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What Is Acupressure Therapy? Know How It Works And Its 10 Benefits!

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Mahi Baraskar


Published on: 08 Apr 2024


10 min



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Natural treatments for common ailments have been around for longer than there are records of the treatments known today as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Acupressure therapy is a type of CAM that is growing in demand due to its simplicity and accessibility. It is also an effective therapeutic option with no known side effects and no potential to cause physical harm. This approach to wellness has a rich history in various cultures and is often used to improve health and quality of life. Moreover, it helps treat different diseases and conditions.  

Acupressure is a therapeutic method that sends signals to the body, promoting self-healing and health. For example, acupressure for sciatica targeting specific points along the sciatic nerve pathway can help relieve the radiating pain and numbness. Similarly, acupressure for migraines helps by stimulating pressure points that help alleviate headache intensity and frequency, promoting relaxation and reducing tension. And likewise, acupressure for neck pain works. 

In this blog, you will understand how acupressure therapy impacts your body, its procedure, its benefits, and its side effects. Let’s get started! 

Table Of Contents 

1. What Is Acupressure Therapy? 

2. Acupressure Therapy Course (How It Works & Procedure)  

3. Top 10 Acupressure Therapy Benefits  

4. 6 Temporary Acupressure Therapy Side Effects  

5. Understanding Acupressure For Headaches  

6. Expert’s Recommendation 

7. The Final Say 

8. FAQs 

9. References 

What Is Acupressure Therapy? 

Acupressure is an ancient form of massage and one of the treatment methods used in Oriental medicine. This theory may seem mysterious because it is based on body pressure points and energy channels that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Like other Oriental medicine techniques, acupressure stimulates the movement of Qi (“life energy”) through 14 channels (meridians) within the body.  

Acupressure is one of the popular CAM practices worldwide. To elaborate on what we discussed above, it is based on the basic principle of activating acupuncture points along the body’s meridians (or pathways associated with various organs) to balance qi (life energy) and promote health. 

In Oriental medicine, energy is considered vitality. The theory states that people need a constant flow of Qi through these channels to stay healthy. When this energy flow is blocked, the body can no longer maintain high energy levels and the balance needed to address health issues. 

Acupressure therapy has the same structure as acupuncture but does not use needles. You can do acupressure on your own using just your fingertips. Acupressure involves applying pressure to acupuncture points to aid the free flow of energy within the channels. It is like acupuncture, but fingers apply pressure to points instead of needles   

Acupressure Therapy Course (How It Works & Procedure)  

Although it is unclear what acupressure does, some people believe that pressure can trigger the release of endorphins. They are the body’s natural pain-relieving chemical. Others believe that pressure can affect the autonomic nervous system. It is part of the nervous system that controls involuntary processes such as the heart, digestion, and breathing.   

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, invisible energy pathways called meridians flow within the body. At least 14 meridians connect organs with other parts of the body. If qi is blocked at any point in the meridians, health problems occur along that path.   

The practitioner applies pressure to specific acupressure points to restore healthy energy flow. The moment they choose depends on their symptoms. When considering the path of the meridians, the pressure points may be located far from the symptomatic area. 

  • For example, you can use acupressure points on your feet to relieve headaches. There are 361 acupressure points in 14 meridians, the same as acupuncture points   

  • Another example is the internal pressure point (P-6), often used to treat nausea and vomiting. To find it, place your palm up. Place your thumb where it meets your wrist in the centre of your hand. Move your thumb two-finger widths toward your elbow. The point is between the two large tendons you should feel when pressing  

Note the commonly used pressure points:

1. Li Que (LU-7): located on the thumb side of the wrist, may help stimulate the immune system.   

2. Qu Chi (LI-11): Below the Knee on the elbow is used for fever, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.   

3. Zu San Li (ST-36): is used for loss of appetite, acid reflux, and constipation.   

4. He Gu (LI-4): in your hand, it reduces the anticancer drug side effects, menstrual pain, headaches, etc.   

5. Shen Shu (UB-23): the lower back is used for back pain.   

6. Liang Qiu (ST-34): Above-the-knee therapy may help with knee pain caused by osteoarthritis.  

The procedure to perform acupressure therapy is as follows: 

One of the great things about acupressure is that you can do it yourself. It can be applied to specific areas or cover the entire region, such as feet or hands. 

Do these steps:  

  • Use the diagram to find your acupuncture points

  • Use your index finger to massage or use your thumb on acupuncture points, applying deep, steady pressure. Massage in an up-and-down circular motion, being careful not to lift your thumb or index finger from the skin. Massage the area for 1-2 minutes.   

  • While applying acupressure, do not focus on anything other than massaging the point. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths.   

