Understanding Endomorph Body Type Diet: Food List, Meal Plan And More!



Published on: 22-Jan-2024


10 min read




Anushka Tripathi


Understanding Endomorph Body Type Diet: Food List, Meal Plan And More!

Understanding Endomorph Body Type Diet: Food List, Meal Plan And More!

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Dear readers, losing body fat can be a cumbersome task, and most often, it may feel that your metabolism has taken a vacation. But have you ever wondered if your weight loss might be linked to your body type? 

If your diet and exercise routine are not aligned with your body type, your weight loss journey may face hindrances! For endomorphs, those extra snuggles with fat reserves can feel frustrating. Wait a second, endomorphs? 

Yes, it is important to step back and realise this simple truth when it comes to nutrition and training: Everybody is unique and has a unique genetic makeup. Science suggests that everyone is born with a natural body type related to physical strengths and weaknesses, personality traits, and behaviour. Based on this, there are 3 body types: ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs. 

Therefore, following a diet and fitness training tailored to your body type can improve your results. In this blog, you will discover the ultimate endomorph food list, crafted to optimise your energy levels, build lean muscle, and love the skin you're in. Further, you will unlock the secret to body type weight loss as well as find mouthwatering meal plans to include in your body type diet. So wait no more, and let’s dive into this topic!

Table Of Contents

  1. What Is An Endomorph?

  2. What Should Be Included In An Endomorph Body Type Diet?

  3. Endomorph Diet Foods To Eat And Avoid

  4. Sample Endomorph Meal Plan

  5. What Are The 3 Main Body Types?

  6. The Final Say

  7. FAQs

  8. References 

What Is An Endomorph?

Endomorph is one of three body types, having a higher percentage of body fat and a slower metabolism. People with an endomorph body type often have difficulty losing weight because they are biologically predisposed to store excess fat. They tend to have a slower metabolism, making them more likely to gain weight.

Because excess body fat releases the hormone oestrogen, endomorphs have difficulty gaining muscle mass. As oestrogen production increases, the production of hormones that promote muscle development, such as testosterone, decreases. 

Endomorphs are often described as stocky or chubby people, and most of their weight is in their lower body, including their midsection, hips, and thighs. 

People with endomorphism may find it difficult to stick to diet and exercise plans. They may have cravings for food, comfort, and rest. They may also be more sedentary because they are larger and overweight. Additionally, endomorphs may have difficulty gaining muscle mass. The reason is that the hormone oestrogen is secreted when excess fat is in the body. As a result, as oestrogen levels increase, levels of muscle-building hormones such as testosterone tend to decrease.

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What Should Be Included In An Endomorph Body Type Diet?

Embarking on an endomorph body type diet involves a strategic selection of foods that complement metabolism and weight management. Here are essential elements to consider in crafting an endomorph body type diet: 

  • The endomorph diet emphasises lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates while limiting simple carbs. 

  • An endomorph diet should aim for a nutrient distribution of 30% carbohydrates, 35% protein, and 35% fat. 

  • Foods containing refined carbohydrates should be avoided. An endomorphic diet prohibits high-calorie foods. This diet shares similarities with the Keto, Mediterranean, and Paleo diets

  • A high-protein diet with moderate fats and carbohydrates, such as the Paleo diet, which focuses only on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy oils, is ideal for this specific body type. 

Also Read: 11 Best Diets For Weight Loss And Why Choosing Proper Diet Is A Must! 

Endomorph Diet Foods To Eat And Avoid

For people with an endomorph body type, following a specific body type diet and exercising for active fitness is essential for a healthy and disease-free life. Here is a list of foods that should be included and avoided.

