Low Sodium Diet Plan: Health Benefits, Tips, and Side Effects Of No Salt Diet



Published on: 20-May-2024


10 min read




Anvesha Chowdhury


Low Sodium Diet Plan: Health Benefits, Tips, and Side Effects Of No Salt Diet

Low Sodium Diet Plan: Health Benefits, Tips, and Side Effects Of No Salt Diet

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Sodium is an essential mineral in table salt (sodium chloride) and is important in maintaining fluid balance, nerves, and muscles. However, the average diet, especially in developing countries, contains more sodium than necessary due to the presence of processed and convenience foods. A low-sodium diet is designed to help people manage and lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall health. It aims to reduce the consumption of sodium-rich foods and replace them with fresh, whole, and minimally processed foods. This method not only helps minimise excess sodium but also supports a healthy and nutritious diet. 

The hypertension control rate in India during 2001–2020 was 17.5% (95% CI: 14.3%–20.6%)—with a significant increase over the years, reaching 22.5% (CI: 16.9–28.0%) in 2016–2020. Sub-group analysis showed significantly better control rates in the South and West regions and significantly poorer control rates among males. Very few studies reported data on social determinants or lifestyle risk factors. In this guide, we shall look in-depth at low-sodium foods, discussing their benefits, potential dangers, and how to leverage them to increase our sodium intake. 

Table Of Contents 

1. No Salt Diet Or Low Salt Diet For Hypertension (Sample) 

2. What Are The Potential Low Sodium Diet Benefits? 

3. How Can You Incorporate Low Salt Diet Or No Salt Diet? 

4. Potential No Salt Diet Side Effects 

5. Dietitian’s Recommendation 

6. The Final Say 

7. FAQs 

8. References 


No Salt Diet Or Low Salt Diet For Hypertension (Sample)  

The mineral sodium, present in salt (sodium chloride), is essential for maintaining fluid equilibrium and the neurological system in the body. However, eating too much salt can cause various health issues, such as kidney damage, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. The typical person consumes more sodium than is advised daily, mostly from processed foods and dining out. 

Here are diet chart specimens comprising foods that you may incorporate into your diet: 

Diet Plan-1 

Early Morning 

1 glass of Methi water 


1 glass of milk with one bowl of papaya 


1 glass of Coconut water 


1 medium makai roti with one bowl of curd raita   


3 dates   


1 cup of Green tea 


Ragi fruit porridge in one bowl 


Diet Plan-2 

Early Morning 

1 glass of Jeera water 


5 pieces of walnuts & 1 medium banana 


1 glass of muskmelon juice 


1 medium jowar roti with one medium bowl sabzi (Use less salt or use other spices to enhance flavour) 


4 dates 

Evening (before 6 pm) 

1 glass of Coconut water 


1 big bowl of soaked oats in milk/ almond milk   

What Are The Potential Low Sodium Diet Benefits? 

What Are The Potential Low Sodium Diet Benefits

A low sodium diet has multiple benefits like: 

1. Blood Pressure Management 

High blood pressure most prominently causes cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Sodium plays a vital role in controlling blood pressure because it affects fluid balance and the contraction of blood vessels. When you overeat sodium, the body retains more water, increasing blood pressure and blood pressure. People can control blood pressure by eating low-sodium foods. Research shows that reducing sodium intake can decrease blood pressure, especially in people with high blood pressure. Even reducing sodium intake may improve blood pressure control and lower the risk of heart disease.  

2. Heart Health Support  

The risk of heart disease and stroke is positively correlated with excessive sodium consumption. Heart disease, stroke, and other heart illnesses are made more likely by high blood pressure brought on by a high-salt diet, which puts strain on the heart and blood vessels. By consuming less salt, people can preserve their hearts and lessen their chance of developing heart disease. A low-sodium diet may reduce heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure, inflammation, and oxidative stress. According to research, a low-sodium diet has been linked to improved cardiovascular outcomes and a lower risk of heart disease over time.  

3. Stroke Prevention 

A severe and potentially fatal disorder known as a stroke arises from a disruption in blood flow to the brain, depriving it of oxygen and nutrition. One of the most critical risk factors for stroke is high blood pressure, and overeating salt can raise blood pressure. People who control their blood pressure and consume less sodium can lower their risk of stroke. Low-sodium diets may help preserve brain function and reduce the risk of stroke when used as part of a stroke prevention plan.  

4. Enhances Kidney Function 

Kidneys are essential in filtering waste and excess fluid from the blood, maintaining electrolyte balance, and controlling blood pressure. Over time, excessive sodium consumption can lead to kidney failure, damage, and disease. By following a low-sodium diet, people can reduce the strain on the kidneys' activity and improve kidney function. Reducing sodium intake may help reduce stress on the kidneys, preserve their function, and reduce the risk of kidney disease, including chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD).  

5. Strengthens Bone Health 

Sodium plays a complex role in bone metabolism and has positive and negative effects on bone health. Although some sodium is necessary to maintain healthy bones and minerals, excessive sodium intake can lead to calcium loss through urine, causing bones to weaken over time.  

People can support bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis by reducing sodium intake and consuming a nutrient-dense diet that includes calcium and other bone-supporting nutrients. A low-sodium diet, adequate calcium intake, and regular exercise may improve bone health and strength, especially in older adults at risk for osteoporosis. 

How Can You Incorporate Low Salt Diet Or No Salt Diet?  

