Early Implantation Symptoms: Bleeding, Cramps and More



Published on: 03-Apr-2024


10 min read




Anushka Tripathi


Early Implantation Symptoms: Bleeding, Cramps and More

Early Implantation Symptoms: Bleeding, Cramps and More

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Pregnancy involves many important biological steps. It all starts with fertilisation, and the fertilised egg is implanted into the uterus. However, are there any signs of this implantation? Yes, there are and understanding implantation symptoms is pivotal as it marks the onset of early pregnancy.  

Recognising these early signs of implantation not only empowers individuals to take charge of their reproductive health but also alleviates stress and anxiety commonly associated with pregnancy. However, distinguishing implantation symptoms from typical menstrual signs can be challenging due to their similarities. 

This blog aims to elucidate the disparities between signs of implantation and menstrual symptoms to provide readers with a deeper understanding of what might be seen as signs of early pregnancy based on facts. By knowing these subtleties, such as implantation cramps and bleeding, people can go through their pregnancy path with more sureness and self-assurance, helping them to be ready during this changing phase in life. 

Table Of Contents 

1. About Implantation  

2. What Are The Early Signs Of Implantation   

3. What Are Implantation Cramps?   

4. Symptoms Of Implantation Bleeding After Missed Period 

5. Failed Implantation Symptoms 

6. Dietitian’s Recommendation  

7. The Final Say 

8. FAQs  

9. References   

About Implantation  

Implantation is the process by which a fertilized egg or blastocyst adheres to the uterine wall at an early stage of pregnancy. This usually occurs 6 to 12 days after fertilisation. Implantation occurs early in pregnancy, shortly after a woman’s egg is fertilised by a sperm in the fallopian tube. After fertilization, the egg passes through the fallopian tube and changes from a single cell to a zygote, a ball of multiple cells. 

The process is not intense or painful, so you may not even notice when the transplant has occurred. The implantation process can take several days or weeks. However, some subtle symptoms may occur. Once implantation occurs, pregnancy begins. In fact, medical experts agree that a woman is not officially pregnant until implantation occurs.  

Typically, implantation occurs 8 to 10 days after fertilisation. At this stage, the embryo leaves the fallopian tube and enters the uterus, burrowing into the uterine wall. Nine weeks after fertilization, the embryo grows and develops further after being implanted, eventually becoming a foetus. 

What Are The Early Signs Of Implantation?  

Implantation is a quiet, painless process typically occurring 6 to 12 days after conception. Most people don’t notice this happening. However, some people report early signs of implantation, such as:  

Implantation bleeding 

A small amount of pink or light greenish-brown vaginal discharge that is not large enough to fill a pad or tampon. 

Mild cramping 

Mild nagging pain or cramping in your abdomen (belly) or pelvis (between your thighs). Implantation cramps are usually less intense and do not last as long as menstrual cramps. 

Breast Soreness 

After successful implantation in early pregnancy, sore or sensitive breasts are common symptoms. This is caused by hormonal changes as hCG, oestrogen, and progesterone levels rise rapidly. This includes breast tenderness and fullness. 

Mood changes 

Mood changes, such as mood swings or increased moodiness, are caused by fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. It can make you sad or happy. During the early stages, the body undergoes significant hormonal changes necessary to support the development of the fetus.   


Feeling extremely tired is a classic sign, and you will feel more lethargic than usual. This is a prevalent symptom in early pregnancy due to increased progesterone levels and increased blood volume. 

Body temperature changes 

During ovulation, the basal body temperature rises somewhat and may stay high until menstruation. If it remains elevated for several weeks after ovulation, it may indicate pregnancy, especially if you have not started menstruating.  


The most common first signs are nausea and vomiting. This is very unpleasant and changes your appetite. Some women suddenly find they can’t tolerate foods they used to like. 

Constipation and abdominal bloating 

Are you having difficulty passing bowel movements? Pregnancy hormones cause constipation, a common symptom of implantation. Your body may also appear very bloated due to hormones during this time. 


