7 Benefits Of Yoga For Diabetes With Effective Asanas & Pranayama



Published on: 30-Dec-2023


10 min read






7 Benefits Of Yoga For Diabetes With Effective Asanas & Pranayama

7 Benefits Of Yoga For Diabetes With Effective Asanas & Pranayama

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In a world where more and more people are dealing with diabetes, finding effective ways to manage it is really important. Are you thinking how doing yoga might be a helpful practice in diabetes control? Your yoga mat could be like a secret friend, supporting you in dealing with diabetes effectively.

The numbers tell us that a lot of people, around 422 million worldwide, are affected by diabetes, according to the World Health Organization. Here is where yoga for diabetes comes to rescue diabetic people, not just as a trendy phrase but as something that could make a real difference.

Do specific yoga poses help with insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels? Research from trusted sources like the Indian Council of Medical Research says it's possible, showing that balancing the power of yoga for diabetes brings real benefits.

So, let us dive into various yoga asanas for diabetes and explore how simple yoga moves could positively affect the fight against diabetes.

Table Of Contents

  1. 7 Benefits Of Yoga For Diabetes Control

  2. 10 Yoga Asanas For Diabetes Management

  3. Pranayama For Diabetes

  4. The Final Say

  5. FAQs

  6. References

7 Benefits Of Yoga For Diabetes Control

Adopting a regular exercise routine, specifically yoga, for diabetes management is a beneficial lifestyle change. It promotes physical well-being and reduces stress, both are key factors in effectively managing diabetes. Let us explore these seven key benefits of integrating yoga for diabetes into your daily life.

1. Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Regular engagement in yoga sessions enhances insulin sensitivity. The postures and breathing exercises of yoga stimulate cellular glucose absorption, a process that promotes effective blood sugar level regulation. Furthermore, this heightened sensitivity may decrease the need for elevated insulin doses, thus contributing to a more balanced diabetes management plan.

2. Better Blood Sugar Control

Renowned for its capacity to enhance blood sugar control, yoga for diabetes combines physical postures, deep breathing, and meditation to influence glucose levels positively. This assists you - with more effective management of your condition. Furthermore, such enhanced control results in an increased stability of daily energy levels.

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3. Reduces Stress Levels

Chronic stress exacerbates diabetes symptoms. However, by fostering relaxation and diminishing stress levels, yoga provides an effective antidote. The practice equips you to manage your overall well-being amidst stressful conditions. Moreover, stress reduction could enhance the quality of sleep, and this is an essential element for managing diabetes.

Also Read: Yoga For Stress And Anxiety Relief

4. Increases Energy Levels

Yoga's gentle movements and controlled breathing enhance oxygen flow throughout the body, revitalising cells and increasing overall energy levels. This boost in energy can be particularly beneficial for individuals managing diabetes, promoting a more active lifestyle. Furthermore, increased energy levels may positively impact mood, fostering a more positive outlook on managing diabetes.

5. Improves Blood Circulation

Yoga poses often involve stretching and controlled movements that support blood circulation. Enhanced circulation ensures that vital nutrients reach different parts of the body, aiding in maintaining optimal organ function and overall health. Additionally, improved blood flow can contribute to better wound healing, a consideration for those with diabetes-related complications.

6. Enhances Metabolic Stability

Regular practice of yoga has been linked to improved metabolic stability. Combining physical postures and breathing exercises can positively influence metabolic processes, assisting in better weight management—a crucial aspect of diabetes control. Moreover, a stable metabolism may contribute to better digestion, addressing another facet of diabetes care.

7. Reduces Blood Pressure

Individuals with diabetes often face the common concern of high blood pressure. The calming effects of yoga on the nervous system actively reduce levels of cardiovascular health. By fostering a state of relaxation, this practice significantly contributes to overall well-being and heart health.

Moreover, reducing blood pressure could potentially ease the strain on the kidneys, a vital factor to consider for individuals suffering from kidney complications associated with diabetes.

10 Yoga Asanas For Diabetes Management

Here are ten powerful yoga asanas specifically designed to bolster your pursuit of optimal health. Integrating these poses into your routine can foster enhanced flexibility, promote improved blood circulation and significantly contribute to overall diabetes management.

1. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

This asana triggers stimulation within your abdominal organs, enhancing digestion and regulating blood sugar levels. Thus, it is a valuable supplement to your yoga routine designed for managing diabetes. 

  • To do this, stretch your legs before you

  • Then, fold forward from the hips and hold the position. 

Tip: Practice Paschimottanasana gently, especially if you're a beginner. Gradually deepen the stretch over time to avoid strain.

2. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Uttanasana is the standing forward bend, and this poses not only stretches your hamstrings but also stimulates pancreatic function to support insulin production. For effective diabetes management, include this in your regular yoga practice. 

  • To do this, stand tall, hinge at your hips and then reach for the floor. 

  • Return to the standing position and repeat the movement. 

Tip: Keep a slight bend in your knees if you have tight hamstrings. Focus on the stretch in your lower back to maximise the benefits of diabetes management.

3. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana engages your core and promotes kidney health, an essential consideration for diabetes patients. Integrate this pose into your routine for a comprehensive approach to diabetes care. 

  • Start by extending your legs wide, reaching to the sides.

  • Then, lean to touch your toes. 

Tip: Ensure proper alignment by reaching the ceiling with your top hand. This enhances the stretch along the sides of your torso, offering additional benefits for diabetes management.

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4. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Dhanurasana strengthens the pancreas and stimulates the reproductive organs, offering a dual benefit for diabetes management and overall well-being. 

  • First Lie on your stomach

  • Then, bend your knees before reaching for your ankles. 

Tip: Lift your thighs away from the floor to engage your back muscles. This action intensifies the stretch and amplifies the positive effects of diabetes management.

5. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

Lie on your back, lift your hips, and clasp your hands beneath you. Setu Bandhasana strengthens the abdominal muscles, enhancing digestion and promoting better blood sugar control. Make it a regular feature in your yoga for diabetes practice.

Tip: Press through your feet and lift your hips gradually. Engage your glutes and core for stability, ensuring maximum effectiveness for diabetes management.

6. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Sarvangasana improves blood circulation to the thyroid and pancreas, facilitating better hormone regulation. This inversion pose is a valuable asset in your diabetes management routine. Start by balancing on your shoulders and lift your legs toward the sky.

Tip: Support your back with your hands and close your elbows to maintain a stable shoulder stand. This ensures a safe and effective practice for diabetes management.

7. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)

Ardha Matsyendrasana massages the abdominal organs, stimulating the pancreas and promoting digestive health—a crucial aspect of diabetes care. To do this, sit with one leg crossed over the other, twist your torso, and hold.

Tip: Sit tall and lengthen your spine before twisting to maximise the benefits. Twisting from the core enhances the effects on the abdominal organs, supporting diabetes management.

8. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Balance on one leg, bringing the sole of the other foot to the inner thigh. Vrikshasana enhances focus and concentration while also improving circulation in the legs—a helpful addition to your yoga for diabetes routine.

Tip: Fix your gaze on a stationary point to enhance balance. Gradually raise your arms overhead for an added challenge, promoting better focus and concentration in your diabetes management practice.

9. Halasana (Plow Pose)

Lie on your back, lift your legs over your head, and reach for the floor behind you. Halasana stimulates the abdominal organs and thyroid, promoting metabolic stability—an essential consideration for diabetes management.

Tip: Support your back with your hands as you lower your legs, and avoid turning your head. This modification ensures a safe and effective practice for diabetes management.

10. Balasana (Child's Pose)

Balasana provides a resting position that aids in relaxation and stress reduction. This gentle pose complements the more active asanas in your diabetes management yoga routine. 

  • First, kneel and then sit back on your heels. 

  • Try to reach your arms forward and hold. 

Tip: Extend your arms forward to lengthen your spine and engage your breath deeply. Focus on relaxation, making Balasana a soothing addition to your yoga for diabetes routine.

Pranayama For Diabetes

Note the given pranayam techniques for diabetes care below: 

Pranayama Technique

Steps to Follow

Benefits for Diabetes

Deep Breathing (Diaphragmatic Breathing)

Inhale deeply through the nose, expanding the diaphragm, and exhale slowly through pursed lips.

Increases oxygen supply to cells, promoting insulin sensitivity.

Reduces stress, a contributing factor to insulin resistance.

Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Close one nostril, inhale through the other, and switch nostrils while exhaling. Repeat the process.

Balances the nervous system, helping regulate blood glucose levels.

Enhances lung capacity and oxygenates the blood.


(Skull-Shining Breath)

Forcefully exhale through the nose while pulling the navel in, allowing inhalation to occur naturally.

Stimulates the pancreas, aiding in insulin production.

Boosts metabolism, supporting weight management in diabetes.


(Bee Breath)

Inhale deeply and exhale while making a humming sound like a bee.

Calms the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety.

Promotes mental clarity and concentration, which are important for diabetes management.

Ujjayi (Ocean Breath)

Inhale slowly through the nose, slightly constricting the back of the throat. Exhale with the same constriction, creating a sound similar to ocean waves.

Enhances mindfulness, assisting in mindful eating practices. 

Promotes relaxation and lowers cortisol levels.

Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Inhale through one nostril, close it off and exhale through the other nostril. Repeat the process, alternating nostrils.

Balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain, improving overall mental well-being.

Aids in blood circulation, supporting diabetic neuropathy prevention.

The Final Say

To sum it up, blending ancient wisdom with modern research shows that yoga can greatly help manage diabetes. It is not just about physical benefits, yoga also helps with stress and mental well-being. Seeing how widespread diabetes type 1 and type 2 are globally, it is crucial to adopt effective strategies.

Regularly practising specific yoga poses can play a key role in stabilising blood sugar levels and improving overall health. Let's not just see yoga for diabetes as a trendy phrase but as a powerful technique for a healthier life.

So, when you unroll your yoga mat, remember that every breath and movement takes you closer to a more balanced and healthier you.


1. How effective is yoga in reducing sugar levels in diabetes?

Engaging in yoga, specifically tailored for diabetes, helps regulate blood sugar levels. The practice includes poses and breathing exercises designed to enhance insulin sensitivity, making it an effective approach to managing diabetes. 

2. What distinguishes yoga for diabetes type 2 from other forms of yoga?

Yoga for type 2 diabetes focuses on poses and sequences that address insulin resistance. These tailored practices aim to improve glucose metabolism and enhance the body's ability to manage blood sugar levels. 

3. Which poses are considered the best yoga for diabetes type 1?

For diabetes type 1, the best yoga involves poses stimulating the pancreas and promoting insulin production. Incorporating specific postures, such as seated forward bends and twists, can support pancreatic health and contribute to better blood sugar control.

4. What are some recommended yoga postures for diabetes management?

Yoga postures for diabetes include poses like Uttanasana (Forward Bend) and Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), which aid in improving blood circulation and reducing stress. Integrating this yoga for diabetes postures into your routine can positively affect your overall diabetes management.

5. Can yoga really benefit the pancreas and contribute to diabetes management?

Yes, yoga asanas for the pancreas play a crucial role in diabetes management. Poses like Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) stimulate the pancreas, supporting its function and enhancing insulin secretion. Regularly practising this yoga for diabetes" asanas can be a valuable addition to your diabetes care routine.


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