How To Check Pregnancy At Home Naturally? 9 Ways To Test Without Kit And Tips For Effectiveness!



Published on: 25-Oct-2024


10 min read






How To Check Pregnancy At Home Naturally? 9 Ways To Test Without Kit And Tips For Effectiveness!

How To Check Pregnancy At Home Naturally? 9 Ways To Test Without Kit And Tips For Effectiveness!

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For couples eagerly awaiting a child, confirming a pregnancy can be a mix of thrilling excitement and uncertainty. The desire for a family is often accompanied by a need for immediate reassurance.

However, questions about accuracy, affordability, and privacy often arise when considering home pregnancy tests. Then, how do you check pregnancy at home naturally? While store-bought pregnancy tests offer convenience, natural home remedies can provide an affordable and discreet alternative. Also, it's important to note that these methods lack scientific approval and may also produce inaccurate results. To ensure a reliable diagnosis, it's always advisable to consult a gynaecologist.

This blog discusses eight recommended home pregnancy tests to check the chances immediately without a kit and explores some tips to check pregnancy at home naturally and their effectiveness. So, let’s begin!

Table Of Contents

1. How To Check Pregnancy At Home Without Kit? 9 Home Pregnancy Tests

2. How Do I Check If I Am Pregnant Naturally?

3. Dietitian’s Recommendation

4. The Final Say

5. FAQs

6. References

How To Check Pregnancy At Home Without Kit? 9 Home Pregnancy Tests

How To Check Pregnancy At Home Without Kit

Let’s discuss and understand how to check pregnancy at home. Naturally, these home tests claim to work due to chemical reactions between noticed hCG and common household items.

1. Pregnancy Test With Shampoo

Shampoo is believed to react with hCG (the pregnancy hormone) when mixed with urine. The foaming or bubbling that occurs in this method is interpreted as a sign of pregnancy.

How to use it:

  • Collect a small amount of urine in a plastic container. 

  • In a separate container, mix some shampoo with water to create a soapy solution. 

  • Add the urine to this mixture and observe. 

  • If it foams and bubbles, the result is considered positive.

2. Sugar Pregnancy Test

This test claims that sugar will react to the presence of hCG in the urine, with clumping indicating a positive result. It is thought that hCG prevents sugar from dissolving normally.

How to use it:

  • Place one tablespoon of sugar into a plastic bowl, then add an equal amount of urine. 

  • Observe the reaction. If the sugar forms clumps, it’s said to be a positive result; if it dissolves, the result is negative.

ToneOp Care's Fish Oil Capsules are valuable to a pregnant woman's nutritional routine. Packed with 1000mg of omega-3 fatty acids, these capsules can support healthy fetal brain and eye development. Omega-3s also reduce the risk of preterm birth and postpartum depression. Including these capsules in your prenatal diet can provide essential nutrients for wellness.

3. Pregnancy Test With Toothpaste

White toothpaste is believed to change colour when it comes into contact with hCG, turning blue as a positive sign of pregnancy. Yet, this method is unreliable, as toothpaste naturally comes in different colours, and the science behind it is unclear.

How to use it:

  • Squeeze two tablespoons of quality white toothpaste into a container, then add urine to it. 

  • Watch for any colour changes. If the toothpaste turns blue or foamy, the result is considered positive.

4. Pregnancy Test With Bleach

Bleach is thought to react with hCG, resulting in fizzing or foaming, which some interpret as a sign of pregnancy. However, this method can be harmful due to the toxic fumes, so be cautious and maintain distance. 

How to use it:

  • Pour nearly 1/2 cup of bleach into a small container and add nearly 1/2 cup of urine. 

  • Wait 3 to 5 minutes. If the mixture foams and fizzes, the result is considered positive. 

  • Be cautious and avoid direct inhalation of fumes.

Try ToneOp Care's Flax Seed Oil Capsules in a pregnant woman's diet, providing essential Omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. These nutrients are crucial for supporting healthy fetal development, including brain and eye growth. Also, flax seed oil may help reduce inflammation and promote a healthy pregnancy. 

