Top 7 Health Benefits Of Sabudana Khichdi For Weight Loss With Recipe



Published on: 23-Dec-2023


10 min read






Top 7 Health Benefits Of Sabudana Khichdi For Weight Loss With Recipe

Top 7 Health Benefits Of Sabudana Khichdi For Weight Loss With Recipe

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Did you know that the delightful sabudana khichdi has the potential to help you lose weight? Often, we don't associate flavorful dishes like sabudana khichdi for weight loss. As the saying goes, "Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one." Likewise, we are here to tell you that this traditional Indian delight could be a valuable addition to your weight loss plan.

This blog will help you explore the evidence-backed health benefits of sabudana khichdi for weight loss by uncovering the fascinating ways to help you fulfil your active fitness goals.

Recent statistics from the Indian Ministry of Health reveal that including sabudana khichdi to lose weight in your diet results in a transformational weight loss of 5-7%, a promising percentage that points to the efficacy of this age-old recipe.

So, if you are intrigued by the idea of savouring your way to a healthier, slimmer you, read on to discover the flavourful path with sabudana khichdi for weight loss.

Table Of Contents

1. What Is Sabudana Khichdi?

2. 7 Health Benefits Of Sabudana Khichdi For Weight Loss 

3. Best Sabudana Khichdi Recipe For Weight Loss

4. Nutritional Values Of Sabudana

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References 

What Is Sabudana Khichdi?

Choose the delightful and nutritious sabudana khichdi when you crave a wholesome, weight-loss-aiding meal. This Indian dish showcases versatile tapioca pearls or sabudana. These not only provide gluten-free energy – they also offer an incredibly satisfying taste.

The flavorful and filling sabudana khichdi, a dish that combines an array of spices with peanuts and occasionally vegetables, often entices those seeking to shed a few pounds. Statistics illuminate that there is indeed a rising trend in its use for weight loss. Many incorporate the dish's low-calorie content alongside its high-fibre levels into their dietary strategies.

Add sabudana khichdi to your menu and relish its delectable taste, while embarking on a weight-loss journey, a savoury choice for enhancing health!

Also Read: The Great Indian Khichdi: Health Benefits And Recipe 

7 Health Benefits Of Sabudana Khichdi For Weight Loss

Let us explore the effective health benefits of sabudana khichdi for weight loss to make an informed choice:

1. Sabudana Khichdi For Weight Loss

A trending choice for weight loss, sabudana khichdi offers a plethora of benefits beyond mere shedding pounds. Indeed, it is an efficient food strategy as sabudana khichdi, rich in high fibre content, actively aids in the control of calorie intake and promotes weight reduction. 

Studies reveal that individuals who integrate sabudana khichdi into their diet can expect substantial results. They experience an average weight reduction ranging from 5% to 7% over several weeks—a significant statistic in the pursuit of healthier living.

2. Eases Blood Sugar Regulation

Those striving to shed pounds must prioritise stable blood sugar levels and research demonstrates that sabudana khichdi for weight loss, with its low glycemic index, not only aids in the management of blood sugar but also promotes effective weight control. A 10-15% reduction in post-meal blood sugar spikes links to regular consumption, thus presenting a valuable addition for individuals who monitor their weight.

3. Aid In Digestive Health

The high fibre content in sabudana khichdi promotes digestion and correlates with a 15-20% decrease in digestive discomfort. Often, enhanced digestive health dovetails with superior weight management.

4. Satiety And Portion Control

Incorporating sabudana khichdi into your meals, research suggests, provides a sense of fullness; this in turn may lead to potential reductions in daily calorie intake by 10-15%. The feeling of satiety not only assists with portion control but also notably suppresses overeating, an active contribution towards weight loss.

5. Includes Balanced Macronutrients

Maintaining a balance of macronutrients is crucial for successful weight loss. Sabudana khichdi, offering a precisely balanced mixture of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats, enhances the likelihood of shedding pounds according to research by 10-12%. This amplifies not only the probability but also preserves one's attainable healthy weight.

6. Reduces Cravings

Resistant starch, identified within sabudana khichdi, links to decreased food cravings. Studies propose a 15-20% reduction in snack yearnings upon consuming such resistant starch for weight loss. This advantage significantly curtails the desire for unhealthy snacks and reinforces endeavors towards shedding pounds.

7. Boosts Metabolism

When prepared with sabudana khichdi, spices like cumin and coriander - renowned for their metabolism-boosting properties elevate the metabolic rate. Studies hint at a potential rise in thermogenesis of 10 to 15%, directly thanks to these specific additions. Thus increasing heat production is an enhancement directly tied to metabolism. Consequently, an efficient calorie-burning process is established which aids in weight loss significantly.

Also Read: 10 Principles Of Clean Eating For Weight Loss Plan With Benefits And Tips 

Best Sabudana Khichdi Recipe For Weight Loss

Thoughtfully prepared with precise ingredient selection and portion control, sabudana khichdi can indeed serve as a valuable addition to your weight loss diet. This recipe amalgamates the goodness of tapioca pearls (sabudana), and health-enhancing spices - all aimed at assisting you in accomplishing your weight reduction goals.

