Green Tea For Weight Loss: Burn Fat With A Cup Of Tea!

Weight Loss


Published on: 13-Jan-2024


10 min read




Anushka Tripathi


Green Tea For Weight Loss: Burn Fat With A Cup Of Tea!

Green Tea For Weight Loss: Burn Fat With A Cup Of Tea!

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Green tea is a drink that has been enjoyed for centuries and is immensely popular today due to its numerous health benefits. It is loved not only for its earthy flavour but also for its healing properties. Green tea is a common natural ingredient found in over-the-counter weight loss products. It has bioactive substances, like caffeine and EGCG, that help boost metabolism and break down fat cells. 

However, most weight loss studies have focused on green tea extracts or supplements rather than the beverage itself. In this blog, you will get an overview of the best green teas for weight loss in India and discuss their health benefits. So, if you are looking for how effective green tea for weight loss is, keep reading!

Table Of Contents

1. Green Tea: An Overview

2. What Are The Benefits Of Green Tea Weight Loss?

3. How To Use Green Tea For Weight Loss?

4. Which Is The Best Green Tea For Weight Loss?

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References 

Green Tea: An Overview

Like oolong and black tea, green tea is also obtained from a bush plant called Camellia sinensis, which originates in India and China. India produces some of the best quality green teas in the world. The climate and terrain of regions like Assam, Darjeeling and Nilgiris are ideal for growing high-quality tea leaves. 

The process of making green tea is so that there is no oxidisation, which is why it is so light in colour. As it is obtained through the steam distillation process, it retains polyphenols and nutrients, making it an ideal choice for maintaining fitness and weight loss. Polyphenols are potent antioxidants in green tea, renowned for its numerous health benefits. 

Also Read: Black Tea Vs Green Tea: Which One Is Your Fit?

What Are The Benefits Of Green Tea Weight Loss?

Green tea's potent benefits are due to compounds called catechins, specifically epicatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin, and EGCG. Below are the benefits of green tea for weight loss:

1. Acts As An Appetite Suppressor  

The most amazing green tea weight loss benefits include the presence of caffeine and catechins in green tea help suppress your appetite by keeping you satisfied and full for several hours. A Swedish study has revealed that regular consumption of green tea helped people improve their satiety levels. 

2. Enhances Fat Metabolism  

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help flush out toxins from the body. It can also enhance fat metabolism levels by 12%. A study also found that participants who followed a high-carb diet for 12 weeks and consumed green tea experienced benefits related to fat oxidation.   

3. Helps In Quick Fat Burning  

The caffeine in green tea creates an energy balance by lowering energy intake from food and improving energy expenditure to burn calories. Studies revealed that caffeine helped lower around 28 of fat mass, 17 BMI and 22 weight reduction. Green tea also induces thermogenesis, fat absorption, fat excretion, and fat oxidation processes.  

4. Aids In Regulation Of Obesity-Related Genes  

Green tea extract helps in weight loss by inducing the browning of adipose tissue in white, which helps lower the risk of developing obesity. It also enhances gut barrier activities by inhibiting protein expression, which is responsible for inflammation. 

5. Helps Enhance Workout Performance  

Regular exercise helps maintain your health and experience sustainable weight loss. Still, delivering optimum workout performance might not be possible due to a lack of stamina and strength. With green tea, it is possible to enhance the endurance capacity of your muscles during exercises.

Also Read: Is Green Tea Good For Cholesterol? Discover Its Benefits

How To Use Green Tea For Weight Loss?

Adding green tea to your diet is easy. It can be enjoyed hot or cold and flavoured in various ways. Below are the ways which show how to use or drink green tea for weight loss:

Incorporate it into your breakfast

Starting your day with green tea is a great idea. You can enjoy it with a light breakfast like oatmeal or yoghurt with fruit. You can also prepare a green tea smoothie with fruits, protein powder, and almond milk. 

