How To Maintain Your Healthy Routine During Janmashtami Fasting?



Published on: 26-Aug-2024


10 min read






How To Maintain Your Healthy Routine During Janmashtami Fasting?

How To Maintain Your Healthy Routine During Janmashtami Fasting?

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Hindus celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, on Janmashtami. Since Shri Krishna was born at midnight, people observe a fast on this day to enhance their spiritual connection and break it after midnight. Janmashtami fasting time allows us to express our devotion to God, but also calls in for a lot of munching on fried and heavy falahari food. Hence it becomes important to have a proper planning and ensure a healthy fasting schedule. 

Are you wondering how you can ensure that your fast is meaningful and healthy? What strategies can help you maintain your energy levels and avoid discomfort during Janmashtami fasting? Knowing Krishna Janmashtami's fast rules, healthy recipes, and tips can help.

This blog explores practical tips to help you maintain a healthy routine while fasting for Janmashtami. Also, we will discuss some nutritious Janmashtami upvas food options with rules for healthy fasting!

Table Of Contents

1. How To Maintain Energy Throughout The Day While Janmashtami Fasting? 7 Tips

2. What Can We Eat On Janmashtami Fast? 9 Healthy Options

3. What Are The Rules For Healthy Janmashtami Fasting? 13 Rules

4. Dietitian’s Recommendation

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References

How To Maintain Energy Throughout The Day While Janmashtami Fasting? 7 Tips

Janmashtami often involves fasting as a form of devotion. However, fasting can sometimes lead to fatigue and low energy levels. To ensure a meaningful fasting experience, it's essential to maintain your energy throughout the day.

Try these simple Janmashtami fasting tips to effectively manage your energy levels and enjoy the spiritual significance of this auspicious occasion.

1. Prepare A Proper Pre-Fast Meal

Traditionally, in Hindu culture, a new day begins at sunrise. To maintain energy throughout the Janmashtami fast, it’s essential to have a hearty meal the night before and to wake up early to eat before sunrise. This pre-fast meal provides the strength and energy to sustain you through the day without food.

2. Drink Fluids 

Staying hydrated is highly recommended while fasting. Your body still produces stomach acids, so drinking nearly 5 to 6 litres of water is important to neutralise these acids. Make sure to consume fluids before and after your fast to maintain hydration.

3. Eat Variety Of Fruits

During the Janmashtami fast, fruits and dairy products are permissible. Opt for fruits high in water content, like melons, to help you stay full. However, avoid citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and berries, as they can increase stomach acid and potentially cause acid reflux.

4. Opt For Coconut Water And Juice

Fresh tender coconut water offers natural hydration and electrolyte. Along with fruit juices, it’s recommended to consume drinks like buttermilk and lemonade throughout the day. However, be cautious about drinking juice after dinner, as it can disrupt digestion.

5. Focus On Conserving Energy

While fasting, it’s important to allow your body to conserve energy. Since your body has limited energy reserves, try to avoid strenuous activities or excessive movement that could deplete your energy more quickly.

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6. Try Healthy Fasting Recipes

Since Lord Krishna was fond of milk and butter, devotees often prepared various recipes using these ingredients. Sweets like kheer and pedhas are common treats during Janmashtami. Try replacing these high calorie recipes with healthy fasting recipes. You can also replace sugar with jaggary powder and deep frying with shallow or air frying. 

7. Break Fast Smartly

When breaking your fast, avoid overeating. After midnight, lighter snacks, such as sabudana dishes or singhara snacks, are advisable. Be cautious with specific dairy products, as they can trigger acid reflux. Steer clear of greasy or heavy foods, and eat slowly and mindfully once the fast concludes.

Also Read: Krishna Janmashtami: Healthy Recipes By TONEOP

What Can We Eat On Janmashtami Fast? 9 Healthy Options

Consider these nine healthy options for Janmashtami fasting with low-sugar and low-calorie options:

1. Sabudana

This Falhari Sabudana is a healthy option for a quick energy boost during Janmashtami fasting. It's primarily a starchy food rich in carbohydrates, making it a great energy source. Pairing sabudana with groundnuts and serving with curd enhances the taste and creates a balanced combination of carbs and protein.

2. Makhana

Makhana significantly offers protein and carbohydrates, making it a nutritious choice for Janmashtami fasting. Also, the benefits of Makhana with milk are due to magnesium and calcium, which are needed for healthy metabolism, protein synthesis, and muscle function.

3. Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are essential in Janmashtami treats like Dhaniya Panjiri, Makhana Paag, and Boondi Ladoo. Including dry fruits in your diet adds significant antioxidants, fibre, and nutrients. They are also rich in vitamins B, copper, and phosphorus, boosting energy and stamina.

4. Buckwheat Flour

This buckwheat flour, or Kuttu ka atta, is a popular ingredient for making nutritious roti, puri, and halwa during fasting. It’s gluten-free and a good source of vegetarian protein. Buckwheat paratha or roti is filling, keeping you satisfied longer while providing ample fibre.

5. Amaranth Flour

During the Janmashtami fast, when multigrain and wheat flour are off-limits, amaranth flour becomes a valuable alternative. It's gluten-free, energy-dense, and packed with essential minerals. Using amaranth flour to make roti, pakode, and halwa will keep you full and provide fibre, protein, and vital nutrients.

6. Makhan

It is Lord Krishna's favourite and is traditionally offered in Janmashtami. However, if you’re fasting, consider choosing thick curd instead. Curd is a lighter protein option and is easier to digest than butter. It’s also rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium, making it nutritious.