Another side effect of increased blood volume during pregnancy is headaches, a common symptom of implantation. 

What Are Implantation Cramps?   

Menstruation usually begins 6 to 12 hours after ovulation, but if the fertilised egg has already developed in the fallopian tube, it prepares for the journey for implantation. The fertilized egg now exits the fallopian tube and descends into the uterus. The uterine wall is where the fertilized egg adheres. This is when implantation occurs, which can cause a sensation called implantation cramps in many women. 

Implantation cramps sometimes occur when a fertilised egg implants or attaches to the lining of the uterus during your first pregnancy. Some people may experience these cramps, while others may not feel anything at all. Implantation cramps shouldn’t be a cause for concern or concern unless you’re expecting pregnancy or think something is off.   

How Do They Differ From Period Cramps? 

Implantation cramps are like menstrual or period cramps but tend to be milder. This does not affect the pregnancy or the health of the developing foetus. Implantation cramps can easily be mistaken for menstrual cramps because they tend to occur around the same time as a menstrual period (6 to 10 days after the egg is released from the ovaries, called ovulation). 

Symptoms Of Implantation Bleeding After Missed Period 

It occurs when a fertilised egg implants in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) during pregnancy. After a sperm fertilises an egg, it is called an embryo. The embryo travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. During this menstrual cycle phase, the endometrium thickens and becomes vascularised. This is an ideal place for the developing embryo to attach and grow. Implantation can destroy blood vessels in the uterine lining, which is why blood appears during implantation bleeding.   

Implantation bleeding is brown, dark brown, or slightly pink. This is considered spotting or light bleeding. It should not be heavy enough to absorb the pad. Implantation bleeding is more reminiscent of vaginal discharge than menstruation. If the blood is bright red or contains blood clots, it may indicate a menstrual period or other problems. Not everyone experiences implantation bleeding.  

Implantation bleeding is often one of the very first signs of pregnancy. The main symptom is light bleeding that lasts for a day or two. Sometimes, it is accompanied by other early pregnancy symptoms, such as:   

  • Headache  

  • Breast tenderness  

  • Bloating or nausea   

  • Tiredness 

Failed Implantation Symptoms  

Below are some of the main symptoms of implantation failure:   

1. Vaginal Bleeding And Abdominal Pain   

A menstrual cycle accompanied by abdominal pain is one of the most obvious symptoms of implantation failure. Once the embryo implants In the uterine wall, you begin to experience the same symptoms as during menstruation: cramps, nausea, headache, breast tenderness, back pain, mood changes, etc. These symptoms appear approximately 15 days after transplantation, followed by menstrual bleeding.  

This bleeding should not be confused with implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is brown or black and occurs when the embryo implants in the uterus. On the other hand, vaginal bleeding due to implantation failure may be lighter and last longer than a normal menstrual period.  

2. Negative Pregnancy Test Result   

Receiving a negative pregnancy test result indicates that the implantation process has not led to pregnancy. It's crucial to comprehend that some symptoms, such as vaginal blood loss, could imitate signs of being pregnant and possibly cause confusion. However, the most dependable way to verify whether you are pregnant is through a pregnancy test. Tests to verify pregnancy determine the occurrence of the hCG hormone, which is exclusively made when a woman becomes pregnant. 

3. Chemical Pregnancy   

A chemical pregnancy occurs when an embryo that was successfully implanted in the uterus no longer develops. This usually occurs during the first five weeks of pregnancy. This can result in a positive pregnancy test, which you won’t know until you have an ultrasound.    

4. Missed Miscarriage   

A miscarriage, also called a “silent miscarriage” or “frozen pregnancy,” occurs when you have had a miscarriage. Still, your body does not recognise it and does not remove the pregnancy tissue from the uterus. This condition is infrequent, and you may not even know it.    

