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Weight Gain Powder For Men: Here Is What You Need To Know

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Sana Fakir


05 Oct 2022


02 Nov 2023


10 min



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Are you underweight or trying to simply gain some weight? Well, be it yes or no, maintaining an appropriate weight is as important as losing extra weight. Weight gain powder for men is one of the sources for gaining some.

If you are underweight, the reason for it could be many. For example, there could be a heredity problem or some medical issues. However, this does not mean that you will never gain weight. There are several males just like you who are trying to gain weight every passing day.

Nothing comes easy, but if you do it the right way, you will be on the right track. Holding a strong aim to gain “healthy” weight is how you could start. You also must ensure that the healthy weight you gain sustains for a long time without seeking support for any medical condition.

Healthy and appropriate weight gain is essential for the body as it also helps to gain muscle and have good shape and bulk. Having discussed how essential healthy weight gain is, let us dive deep to understand more about weight gain powder for men.

Table Of Contents

1. Weight Gain Powder For Men

2. Benefits Of Weight Gain Powder

3. Types Of Weight Gain Protein Powder For Men

4. Best Weight Gain Powder For Men

5. Dietitian’s Recommendation

6. The Final Say

7. FAQs

Weight Gain Powder For Men

Weight gain powder for men can help you build muscles. The muscle percentage in males is different than that of females. Males have a higher percentage of muscle than females because of the testosterone hormone, which promotes tissue growth. 

This hormone raises the growth hormone level while exercising aids in developing muscle in the male body. Testosterone helps the muscles grow stronger in response to intense workouts.

Benefits Of Weight Gain Powder

Benefits Of Weight Gain Powder

Weight gain powders for men could be of various varieties. Two of them are plant-based and animal-based. Both of these weight-gain powders contain protein, one of the most crucial macronutrients for gaining weight, building muscle, and strengthening your body. Below are some essential benefits that weight gain powder provides to the body.

1. Boosts The Growth Of Muscles

Weight gain powder for men is usually considered good for muscles. This is due to the protein content that it has. Along with all the other micronutrients and macronutrients, it helps to promote muscle growth and strengthen the body.

2. Helps In Post-workout Recovery

Post-workout, the body tends to lose nutrients. The weight gain powder's micronutrients help nourish the body with lost nutrients. Hence, this powder act as a post-workout supplement. 

3. Filled With Extra Calories And Nutrients

Weight gain powder is filled with extra calories and several essential nutrients. These nutrients include iron, selenium, magnesium, potassium, and so on. The weight gain powder provides these nutrients in small quantities rather than a large meal. 

Usually, to gain weight, a male usually needs to consume 500-1000 kcal more calories than what he burns daily. So, consuming these extra calories in one go through a single meal is generally not feasible. It is here when weight gain powder comes into play.

Types Of Weight Gain Protein Powder For Men

1. Soy protein 

The consumption of soy by males is rare. However, the protein content that is present in soy is one of the best weight gainers. This is because soy contains all the necessary amino acids useful in gaining weight and improving overall health. 

2. Whey

How often have you heard of “whey protein” when searching for weight gain and fitness? Whey is another popular source of weight gain powder. 

It is comprised of very high-quality protein that helps to gain weight. This protein gets absorbed into the body quickly and provides strength and endurance to the body muscles. It also contributes to fixing the wear and tear of the body muscles. 

3. Casein

Consuming dairy products are a great way to gain weight. Casein is one such source of weight gain powder found in dairy products. That is why it is always recommended to have shakes to gain weight, as milk contains the protein called casein.

4. Pea

Pea is a plant-based protein and a source of gaining weight. It is usually used as an alternative to soy protein while gaining weight. It stands out to be an excellent and suitable option for those who do not want to have soy and dairy product-based protein for weight gain. This way, they can rely only on plant-based products for weight gain. 

Best Weight Gain Powder For Men

There are numerous options available in the market for weight gain powders for men. However, the weight gain powders may be loaded with chemicals. These chemicals may affect health in the long run. 

Although some weight gain powders may claim to be natural, weight gain powder recommended by a dietician that is both healthy and homemade is more effective and adequate. Such weight gain powders can provide nourishment and nutrients to the body with no side effects.

