Quince: Health Benefits And Potential Side Effects



Published on: 12-Dec-2022


10 min read


Updated on : 02-Nov-2023




Kajal Tharwani


Quince: Health Benefits And Potential Side Effects

Quince: Health Benefits And Potential Side Effects

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Patience is bitter, but its fruit is quince! 

Quince fruit is a fruit that is often ignored but has a lot of health benefits. This blog will discuss the quince fruit's health benefits and what you need to know about it. 

Finally, we will discuss the side effects of quince fruit and tell you when to avoid eating it. So if you are curious about quince fruit's health benefits or want to learn more about this fruit, read on!

Table Of Contents 

1. What Is Quince? 

2. Nutritional Value Of Quince 

3. Health Benefits Of Quince

4. Potential Side Effects Of Quince 

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs

What Is Quince?

Quince is a fruit that is related to apples and pears. It is also known as Cydonia Oblonga and is an ancient fruit native to several parts of Asia and the Mediterranean. It served as a symbol of love and fertility in Greece and Rome. 

Quince contains compounds that can fight inflammation, help in weight loss,  relieve pain, and help to fight several medical conditions. In addition to being healthy foods, quinces are also beautiful additions to your home decorating scheme! So, next time you are grocery shopping, consider picking up a quince or two. You will not regret it!

Nutritional Values Of Quince 

Quince contains compounds that can fight inflammation, relieve pain, and improve digestion. 100g of quince contains 

  • Carbohydrates- 15.3 g 
  • Calories- 57 kcal 
  • Dietary fibre- 1.9 g 
  • Water- 84 g
  • Calcium- 11 mg 
  • Phosphorus- 17 mg 
  • Sodium- 4 mg 
  • Potassium- 197 mg 

Health Benefits Of Quince 

Quinces are a fruit that is not as well-known as other options available on grocery store shelves. But do not let that fool you - quinces have a lot of health benefits that you should know about.

Here we have enlisted a few health benefits of quince. Have a look! 

1. Aids In Weight Loss

The fruit is an excellent addition to your weight loss diet for people looking to shed a few pounds. 

Quince fruit is a great weight loss food as it is high in fibre and water content. Additionally, quince has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce stomach ulcer symptoms and improve blood sugar levels.

If you are a gym enthusiast, the fruit complements your training diet and adds a fresh touch to it. 

Moreover, it is rich in vitamin C, which is also vital in boosting the immune system. Therefore, consuming quince fruit regularly can help you lose weight effectively!

2. Rich In Nutrients

Quinces are a fruit rich in essential nutrients. These nutrients are essential for the body to function properly and maintain healthy skin and hair. They also contain fibre, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and promote digestive health. Additionally, quinces are an excellent source of dietary omega-3 fatty acids. 

So, quince is a great option whether you want to improve your health or enjoy delicious fruit.

3. Helps To Relives Digestive Issues

They are a great source of fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants, which can help relieve digestive issues like constipation or indigestion. Additionally, quince contains natural sugars that can help you feel satisfied. 

The fruit also helps to treat stomach ulcers. Several studies have found that quince can prevent stomach ulcers, even the ones caused by alcohol drinking. It has compounds that prevent the formation of the H. Pylori bacterium, which is responsible for stomach ulcers. 

One cup of quince eaten daily may help to reduce the symptoms of ulcers or gastrointestinal problems such as constipation or diarrhoea. So, quince fans, do not wait any longer, pick some up and start enjoying the benefits today!

4. It Has Anti-Viral Properties

The fruit is rich in phenolics. This compound has been used for years in traditional and western medicines to enhance the anti-influenza activity of medicine. 

Quince fruits are high in antioxidants, which can protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. It has also been proven to fight the common cold and seasonal flu. 

They also contain vitamin C and potassium, which help keep your blood pressure healthy. So, as you can see, consuming quinces has many health benefits!

5. Helps To Balance Cholesterol Levels

The fruit is rich in natural soluble fibre and cholesterol-free! Therefore, adding to a healthy diet for people suffering from cholesterol issues can be safe. 

Additionally, quince contains antioxidants that protect you from free radicals and may help regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels. 

Potential Side Effects Of Quince 

It is not necessary that natural products are always safe to consume. It may have some potential side effects. Here we have listed some side effects of quince. 

Overconsumption can cause 

  • Digestive issues
  • Diarrhoea
  • Cough
  • Intestinal swelling
  • Skin allergies 
  • Eye discomfort. 

The Final Say 

Quince is a fruit that is highly prized for its health benefits. This blog has outlined five quince health benefits you need to know. From rich in nutrients to relieving digestive issues, quince has something beneficial for everyone in the family. However, remember consumption in moderation is the key to a healthy life! 


1. Is quince suitable for kidneys? 

Yes! It is a good choice for kidneys as 100g of quince only 181 mg potassium, 16mg phosphorus and 4mg sodium. 

2. Is quince good for blood pressure? 

Yes! As it is rich in potassium, the fruit helps to lower blood pressure levels. 

3. Can people with diabetes should consume quince? 

The fruit is rich in fibre and antioxidants. Fibre promotes the absorption of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is recommended for a healthy diabetes diet.  

4. Is it essential to cook quince before eating? 

Quince is one of the most difficult fruits to eat. For a few people, the fruit is inedible because of its raw flavour and requires some form of cooking to be edible. 

5. Should you peel quince? 

Yes! You should remove the yellow skin from ripe quince with a vegetable peeler. 


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