8 Best Strength And Flexibility Workouts For Beginners



Published on: 25-Nov-2023


10 min read




Lalita Vishwakarma


8 Best Strength And Flexibility Workouts For Beginners

8 Best Strength And Flexibility Workouts For Beginners

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Hello readers! Did you know flexibility workouts can reduce the risk of hamstring injuries in athletes by up to 50%?  Well, flexibility is the key to performing your daily tasks more easily and building strength. 

Similarly, stretching exercises help to make your movement more efficient and effortless. Flexibility workouts like neck stretches, back stretches, and shoulder rolls are important to reduce the risk of strains and back pain. 

So, if you are a beginner and never started working on your body, this blog is just for you. Here, we will look for the top 8 best strength and flexibility workouts for beginners and their benefits for maintaining overall fitness. So, continue reading the blog to know more about it!

Table Of Contents

  1. What are Flexibility Workouts?

  2. 8 Best Strength And Flexibility Workouts For Beginners

  3. Benefits of Flexibility Workouts in Daily Life

  4. Flexibility Exercises Tips for Beginners 

  5. The Final Say

  6. FAQs

What Are Flexibility Workouts?

Flexibility workouts are physical exercises that help improve the elasticity of muscles and joints, increase the range of motion, and increase overall flexibility. 

Incorporating flexible workouts into your daily routine can positively impact your body. These workouts enhance the flexibility of muscles and joints, resulting in increased range of motion and overall flexibility. 

As flexibility is directly linked to overall movement, practising these workouts can reduce the risk of future injuries and improve athletic performance.

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8 Best Strength And Flexibility Workouts For Beginners

Flexibility workouts for beginners should focus on gentle, easy-to-follow movements to gradually improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. Here are some of the best flexibility workouts that you can do easily:

1. Neck Stretches

Sitting for long periods in front of a screen can strain your neck, but you can counteract this by practising neck stretches. To stretch your neck, tilt your head forward and backwards and then turn it side to side. Hold each position for 15-30 seconds, feeling a gentle stretch without straining.

2. Shoulder Rolls

Next comes the shoulder rolls. Just roll your shoulders forward and backwards in a circular motion. Do this for 15-30 seconds, then release shoulder tension. These are shoulder mobility exercises that work effectively for shoulder pain.

3. Arm And Chest Stretch

To perform this upper body flexibility exercise, extend one arm across your chest and gently hold it with your opposite hand. Now, hold for 15-30 seconds on each side. For chest stretches, clasp your hands just behind your back and then open your chest by squeezing your shoulder blades together.

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4. Triceps And Biceps Stretch

For this, just extend one arm overhead and bend your elbow, reaching your hand down your back. Use your opposite hand to push gently on your bent elbow. Hold for 15-30 seconds on each side. For biceps stretches, extend your arms behind your back and clasp your hands together, gently straightening your arms. These are very good upper-body flexibility exercises. 

5. Back Stretches

To perform this exercise, just sit on the floor with your legs extended. Reach forward toward your toes, keeping your back straight. Now, hold for 15-30 seconds. You can also try a cat-cow stretch on all fours to improve spinal flexibility.

6. Leg Stretches

  • Hamstring Stretch

Sit with one leg extended and the other leg bent so that the sole of your foot is against your inner thigh. Reach forward toward your extended foot. Hold for 15-30 seconds on each side.

  • Quadriceps Stretch

Stand or hold onto a stable surface, bend one knee and bring your heel toward your buttocks. Hold your ankle with your hand. Hold for 15-30 seconds on each leg.

7. Calf Stretches

Stand facing a wall, placing your hands on the wall for balance. Step one foot back and press the heel of the back foot into the ground. You should feel a stretch in the calf of the back leg. Hold for 15-30 seconds on each side.

8. Hip Flexor Stretch

To do this, just kneel on one knee with the other foot in front and bend at a 90-degree angle. Now, gently lean forward to stretch the front of your hip. Hold for 15-30 seconds on each side.

Benefits Of Flexibility Workouts In Daily Life

Flexibility workouts encompass a variety of exercises, including stretching, yoga, and pilates, all of which offer numerous benefits:

1. Helps To Improve Mobility

One of the primary advantages of flexible workouts is improved mobility. As we age, our joints and muscles tend to stiffen, reducing our range of motion. Regular flexibility exercises help counteract this process by keeping muscles and joints supple. This enhanced mobility makes everyday tasks more accessible and more comfortable.

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2. Helps In Stress Reduction

Flexibility workouts often include relaxation techniques and controlled breathing exercises. These practices not only enhance physical flexibility but also promote mental relaxation. In our fast-paced lives, taking time for these exercises can be valuable for managing stress and improving overall mental health.

3. Improves Body Balance

Maintaining balance becomes increasingly important as we age. Flexibility workouts, especially those like Tai Chi, focus on balance and stability. Regular practice can help prevent falls and improve your overall body balance.

4. Helps To Increase Circulation

Many flexibility exercises involve stretching and massaging muscles, which promotes better blood circulation. Improved circulation can lead to increased energy levels and better overall health.

Flexibility Exercises Tips For Beginners 

Before starting flexibility workouts at home, some points need to be kept in mind if you are a beginner:

  • It is essential to consult a fitness professional before starting any new exercise, especially if you have a medical issue.

  • Do not start heavy exercise initially, such as strength training. Instead, work on building stamina by engaging in low-intensity exercises and then gradually increasing the duration and fitness level.

  • To prevent your muscles from injury, it is important to do a pre-warm-up session so that the muscles get prepared for further workouts.

  • Note that only perform the proper form of the exercise to avoid any strain or injury.

  • Be focused on your actions and remain motivated to continue your journey!

The Final Say

Finally, after knowing the 8 best strength and flexibility workouts and their benefits, you can boost your metabolism, gain muscles, and enhance physical performance by practising them. These will improve your mobility, body balance and blood circulation.

These are also very helpful in managing stress levels and body movements. If you want to know more about workouts, you can take the help of fitness experts at ToneOp!


1. What kinds of stretches are employed in flexibility exercises?

There are primarily two types of stretches utilised: 

  • Static stretches entail maintaining a position to elongate a muscle gently.

  • Dynamic stretches involve controlled movements across a range of motion. Both types have their role in a flexibility regimen.

2. Is it better to do flexibility exercises before or after other workouts?

Incorporating dynamic stretching as part of your warm-up is advisable before more vigorous activities such as strength training or cardio workouts. Extensive flexibility exercises can be performed after your main workout to improve flexibility further.

3. Can I enhance my flexibility regardless of my age?

Yes, flexibility improvement is possible at any age. Although progress might be slower as you age, consistent stretching routines can help sustain and boost flexibility.

4. What is the recommended duration for holding a stretch during a flexibility workout? 

Generally, it is recommended to maintain a static stretch for 15-30 seconds to allow your muscles to relax and elongate gently. Avoid abrupt bouncing or excessive force during stretching, which can result in injury.

5. What are the types of flexibility workouts?

Different types of flexibility workouts are: 

  • Neck Stretches

  • Shoulder Rolls

  • Arm and Chest Stretches

  • Triceps and Biceps Stretches

  • Back Stretches

  • Leg Stretches

  • Calf Stretches

  • Hip Flexor Stretches

6. How often should I do strength and flexibility exercises?

For muscle-strengthening activities, aim to do 8 to 12 repetitions per set. Ideally, you should do 2 sets, but for maximum benefits, aim for 3 sets.


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