Additionally, these weight gain powders are freshly made and nutrient-rich, thereby sustaining weight over time. So let us jump on to these incredibly effective and best weight gain powders for men that you can freshly prepare at home.

1. Chana Dal Protein Weight Gain Powder

  • Ingredients

Chana dal - 1 cup

Chia seeds - ½ cup 

Oats - ½ cup

Pumpkin seeds - ¼ cup

Sunflower seeds - ¼ cup

Almonds - 1/3 cup

Flax seeds - 1/8 cup

You can add cocoa powder or stevia if you are supposed to drink it with milk.

  • Preparation Method

Dry roast chana dal until it slightly changes its colour.

Similarly, dry roast all the other ingredients except chia seeds. Now let the roasted ingredients cool down.

Make a fine powder from all the roasted ingredients by blending them. Lastly, add chia seeds to the powder and pour it into an air-tight container. 

1 big spoon with full-fat milk could be consumed once or twice a day.

2. Veg Weight Gainer Protein Powder

  • Ingredients

Raw peanuts - 1/8 cup

Almonds - 1/3 cup

Walnuts - 1/8 cup

Pumpkin seeds -  ½ tbsp

Pista - 1/8 cup

Cashew - 1/8 cup

Melon seeds - ½ tbsp

Sunflower seeds - ½ tbsp

Chia seeds - ½ tbsp

Flaxseeds- ½ tbsp 

Dry dates (kharek) - ¼ cup 

  • Preparation Method

You need to start with dry roasting all the ingredients one by one for 3-4 minutes in a pan. Ensure that you do not dry roast dates and chia seeds. 

Using a blender, blend all ingredients, including the dried dates and chia seeds, into a fine powder.

That is all! You are ready with your veg homemade weight gain powder.

Add 2 spoons of the weight gain protein powder in full-fat warm milk. You can also add honey for sweetness. Stir well and enjoy!

3. Chocolate Weight Gain Protein Powder

  • Ingredients

Oats - 1 cup

Milk powder- 1/3 cup

Chocolate powder- 1/3 cup

Whey protein - 5-6 scoops

Peanut butter powder - 1/3 cup

Dry fruits powder - 1/3 cup

Cinnamon powder - 1/3 tsp

Cardamom powder (optional) - ½ tsp

  • Preparation Method

Along with dry fruit powder, roast the oats in a pan for 2 minutes. Once done, make sure that it cools down. 

Now mix and blend all the ingredients to obtain a fine powder. Voila! You are done. Have 1-2 spoons of it a day by adding it to milk.

For little sweetness, add some honey/stevia or sugar.

You Can Also Read: The Best Diet Plan For Weight Gain

Dietitian’s  Recommendation

Instead of consuming market-made weight gainers, it is better to consume homemade weight gainer protein powder that contains fresh ingredients and does not have side effects. In addition, they are budget-friendly. 

You can simply add these powders to milk for extra calories. This will also help you boost your metabolism, increase your appetite and ultimately help to gain weight.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - Dietitian Akshata Gandevikar

The Final Say

For gaining weight, you are required to consume extra healthy calories. A glass of milk with weight gain powder can help you consume extra nutrients and effectively build muscles. 

These days, there are hundreds of advertisements claiming to offer a natural weight gainer without side effects, but somehow these advertisements hide the original ingredients of these weight gain powders. Therefore, to obtain the same calories and additional nutrients more healthily, it is best to consume homemade weight gain powder.


1. Are Whey protein and weight gain powder different?

Yes, certainly, weight gain powder consists of a good amount of proteins and fats along with a high amount of calories which helps in gaining weight. On the other hand, whey protein contains very little fat and other nutrients and is over 60% protein.

2. Can weight gain powder cause any consequences?

If taken in larger amounts than necessary, it can result in unpleasant stomach symptoms, including cramps, bloating, nausea, headache, etc.

3. Is it safe to consume weight gain powder?

Weight gain powder contains a sufficient amount of calories, proteins, and other nutrients needed to gain weight. Therefore it is safe for people who desire to put on weight.

4. What is the ideal number of times to consume weight gain powder daily?

You can simply consume weight gain powder two times a day in the form of a shake.

5. How much amount of weight gain powder is safe to consume?

It is safe to consume about 2 scoops of weight gain powder daily.

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