6 Effective Foods For Asthma Control and Beneficial Nutrients

Medical Condition


Published on: 15-Jul-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 11-Dec-2023




Anushka Tripathi


6 Effective Foods For Asthma Control and Beneficial Nutrients

6 Effective Foods For Asthma Control and Beneficial Nutrients

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Hello, readers! Do you know that Asthma is a widespread chronic condition, deliberately infecting over 30 million people? It is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the airways that disrupt lives with wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. 

Several factors, such as exposure to smoke, toxins, and an unhealthy diet, contribute to the prevalence of asthma. While asthma itself may not be fatal, its impact on daily activities can be substantial.

Emerging research suggests that dietary choices can play a powerful role in managing asthma symptoms and improving overall health. In this blog, we will talk about food for asthma, including nutrition for asthma patients that may help you manage your medical condition. So, let us dive into the topic and look forward to the tips to improve your overall transformation. 

Table Of Contents

  1. What Is Asthma?

  2. Types Of Asthma

  3. Food For Asthma Control 

  4. Nutrients Beneficial In Asthma Management 

  5. What Are The Symptoms And Causes Of Asthma?

  6. Triggers For Asthma

  7. Diagnosis Of Asthma

  8. Treatment Of Asthma

  9. The Final Say

  10. FAQs

  11. References

What Is Asthma?

Asthma, also referred to as bronchial asthma, is a disease that significantly impacts the lungs. It stands out as a persistent condition and needs constant care and treatment to control its severity. Classified as a chronic ailment, asthma disrupts the normal breathing process as the airways contract abnormally, hindering the smooth passage of air. This constriction complicates the act of breathing, making it challenging for individuals to maintain proper respiratory function. 

The asthma attack has three types:

  • Inflammation: The passing of air becomes difficult due to swelling in the lining, so the chances of an attack increase, and pain can be felt due to inflammation.

  • Bronchospasm: The constriction of the muscles while breathing can cause asthma attacks unknowingly as the path or the air becomes narrow.

  • Mucus Production: The airways are clogged due to excessive mucus formation in the attack.

Types Of Asthma

Asthma is a common health condition, and there are several types. Not every kind of asthma stays with the patient throughout their entire life. Some patients can get rid of their illness, but it depends upon the style they are suffering from. Here are the two types of asthma mentioned that you need to know:

1. Persistent

The persistent form of asthma stays with you throughout your lifetime, although the frequency keeps changing from severe to moderate and regular. This type of asthma needs constant medical attention from the doctor.

2. Intermittent

As the name suggests, the onset of asthma is not fixed, and it can happen at any point in time and anywhere. The symptoms of this type of asthma cannot be seen frequently and may not trigger for a long time. The intermittent nature of this asthma variant underscores the importance of vigilance and proactive management, as symptoms may surface unexpectedly, necessitating prompt and effective intervention when they do arise. 

Food For Asthma Control

Maintaining a balanced diet reduces the risk of asthma and symptoms like wheezing. 

Hence, there is a lot of food for asthma that may help the patient to get rid of the severe asthma symptoms and to maintain a nutritious, rich diet. Below are some of the healthier options of food for asthma.

1. Apples 

Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin. They also aid in lessening the harm that smoking causes to our lungs. It can boost your gut health and reduce strokes and diabetes. This is the best food for asthma if taken regularly.

Also Read: Apple Fruit: Health Benefits And Recipes

2. Cocoa

Products of cocoa, like dark chocolate, have antioxidants like flavonoids and theobromine, which are a powerful bronchodilator that relaxes airway muscles, leading to increased airflow and reduced wheezing. Flavonoids also contribute by protecting lung cells from damage and reducing allergic reaction

3. Beets

Beets are known to be instrumental food for asthma cure. It contains vitamins and nutrients like magnesium and potassium that aid lung health. The antioxidants in beets also offer additional protection against cell damage and inflammation.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a carotenoid that improves lung function. Studies suggest that consuming tomato products regularly can lower the risk of asthma exacerbations and improve overall lung function.

