a tasty and satisfying snack.


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