5. Ectopic Pregnancy   

This type of pregnancy occurs when an embryo begins to develop outside the uterus (often in the fallopian tubes). This is one of the main risks of pregnancy. If not detected and treated timely, it leads to fallopian tube rupture.  

This is a serious condition that causes severe pain and heavy bleeding. Even if it is an ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy test will still be positive. Therefore, if you have severe abdominal or shoulder pain, get an ultrasound scan.  

6. No Pregnancy Symptoms  

Another noticeable symptom of implantation failure is the absence of obvious pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, abdominal cramps, light bleeding or spotting, missed periods, etc. It is important to note that every woman experiences pregnancy differently, and the presence or absence of these symptoms does not affect the outcome of the pregnancy.  

Dietitian’s Recommendation  

Implantation may be a bit of a mystery, but the only way to know if you’re pregnant is with a positive pregnancy test. I know it’s difficult, but you’ll get much more accurate results if you wait a few days before your period ends to take it. Educating yourself about pregnancy is always a good idea. So, keep reading &; I understand the article about transplants and pregnancy. 

Dt. Lavina Chauhan  

The Final say 

Being aware of early implantation symptoms like bleeding, cramps, and other subtle signs can offer valuable insights into potential pregnancy. While these symptoms may mimic menstrual discomfort, recognising them can empower individuals to navigate their reproductive health journey. Also, learning about implantation symptoms can help you overcome a failed and unhealthy implantation and take the necessary steps to prevent these symptoms in the future.  

However, it's essential to approach any symptom interpretation with caution and rely on pregnancy tests for definitive confirmation. You can start by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and seeking support from your doctor during pregnancy. Know that becoming a parent is your goal and that making small changes in your life is worth it.  


1. How soon does implantation happen? 

Implantation generally takes place between 6 and 12 days after you ovulate. It commonly occurs 8 to 9 days after conception. So, the exact date of implantation depends on when you ovulated.  

2. How do you feel when implantation is taking place? 

Implantation occurs with bleeding and cramping. It happens with spotting or light bleeding that takes place around 1–2 weeks after fertilisation. The bleeding is lighter than an average period. The blood is often paler than menstrual blood or can be rusty brown. 

3. What are the common signs of implantation discharge? 

Common signs of implantation discharge include light spotting or pinkish/brownish discharge that occurs around 6 to 12 days after conception. This discharge is usually very light and may be accompanied by mild cramping or lower abdominal discomfort. It differs from typical menstrual bleeding in its colour, consistency, and duration, often lasting only a day or two. 

4. Is it possible to feel symptoms 7 days after embryo transfer?  

Yes, it's possible to experience symptoms such as back pain, light cramping, spotting, or fatigue around 7 days after embryo transfer due to hormonal changes and implantation. 

5. What are the first signs of implantation?  

The first few signs of implantation include breast tenderness, cramps, bleeding, hormonal changes, nausea, headache, etc.  

6. How long do implantation symptoms last?   

Signs of implantation usually disappear after a few days. For some, it may only take a few hours; for others, it may take one to three days.   

7. Does everyone experience implantation bleeding?   

Although implantation bleeding is considered more common than implantation cramps, most women are likely to experience no implantation symptoms at all. Because our bodies are different, each person’s pregnancy experience is different. 

8. What are the signs of successful implantation without bleeding? 

Here are some of the significant signs of successful implantation without bleeding: 

  • Cramps   

  • Discharge   

  • Bloating   

  • Tender Breasts  

  • Changes In Appetite   

  • Headache   

  • Mood Swings  

9. What are the fertilisation symptoms before implantation? 

Here are the common fertilisation symptoms before implantation: 

  • Mild abdominal bloating on the sixth or seventh day after the fertile period. 

  • Pinkish discharge up to 3 days after sex - read more about what implantation bleeding looks like. 

  • Fatigue and drowsiness. 

  • Mild but persistent headache. 

  • Sore and swollen breasts. 



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