5. Pumpkin

Pumpkins are rich in carotenoids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties that enhance overall health. Its potent anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate asthma symptoms, while the antioxidants protect lung cells from damage. Pumpkin's versatility allows for its inclusion in various dietary forms, making it a delicious and beneficial addition to any asthma-friendly diet.

6. Leafy Greens

Spinach, kale, bok choy and other leafy greens are rich sources of iron, potassium,

calcium, and vitamins. They contain anti-inflammatory and anti-antioxidant properties, which benefit overall health and reduce lung inflammation. It is one of the best foods for asthma cure.

There are some asthma food triggers, including dairy products, eggs, shellfish, nuts, and certain additives like sulfites; avoiding these asthma food triggers list can help manage and prevent asthma symptoms.

Nutrients Beneficial In Asthma Management 

There are a lot of nutritionally rich foods that can be eaten to help with asthma. Along with proper treatment and care, you must keep intake of all the essential nutrients required from your body. They efficiently reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. The list of important nutrients to intake if you have asthma includes:

1. Vitamins

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin E, as well as minerals, is essential for asthma patients. A nutritious diet can help the body fight toxins that can damage tissues, improve lung function, and reduce asthma symptoms. Below is a chart outlining the vitamins asthma patients should incorporate into their diet.

A) Sources Of Vitamin C

  • Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit

  • Kiwi fruit

  • Strawberries

  • Cantaloupe

  • Red and green peppers

  • Broccoli

  • Baked potatoes

  • Tomatoes

Also Read: 7 Best Vitamin C Rich Foods In India

B) Sources Of  Vitamin D

  • Eggs yolk

  • Cheese Mushroom

  • Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

Also Read: Vitamin D Deficiency In India: How To Address The Deficiency?

C) Sources Of  Vitamin E

  • Nuts (almonds, peanuts, and hazelnuts)

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Broccoli

  • Fortified foods (breakfast cereal, fruit juice, margarine, and spreads)

2. Flavonoids And Selenium

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants called flavonoids and selenium, which include anti-inflammatory benefits.

A) Sources Of Flavonoids

  • Apple

  • Berries

  • Grapes

  • Black and green tea

C) Sources Of Selenium

  • Seafood

  • Meat

  • Eggs

  • Dairy products

  • Bread

  • Whole oats

  • Whole wheat pasta

  • Bulgur wheat

  • Buckwheat

C) Sources Of Beta Carotene

  • Oranges, red fruits, vegetables

  • Sweet potato

  • Squash

  • Apricots

  • Carrots

  • Leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, etc

What Are The Symptoms And Causes Of Asthma?

Asthma may cause a patient a lot of severe health conditions like difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest pain. All these symptoms should not be ignored and must be focused upon if any of these are constantly triggering your health. Below are some more signs of asthma:

1. Symptoms Of Asthma

  • Shortness of breath

  • Pressure and pain in the chest

  • Wheezing

  • Coughing when you lay down

2. Causes Of Asthma

  • Heredity or genetic

  • Allergies

  • Infections related to the respiratory system

  • Environment

Triggers For Asthma 

To help identify potential asthma causes, here is the asthma triggers list:

1. Mold

Mold tends to grow in damp environments and can cause allergies that lead to asthma. It is important to keep moisture levels low to prevent mould growth and maintain good indoor air quality.

2. Tobacco

Smoking tobacco in enclosed spaces can trigger asthma in people around you. To avoid putting others at risk of developing asthma, it's best to quit smoking altogether. Additionally, quitting smoking can have numerous health benefits for you, including reducing the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and other respiratory illnesses. You can go for a lung detox to support asthma management. 

3. Exercise

If you do too much exercise, it may cause breathing issues and ultimately trigger an asthma attack. Cold, dry air inhaled during exercise can irritate airways, leading to inflammation and asthma symptoms. Additionally, strenuous exercise can trigger bronchoconstriction in some individuals.

4. Air Pollution

Asthma can be triggered by smoke, dust, and air pollution, which are common culprits. These triggers can cause breathing difficulties and other symptoms for those with asthma, making it important to try and avoid exposure where possible.

