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Does Hot Water Help To Lose Weight? Read To Know!

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Written by:

Kajal Tharwani


Published on: 16 Mar 2023


Updated on: 30 Nov 2023


10 min



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The most common answer to the question, I want to lose weight, is to start having hot water. But does it really work? Let us find out! 

Water is essential for our bodies to stay healthy and function properly. It helps to regulate our body temperature, digest food, and power detox the body. Additionally, it is essential for transporting nutrients throughout the body, keeping our skin hydrated, and aiding in healthy brain function. 

Without water, our bodies would not function properly, so drinking plenty daily is essential. However, one more benefit of drinking water is that it helps in weight loss

Table Of Contents 

1. Does Hot Water Help To Lose Weight? 

2. Mechanism By Which Water Helps In Weight Reduction 

3. How Much Water Should One Drink? 

4. Dietitian’s Recommendation 

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs 

Does Hot Water Help To Lose Weight? 

Limited scientific evidence supports the claim that drinking hot water can lead to weight loss. Some proponents of this belief suggest that drinking hot water can boost metabolism and aid digestion, leading to weight loss. However, these claims are not supported by sufficient scientific evidence.

Drinking water, regardless of temperature, can contribute to weight loss by making you feel full and reducing your appetite. However, it is essential to note that simply drinking hot water without making other changes to your diet or exercise habits is unlikely to lead to significant weight loss. 

According to a 2015 randomised, controlled trial published in the journal Obesity, dieters who had water before a food consumed an average of 40 fewer calories per meal and lost more weight than those who did not preload with water.

Mechanism By Which Water Helps In Weight Reduction 

Hot water helps to increase metabolism by stimulating thermogenesis, which is the process of burning calories to heat up the water to body temperature. Hot water also helps to provide essential electrolytes to the body, helping to regulate body temperature and aiding in proper body function.

Compared to cold water, hot water stays a little longer in the digestive system, giving a prolonged feeling of fullness and increasing the absorption of other nutrients. In contrast, cold water gets quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, it is always beneficial to drink hot water, especially during snacking or before meals.

How Much Water Should One Drink? 

The amount of water an individual should drink varies based on several factors, including age, gender, physical activity level, and overall health. However, a commonly cited guideline is to drink at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water daily. 

Water consumption for the Indian population is recommended considering fluid guidelines and other factors. Therefore, the water recommendation for the Indian population is as follow (RDA, ICMR, 2020):

  • Adult Men- 32-52 ml per kg body mass. 
  • Adult Women- 27-52ml per kg body mass 
  • Children- > 60ml per kg body mass 
  • Adolescent boys- 47-60ml per kg body mass
  • Adolescent girls- 39-49 ml per kg body mass 
  • Pregnant woman- 2.1 to 3.2 L daily 
  • Elderly (sedentary activity)- 33 ml per kg body mass 
  • Elderly (moderate activity)- 38ml per kg body mass 

It is vital to note that these recommendations are just general guidelines and that some people need more or less water, depending on their circumstances. 

Factors that can affect the amount of water an individual needs include:

1. Climate 

People living in hot or humid climates may need more water to compensate for the extra fluid loss through sweating.

2. Physical Activity 

Individuals who engage in regular physical activity may need to drink more water to replenish fluids lost through sweating.

3. Medical Conditions 

Certain health conditions, such as kidney disease, may affect the amount of water an individual needs to drink.

Dietitian’s Recommendation 

Drinking hot water can be a healthy substitute for sugary drinks, leading to weight loss as part of a calorie-controlled diet. It has no calories, so it can be a good way to stay hydrated without adding extra calories to your diet.

Hot water can also have a temporary metabolism-boosting effect, which can help with weight loss, but this effect is relatively small. Moreover, adding lemon to hot water can be a healthy choice as it provides vitamin C and helps flush out toxins from the body.

Drinking enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated is important, but the exact amount will vary depending on your body size and activity level. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, including hot water if desired.

Dietitian Aditi Upadhyay 

The Final Say

Drinking hot water can be a healthy choice for weight loss, but it should not have relied on as the sole method for weight loss. A balanced diet and regular exercise should always be the foundation of a weight loss plan. So, eat healthily, drink luke warm water and stay hydrated! 


1. Does drinking hot water help with weight loss?

Drinking hot water alone is unlikely to cause significant weight loss. However, replacing sugary drinks with hot water can be a healthy choice and may contribute to overall weight loss as part of a balanced diet and regular exercise regimen.

2. How does hot water aid in weight loss?

Hot water has no calories, so replacing sugary drinks with hot water can reduce overall calorie intake. Drinking hot water may also boost metabolism, temporarily increasing the number of calories burned, although this effect is relatively small.

3. How much hot water should I drink for weight loss?

There is no specific amount of hot water recommended for weight loss. However, drinking enough water throughout the day can help you lose weight by keeping you full and reducing cravings. Aim to drink around 8 glasses of water daily, including hot water if desired.

4. Can hot water with lemon help with weight loss?

Hot water with lemon can be a healthy choice for weight loss as lemon provides vitamin C and helps to flush out toxins from the body. However, the weight loss benefits of hot water with lemon are small. They will likely only lead to significant weight loss if combined with lifestyle changes like a balanced diet and regular exercise.

5. Does how water burn belly fat? 

Yes, having a glass of lukewarm water in the morning helps to reduce belly fat and eventually leads to weight loss. 

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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.  

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