7 Tips To Keep Your Teen Fit: ToneOp



Published on: 23-Feb-2023


10 min read


Updated on : 02-Nov-2023




Harsimran Kaur


7 Tips To Keep Your Teen Fit: ToneOp

7 Tips To Keep Your Teen Fit: ToneOp

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Taking care of a teenager takes work. It comes with a lot of responsibilities for parents.

Growing up is exciting but also a crucial phase at the same time. The transformation from a kid to a teenager requires complete care in terms of mental and physical development. 

Here, parents should ensure their diet, physical activity, and the information they intake for overall growth because carelessness at this point can lead to issues like thyroid, obesity, and diabetes at a very young age.

While going through this blog, you will learn various tips for teen fitness to help your child to have a smooth journey and avoid such health issues. So, let us get going!

Table Of Contents

1. Teenage: A Crucial Journey

2. 7 Tips For Teen Fitness

3. Dietitian’s Recommendations

4. The Final Say

5. FAQs

Teenage: A Crucial Journey

Teenage is one of the critical age groups in terms of every developmental milestone. It starts from 13 years and lasts up to 19 years. Some significant growth and developmental changes happen during this age, like pubertal changes, behavioral changes, identity crises, cognitive changes, etc. Due to this reason, proper nutrition and physical activity are essential for them. 

Moreover, childhood obesity is a big concern today in society. Children of this age group gain weight due to less physical activity, hormonal changes, and improper eating habits, which makes them follow a weight loss diet plan very soon. 

Therefore, this age group requires special attention from parents to secure and maintain their future health. In addition, appropriate dietary implications are necessary during these years as their nutritional needs double compared to their preschool age. 

Because of pubertal changes, the growth and development of a teen happen at a fast pace, which needs support from appropriate nutrition. 

Otherwise, it may hamper their growth which will not revive again. 

Due to being overweight and obese, children of this age group are also very much inclined towards fad diets and eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, etc. Therefore, parents should seek professional help for the same. 

Teenagers are also sensitive towards their identity as an individual, so they should be well taught about the importance of fitness and how to deal with body shaming and bullying, which occurs due to lack of fitness.

Inform them about their future health, which depends on their current efforts for maintenance. 

Obesity during these years will lead to lifestyle diseases in the future, like type II diabetes, hypertension, PCOD, metabolic disorders, certain autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular issues, and certain types of cancers. Hence, teenagers must maintain a proper regime to stay fit and strong.

7 Tips For Teen Fitness

7 Tips For Teen Fitness (1)

Here are a few things parents need to ensure for the fitness of their teens:

1. Set Small Goals 

This age has a lot of determination and vision to accomplish any task. So, teens should set some realistic and small goals for physical activity and eating habits. It will motivate them to correct their lifestyle.

2. Choose The Right Activity

Selecting an appropriate activity that they can perform and that is of their interest would be suitable for them. Otherwise, with the wrong choice, they will soon lose interest and will stop doing it further. 

3. Schedule Workouts

During these years, children hardly get time for exercise due to their studies and other classes. Hence, scheduling a proper time for physical activity will encourage them to maintain a workout routine.

4. Instill Healthy Eating Habits

During their teen years, children are more inclined towards unhealthy food choices. They usually like convenient food like chips, burgers, fries, and other refined carbs. It may be due to the biological changes occurring in their body due to puberty or peer group influence, social demands, the stress of studies, and general anxiety. 

Due to such faulty eating habits and less physical activity, children get fat around their lower abdomen. In addition, these foods also make their metabolism so sluggish that they cannot reduce or maintain weight despite being physically active. Hence, they should stop such faulty eating habits on time, or they might face overweight and obesity issues.

5. Nutritional Supplements 

Nutrition supplements in terms of healthy food choices should be encouraged during this age group. The nutrition requirements for teenagers are almost equivalent to adults or even high for certain nutrients like iron, calcium, and other micronutrients. Hence, according to dietary allowances, a balanced diet should be given to them.

6. Support Them 

Teenage kids would not express their feelings easily and do not generally agree to get help. However, parents should always support their kids emotionally. The support will ensure how smoothly your child will get through this phase.

7. Set Realistic Expectations 

Expectations should always be according to their caliber, availability of resources, time, and age group. Unrealistic expectations may lead to failure and disappointment, which is dangerous, especially during the teenage years. Hence, parents should formulate practical exercise goals and dietary routines according to the convenience of their kids.

Dietitian’s Recommendations 

Teenage is the age group with multiple physical and other challenges, and to overcome them, kids should be healthy and fit. Teenagers should understand the link between proper nutrition and physical activity and how they work together to support overall health and fitness. 

A well-balanced nutritious diet and good physical activity should be the prerequisites of this age group.

- Dietitian Aditi Upadhyay

The Final Say

Teenage is a critical stage in any kid's life, and parents should be extra careful with their child's mental, emotional, and physical development at this time. Parents should constantly be available to support them mentally and take care of their diet because carelessness at this point can affect their future in every aspect.

Here, parents should set a proper routine, including their diet, physical activities, and relaxation activities for their proper development.


1. Why is fitness essential for teenagers? 

Fitness is vital for teenagers because it promotes overall health and well-being, supports healthy growth and development, and can help prevent chronic health conditions later in life.

2. How much exercise do teenagers need? 

The American Heart Association recommends that teenagers engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily for a healthy adulthood.

3. What are some examples of exercises that teenagers can do to stay fit?

Examples of exercises that teenagers can do to stay fit include running, swimming, cycling, dancing, strength training, and team sports such as soccer, basketball, and volleyball.

4. How can a teenager maintain a healthy diet while staying fit? 

Teenagers can maintain a healthy diet by incorporating nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats and limiting processed and high-fat foods.

5. Are there any risks associated with teenage fitness? 

Some risks associated with teenage fitness are injury from improper technique or overdoing any physical exercise and eating disorders resulting from an obsession with body image.

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