5. Soap Pregnancy Test

Like shampoo, soap is said to interact with hCG in urine, causing bubbling or foaming as a positive indicator.

How to use it:

  • Mix two tablespoons of urine with a small piece of soap. 

  • If the soap foams or bubbles, it’s taken as a positive result.

Also Read: Expecting? Here Are the 10 Common Discomforts During Pregnancy You Should Know About

6. Vinegar Pregnancy Test

The idea is that hCG in urine reacts with vinegar, leaving discolouration. 

How to use it:

  • Add 1 cup of white vinegar to nearly 1/2 cup of urine. 

  • Wait 3 to 5 minutes to see if the colour changes. 

  • If it does, the result is interpreted as positive.

Include ToneOp Care's Krill Oil Capsules in a pregnant woman's nutritional regimen. These capsules, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, can support healthy fetal brain and eye development. Krill oil's unique composition also helps improve nutrient absorption, making it an excellent choice for expecting mothers. Including ToneOp Care's Krill Oil Capsules in your prenatal diet can give your baby the essential building blocks for a healthy future.

7. Pregnancy Test With Baking Soda

This is believed to react with hCG, causing the mixture to fizz and bubble, which some interpret as a positive sign of pregnancy. 

How to use it:

  • Collect urine in a plastic container, then add two tablespoons of baking soda. 

  • If it bubbles, it may indicate a positive result.

8. Basal Body Temperature Pregnancy Test

Progesterone levels rise after ovulation, keeping BBT higher than usual. If conception has occurred, BBT stays elevated, which can indicate pregnancy. This method is considered more reliable than home remedies but should be confirmed by a healthcare provider.

How to use it:

  • Measure your daily basal body temperature every morning before getting out of bed. 

  • If your temperature remains heightened for more than two weeks after ovulation, it could be a sign of pregnancy.

9. Test By Noticing Changes In Cervical Mucus

Hormonal changes after conception cause cervical mucus to thicken and increase. This can serve as a natural sign of pregnancy, although it’s more noticeable closer to a missed period.

How to use it:

  • Monitor your cervical mucus daily. 

  • Notice any changes in its texture or consistency, especially after ovulation. 

  • If the mucus becomes thick and creamy, it may indicate pregnancy.

Try ToneOp Care's Vitamin 360 tablets during pregnancy for a comprehensive nutritional boost. These multivitamins, enriched with probiotics, offer a powerful combination to support your immune system, digestive health, heart function, and brain development. With 60 tablets in each pack, you can enjoy sustained benefits throughout your pregnancy, ensuring a healthy foundation for you and your baby.

Also Read: Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy And Obesity

How Do I Check If I Am Pregnant Naturally?

You can also consider trying these traditional home remedies for reference that claim to help you determine if you are pregnant without a kit. Let’s discuss these popular methods to check pregnancy at home naturally:

1. Baking Soda Test

This test is based on the idea that baking soda reacts with hCG, the pregnancy hormone present in the urine. While it is easy and convenient, the results should be taken with caution, as there is no scientific basis to prove its accuracy. The test is believed to work due to a chemical reaction that leads to bubbling or fizzing if hCG is present.

What You Need:

  • Clean container

  • Baking soda

  • First-morning urine

How to Do the Test:

  • Collect your daily morning urine in a clean container.

  • Add a teaspoon of quality baking soda to the urine.

  • Wait for 4-5 minutes and observe.

Positive Sign: If the mixture fizzes like soda, it could indicate pregnancy. No bubbles suggest a negative result.

2. Wheat And Barley Test

This ancient Egyptian practice has shown 70% accuracy in some studies. This method has its basic roots in ancient Egypt, where women used wheat and barley seeds to check for pregnancy. It is believed that the urine of a pregnant woman promotes the sprouting of these seeds. The gender of the baby was also traditionally predicted by whether wheat or barley sprouted first, although this aspect lacks any real scientific foundation.

What You Need:

  • Clean containers

  • Wheat berries or barley grains

  • First-morning urine

How to Do the Test:

  • Place wheat in one bowl and barley in another.

