10 Winter Vegetables To Boost Your Metabolism



Published on: 05-Dec-2022


10 min read




Kajal Tharwani


10 Winter Vegetables To Boost Your Metabolism

10 Winter Vegetables To Boost Your Metabolism

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Winter is the time for comfort, good food and warmth! 

Winter is the season of eating healthy foods, which includes fresh green leafy vegetables, fruits, and many other food items which provide loads of nutrients to the body by making the body fit for the rest of the year.

Winter vegetables include many vegetables that give warmth to our bodies during cold weather. Moreover, winter vegetables come in bright colours, containing many potent nutrients and flavours.

Let us discuss the types of winter vegetables available in India, their health benefits, and how they can help you to boost your metabolism,

Winter Vegetables To Boost Your Metabolism

Here we have enlisted some winter vegetables that will help in weight loss, boost your metabolism, and help you fight several medical conditions

1. Carrots- Prevents From Severe Ailments 

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is excellent for the eyes and contains many antioxidants. Also, it fights the free radicals in the body and prevents the chances of having any severe ailments. Moreover,  carrots tend to prevent cancer-causing cells, keep the heart healthy, manage blood pressure, boost immunity also assist in regulating diabetes.

Nutritional value of 100g carrot 

  • Calories-  35 kcal 
  • Fat-  0.2g
  • Protein-  0.8g
  • Carbohydrates-  8.2g
  • Potassium- 235mg
  • Sodium-  58mg
  • Fibre- 3g
  • Vitamin A- 16706 IU

2. Tomatoes- Keeps Skin Youthful 

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene which is an antioxidant which assists in keeping the skin youthful by working as an anti-ageing antioxidant. Additionally, tomato reduces blood pressure in the body, preventing heart issues and promoting good digestion.

Nutritional value of 100g tomatoes 

  • Calories-   18 kcal 
  • Fat-  0.2g
  • Protein-  0.9g
  • Carbohydrates-  3.9 g 
  • Potassium-  237mg
  • Sodium- 5mg
  • Fibre- 1.2g
  • Vitamin A-  833 IU

3. Spinach- Loaded With Minerals 

Spinach contains minerals like iron, magnesium and antioxidants, which boost immunity and curb many health ailments like kidney issues, gastric disorders and nerve and brain damage. The minerals help boost immunity, and the spinach's potassium content helps manage high blood pressure.

Nutritional value of 100g Spinach

  • Calories-  23kcal 
  • Fat-  0.3g
  • Protein-  3g
  • Carbohydrates-  3.8g
  • Potassium-  466mg
  • Sodium-  70mg
  • Fibre-  2.4g

4 Green Peas- Improves Digestion

Green peas are rich in carotenoids, zeaxanthin and lutein, which protect the eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration. Moreover, the fibre content in the spinach helps to improve digestion and contains anti-inflammatory properties as it contains micronutrients which boost immunity.

Nutritional value of 100g green peas 

  • Calories- 84 kcal
  • Fat-  0.2g
  • Protein- 5.4g
  • Carbohydrates- 16g
  • Potassium-  271mg
  • Sodium- 3mg
  • Fibre- 5.5g

5. Capsicum- Prevents Signs Of Ageing 

Capsicum is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and B6 which fight the free radicals in the body and prevents the signs of ageing by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Besides, vitamin C helps to boost collagen production and makes skin youthful.

Nutritional value of 100g of capsicum 

  • Calories- 26 kcal
  • Fat- 0.3g
  • Protein- 0.99g
  • Carbohydrates- 6.03g
  • Potassium-  211mg
  • Sodium- 2mg
  • Fibre-  2g

6. Radish- Maintains Blood Sugar Levels 

Radish is rich in folate, potassium, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin B6, which helps to improve bone health, is great for the skin, assists in treating jaundice, prevents the production of cancer cells, and keeps skin healthy and blemish-free. It also checks the blood sugar level and manages the electrolyte balance.

