Make Your Every Step Count: ToneOp App



Published on: 14-Feb-2023


10 min read


Updated on : 01-Dec-2023




Kajal Tharwani


Make Your Every Step Count: ToneOp App

Make Your Every Step Count: ToneOp App

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Walking is simple and enough for people to stay fit! 

Walking is the simplest and most inexpensive form of exercise. An excellent way to improve your health. It helps to keep you away from several lifestyle disorders like obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Furthermore, walking is a low-impact aerobic activity that is gentle on the joints and situated for people of all ages. 

It has been suggested that one should walk around 10,000 steps, which is associated with a basic level of fitness and helps with several medical conditions. 

But how are you going to track the steps? 

It is as easy as walking. You just have to download the ToneOp app to track every step. There are several benefits of walking and using a step tracker. In this blog, we will talk about them. 

Ready, steady, go! 

Table Of Contents

1. The Benefits Of Using ToneOp Tracker

2. What Are The Benefits Of Walking? 

3. How To Increase Your Step Count? 

4. Dietitian’s Recommendation

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQS 

The Benefits Of Using ToneOp Step Tracker

The Benefits Of Using ToneOp Step Tracker

Tracking the steps is something everybody is doing nowadays. It makes sense as keeping count of your steps makes a huge difference to your lifestyle. 

It is an effective way to ensure that you are doing enough physical movement and helps you lead a healthy lifestyle. ToneOp tracker allows you to count each step and even tells you how much you should walk as per your BMI (body mass index). 

Not only these but there are also several other benefits the of using the ToneOp step tracker. A few of them we have listed below: 

1. Tracking your steps helps you beat the weight loss plateau.

2. It gives you new challenges and motivates you to reach new health goals and change your routine. 

3. The trackers have made it easy to stay on your fitness goals. By tracking your steps, you will feel the need to move everyday.

4. It reminds you of your daily progress. Keeping track of your activity shows how far you have come and reminds you of your accomplishments. It gives you a sense of positivity and confidence. 

What Are The Benefits Of Walking? 

According to studies, a daily one-hour brisk walk increases an individual's life expectancy by two hours. Moreover, walks can help you feel better and more energetic throughout the day, resulting in less stress at work.

There are several benefits of walking. Here we have listed a few! 

1. Individuals who do not engage in physical exercise get fatigued, with significant weariness and lethargy. A brisk walk stimulates metabolism, which is the breakdown of meal components to provide energy for completing daily tasks at home and work. 

2. A sedentary lifestyle has been related to several cases of diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and even neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's and dementia. Morning muscle action reduces joint stiffness, regulates blood sugar and blood pressure levels, enhances blood flow to nerve cells and the brain, and strengthens bones and muscles.

3. Losing fat is not enough to look slim and toned. Walking is a great way to tone your body without strenuous exercise. A brisk morning walk can aid in muscle tone restoration.

4. Walking is one of the most basic forms of physical activity that can help you lose weight. Besides, it can potentially be very effective in preventing diabetes and other age-related diseases. 

5. 30-minute walk improves bone density, keeps joints lubricated, strengthens muscles, and lowers the risk of developing arthritis, osteoporosis, and other debilitating illnesses in old age.

How To Increase Your Step Count? 

You must start with small goals and then increase your daily step count. Some easy ways to achieve this are: 

1. Regularly using the step tracker will help you stay accountable. For example, you have walked 300 steps one day, so it will give you extra motivation to do better the next day. 

2. Get someone with you. Having company while walking will also help your mental health. 

3. Try to move during a call and ensure you are not sitting for a more extended period of time.

4. Slow and steady wins the race! Try to build the habit slowly; adding 1000 steps daily is more manageable than adding 3000 daily. 

5. One long walk is good; however, you can also take several short walks daily. 

Dietitian’s Recommendation

Walking is a simple and effective way to burn calories, lose weight, increase metabolism, boost immunity, and maintain good mental health. Remember to take a walk for at least 30 minutes daily and wear comfortable clothes and shoes to avoid discomfort.

- Dietitian Lavina Chauhan 

The Final Say 

Without any argument, walking is one of the best ways to maintain your fitness levels and health. We understand that incorporating a walk into such busy lifestyles is tough. This is where ToneOp’s step tracker comes into the game. 

You can try to incorporate the morning walk into your routine. As taking a morning walk before breakfast stimulates the digestive tract, allowing for smooth food absorption and energy metabolism. Direct exposure to morning sunlight provides the body with vitamin D, essential for bone health, immunity, and mental well-being.


1. What is the best time for walking?

Mornings are best for walking. 5 AM- 7 AM is the best time for any exercise, including walking.

2. What happens if we walk daily in the morning?

Going on morning walks helps to tone your legs and abdominal muscles. Stronger muscles give you a wider range of motion and improve your overall strength. 

3. Is walking better than yoga?

Research showed that walking is an effective intervention for the short-term and is superior when it comes to benefits that last long-term. In comparison, a yoga program was more effective in the short term but not as effective in the long term.

4. How much km should I walk daily?

Walking is a low-impact, moderate-intensity exercise with few health benefits, and the CDC recommends that most adults aim for 10,000 steps per day. This is equivalent to about 8 kilometres or 5 miles for most people.

5. Can we drink water before the morning walk?

Drinking water before walking will assist in keeping your body hydrated. However, dehydration is not beneficial and leads to cramps,  nausea, fatigue, and potential injury. So be sure to drink often.

About ToneOp

ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.

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