  • Repeat acupressure as often as desired.   

Cautionary Note: If you would like to use acupressure to address a specific problem, always seek the advice of a licensed acupuncturist with acupressure training. When performing acupressure, ensure you are in a safe place. Do not use acupressure during activities that may jeopardise your safety. For example, don’t try acupressure while driving.  

Top 10 Acupressure Therapy Benefits 


People who practice acupressure therapy report many benefits from this holistic treatment. A study by the American Pain Society found that it can significantly relieve certain types of pain. Let’s explore these benefits to understand it better: 

1. Helps In Pain Relief   

When acupressure points on the body are stimulated, endorphins and oxytocin are released. Oxytocin calms and relaxes the body, while endorphins restore energy and work together to relieve pain. This increases muscle tension and blood flow to the pain area, which “blocks” pain signals sent to the brain. Firm pressure on acupressure points soothes tense muscles contracted due to lactic acid build-up.   

2. Relieves Mental Stress   

Acupressure's calming effects can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Stress can affect us mentally and physically, causing muscle tension, headaches, lack of sleep, and fatigue. Acupressure can help restore balance to the body, allowing Qi energy to circulate and removing blockages caused by stress.      

3. Aids In Cold And Flu Treatment   

Acupressure is known to be helpful in the presence of viruses because it can promote self-healing. Colds and flu can leave you feeling drained of energy. This is usually because our bodies are working very hard to fight off disease. Acupressure aims to stimulate energy and blood flow to speed the healing process.   

4. Supports Infertility Treatment   

Acupressure is often used as a supportive treatment for infertility because it does not require drugs or invasive procedures. This treatment aims to increase circulation by targeting specific meridian points and sending oxygen-rich blood to the reproductive organs. Acupressure helps relieve pelvic congestion, remove toxins, and reduce inflammation, which is essential in maintaining the reproductive system's health.   

5. Helpful For Pregnant Women   

Acupressure is a safe way to reduce labour pain and induce labour naturally. It involves stimulating specific meridian points to help pregnant women prepare for childbirth. The soothing effect helps dilate the cervix, especially for those giving birth later in life. Acupressure therapy also provides ways to relieve pain during labour, assist pregnant women in relaxing, and minimise stress on the child.     

6. Works For Weight loss   

Regular acupressure treatments can also promote weight loss. To achieve this, therapists apply pressure to meridians in the spleen and stomach areas, believing that healing energy flows through the digestive meridians. The flow of revitalised energy helps restore the body to its natural state.   

7. Enhances Hair And Skin Health 

Acupressure therapy is a natural, non-invasive way to get healthy skin and hair without harsh chemicals or treatments. 

  • Acupressure stimulates specific pressure points on the scalp, improving blood circulation to the hair follicles, promoting hair growth, and reducing hair loss. 

  • Acupressure can also help relieve scalp conditions such as dandruff and dryness and balance oil production.   

  • Regarding skin health, acupressure can help you look more youthful by improving blood flow to the face and stimulating collagen production and skin elasticity. 

  • Acupressure can also help relieve puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, improve skin texture and tone, and promote a healthy glow.   

8. Improves Vision Points   

Acupressure can help relieve eye strain and fatigue, joint problems caused by prolonged digital screen use or reading, by stimulating specific acupressure points around the eyes. It also improves the flow of blood circulation in the eyes while reducing the risk of age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration or cataracts.  

9. Lowes High Blood Pressure   

Acupressure may effectively benefit nerves and high blood pressure by stimulating specific pressure points, promoting relaxation, and helping balance energy flow in the body. It can also reduce stress and lower blood pressure.    

10. Aids In Improved Sleep Quality 

Acupressure is a natural alternative to improving sleep and quality of rest. It calms the mind, soothes the nervous system, and promotes a relaxed body to fall asleep. It may also help relieve insomnia symptoms, such as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. Acupressure helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle, improving overall sleep quality and creating a sense of calm.    

6 Temporary Acupressure Therapy Side Effects  

No, acupressure treatment has no side effects. When you massage acupressure points, you may feel some stiffness initially, but these muscle connections will loosen. However, it is advisable to rest during the day while receiving this treatment to allow your body to absorb its full potential. There are virtually no complications if acupressure is performed correctly and at the right time. 

However, in some cases, mild side effects may occur. Note the most common and temporary side effects of acupressure therapy that patients may experience: 

Side Effect 

How does it affect you? 

Management Tips 


Some individuals may experience fatigue after acupressure treatment, possibly due to the relaxation response or energy redistribution. 

Resting after treatment can help alleviate fatigue. 