7. Himalayan Rock Salt

This rock salt is a staple in fasting recipes like sabudana khichdi, kuttu puri, and jeera aloo. It’s a preferred option because it helps maintain body temperature, is low in sodium, and is rich in potassium. Being free from chemical processes, it also helps balance the body’s electrolytes.

8. Peanuts

Roasted peanuts are an ideal snack during fasting, offering a good protein source, healthy fats, and low carbohydrates. They provide sustained energy, are heart-healthy, and support weight management by reducing the risk of heart disease.

9. Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is a healthy ingredient in many Janmashtami sweets, such as Mathura Peda and Coconut Barfi. It not only enhances the flavour but also adds essential nutrients. Brown sugar provides energy while fasting and contains minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium.

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What Are The Rules For Healthy Janmashtami Fasting? 13 Rules

Note these Janmashtami fasting rules to approach your fasts healthily:



Stay Hydrated

To avoid dehydration, drink enough water, coconut water, herbal teas, and buttermilk.

Follow A Balanced Fasting Diet

Include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and dairy products to prevent nutritional depletion.

Consider Moderation

Limit intake of high-calorie foods like deep-fried snacks and sweets. Choose lighter options like fruit chaat and yoghurt.

Use Healthy Cooking Methods

Opt for steaming, roasting, or grilling instead of deep frying to reduce calorie and fat content.

Portion Control

Eat smaller, more frequent meals to balance energy and avoid overeating.

Include Protein

Consume protein foods like lentils, chickpeas, and paneer for sustained energy.

Fiber-Rich Foods

Include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to aid digestion and promote satiety.

Avoid Excess Sugar

Limit sugar intake and opt for jaggery or honey-based sweets.

Mindful Eating

Eat slowly and enjoy your food to prevent overeating and improve digestion.

Say No To Feasting

Avoid large meals when breaking your fast to prevent indigestion and weight gain.

Avoid Fried Food

Steer clear of heavy sweets and fried foods like pakoras to avoid gastrointestinal issues.

No Caffeine

Avoid tea and coffee as they can exacerbate headaches during fasting.

Proper Sleep And Rest

Get adequate rest to support your body's detoxification process.

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Dietitian’s Recommendation

The essence of Janmashtami fasting is not just abstaining from food but also reconnecting with your spiritually. Follow these recommendations to make your Janmashtami fast spiritually meaningful and physically healthy. I hope this Janmashtami brings you inner serenity, excellent health, and spiritual fulfilment. Following these guidelines and principles will ensure that your Janmashtami celebrations are healthy.

                                                                                        Dt. Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say

Ultimately, the Janmashtami fasting schedule offers the best benefits to many devotees who fast and express their devotion. While fasting can be a spiritual experience, it's important to maintain a healthy routine to avoid discomfort or health issues. So, plan your meals and engage in gentle physical activity to ensure your fast is spiritually fulfilling and physically beneficial. 

Remember, the goal of Janmashtami fasting is not to suffer but to connect with your inner self. So, approach your Krishna Janmashtami fast with mindfulness, and let it be a positive and enriching experience.


1. What time should we break fast on Janmashtami?

On Janmashtami, devotees typically break their fast at midnight, which marks the birth of Lord Krishna. However, it is also important to wait until both Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra have ended, which may affect the exact timing for breaking the fast.

2. What is the timing of fasting for Krishnashtami?

The fasting for Krishnashtami typically starts the previous evening (usually on the eve of Krishna Janmashtami) and ends the next morning after midnight.

3. What are the significant Janmashtami fasting benefits?

Janmashtami fasting is believed to purify the body and mind, enhance spiritual connection, and foster devotion to Lord Krishna. It can also promote discipline, self-control, and gratitude.

4. Can I drink water during the Janmashtami fast?

Absolutely! Staying hydrated is recommended, but excessive fluid intake might cause discomfort during fasting. Listen to your body's instincts and prioritise water-rich, nourishing liquids to stay energised and hydrated throughout the Janmashtami vrat.

5. Can I drink coffee during the Janmashtami fast?

No, drinking coffee during Janmashtami fasting is not recommended. Avoid having tea or coffee during your fast, as these liquids might increase acidity and cause discomfort.


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Comments (1)


Martha Ivana

Hello Everyone ,I want you to know that there is always a herbal cure designated/made for each and every diseases and infections out there... herbal medication has been tested and proven right to cure several disease and infections... many which the hospital labels incurable , but herbal medication has been able to cure then successfully. saying there is no cure for HIV, HSV , HPV, DIABETES , HEPATITIS B, etc, its very wrong , i have used and benefited from herbal medicine it works perfectly and am 100% cured from HSV, and also i have interact with several people who have been cured from this various diseases with the use of herbal medicine and i will like you to try herbal medicine for any infections or disease you are suffering of , don't just conclude that there is no cure for all that infections cause the big pharmaceuticals companies want you to believe that, Its hard time you start looking things from other perspective , ask yourself how come about the virus in the first place ? ask yourself before these pharmaceuticals companies, how were people treating diseases and infections ? and why is it that fruits and vegetables are very essentials to the body system ? there are many questions that are left unanswered , what i will advice anyone who truly seek a solution to his or her problem is to get herbal medication and see how it works . i got the herbal medicine i use through a herbalist Dr Ofua Ofure , you too can do the same and get cured, his contact: +2347055955394.

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