Nutritional value of 100g of radish 

  • Calories-  16 kcal
  •  Fat-  0.1g
  •  Protein-  0.7g
  •  Carbohydrates-  3.4g
  •  Potassium-  233mg
  •  Sodium-  39mg
  •  Fibre-  1.6g

7. Mustard Greens- Improves Bone Health 

Also known as sarso ka saag,  mostly consumed by northern Indians with maise flour roti. Mustard green is loaded with minerals and antioxidants, which contain anti-inflammatory properties and boost the detoxification of the body also improves bone and eye health and contains cancer-fighting properties.

Nutritional value of 100g of mustard greens 

  • Calories-  26 kcal
  • Fat-  0.2g
  • Protein- 2.7g
  • Carbohydrates-  4.9g
  • Potassium-  354mg
  • Sodium-  25mg
  • Fibre- 3.3g
  • Calcium- 103mg
  • Vitamin C-  70mg
  • Vitamin A-  525mcg

8. Cauliflower- Reduces Stomach Issues 

Cauliflower is rich in fibre, vitamin C, cancer-fighting compounds, and choline which helps to boost brain health, purifies blood, keeps the heart healthy, and reduces stomach issues.

Nutritional value of 100g of cauliflower 

  • Calories-  26 kcal
  • Fat-  0.2g
  • Protein-  2.7g
  • Carbohydrates-  4.9g
  • Potassium-  354mg
  • Sodium-  25mg
  • Fibre-  3.3g

9. Broccoli- Keeps Cholesterol In Check 

Broccoli is rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants and has many health benefits like keeping cholesterol levels in check, reducing the chances of heart issues, boosting immunity, and being good to consume during pregnancy.

Nutritional value of 100g of broccoli

  • Calories-  35 kcal
  •  Fat-  0.4g
  •  Protein- 2.4g
  •  Carbohydrates- 7.2g
  •  Potassium-  293mg
  •  Sodium-  41mg
  •  Fibre-  3.3g

10. Sweet Potatoes- Relaxes Muscle 

Sweet potatoes can be eaten by roasting them or boiling them and adding some chat masala or making some delicious chat by adding some sprouts or paneer. They are rich in fibre, vitamin A, beta carotene and vitamin C, with antioxidants that help relax muscle tension, reduce stress and anxiety and curb heart ailments.

Nutritional value of 100g of sweet potatoes 

  • Calories- 90 kcal
  • Fat-  0.2g
  • Protein- 2g
  • Carbohydrates-  21g
  • Potassium-  475mg
  • Sodium- 36mg
  • Fibre-  3.3g

Dieititian’s Recommendation

All the above vegetables are available in the winter, which has loads of health benefits, are rich in many nutrients, and can be consumed in many ways.

  • Spinach can be eaten raw by chopping and adding some garlic, red chilli powder and oil.
  • Beetroot can be eaten by making salad, paratha, and cutlets.
  • You can also eat radishes by making radish-stuffed paratha.
  • Broccoli can be consumed by roasting, grilling and sauteing.

-Dietitian Akshata Gandevikar

The Final Say 

Winter season calls for colourful vegetables which provide good health. There are many ways to eat these vegetables by making so many healthy dishes. Also, these vegetables are rich in antioxidants, reducing the chances of having common ailments like flu, cold and other issues. So adding this winter vegetable to your diet helps to boost overall health.


1. How much sweet potato can be consumed in a day?

You can consume 100-150 g of sweet potato in a day which will help to provide ample vitamin A in the body.

2. Are spinach and Swiss chard the same?

They are different as Swiss chard has little rough leaves and spinach has smooth leaves, and the stem of the Swiss chard is dark reddish pink in colour, whereas spinach has a light green stem.

3. Which are the other winter vegetables?

Brussel sprouts, onion, lettuce, and garlic are the other winter vegetables, whereas above are the most common winter vegetables consumed by everyone.

4. Can we eat mustard green raw like spinach?

Mustard green has a little pungent flavour, which may not be palatable to everyone. Therefore, it is primarily consumed in cooked form by adding some spices to remove the smell and the pungent flavour.


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