Here are some basic and easy steps that you may follow to enhance your low sodium diet: 

1. Always Read Labels 

The first step when starting a low-sodium diet is to read the food label. Although some products are labelled "low sodium" or "no added salt," double-checking the food label for sodium content per serving is worth looking into. Be aware of hidden sodium, such as sodium-containing additives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) in food, sodium nitrate, and sodium benzoate. The goal is to choose products with lower sodium content and prioritise unprocessed foods whenever possible  

2. Cook At Home 

Cooking at home puts you out of control of your ingredients and allows you to customise your meals to fit your sodium-free goals. Start by stocking your kitchen with low-sodium diet foods, fresh herbs, spices, and aromatics that provide rich flavour without salt. Try different methods such as grilling, baking, steaming, and sautéing to enhance the natural flavour of your ingredients. Get creative in the kitchen and develop new recipes demonstrating the effectiveness of herbs, spices, and other ingredients  

3. Limit Processed Foods 

Because salt is frequently added to processed and packaged meals to improve flavour and preserve them, these items are well known for having high sodium content. Limit your use of canned soups, soup bases, sauces, deli meats, frozen dinners, and snacks to lower your sodium intake. Fresh, whole meals are usually higher in vital nutrients and lower in salt, so choose them whenever you can. When buying packaged foods, carefully read the labels and select items with "low sodium" or "no added salt."   

4. Choose Fresh Foods 

Whole, unprocessed foods are the foundation of a low-sodium diet; they provide essential nutrients while naturally low in sodium. Stock your refrigerator with fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Add a variety of textures, flavours, and cooking techniques to your meals to delight your heart and nourish your body. Consider shopping at a local market for fresh, seasonal produce or participating in community-supported agriculture (CSA).  

5. Use Alternative Seasonings 

Enhancing the flavour of your food without relying on salt is the key to achieving a low-sodium diet. Experiment with different herbs, spices, juices, orange juice, and aromatic vegetables to add depth and complexity to your dishes. Some delicious options include garlic, ginger, onion, coriander, basil, rosemary, thyme, cumin, paprika, turmeric, lemon, lime, and balsamic vinegar. Have fun with combinations, and don't be afraid to try new foods to keep your meals fun and exciting. 

Potential No Salt Diet Side Effects 

Here are some potential challenges you might face while following a low sodium diet with solutions to deal with the same: 

1. Taste Adjustment 

One of the main challenges in switching to a low-sodium diet is adjusting to the taste of foods without added salt. Salt is a powerful flavour enhancer, and reducing sodium intake can make food taste bad or unpleasant.  

Solution- Gradually reduce the salt you use in cooking and at the table to give your taste buds time to adjust to the low sodium content. Try using herbs, spices, citrus juices, and savoury condiments like mustard and salsa to enhance the flavour of your food without relying on salt.  

2. Social Situations 

Eating out or attending social gatherings can be problematic for people on a low-sodium diet. Many restaurants and prepared meals are high in sodium, making it difficult to control your intake.  

Solution- Plan by researching restaurants online or calling to inquire about low-sodium options. Ask for sauces and seasonings when you eat to control how much you add to your meal. Share or bring low-sodium meals to encourage healthy eating  

3. Cravings 

Cravings for salty foods may arise, especially at the beginning of the transition to low-sodium foods. It can be challenging to overcome and can encourage people to fall back into old eating habits.  

Solution- Fight appetite by staying hydrated, as thirst can be confused with hunger or cravings. Regular, balanced meals and snacks daily help steady blood sugar levels and reduce appetite. Keep healthy, sodium-free snacks, like fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and popcorn, to satisfy these cravings without compromising your diet.  

4. Label Reading And Hidden Sodium 

Identifying and avoiding foods high in sodium can be difficult because sodium is often hidden under various names and additives in foods and packaging.  

Solution- Learn to read food labels and ingredient lists to identify products high in sodium. Look for sodium chloride, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium nitrate, sodium benzoate, and other sodium-containing additives. When purchasing packaged items, choose fresh, whole foods whenever possible and items labelled "low sodium" or "no added salt."  

5. Cooking From Scratch 

Cooking food from scratch can be time-consuming and requires extra planning and preparation. This can be challenging, especially for people with busy schedules or limited cooking skills.  

Solution- Easily prepare meals by cooking in bulk and freezing for later use. Invest in time-saving kitchen gadgets and appliances like a slow or pressure cooker to make cooking easier. Focus on simple, healthy meals that require minimal ingredients and cooking, and involve family or friends in meal planning to create a shared experience.   

6. Nutritional Balance 

Removing foods high in sodium from your diet will allow you to compensate for nutrient deficiencies if you replace them with nutritious foods.  

Solution- Maintain a healthy diet by including various foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Pay attention to other essential nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which play crucial roles in overall health and can help counteract the effects of sodium. Consider a professional to meet nutritional needs while following a restricted diet. 

Dietitian’s Recommendation 

As a nutritionist, I recommend choosing fresh, whole foods without processing, reading labels carefully to identify hidden sodium, using herbs and spices to flavour, and cooking at home to control sodium intake. Include a variety of nutrient-rich foods for a balanced diet and reduce sodium intake to improve heart and overall health. 

Dt. Akshata Gandevikar 

The Final Say 

The use of low-sodium foods may be beneficial to health and well-being. By reducing sodium intake and consuming foods that contain unprocessed foods, people can reduce their risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems associated with excessive sodium intake. Through careful choice and commitment to a healthy diet, anyone who wants to develop healthy eating habits can reap the benefits of a low-sodium diet. 


1. Is rice low in sodium?  

Yes, rice is low in sodium, so you can opt for it in a low-sodium diet, but make sure it is cooked without added salt.  

2. What can I eat to lower my sodium intake?  

Eat dairy and its products, fresh fruits, and low-sodium snacks, and use seasonings instead of salt to enhance flavour.  

3. What fruits are low in sodium?  

 Papaya, pears, bananas, and apples are some of the fruits that are low in sodium. 


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