5. Pets

Some people can be allergic to the fur of pets such as cats and dogs. Pet dander and fur, along with allergens carried on their fur, irritate the airways, triggering asthma symptoms.

Diagnosis Of Asthma

There are effective treatments for asthma that may help the patient get out of it. But before the cure, diagnosis of any illness is crucial. The family history can be considered to detect diagnosis. If not, the doctor may ask about your allergies or any respiratory system-related disease history. 

Following are the diagnosis tests that can be done:

  • Spirometry: Measures lung function by assessing the volume and speed of air exhaled.

  • FeNO Test: Measures the amount of nitric oxide in exhaled breath, an indicator of airway inflammation.

  • Peak Flow Meter: Measures the peak expiratory flow rate, indicative of airway obstruction.

  • Allergy Skin Test: Identifies specific allergens triggering allergic reactions.

  • Chest X-ray: Provides visual information about the lungs and airways.

  • Sputum Test: Analyses sputum (mucus) for signs of infection or inflammation.

  • Blood Tests: Can rule out other conditions mimicking asthma symptoms.

  • Exhaled Breath Condensate (EBC) Test: Analyses the composition of exhaled breath for markers of airway inflammation.

Treatment Of Asthma

Asthma is curable and needs proper care and attention. A person who is suffering from asthma for a long period needs to take a good amount of nutrition and stay away from all the things that may trigger asthma. Some foods for asthma may help you keep your body healthy. Apart from all these, here are some treatments mentioned to cure asthma:

1. Biologic Therapy

Biologic therapies are a new and effective way to manage severe asthma symptoms that persist for a prolonged period. Unlike traditional treatments, biological therapies target specific molecules in the body that contribute to asthma, providing better patient outcomes.

2. Bronchodilators

Bronchodilators are used to help muscle relaxation so the mucus can pass through the airways swiftly. These dilators are more being used for chronic and intermittent asthma.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Medicines

As the name says, to reduce inflammation, anti-inflammatory medicines are being used to treat severe asthma. If you are grappling with asthma, modifying your diet can reduce symptoms and make the condition more manageable.

The Final Say

This blog discussed various foods and nutrients necessary to cure asthma. Additionally, it discussed various diagnosis and treatment methods. Asthma should be well managed to avoid any severe consequences. Managing asthma is paramount to prevent severe consequences, and the integration of a well-balanced diet, prescribed medications, and strategic lifestyle adjustments can collectively contribute to effective asthma management. 

Lastly, it is always important to consult your healthcare provider regarding asthma diet and treatment methods. 


1. How does diet affect asthma?

People who eat food rich in vitamins E and A, beta-carotene, flavonoids, omega-3, magnesium, selenium, and zinc have a lower risk of asthma.

 2. Can spicy food trigger asthma attacks?

While spicy food does not necessarily trigger asthma, certain foods can be asthma triggers. People who have allergies to specific foods may experience severe reactions, but in general, these are not the same as asthma triggers. 

 3. Should I maintain a diet with medication?

Yes, balance and a healthy diet are essential for asthma treatments, and micros and macros should be balanced.

4. What is the role of nutrition in managing asthma for patients?

Nutrition plays an important role in managing asthma for patients. A healthy, balanced diet can help reduce inflammation and improve lung function. Foods that are rich in antioxidants, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for people with asthma.

5. Which foods are harmful to asthma?

Foods that can trigger asthma symptoms include processed foods, dairy products, eggs, shellfish, nuts, and soy. However, each person's triggers may differ, so it's essential to identify your triggers through trial and error.

6. What is asthma nutrition therapy?

Asthma nutrition therapy involves a tailored approach to dietary choices aimed at managing and alleviating asthma symptoms. It focuses on incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, vitamins, and minerals that support respiratory health. 

7. Which food is harmful for asthma?

Certain foods, such as processed foods, sugary beverages, and high-sodium items, can exacerbate asthma symptoms due to their potential to cause inflammation and contribute to respiratory distress. 


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