Is Popcorn Good For Weight Loss? Nutrition And Side Effects

Weight Loss


Published on: 02-Mar-2024


10 min read




Lalita Vishwakarma


Is Popcorn Good For Weight Loss? Nutrition And Side Effects

Is Popcorn Good For Weight Loss? Nutrition And Side Effects

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Hello readers! Do you also struggle with the question of whether Popcorn is good for weight loss or not? Well, popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks when it comes to controlling hunger pangs and unusual cravings. Not only this, but they are delicious and tempting, too and are the first choice for theatres and birthday parties. It’s not all, as it has become a popular snack for people trying to lose weight. 

Popcorn contains vitamins B1, B3, B6, iron, magnesium, zinc, and many other essential nutrients. Its high fibre content helps curb unnecessary cravings, thus promoting weight loss.

It is one of the healthiest options when it comes to snacking, yet the debate continues on whether popcorn is good for weight loss or not. So, continue reading the blog to learn the advantages and disadvantages of popcorn eating! 

Exciting Facts About Popcorn 

  1. Popcorn is a healthy, GMO-free, and gluten-free snack.

  2. “National Popcorn Day” is celebrated on January 19th.

  3. Popcorn contains low calories and high fibre and prompts weight loss.

  4. It is rich in vitamin B, iron and magnesium.

Table Of Contents

  1. Popcorn Is Good For Weight Loss Or Not? 

  2. Can I Eat Popcorn Every Day?

  3. Can I Eat Popcorn At Night?

  4. Side Effects Of Eating Popcorn

  5. Nutritional Value of Popcorn Per 100 grams

  6. Dietitian's Recommendations 

  7. The Final Say

  8. FAQs

  9. References 

Popcorn Is Good For Weight Loss Or Not? 

Popcorn is a whole-grain product similar to corn. It is prepared by heating the granules to burst. It is one of the world's oldest, almost 5000 years old, and the most popular snack. Along with its essential nutrients, it is an affordable option when trying to lose weight. Here are the points to know whether popcorn is good for weight loss or not:

1. Whole Grain Value

Women should consume 25 g of fibre daily, while men should consume 38 g daily.

Popcorn is a great whole-grain snack that is high in fibre and provides 250% more whole grains for the consumer. 

2. Nutrition Statistics 

Popcorn is a low-calorie snack that can help you lose weight. A serving size of one ounce (about 3.5 cups) contains 4 grams of fibre, 4 grams of protein, and 110 calories. This makes it a filling option for those who want to reduce their calorie intake. 

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3. High Fibre Content 

Popcorn is rich in dietary fibre, which plays a key role in preventing heart disorders, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. The high fibre content also promotes digestive health and keeps hunger pangs at bay. It also helps in the management of weight by keeping you feeling full and satisfied for longer.

4. Antioxidant Properties 

Popcorn is a food rich in polyphenols, which are good for the heart and can help reduce the risk of cancer. The role of polyphenols is versatile as they help accelerate metabolic processes, prevent fat accumulation, remove carcinogens, and cleanse the intestines.

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Can I Eat Popcorn Every Day?

Well, eating anything in moderation is the key to living a healthy and disease-free life, but when you start overconsuming the same food every day, then you may face certain health issues. A similar thing happens with popcorn; no doubt they are healthy and can support weight loss but eating it daily is generally not recommended.

This is because of its high fibre content, as overeating popcorn can cause bloating, gas and constipation, especially in people not used to eating a lot of fibre. Not only this, pre-packaged popcorn, microwave popcorn, and movie theatre popcorn often contain high amounts of salt, butter, artificial flavours, and unhealthy fats, which can negate the health benefits of popcorn.

Also Read: Sweet Corn For Weight Loss And Other Health Benefits

Can I Eat Popcorn At Night?

Popcorn is a nutritious snack that can be eaten at any time of the day. They are a healthy alternative for people looking to lose weight. A 3-cup portion of air-popped kernels contains all the nutrients and carbohydrates you need to maintain a consistent diet and reduce overeating. Plus, popcorn is rich in fibre, which helps you feel full for a long time. As a result, eating popcorn at night can help you satisfy your popcorn craving without consuming too many calories. Popcorn can be healthy if you don't add much butter, salt, or other toppings. 

