Feeling Tired And Frustrated Lately? Be Aware Of These 11 Symptoms Of Too Much Stress And Its Side Effects!



Published on: 29-Jun-2024


10 min read






Feeling Tired And Frustrated Lately? Be Aware Of These 11 Symptoms Of Too Much Stress And Its Side Effects!

Feeling Tired And Frustrated Lately? Be Aware Of These 11 Symptoms Of Too Much Stress And Its Side Effects!

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Stress can trigger the release of adrenaline, giving you an energy boost in short bursts. But when stress is constant, so is the adrenaline, leading to issues. Symptoms of too much stress and excess adrenaline include physical signs like a racing heart and sweating, along with emotional trouble like anxiety and irritability. Over time, this can even damage your heart and sleep.

So, to avoid facing the side effects of stress, let’s understand the 11 alarming symptoms of too much stress and excess adrenaline to prevent them early.

Table Of Contents

1. 11 Symptoms Of Too Much Stress

2. 11 Symptoms Of Excess Adrenaline

3. 5 Side Effects Of Too Much Stress

4. Dietitian’s Recommendation

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References

11 Symptoms Of Too Much Stress

Look for these symptoms of too much stress in your everyday lifestyle and prevent them:

1. Physical Exhaustion

One of the most obvious symptoms of excessive stress is constant fatigue and physical exhaustion. People may find themselves constantly tired and weak, even after resting, significantly affecting their ability to work effectively and maintain daily activities. Chronic fatigue can also weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses.

2. Frequent Headaches

Anxiety often manifests as a tension-type headache or migraine. Constant stress can cause muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, leading to frequent headaches. These excessive headaches can range from mild to severe and disrupt daily life, reducing productivity and overall quality of life.

3. Sleep Disturbances

Difficulty falling, staying, or getting enough restful sleep can indicate high-stress levels. Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns can exacerbate anxiety, leading to a vicious cycle of excessive fatigue and stress in the morning. Poor sleep quality can also impact mood, cognitive function, and overall health.

4. Muscle Tension And Pain

Stress causes muscles to contract and remain tense. These tight muscles often result in back pain, neck pain, or jaw stiffness, causing significant discomfort and decreased mobility. Persistent muscle tension causes chronic pain conditions and impacts physical well-being.

5. Digestive Issues

The stomach-brain connection means that stress can negatively impact digestive health, causing symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, nausea, or changes in bowel habits. Chronic stress can also exacerbate existing gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leading to more severe symptoms and discomfort.

6. Cognitive Impairment

Excessive stress can impair cognitive functions, affecting memory, thinking, and decision-making abilities. People often need help with forgetfulness, focusing on tasks, or completing simple tasks. Cognitive impairment due to stress can affect both personal and professional life, reducing overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Also Read: 5 Ways To Manage Psychological Stress At Workplace

7. Emotional Instability

Excessive stress can cause emotional volatility, manifesting as mood swings, irritability, or anxiety. People may have difficulty controlling their emotions, leading to episodes of anger, frustration, or tears. Emotional instability can strain relationships and impact mental health.

8. Anxiety And Worry

Chronic stress often leads to heightened anxiety, causing individuals to feel constantly anxious or worried about the future. Persistent worry, irrational fears, or panic attacks may become more common, interfering with daily activities and reducing the overall quality of life. Managing anxiety can be challenging and may require professional intervention.

9. Depression

Chronic signs of depression cause persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, eventually resulting in clinical depression. General dissatisfaction, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, and withdrawal from relationships are common indicators of depression related to chronic stress. This can significantly impact mental health and require long-term treatment.

10. Changes In Behavior

Excessive stress may manifest as irritability, social withdrawal, or behavioural changes such as appetite and eating patterns. Some individuals may overeat, while others may lose their appetite, leading to weight changes and nutritional deficiencies. Behavioural changes can also impact social interactions and relationships.

11. Physical Symptoms Without Medical Explanation

Sometimes, individuals may experience physical symptoms that cannot be attributed to an underlying medical issue, such as chest pain, consistent dizziness, or shortness of breath. These symptoms can be alarming and lead to further anxiety, but they are often related to stress and can be managed through stress-reduction techniques and lifestyle changes.

Also Read: 10 Hidden Causes of Stress You Didn't Know Existed

5 Side Effects Of Too Much Stress

Let’s discuss these side effects of too much stress to avoid and take measurable steps:

1. Physical Health Decline

Chronic stress can significantly weaken the body's immune system, making people prone to infections and illnesses. It can also exacerbate existing conditions such as heart disease, digestive disorders, and chronic pain. 

It can also aggravate symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and cause muscle tension, leading to headaches and back pain. Managing stress is crucial for maintaining overall physical health and preventing the worsening of chronic conditions.

