Pear Fruit: Health Benefits And Recipe



Published on: 12-Dec-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 02-Nov-2023




Kajal Tharwani


Pear Fruit: Health Benefits And Recipe

Pear Fruit: Health Benefits And Recipe

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Don’t worry, eat pear! 

Pears are a delicious fruit that belongs to the Rosaceae family of shrubs. Pears are well-known for their curvy bodies and sweet, juicy flavour. Some pears have a traditional bell shape, while others are round with no neck.

Pears range in colour from bright green to tan red to sunset yellow, depending on their ripening stage. Pear skin has an unusual texture, but some varieties have smooth skin.

Pears are high in vitamins, fibre, and nutrients, which provide numerous health benefits like weight loss, hydration and many more. Let us put some light on the nutritional values, health benefits and recipes for pear fruit. 

Table Of Contents 

1. An Overview Of Pears

2. Nutritional Value In Pears 

3. The Health Benefits Of Pears 

4. Pear Recipes 

5. Dietitian’s Recommendation 

6. The Final Say 

7. FAQs 

An Overview Of Pears 

Pear is scientifically known as Pyrus communis. The fruit is a member of the Rosaceae family. After the apple, the pear is regarded as the second most nutritious fruit. It contains vitamins, dietary fibre, amino acids, and quercetin. 

The fruit is well-known for its sweetness, aroma, crispness, and distinct fragrance. Pear is indigenous to North America, Western Europe, Asia, China, Pakistan, and India.

Pears have many health benefits because of their high nutritional content, as they may aid in several medical condition, weight management, etc. 

Nutritional Value In Pears 

According to The National Institute Of Nutrition, it provides vital essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fibres, vitamins A, B, C, and K, as well as a variety of minerals and antioxidants. 

Pears have the following nutritional values per 100 g (grams) serving:

  • Calories- 15.23g 
  • Dietary fibre- 3.1g 
  • Fat- 0.14g 
  • Protein- 0.36g
  • Calcium- 9mg 
  • Iron- 0.18mg 
  • Zinc- 0.1mg 
  • Sodium- 1mg 
  • Potassium- 116mg 
  • Phosphorus- 12mg 

The Health Benefits Of Pears 

Pears contain several nutritional compounds, which support the immune system, lowers inflammation, and reduce the risk of stroke and chronic diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease. 

Here, we have enlisted a few health benefits of pears. Have a look! 

1. Promotes Detoxification 

Regular, good bowel movements are essential for the daily removal of toxins via bile and stools. Besides, pears have a high water content, which helps keep stools soft, flushes toxins from the digestive system, and helps in detoxification 

According to a 2015 systematic review by NIN (National Institute Of Nutrition) of the health benefits of pears, their laxative effect is due to their high fibre and fructose content. Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar found in almost all fruits.

2. Keeps You Hydrated 

Pears' high water content makes them an excellent way to quench thirst and cool the body in hot summer climates when people are frequently dehydrated. To ensure adequate water supply and electrolyte replenishment in the body cells, the fruit can be consumed as is or squeezed into a juice, chilled, and sipped.

3. Heals Muscle Cramps 

Pears have a high potassium content. Potassium is one nutrient which is good for our muscle health. Its consumption increases muscle strength and reduces muscle cramps caused by a low potassium level. 

4. Prevents Constipation

Studies by CFTRI (Central Food Technology Research Institute) say pear's dietary fibre aids the digestive system in material movement and stimulates stool, which is beneficial for those with irregular stools or constipation. It promotes a healthy weight and lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

5. Heals Liver Damage 

Liver damage results in various liver diseases caused by excessive alcohol consumption, anaemia, malnutrition, infection, and hepatotoxic drugs. According to NIN, the hepatoprotective agents found in pears aid in treating liver diseases such as hepatic cirrhosis, fibrosis, and liver inflammation.

6. Treats The Nervous System 

Some researchers claim that terpenoids, which are bioactive constituents of pears, aid in nerve function improvement. As a result, it is effective as a treatment for those suffering from neuronal complications, such as seizures.

7. Lowers The Risk Of Chronic Disease 

Pear is rich in fibre! Eating whole foods high in fibre, such as pears, can improve digestive health and lower your risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and some gastrointestinal disorders. It also makes you feel full, aiding in healthy weight management. 

Pear Recipes 

Here is the most delicious and nutritious pear recipe. Read, prepare and make your day happier and healthier. 

Pear, Pomegranate And Spinach Salad  


  • Pear- 1, large, thickly sliced
  • Mixed Nuts (Pecans, Almonds, Walnuts)- ½ cup 
  • Spinach leaves- 1 cup
  • Kale leaves- ½ cup
  • Feta cheese- ½ cup, crumbled 
  • Ginger- 2-inch 

Preparation Method 

1. In a pan, toast the pecans, almonds, and walnuts in ghee until they emit an enticing aroma.

2. Mix the pear slices, pomegranate arils, spinach, and kale leaves, seasoning with minced ginger to taste.

3. Top with roasted nuts (pecans, almonds, walnuts) and serve this wholesome and delicious pomegranate and pear green salad as a healthy starter for lunch or dinner.

Dietitian's Recommendation 

Pear is a powerhouse of nutrients, and it also has good water content in itself. Therefore, eating pears can have a positive effect on your health. You can include pear in various forms in your diet.

For example, you can eat it whole or convert it into fruit salad, juices, smoothies, desserts etc. If we talk about the recommended dosage of pear, you can easily eat 1 pear per day.

-Dietitian Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say 

Pears are high in essential nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and B vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, and a slew of antioxidants that promote physical and mental well-being. In addition, this oval fruit with a delicious sweet taste and a juicy yet crunchy texture helps with vision, heart health, metabolism, immunity, digestion, bone, muscle, joint strength, and cancer prevention.


1. Is it reasonable to eat pears every day?

Pears are high in fructose or fruit sugar, and their overindulgence can lead to digestive issues. Therefore, sticking to 1 or 2 per day is recommended, as it will provide you with the right amount of nutrients needed for the body.

2. Is pear good for the heart?

Pears lower your risk of heart disease. Their procyanidin antioxidants may decrease stiffness in heart tissue, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, and increase HDL (good) cholesterol.

3. Does pear help with constipation?

A dietary fibre-rich decoction is made from pear fruit and the bark and leaves of the pear tree. This may act as a mild laxative, regulating bowel movements and combating constipation. However, because this information is insufficient, people should seek medical advice before using pear decoction. 

4. Can we use pears to cure a hangover?

Pear can help with hangover symptoms. In addition, eating a pear before a large alcoholic drink may help to reduce blood alcohol levels. It may also affect specific enzymes, causing alcohol molecules to dissolve. More studies, however, are required to back up this claim.

5. Is pear good for hair?

The pear comes in handy when dealing with hair loss and dry and frizzy hair. The pear, especially a ripe one, has natural alcohol called glucitol or sorbitol, which feeds the hair roots and nourishes the scalp, keeping hair moisturised and healthy.


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