Although popcorn does not naturally make you fat, it is easy to get hooked on popcorn while watching a late-night movie, but it can become an unhealthy habit if you're not careful. To avoid gaining weight by eating popcorn at night: 

  • Limit your intake and choose healthy alternatives. 

  • Avoid eating buttered popcorn, salty popcorn, or caramel popcorn; you can try popcorn with lightly sprinkled sea salt or regular salt. 

Also Read: 15 High Fiber Foods For Weight Loss & Diet Plan

Side Effects Of Eating Popcorn

The following are the disadvantages of eating popcorn:

1. May Worsen Gastrointestinal Disorders

If you already dealing with gastrointestinal problems, then eating popcorn is a “BIG NO” for you. Actually, the high fibre content of popcorn can become a major problem for individuals with digestive sensitivities. So, try to avoid eating popcorn, especially if you have gastrointestinal disorders.

2. May Experience Shortness Of Breath 

If you like eating butter-flavoured popcorn, then beware, as it might cause discomfort to you. Actually, these flavoured popcorn contains a compound called diacetyl which is harmful to your health even when inhaled in large quantities. It can cause a condition called popcorn lung (obstructive bronchitis). Due to this, the person faces difficulty in breathing. So, if you observe any such change in yourself, then you are advised to consult your doctor for first-line treatment.

3. May Cause Allergic Reactions 

Well, popcorn is a healthy option to add to your diet plan, but there are some cases where you should avoid it. Individuals with any kind of allergy specifically related to corn should avoid eating popcorn as it can cause problems like mouth swelling or difficulty breathing. 

Plus, people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) should also prevent eating popcorn because it may result in intestinal irritation. It is important to contact your doctor if you feel any kind of discomfort while eating popcorn.

Also Read: Fuel Up Your Body With These 18 Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss!

Nutritional Value of Popcorn 100 grams

You can get the following nutrients from 100 grams of popcorn:





Total Fat


Saturated fat



7 mg


274 mg

Total Carbohydrate

74 g

Dietary fibre


Granulated Sugar



11 g



Vitamin B6




Dietitian's Recommendations 

As I dietitian I will suggest that popcorn can be a healthy snack for people trying to lose weight if prepared with health in mind and consumed in moderation. Its high-fibre, low-calorie, and satiating properties make it an excellent choice for a diet snack. But beware of unhealthy toppings and portion sizes because this healthy snack can turn into a diet disaster.

-Dt. Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say

Popcorn is not just a tasty snack, it's also packed with important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It's an excellent source of fibre and can even aid in weight loss when enjoyed in moderation. 

The fibre in popcorn helps to keep you satisfied and full for a long. which can prevent overeating and contribute to a healthy weight. Plus, the antioxidants in popcorn can help to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. So, next time you're looking for a healthy and delicious snack, consider reaching for some popcorn!


1. What is the best time to eat popcorn for weight loss?

Popcorn is a low-calorie snack that you can eat in the mid-morning meal or evening meal if you are targeting weight loss. 

2. Is popcorn rich in fat?

No, popcorn is the best snack for munching as it does not contain fats and is also low in calories. 

3. Which popcorn is healthiest? 

Generally, popcorns are available in various flavours like butter, cheese, salted and many more. But, if you want to eat the healthiest one, then you should go with air-fried and unflavoured popcorn.

4. When should you not eat popcorn? 

Although, popcorn is a healthy snack to add to your diet, for some people, it can be challenging to digest it. So, people with allergies or any kind of chronic stomach issues should avoid eating popcorn.

5. Is popcorn good for fat loss?

Yes, popcorn is a low-calorie snack that can help you lose weight. Plus, its high fibre content keeps you full for a longer time, thus preventing extra calorie intake.

6. Is popcorn high in calories?

No, popcorn is low in calories. For every 100 grams of popcorn, you can get 375 calories.

7. Is popcorn good for weight loss at night?

Eating unflavoured popcorn is ok to eat at night. But, try to avoid flavoured or extra salty popcorn at night as it will result in weight gain and may cause stomach discomfort.


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