Foods To Eat

The endomorph diet plan emphasises foods rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates (and simple carbohydrates):


Chicken, eggs, salmon

Dairy products

Yoghurt, milk, cheese, paneer 


Fruits low-carb fruits, such as nuts, melon, avocado


High-fibre vegetables, like green leafy vegetables


Complex carbohydrates like whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, etc.), starchy vegetables (sweet potatoes, squash, etc.), legumes


Olive oil, avocado, healthy fats like nuts, seeds

Also Read: 10 Principles Of Clean Eating For Weight Loss Plan With Benefits And Tips 

Foods To Avoid

Use endomorph foods and large foods you should not eat. Simple carbohydrates and sugar are used when consuming most foods:

Sweet foods

Candy, cookies, cakes, and doughnuts

Soft drinks

Fruit juice and soft drinks

Simple carbohydrates

White bread carbohydrates or foods with added sugar (primarily such as some processed foods)

Sample Endomorph Meal Plan

After understanding what endomorph body type means and the foods to eat and avoid for this particular body type diet, let’s have a look at this sample endomorph meal plan:

Early morning

1 glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice & chia seeds 


1 egg omelette with spinach, tomato & onion / 1 glass almond, cinnamon & yoghurt smoothie/ 1 glass apple, walnut & yoghurt smoothie/ scrambled egg or boiled egg with veggies


A bowl of sliced fruit with a dash of mixed seeds / Greek yoghurt parfait with almonds 


1 bowl of mixed veg salad + stir-fried chicken or fish or tofu + 1 bowl of veg brown rice or 1 multigrain roti

Evening Snacks

1 cup green tea + Protein Shake or Bar/ Roasted vegetables with hummus dip


1 bowl of veg soup + 1 bowl of grilled chicken or fish or tofu + 1 bowl of veg oats 

Also Read: What Is The 40-30-30 Diet? Get Its Sample 1600 Calorie Meal Plan Here! 

What Are The 3 Main Body Types?

Body type is based on body composition and has been divided into three main types:

1. Ectomorph

  • People with a thin, narrow, and fragile body type have an ectomorphic body type. 

  • They are linear, weakly muscled, and have narrow shoulders and hips relative to their height. 

  • Such people have difficulty gaining muscle mass because they naturally have a fast metabolism. 

2. Mesomorph

  • People with a mesomorph body type have broad shoulders, narrow waists, and hips. 

  • They have a muscular, compact, and athletic physique. 

  • Because their metabolism is efficient, they can easily gain or lose weight with conscious effort.

3. Endomorph

  • People with this body type are soft, round, full and plump. 

  • They have strong bones dominated by the midsection and hips. 

  • Because they have a slow metabolism, they carry large amounts of stored fat.

Also Read: What Is The Ideal Weight Chart According To Height? Read Here! 

The Final Say

Body typing can help us understand differences in metabolism between people. It can provide information about food intake and how the body responds to diet and types of food. 

The endomorph body type diet, designed for the endomorphs, changes the game's rules. It is a diet high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates, in which foods containing high carbohydrates and calories are excluded. This diet is highly effective in helping people with endomorphic body type manage their weight. Remember, your journey isn't about shrinking, it's about thriving!

By incorporating the right foods, adhering to a well-planned meal structure, and staying committed, endomorphs can achieve their fitness goals and overall well-being. Remember, it's not just a diet; it's a journey towards a healthier, happier you. Cheers to a nourishing and sustainable endomorph body type diet!


1. How do I find the best body type diet for myself?

To find out the best body type diet for yourself, you should first try to identify what suits your body, and later on, you can get expert guidance for a suitable body type diet.

2. Does keto work for endomorphs?

Yes, low-carb, fat-burning ketogenic foods can be a part of an endomorph body-type diet to lose excess fat and lose weight.

3. Can endomorphs eat oatmeal?

Yes, oatmeal consists of complex carbohydrates that cannot raise blood sugar. It can be a good food option for endomorphs.

4. How can endomorphs lose weight quickly?

Endomorphs can lose weight quickly through regular cardiovascular exercise, strength training to boost metabolism (as they have slow metabolism), a balanced endomorphic body type diet with moderate carbohydrates, and staying consistent with their fitness routine.

5. What should be included in an endomorph female diet or a male diet?

All these foods must be included in both endomorph male diet as well as in female diet:

  • Vegetables

  • Fruits

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Proteins

  • Fish

  • Eggs

  • Healthy fats

  • Broccoli cauliflower, and celery

  • Lentils and pulses

  • Walnuts

  • Whole grains


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Comments (1)


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