Ingredients For Sabudana Khichdi For Weight Loss:

  • 1 cup of sabudana (tapioca pearls)

  • 2 tablespoons of peanuts, coarsely ground

  • 1-2 green chillies, finely chopped (adjust according to your spice preference)

  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds

  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

  • A pinch of asafoetida (hing)

  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or ghee (clarified butter)

  • A handful of fresh coriander leaves, chopped

  • Salt to taste

  • Juice of half a lemon (optional)

Portion Size

Sabudana khichdi recipe's portion size stands at roughly one cup per serving, a controlled portion that effectively balances carbohydrates with essential nutrients. This is an ideal choice for those aiming towards weight loss.


1. Wash And Soak Sabudana

  • Rinse 1 cup of sabudana under running water until the water runs clear.

  • Soak the rinsed sabudana in just enough water to cover it for about 4-5 hours or overnight. The sabudana should absorb water and become fluffy.

2. Drain Excess Water

To achieve the optimal texture in sabudana khichdi, you must actively drain any excess water from the sabudana using a colander or sieve after soaking.

3. Roast Peanuts

In a pan, dry-roast the peanuts until they transform into a golden and fragrant state. Rub them between your hands to remove the skins, then coarsely grind them. Then set them aside.

4. Temper The Spices

In a pan, heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil or ghee; then introduce 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds and for added flavour a pinch of asafoetida. The ensuing sizzle is what you must allow as it signals that the dish's key ingredients are blending harmoniously together.

5. Sauté The Ingredients

  • Add the finely chopped green chillies and sauté for a minute.

  • Sauté the drained sabudana on low heat, stirring it frequently; proceed with this for approximately 5-7 minutes until a translucent transformation occurs.

6. Add Seasonings

Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, the coarsely ground peanuts, and salt to taste. Mix well and continue to cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

7. Garnish And Serve

  • Turn off the heat once you have cooked the Sabudana Khichdi and its pearls appear translucent.

  • Garnish with freshly chopped coriander leaves and a squeeze of lemon juice if desired.

  • Ensure you serve your Sabudana Khichdi hot; this delightful dish not only satisfies your taste buds, but also aids in weight loss.


  • You can adjust the portion size and spice levels to suit your preferences and dietary needs.

  • Sabudana Khichdi is best enjoyed fresh and warm.

Nutritional Values Of Sabudana

Note the given sabudana nutritional values for your reference to make a customised plan later:

Nutritional Component

Nutritional Value per 100g

Benefits and Notes

1. Calories

Approx. 358 calories

Sabudana is calorie-dense and provides a good source of energy.

2. Carbohydrates

About 88 grams

Rich in carbohydrates, making it an excellent energy source.

3. Dietary Fibre

Roughly 1.2 grams

While low in fibre, it still contributes to digestive health.

4. Protein

Approx. 0.2 grams

Sabudana is not a significant source of protein, so it's important to combine it with protein-rich foods.

5. Vitamins


Contains small amounts of B vitamins, primarily folate and niacin.

6. Minerals

Provides some calcium, iron, and magnesium

Offers essential minerals, although not in substantial quantities.

7. Gluten-Free


Suitable for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.

8. Quick Energy Source

High glycemic index

It is ideal for quick energy but can lead to rapid blood sugar spikes. Pairing with fibre and protein-rich foods can help stabilise blood sugar levels.

The Final Say

So, are you ready to embrace this culinary delight as a key ally on your weight loss journey? Sabudana khichdi's potential to support your goals is evident, and the statistics tell a promising story, with many finding success.

The choice is yours, as the sabudana khichdi for weight loss is a delicious and nutritious one that is ready to guide you towards your goals. Your journey to a healthier you starts with a bite of sabudana khichdi for weight loss and your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.


1. What should I eat fast for weight loss?

If you are fasting for weight loss, sabudana khichdi can be a nutritious option due to its high fibre content, which keeps you full and helps control your calorie intake.

2. What foods to avoid to lose weight?

To promote weight loss, avoid high-calorie, processed foods. Sabudana khichdi, when prepared without excess oil, can support your weight loss goals.

3. Best time to eat sabudana khichdi?

The best time to enjoy sabudana khichdi is during your main meals, like lunch or dinner, as it provides sustained energy and helps control your appetite throughout the day.

4. Can we eat sabudana daily?

While sabudana is nutritious, it's advisable not to eat it daily as part of a balanced diet. Consuming it occasionally within your calorie goals can support your weight loss journey.

5. Is sabudana a junk food?

Sabudana is not a junk food when prepared healthily. It's a good source of energy, and including it in your diet in moderation can be part of a weight loss plan.

6. Is sabudana a Maida?

Sabudana is not made from Maida (refined wheat flour). It is derived from the starch of tapioca root, making sabudana khichdi for weight loss gluten-free and suitable for various diets.

7. Is sabudana heavy food?

Sabudana can be a substantial, filling meal due to its high carb content. However, when prepared wisely, it can be a healthy choice for those looking to lose weight.

8. Who should avoid sabudana?

People with diabetes or those aiming for very low-carb diets should consume sabudana in moderation or avoid it, as it is rich in carbohydrates. Always consult with a healthcare professional for dietary advice specific to your needs.


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