Mild Pain/Discomfort/ 


Temporary discomfort or tenderness may occur in the treated area, often due to increased blood flow or release of tension. 

Applying ice packs or gentle massage to the affected area can provide relief. 


Soreness or feeling frivolous in the muscles or joints may occur due to muscle manipulation during acupressure. 

Gentle stretching exercises or warm compresses can help alleviate soreness. 


Excessive pressure or aggressive manipulation of acupressure points may lead to bruising in the treated area. 

Applying Arnica gel or gently massaging the bruised area can help reduce discolouration and promote healing. 

Distortions caused by Devices 

Improper use of acupressure devices or tools may result in distortions or discomfort in the treated area. 

Ensure proper training and guidance when using acupressure devices to avoid complications. 


Temporary redness or flushing may occur at the site of acupressure treatment, typically due to increased blood flow and skin stimulation. 

Applying a cold compress or allowing the skin to cool down naturally can help reduce redness and discomfort. 

Understanding Acupressure For Headaches  

Headaches can be very uncomfortable and interfere with your daily activities. Here’s how acupressure therapy helps: 

1. Acupressure is an alternative medicine system that involves applying physical pressure to strategic points on the body to relieve symptoms of common ailments, including headaches, fatigue, migraines, anxiety, tension, and stress. It is not a good idea to take medication for all common headaches, which often occur due to the constant use of cell phones or laptops. 

2. Acupressure therapy is based on the principle that life energy flows through the body's meridians and helps remove blockages. Therefore, the healing process occurs through a continuous flow of energy. Many studies highlight the effectiveness of acupressure, with a noticeable reduction in the duration and intensity of headaches. This is why acupressure offers benefits alongside conventional treatments for acute or chronic conditions. 

Precaution: If you have headaches, use acupressure cautiously and check for other pre-existing conditions. This may not be advisable if you have heart disease, are pregnant, or are associated with moles, varicose veins, cuts, bruises, etc. Alternative treatments are considered safe because they have no side effects. 

Expert Recommendation 

Thanks to its holistic approach and non-invasiveness, acupressure is an excellent complement to traditional medicine. Moreover, accessibility and ease of practice enable people to take responsibility for their health and well-being. As scientific research continues to explore and confirm the effectiveness of acupressure, the popularity of this time-tested treatment will only grow and play a vital role in improving the quality of life for people worldwide.  

 Health Expert Lavina Chauhan 

The Final Say 

Acupressure therapy, the best traditional Chinese medicine treatment, involves applying beneficial, adjusted pressure to specific points on the body to release energy blocks known to cause health problems ranging from insomnia to menstrual cramps. For example, acupressure for lower back pain can be applied to specific points along the spine and lower back muscles to relieve muscle tightness, inflammation, and discomfort, promoting better mobility and function. 

Similarly, acupressure for shoulder pain uses techniques that target trigger points and muscle knots in the shoulder area. This relieves stiffness and tension and ultimately enhances flexibility and range of motion. Thus, acupressure therapy offers many benefits that contribute to an individual’s holistic wellness. 

So, try acupressure therapy to improve your body's natural healing abilities. This ancient technique relieves various ailments, such as stress, pain, and anxiety.    


1. Who is not recommended for acupressure therapy?   

Acupressure treatment is not entirely recommended for pregnant women. Unique and acupressure treatments are available for these people and can be safely received. Also, acupressure treatment is not recommended for young people but for people over 18.   

2. What should I do after acupressure treatment?   

There are no specific instructions to follow. After the procedure or session, you can immediately return to your daily life. However, it is best to rest first and avoid strenuous work for the time being. Therapy is only effective if you stick to every session your therapist prescribes.     

3. What is the average cost of acupressure treatment in India?   

The cost of treatment depends on the centre and the number of sessions you need to perform. On average, each session costs between INR 200 and INR 300, and most sessions last an average of one hour. 

4. How exactly does acupressure for sciatica and lower back pain work? 

Acupressure for lower back pain and sciatica involves applying pressure to specific points along the meridians associated with these areas. This stimulation helps release tension, improve circulation, and alleviate pain by promoting the body's natural healing processes. 

5. Can I get immediate relief by using acupressure for migraines?  

While acupressure may provide immediate relief for some migraine sufferers by targeting specific pressure points associated with headache relief, individual responses vary. Consistent acupressure practice may help reduce migraine frequency and severity over time. 

 6. How to do acupressure for neck pain?  

To address neck pain with acupressure, locate the pressure points associated with neck tension and discomfort, such as the base of the skull or along the sides of the neck. Apply firm but gentle pressure using your fingertips or a massage tool, gradually increasing intensity as tolerated, to promote relaxation and alleviate pain. 

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