  • Add your urine to both containers in the morning.

  • Let them sit for a few days.

Positive Sign: If either the wheat or barley sprouts, it is traditionally believed to indicate pregnancy. No sprouting means you're likely not pregnant.

Also Read: Early Implantation Symptoms: Bleeding, Cramps and More

3. Salt Test

This home test involves mixing urine with salt to detect pregnancy. Some believe that the chemical composition of salt reacts with hCG in the urine, resulting in clumping or fizzing, which indicates pregnancy. Though popular in many cultures, there is no scientific backing to validate this method.

What You Need:

  • Clean container

  • Salt

  • First-morning urine

How to Do the Test:

  • Pour your morning urine into a container.

  • Add a pinch or two of salt.

  • Wait 3-4 minutes and observe.

Positive Sign: If the mixture fizzes or forms creamy white clumps, it may suggest pregnancy. However, this test needs to be scientifically proven.

4. Mustard Powder Test

The mustard powder test is thought to help differentiate between a missed period due to stress or other factors and a possible pregnancy. Mustard is believed to induce menstruation because of its ability to generate heat in the body, which may trigger a period. This method is typically used to rule out pregnancy when the period is late.

What You Need:

  • Mustard powder

  • Warm water

  • Bathtub

How to Do the Test:

  • Fill your bathtub with warm water.

  • Add nearly 1/2 to 3/4 cup of mustard powder.

  • Soak in the bath for 20 minutes.

Positive Sign: If your period starts within 1-2 days, it is likely a false alarm. If no period occurs after two weeks, you might be pregnant.

Note: These methods may provide anecdotal insights, but for accurate results, it’s always best to confirm with a home pregnancy test kit or consult a healthcare provider.

Also Read: Perimenopause Test At Home, Symptoms & Treatment

Expert’s Advice 

I recommend consulting with a doctor for a pregnancy confirmation. While natural pregnancy tests can be a cost-effective option, they may not always provide accurate results. Seeking medical advice ensures a reliable diagnosis and allows for timely guidance on prenatal care, including essential supplements like folic acid, calcium, and anti-nausea medications. Early detection of pregnancy is crucial for receiving appropriate care and support from the beginning.

                                                                                              Health Expert
Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say

Ultimately, confirming pregnancy is a significant milestone. While natural methods can offer a preliminary indication, they lack scientific validation for accuracy. For reliable results, it's advisable to use commercial pregnancy tests or undergo a blood test. Consider conducting multiple tests for greater assurance. If uncertainty persists, an ultrasound can provide definitive confirmation.


1. How can I confirm my pregnancy by myself?

You can use a home pregnancy test to check for pregnancy. These tests are available over-the-counter at most pharmacies. Simply follow the given instructions on the test kit, which involves keeping a urine sample and waiting for results.

2. How can I check whether I am pregnant or not?

To check if you're pregnant, you can take a home pregnancy test using a daily urine sample. Follow the instructions on the test kit. Most tests require you to urinate on a test strip or dip a test stick into a urine sample. After waiting for a specified amount of time, the results will appear on the test.

3. How accurate are pregnancy tests?

Many home pregnancy tests aim to be 99% accurate. However, their effectiveness in detecting pregnancy right after a missed period may vary. It's important to note that home pregnancy tests are most accurate when taken after you've missed your period.

4. When will a pregnancy test show a positive result?

A pregnancy test at home will usually show a positive result after you've missed your period. If you need more clarification, consider taking another test a few days later. The earlier you take the test, the less likely you are to get an accurate result.

5. Can a positive test be inaccurate?

While rare, it's possible for a pregnancy test to give a false positive result. This can happen if you're taking certain medications or if you have certain medical conditions. If you have concerns, consult with a healthcare provider.

6. What type of pregnancy test first confirms pregnancy?

Urine pregnancy tests are generally faster than blood tests in detecting pregnancy. However, blood tests can be more sensitive. If you have concerns about the accuracy of a home pregnancy test, your doctor will perform a blood test to confirm the results.


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