Is Garlic Good For Cholesterol?



Published on: 03-Jul-2023


10 min read


Updated on : 28-Nov-2023




Lalita Vishwakarma


Is Garlic Good For Cholesterol?

Is Garlic Good For Cholesterol?

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Welcome, health enthusiasts and curious minds, to our captivating exploration into the world of garlic and its impact on cholesterol levels. Garlic, an aromatic herb that has captivated our palates and fueled culinary wonders, has long been celebrated for its potential health benefits. But what about its role in combating cholesterol? 

This enlightening blog will explore the science behind garlic's magnetic properties and discover how it can support a heart-healthy lifestyle. Prepare to be amazed as we uncover this humble bulb's secrets and unlock its potential for cholesterol management. Let us embark on this flavorful journey together!

Table Of Contents

1. Understanding Cholesterol

2. The Garlic-Cholesterol Connection

3. Health Benefits Of Garlic

4. Does Garlic Decrease Cholesterol?

5. Varieties Of Garlic For Lowering Cholesterol

6. Things To Keep In Mind While Consuming Garlic

7. The Final Say

8. FAQs

Understanding Cholesterol

Before we delve into the potential benefits of garlic, it is essential to have a basic understanding of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in our bodies and certain foods. It is essential in producing hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids, aiding digestion. 

However, high levels of cholesterol, specifically low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, can increase the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions.

The Garlic-Cholesterol Connection

Garlic is often touted for its capability of cholesterol-reducing effects. Several studies have explored the connection between garlic and LDL cholesterol, with varying results. Some studies suggest garlic can also impact cholesterol levels, while other research has no longer discovered extensive advantages. 

However, it is crucial to note that garlic is not a magic bullet for dealing with LDL cholesterol, and lifestyle factors, weight loss programs, and workouts play a vital role.

Health Benefits Of Garlic

1. Garlic Supports A Healthy Immune System

Your body's immunity prevents it from becoming unwell in the first place and, when necessary, helps in the battle against illness. Garlic provides a boost to your immune system and helps to fight the pathogens. Eating raw garlic can help prevent colds, fevers, and coughs. 

2. Garlic Can Lower Blood Pressure

Two of the most significant global health issues are heart attacks and strokes. Heart disease is generally associated with hypertension. About 70% of heart strokes and heart attacks, or heart failure, are thought to be brought on by it. Around the world, 13.5 per cent of deaths are related to high blood pressure.

Garlic pills will still provide health benefits, such as curing fever or lowering high blood pressure. Remember, the quantity matters greatly, so you must ensure the quantity while consuming garlic. Before beginning to use any supplements, discuss them with your doctor. 

3. Using Garlic Can Lower Cholesterol Levels 

It has been demonstrated through various studies that garlic can lower the level of LDL and total cholesterol by 10 to 15%. Additionally, eating garlic does not affect your HDL cholesterol. Garlic should be a part of your diet if you have heart disease or a family history.

4. Garlic Can Aid In Cancer Prevention

The advantages of garlic are not limited to heart health; they also help prevent cancer. According to research, fresh garlic consumption may additionally assist in decreasing the risk of most colon cancers. 

The Iowa Women's Health Study determined that women who often ate garlic and different fruits and veggies had a 35% reduced danger of developing colon cancers. Researchers concur that extra research on this vicinity continues to be required.

5. The Antibiotic Properties Of Garlic

Allicin is an important component that is present in garlic. Studies have revealed that garlic extracts prevent the development of Fungi components.

Protozoa are components of viral infections caused by various bacteria, including Salmonella. 

6. Garlic Aids In Body Detoxification

Detoxification involves removing substances from the body that have no place there. It is essential to maintaining good health. 

Living in a modern environment exposes us to many daily chemicals and substances. It is a potent detox meal that encourages the formation of glutathione by different liver enzymes. It also offers bioactive selenium and sulphur compounds.

Does Garlic Decrease Cholesterol?

Numerous studies have indicated that consuming garlic may lower cholesterol levels. However, other research contends that garlic has little impact on lowering cholesterol. Opinions on the best varieties of garlic vary, but studies have shown that it can decrease cholesterol. When alliin is exposed to air, it transforms into allicin, a sulfur-based substance.

Garlic's characteristic odour is caused by allicin. Numerous health advantages of allicin have been linked in studies, including:

Decrease in LDL cholesterol

Enhanced immunity

Reduction in blood pressure

The amount of allicin in food varies depending on how it is prepared. The rate at which different garlic products decrease cholesterol varies.

Varieties Of Garlic For Lowering Cholesterol

Scientists have differing views regarding the type of garlic that lowers cholesterol the most. According to research, AGE may be the garlic that consistently lowers overall cholesterol levels. It's likely that garlic oil and powder still reduce cholesterol levels.

1. Black Garlic Extract

2. Kyolic Garlic Extract

3. Raw Garlic

4. Garlic Powder

5. Garlic Oil

6. Garlic Tablets 

Studies demonstrating that aged black garlic extract decreased LDL cholesterol and increased HDL cholesterol (HDL) levels were mentioned in a 2020 review. Participants in this research were administered aged black garlic extract in 300 mg or 6 g twice daily for 4 or 12 weeks.

Other research indicates that decreasing blood cholesterol levels using powdered garlic is unsuccessful. According to the study's authors, this may have resulted from allicin being lost during processing. For this reason, while examining cholesterol levels, researchers preferred raw garlic.

Things To Keep In Mind While Consuming Garlic

Before taking garlic to lower cholesterol levels, bear these things in mind.

1. Garlic Is Not A Substitute For Medicine

Garlic provides a variety of health advantages, but you should be aware that it briefly lowers cholesterol. Low cholesterol levels cannot be kept even after giving up garlic for six months. You must continue eating garlic daily to keep receiving the benefits and focus on eating well and staying active and fit.

2. Garlic Side Effects

Garlic consumption can have mild adverse effects for some people. These consist of stomach issues, bloating, and poor breath. However, consuming two garlic buds is usually fine for most individuals.

Blood clots are less likely to form when you eat garlic. It can result in excessive bleeding after a trauma or cut if you already take medicine. Speaking with your doctor before taking daily garlic supplements might be prudent.

The Final Say

Although the evidence is inconclusive, a growing body of research indicates that garlic may help decrease cholesterol. According to some research, consuming garlic regularly may lower "bad" LDL cholesterol by as much as 9%—a level that may help bolster conventional treatments. 

According to other studies, garlic supplements work better than fresh or cooked garlic to decrease cholesterol. More research is required. Although garlic is usually considered safe, you should consult a doctor before beginning treatment to prevent drug interactions and other potential side effects.


1. Does garlic help lower cholesterol levels?

Garlic has been widely studied for its potential benefits in lowering cholesterol levels. It contains compounds that may inhibit cholesterol synthesis in the liver and reduce the levels of total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

2. How much garlic should I consume to see a cholesterol-lowering effect?

There is no specific dosage recommendation for consuming garlic to lower cholesterol. However, studies have suggested that consuming 600-900 mg of garlic extract, equivalent to about 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic, per day may have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. 

3. Can garlic supplements be as effective as raw garlic in lowering cholesterol?

Garlic supplements, such as garlic extract or aged garlic extract, are commonly available and can provide a convenient alternative to consuming raw garlic. Some studies suggest garlic supplements may offer similar cholesterol-lowering effects as raw garlic.

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