Replace sugary drinks

Replace your sugary drinks with green tea. It is low in calories and packed with antioxidants that promote healthy weight loss.  

Drink before meals

Drinking green tea before meals will make you feel full, so you can drink a cup of green tea about 30 minutes before meals to help reduce your overall calorie intake. 

Use as a post-workout drink

By replacing your post-workout sports drink with green tea, you can avoid added sugar and still get the necessary nutrients. Green tea contains polyphenols that aid in reducing inflammation and improving recovery after a workout.

Also Read: Herbal Teas For Skin Health: A Natural Glow From Within

Which Is The Best Green Tea For Weight Loss?

When it comes to selecting green tea in India, the variety of options available can be overwhelming. To help you choose, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Origin and Quality

Look for green teas developed in India’s prime tea-growing regions like Darjeeling, Assam and Nilgiris. Check-in case they are 100% normal with no included flavours.

Type of Leaf

Higher quality green teas will utilise entire loose leaves or long leaves. Maintain a strategic distance from tidy tea or smashed leaves.


Check manufacturing and expiry date to ensure freshness. Vacuum-fixed teas retain freshness longer.


Good quality green tea has a new, green and vegetal aroma. Maintain a strategic distance from ones with stale or rotten smell.


Better green teas have a fragile, mildly green and refreshing taste. 


Good green teas cost between ₹150 to ₹600 per 100g. Exceptionally cheap packets are usually lower in quality.


Check online reviews and evaluations before choosing a brand. Look for consistently good feedback.

Added Ingredient

Choose green teas without artificial additives. Go for common herbs and spices.

Suit Your Needs

Select blends with ingredients like ginger or honey that give the specific benefits you seek.


For purists, choose certified organic green tea that is grown without pesticides or chemicals.

Also Read: Herbal Teas For Brain Health: Improve Your Memory And

The Final Say

So, there you have it! Green tea – a simple, delicious, and scientifically-backed tool in your weight-loss arsenal. Remember, it's not a magic bullet but a powerful ally on your journey to a healthier you.

Green tea has excellent nutritional properties, all you have to do is brew it correctly and drink it on time. Regular consumption of green tea will improve your mood, skin, brain, body, mind and overall health. The powerful antioxidant EGCG may have some effect on visceral fat, but don't rely on green tea to reach your weight loss goals. Your best option is to combine green tea with a healthy diet and exercise to maximise your weight loss.

Remember, every step you take, every cup you enjoy is a step towards a better you. So, keep calm and green tea on!


1. How should I drink honey with green tea for weight loss?

In 2 cups of hot boiling water, add a spoonful of green tea and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink it daily to see better results.

2. How should I drink lemon with green tea for weight loss?

Add fresh lemon juice by squeezing half a lemon into boiling water. Drink 3-5 cups daily to stay hydrated and maximise health benefits.

3. What are the types of green tea for weight loss?

There are major 3 types of green tea that are mentioned below:

  • Japanese Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea

  • Organic India Classic Tulsi Green Tea

  • Tetley Green Tea

4. Can I drink cinnamon with green tea for weight loss?

Yes, you can drink cinnamon with green tea for weight loss, making it a delightful combination. 

5. Does green tea help in weight loss in 1 month?

Drinking 2-3 cups of hot green tea daily can supplement around 2-3 kgs of weight loss in a month.

6. What is the best time for green tea for weight loss?

The best time to drink green tea is before or 30-60 minutes after the meal.

7. Does green tea help you lose weight without exercise?

Green tea may help in speeding up your metabolism so that you burn more calories, even when you are resting. It is also said that green tea can increase metabolism by roughly 3-4%. 

8. Does green tea reduce belly fat?

The enzyme inhibition qualities of green tea may help in regulating nutrient absorption of carbohydrates and curb appetite. Green tea may reduce belly fat and help you lose weight.

9. How much green tea should I drink a day to lose weight?

It is said that two cups of unsweetened green tea a day helps you achieve sustainable weight loss goals and stay in shape. 


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