2. Mental Health Impact

Excessive stress is strongly linked to the development of mental issues like anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. This requires stress management skills for your mental health. It can affect cognitive functions, leading to memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and impaired decision-making. Chronic stress can alter brain structure slightly and function, particularly in emotion regulation and cognitive processing areas.

This can result in persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and fear, which can interfere with daily life and overall mental well-being. Seeking support and employing stress management techniques are essential for protecting mental health.

3. Behavioral Changes

Stress can trigger negative behavioural responses such as overeating, consistent substance abuse, or withdrawal from social activities. It can manifest as irritability, mood swings, aggression, and interpersonal conflicts. These changes can strain relationships and cause social isolation. 

Also, stress-related irritability and aggression can cause conflicts at home and work, further compounding the individual's stress levels. Recognising these behavioural changes is important for seeking appropriate interventions.

4. Sleep Disturbances

Stress often causes insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns, which can result in chronic fatigue, irritability, and impaired daytime functioning. Poor sleep quality affects mood, energy levels, and overall health. Insufficient sleep can also impair cognitive functions, making concentrating and performing daily tasks difficult.

Over time, sleep disturbances can contribute to the development of serious health problems, including circadian rhythm sleep disorder, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Establishing healthy sleep habits and addressing stressors are crucial to improving sleep quality and overall well-being.

5. Reduced Quality Of Life

Excessive stress can significantly diminish quality of life by impacting mental well-being, physical health, and interpersonal relationships. Chronic stress can lead to feeling overwhelmed, reducing enjoyment in daily activities and negatively affecting work performance and social interactions.

Addressing stress through lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques and seeking professional help when necessary can help improve lifestyle and foster a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Also Read: Major Physical Effects Of Stress On The Body

11 Symptoms Of Excess Adrenaline

Note these symptoms of excess adrenaline to consider and prevent:



Effect on Daily Life

Muscle tension or stiffness

Excess adrenaline can cause muscles to contract and remain tense, leading to discomfort and reduced mobility.

It results in chronic pain and difficulty performing everyday tasks.

Sweating excessively

The body's response to adrenaline often includes increased sweating.

It can lead to dehydration and social discomfort.

Feeling jittery or nervous

Adrenaline heightens the body's fight-or-flight response, causing nervousness and restlessness.

It can cause delayed relaxation hours or focus on tasks.

Difficulty concentrating

High adrenaline levels can impair cognitive functions, making it hard to concentrate.

It affects productivity plus the ability to complete tasks efficiently.

Increased blood pressure

Adrenaline causes blood vessels to constrict, raising blood pressure.

Long-term high blood pressure can lead to cardiovascular issues.

Insomnia or disturbed sleep patterns

Elevated adrenaline levels can disrupt sleep, leading to insomnia.

Results in fatigue, irritability, and impaired daily functioning.

Rapid heartbeat and palpitations

Adrenaline increases heart rate, causing a rapid or irregular heartbeat.

It can be alarming and lead to anxiety about heart health.

Experiencing a sudden lack of energy leading to fatigue

Adrenaline can cause short-lived energy spikes followed by significant fatigue.

This can lead to inconsistent energy levels and reduced productivity.

Trembling hands or shaky limbs

The nervous system's response to adrenaline can cause tremors.

It affects fine motor skills and can be embarrassing in social situations.

Heightened sense of alertness or vigilance

Adrenaline sharpens the senses, leading to increased alertness.

It can cause hypervigilance, making it difficult to relax or sleep.

Digestive disturbances such as nausea or diarrhoea

Adrenaline can disrupt normal digestive processes, leading to gastrointestinal issues.

It affects overall comfort and can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Also Read: Psychological Stress Symptom & Treatment Technique

Dietitian’s Recommendation

Reducing stress is vital to improving overall health, and many ways exist to curb it. However, some homemade remedies to relieve symptoms of too much stress are effective, like drinking chamomile tea regularly before sleep, which increases sleep hormones and promotes calmness. Also, having warm water showers before sleeping or listening to delta waves while lying in bed helps to reduce stress and promote calmness.  

                                                                                   Dt. Akshata Gandevikar

The Final Say

Recognising these symptoms as potential signs of extreme stress is the first step in using effective coping strategies and taking support when needed. Whether through relaxation techniques, lifestyle changes, or work interventions, stress management is essential to maintaining physical and mental health in the face of life's non-existent challenges.


1. What can too much stress cause?

Having too much stress regularly can cause issues with high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, sleep issues, and mood swings.

2. What to do when your stress level is too high?

Indulging in your favorite hobbies and practicing deep breathing techniques help to lower stress. Also, chewing gum can reduce stress and anxiety.


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