Mental Health Factors: How They Impact Your Life?
Published on: 09-Jan-2023
10 min read
Updated on : 02-Dec-2023
Shubhi Sidnis
Mental Health Factors: How They Impact Your Life?

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It is not just in your mind, and I feel what you are going through!
No! I know it is not about blurting everything out or sharing your most triggering feelings with others, but getting understood by the person you share your issues with is the only requirement.
Mental health is a term that is often used lightly and without proper understanding. However, it is a crucial topic that deserves to be addressed seriously and with the utmost importance, as it can trigger many medical conditions and start to show physically, for example, excessive weight loss or slow weight or muscle gain due to extreme stress.
Factors like environmental and social factors can greatly impact our mental health. Recognising and understanding mental health factors is an important first step in managing them. It empowers us to make informed decisions, control our lives, and seek help.
While staying fit is important and necessary to avoid ailments and diseases, mental well-being is as important as that.
You cannot just see someone and get to know what is going on in their mind; if you care enough, you can learn from their behaviours. So, for example, everyone should learn to observe and console if they find someone distressed and hopeless.
Who knows, you are saving a life by just being with them!
Mental Health Factors
The one losing all hope can get affected by anything and everything, but what is the root cause of these uncontrolled emotions?
Many factors can lead us to fall into depression and develop severe disorders.
They can affect your mood, anxiety, self-esteem, and ability to function at work or school.
Let me highlight some major causes which can lead to bad mental health.
1. The Impact Of Our Genes And Upbringing On Our Mental Health
Mental health is a topic that is of great concern to many people. It can significantly impact all aspects of our lives, from how we function at work to how we feel about ourselves.
Various factors affect mental health, like genetics, upbringing, and experiences throughout life.
We need to remember that every individual experience affects us in unique ways and requires personalised care (whether professional or self-directed).
If you struggle with your mental health, do not wait; reach out for help! There are numerous online and offline resources available which can provide you with the support you need.
2. Family Breakup Or Loss
Family breakup or loss can enormously impact mental health. People who experience them may feel overwhelmed and lost. They may also experience symptoms like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. If left unspoken, these emotions can lead to depression, anxiety, addiction, and more. Talking about these emotions with someone trusted, like a therapist or counsellor, is important. They can help you work through these feelings and get back on track.
3. Abuse
Abuse can have a profound and negative impact on a person's life. It can include physical, sexual, or emotional abuse and can happen to any individual, regardless of gender. Unfortunately, victims of abuse often feel ashamed, powerless, and alone. This confusion and misunderstanding often lead abusers to believe their actions are only meant to discipline the victim.
As a result, abuse can be highly damaging and life-threatening for the victim. It is important to remember that abuse is never okay and that you can help victims by speaking out and coming forward. You can also reach out to a support group or professional for help.
4. Childhood Trauma
Mental health is a subject that is often shrouded in taboo. Trauma can impact mental health in several ways, including PTSD and anxiety. Finding someone to talk to is important if you feel overwhelmed or distressed. Many resources are available for those who need support. You may look for nonprofit or therapy groups near you! Improving mindfulness can also help reduce the impacts of trauma on your mind and body. Finally, being open and talking about mental health can break the stigma and help make mental health a more relaxed and accepted topic.
What Can You Do?
If you are feeling down and stressed, do not hesitate to seek help. Talking about your problems with someone you trust is a great way to overcome trauma and improve mental health. However, professional help is the best path forward if things get out of hand.
Many lifestyle changes can also help deal with stress and depression, from exercising regularly to eating healthy foods. Making these changes can be difficult at first. Still, over time, they will have a positive impact on both your physical and mental health.
1. Looking After Yourself
One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to seek help. If you feel overwhelmed, uncomfortable, or just not coping well, you must seek help. Although you do not have to go through your trauma alone, many support groups can provide you with the emotional and physical stability necessary to heal.
It is never too late to recover from your experience; the earlier you get started, the better! The more progress you make now will help keep your life positive and manageable in future years.
2. Take It One Day At A Time
Trauma can seriously impact your life, causing anxiety, depression and more. If left untreated, it can even lead to suicide.
Overthinking things and problems can ruin everything, which is why it is suggested to take it slow.
Try to resolve one problem at a time; things may seem neverending, but your thoughts make them seem like that. Seeking therapy can resolve a lot of therapy and give you a new perspective to look at life.
3. Talk About It And Ask For Help
Childhood trauma can significantly impact your mental health. It is important to talk about it and get help if you are struggling, as treatments can help you heal and rebuild your life. No matter how old you are, talking about what happened to you during childhood is the first step in starting the journey of self-healing.
The Final Say
Mental health is an important topic that deserves our attention and understanding. This blog has outlined some of the key mental health factors impacting our lives and has provided tips on improving our mental health. If you have experienced any mental health problems in the past, or if you are worried about your mental health, read on to learn more about how to deal with these issues. In addition, we hope this blog has encouraged you to talk about your mental health with your friends and family, so you can get the help you need. Thank you for taking the time to read!
1. How can I manage stress and anxiety?
Managing stress and anxiety can be challenging, but you can do a few simple things to help.
1. One option for anxiety and stress relief is to take medication. However, before taking medications, try some self-care methods like yoga, meditation, and cognitive behavioural therapy.
2. Journaling is another great way to manage stress and anxiety. By writing your thoughts and feelings in a journal, you can break the negative cycle of thinking that often leads to anxiety and stress.
3. Goals are an important part of managing stress and anxiety. Making goals for yourself regarding healthy eating, working towards personal health goals, or even making new friends can help you feel more in control and happier overall.
4. Express gratitude for what you have instead of focusing on what you do not have. This will help you feel better overall in light of life's challenges.
2. Is it okay to self-medicate with psychiatric drugs if I am feeling down/low in mood?
No, it is not okay to self-medicate with psychiatric drugs. Psychiatrists advise self-medicating can create more problems down the line. Some potential side effects of self-medicating with psychiatric drugs include addiction, disorganisation, hallucinations, and suicidal thoughts. If you are feeling low in mood and need to take medication to address your symptoms, do so under the supervision of a psychiatrist.
3. Can antidepressants help treat mental health issues?
Yes, antidepressants can definitely help treat mental health issues. However, it is important to be properly diagnosed by a qualified doctor and take medications under prescription.
Antidepressants are usually quite effective in relieving anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and mood swings.
4. What are some effective ways to deal with anger and rage?
There are a few effective ways to deal with anger and rage.
One way is through self-care. This can take different forms, like resting, relaxing, journaling, or talking to a trusted friend. Suppose you are struggling to regulate emotions and keep calm under pressure. Cognitive behavioural therapy may be a good option for you.
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ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining your good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented diet plans and recipes. It also intends to provide value-added content to our consumers.
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