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Rainy Season Disease And Prevention

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Written by:

Kajal Tharwani


27 Jul 2022


30 Nov 2023


10 min



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The most awaited season is here! Taking the heat of summer away, the rain is here. Although, the rain never comes alone. It comes with many infectious diseases, ranging from uncomplicated ones to those that pose a severe threat to you and your family. It is time for the breeding of many harmful microorganisms. 

Due to unhygienic conditions and failing to adhere to basic preventive measures, the risk of catching various diseases becomes exceptionally high. The humidity, mud, and stagnant water multiply viruses and bacteria, making it the flu season. Moreover, many monsoon diseases remain undiagnosed until they progress to undesirable levels.  

It becomes essential to follow a healthy lifestyle and improve hygienic living conditions. It will help you to prevent you and your family from deadly diseases. Therefore, we have listed some common rainy season diseases with their preventive measures.

Table of Contents 

1. Common Monsoon Diseases

2. Mosquitoes Borne Diseases

3. Preventive Measures For Mosquitoes Borne Diseases  

4. Food And Water Borne Diseases 

5. Preventive Measures For Food And Water Borne Diseases 

6. Preventive Measures For Air-Borne Diseases 

7. The Final Say

8. FAQs

Common Monsoon Diseases

The rainy season is a host of infections and health woes. The most common diseases during the monsoons are transmitted through four primary mediums.

1. Mosquitoes

2. Collected Water

3. Air

4. Contaminated Food

The risk of catching infections is higher than in other seasons. Therefore, we are here with the most common monsoon diseases and their preventive measures.

Mosquitoes Borne Diseases

Monsoon is the breeding season for mosquitoes leading to mosquito-borne diseases. India faces a huge burden of these deadly diseases. Below we have listed the most common diseases caused by tiny creatures. 

1. Malaria 

Malaria is one of the most monsoon-related diseases. It is caused by female anopheles mosquitoes breeding in dirty water. The different forms of malaria are 

1. Plasmodium vivax 

2. Plasmodium ovale 

3. Plasmodium malaria 

The symptoms of malaria include fever, body ache, cold and sweating. Undiagnosed can lead to severe complications like jaundice, anaemia, and liver and kidney failure.

2. Dengue 

“Break bone fever" is another name for Dengue. Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes spread it. It has black and white stripes and usually bites at dusk or dawn. The symptoms of Dengue include fever, severe joint and muscle pain, exhaustion and rash.

Another Dengue type is Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), which affects children up to 10 years of age. It causes abdominal pain, haemorrhage and circulatory collapse. 

3. Chikungunya 

Chikungunya is caused by mosquitoes breeding in stagnant water. The symptoms include fever and joint pain that occurs 4-8 days later.  The disease mainly spread in Asia and the Indian subcontinent. 

4. Viral fever 

Viral fever is most common during the rainy season. The symptoms include a runny nose, nausea, fatigue, achy, etc. However, viral fever usually goes away and is not very contagious. 

Preventive Measures for Mosquitoes Borne diseases  

The symptoms of water-borne diseases are almost the same. Once you start noticing the signs, consult a doctor. Also, you can follow these preventive measures as the season begins. 

  • Make sure water does not get collected in or around your house.
  • Dispose of waste properly.
  • Maintain hygiene. 
  • Use personal protective measures like insect repellent and nets.
  • Make sure to wear clothes that reduce skin exposure to mosquitoes.
  • Ensure safe drinking water.
  • Use boiled water and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption.

Food And Water Borne Diseases 

Food and water are the sources of our living. They are as important as oxygen for life. Consuming contaminated food and water can be fatal to health. As per the reports by World Health Organisation (WHO), “Almost two billion use contaminated drinking water sources, which caused approximately more than 4.6 lacs deaths.” Due to the developing immune system, children become the easiest victims of water-borne diseases. The most common food water-borne diseases are:

1. Typhoid 

It is caused by the bacteria called Salmonella typhi. It spreads through contaminated water and food. Common symptoms of the disease include headache, high fever,  stomach pain, constipation etc. Remember, consult a doctor immediately if you suspect any typhoid signs.

2. Cholera 

Cholera is caused by poor hygienic conditions and contaminated water and food. Common symptoms of cholera include severe diarrhoea, excessive vomiting, and muscle cramps. The fatal disease requires immediate attention and treatment. 

3. Hepatitis A 

Hepatitis A directly affects the liver. Its significant symptoms include fever, vomiting, rash etc. It is more common in old-aged people having some severe medical conditions. 

4. Stomach Infection

Stomach infection is caused due to consumption of unhygienic food and liquid products. The significant symptoms of stomach infection are; low-grade fever, abdominal pain and cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting and many more. The most common stomach infection is Gastroenteritis. 

Preventive Measures for Food and Water Borne diseases  

The leading cause of food and water-borne disease is contaminated food and water. Below are a few suggestions you can opt to prevent you and your family from diseases. 

  • Consume clean drinking water.
  • Wash your hands consistently.
  • Ensure open drains in your surroundings are covered.
  • Stay away from infected animals. 
  • Get your kids vaccinated.
  • Do not swim or play in the contaminated water.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption. 

Air-Borne Diseases 

Tiny pathogens transmit air-borne diseases through the air. Resulting in flu, common cold, cough and sore throat. Older people and children are more susceptible to infection during this season. The most common air-borne disease is: 


Influenza is the common cold and flu. The spread of viruses in the air infects the upper respiratory tract and thus affects the nose and the throat. The common symptoms of influenza involve body aches, throat infections, soreness and fever. 

Preventive Measures for Air-Borne Diseases

Here are a few preventive measures for air-borne diseases.

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue while coughing and sneezing.
  • Drink lukewarm water.
  • Keep your homes ventilated.
  • Get yourself vaccinated with the flu vaccine. 
  • Keep your children away from infected people. 

The Final Say

"Prevention is better than cure." 

Therefore, your family needs to be aware of these common diseases and preventive measures. In case you experience any symptoms, do consult with the doctor. Lastly, eat well, sleep well and take care of yourself. Have a happy and safe monsoon! 


1.  Why is disease prevention important? 

Prevention is important to reduce or eliminate exposure to risks that increase the cha of diseases, disability or premature death.

2 . How are mosquito-borne diseases spread?

A. The bite of infected mosquitoes spreads mosquito-borne diseases. The most common mosquito-borne diseases are Dengue, Malaria and Chikungunya. 

3 . How are food and water-borne diseases spread?

A. Food and water-borne diseases are caused by eating or drinking food

 or beverages contaminated by bacteria and viruses. 

4 .  What is the meaning of air-borne transmission?

A.  Air-Borne transmission means the spread of an infectious agent caused by the dissemination of droplet nuclei (aerosols) that remain infectious in the air over long distances.

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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.  

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