Medications During Pregnancy: A Guide To Safe Options For Expecting Mothers



Published on: 22-May-2024


10 min read




Anvesha Chowdhury


Medications During Pregnancy: A Guide To Safe Options For Expecting Mothers

Medications During Pregnancy: A Guide To Safe Options For Expecting Mothers

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Congratulations! You're about to embark on an extraordinary journey of pregnancy. While excitement undoubtedly fills your days, questions and concerns may also arise. One common worry for expecting mothers is medications during pregnancy. Can you take that pain reliever you normally rely on? Is there a safe cough syrup to soothe your bothersome tickle? 

The truth is navigating safe medications during pregnancy requires a cautious approach. While some medications are perfectly compatible with prenatal health, others can pose risks to your developing baby. The desire to find medications to get pregnant fast might have been your priority before, but now, ensuring a healthy pregnancy takes centre stage. 

This guide will be your companion as you explore the world of pregnancy safe medications. We'll delve into the different categories of medications, explore resources to help you identify safe options, and address common concerns expecting mothers have. Remember, this information cannot replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor before taking any medication, prescription or over the counter, during pregnancy. With this in mind, let’s get into the topic.

Table Of Contents 

1. About Pregnancy Safe Medications  

2. List Of Safe Medications During Pregnancy 

3. Top 7 Medications To Get Pregnant Fast 

4. Expert’s Advice 

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs 

7. References 

About Pregnancy Safe Medications  

Pregnancy can bring about a variety of unexpected symptoms and may require different approaches to managing existing conditions. Almost every pregnant woman must decide whether to take medications before and during pregnancy. Many people need to take medications to stay healthy during this time. However, not all medicines are safe to take during pregnancy, as some can cause birth defects, miscarriage, prematurity, infant death, or developmental problems.  

Choosing pregnancy-safe medications is crucial for a healthy pregnancy, ensuring both the well-being of the mother and the healthy development of the fetus. While some medications are considered safe during pregnancy, the effects of others on the fetus are unknown. Some drugs may be most harmful to the developing baby if taken during the first three months of pregnancy, often before a woman knows she is pregnant. 

Many women may need to take medications to treat new or existing health problems during pregnancy, along with recommended vitamins. It is essential for pregnant women to consult their doctor before taking any medications or dietary supplements. A woman who is currently taking medication and plans to become pregnant should check with her doctor beforehand to determine if she should stop or change her medication. Medications or other substances taken by a pregnant woman can be passed to the fetus through the umbilical cord, along with oxygen and nutrients necessary for the fetus's growth and development. However, even drugs that cannot cross the placenta may still harm the fetus by affecting the uterus or umbilical cord. 

Pregnant women can ensure a healthier pregnancy and better outcomes for their newborns by speaking with healthcare specialists and carefully selecting drugs.  

List Of Safe Medications During Pregnancy 

Here are some medications during pregnancy that may be safe to take, but always check with your doctor first: 


It is the active ingredient in Tylenol. It is usually prescribed for short-term use for pain and fever. 


Antacids containing calcium carbonate (Tums, Mylanta, etc.), which include a certain amount of calcium, are often used during pregnancy, as are proton pump inhibitors for heartburn. 

Antidiarrheal Treatment 

Kaopectate is used in limited quantities and for a limited period, but check with your doctor first to be assured (most recommend waiting until after the first trimester of pregnancy). Pepto-Bismol and other salicylates should not be prescribed or used during pregnancy. 


The most common drug is diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Many, but not all, doctors recommend loratadine (Claritin), but some advise avoiding it during the first trimester. Some practitioners recommend limited chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton) doses, but most recommend finding a better alternative. 

Cough medicine 

Products containing dextromethorphan, including the expectorant Mucinex and most cough suppressants such as Robitussin and Vicks 44, are safe. 

Decongestant chest Massage 

Vicks VapoRub can be taken generically. 


Laxatives such as Metamucil are approved for constipation. 

Gas Medicines  

Gas-X and Mylicon are suitable for relieving occasional bloating during pregnancy. 

Nasal spray 

Preparations containing steroids can be used for nasal congestion but ask your doctor for dosage and brand. The same goes for saline sprays and nasal strips. 

Vitamins for pregnant women 

They are safe to take and highly recommended for preventing birth defects and replenishing nutritional deficiencies. 

Skin rash creams 

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and hydrocortisone (Cortaid) can be used in small doses. 

Sleep medications 

Many healthcare professionals have allowed the occasional use of Unisom, Tylenol PM, Sominex, and Nytol, which are all usually regarded as safe during pregnancy (check with your prescribed doctor before taking them). 

Witch Hazel 

Chin pads or glycerin products (Formula H) are safe treatments for haemorrhoids. 

You can often continue to take other medications for chronic conditions such as asthma or diabetes during pregnancy, but this depends on the drug and your situation, so be sure to check with your doctor first. 

Top 7 Medications To Get Pregnant Fast 

Top 7 Medications To Get Pregnant Fast

After evaluating the underlying factors causing infertility, your doctor will prescribe appropriate medications to enhance the quality of your eggs and sperm, thereby increasing your chances of becoming pregnant increase. Most medications stimulate the natural process of ovulation.   

  • Fertility medications for women typically stimulate follicular development in the ovaries and induce ovulation.   

  • For male infertility, infertility experts prescribe medications that improve the quantity and quality of sperm to promote fertilisation and thereby improve male fertility. 

Note: These medications should not be taken without a prescription. Consult a health professional before taking any such medications. 

Here are the top 7 medications to be taken if you are willing to get pregnant fast: 

1. Clomiphene Citrate 

Used as a first-line treatment for infertility, except for patients with irregular cycles and polycystic ovary syndrome. It promotes the growth of follicles by stimulating the production of luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This causes the eggs to be released.   

2. Letrozole 

Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor that acts similarly to clomiphene. It helps you release more eggs and is commonly used as a first-line treatment for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), making it an effective medicine for getting pregnant quickly.   

3. Tamoxifen 

Tamoxifen is prescribed for quick pregnancy as an alternative to clomiphene to stimulate ovulation in women with irregular ovulation.   

4. Metformin 

Metformin is a drug that promotes regular ovulation in women with insulin resistance. It is used in women with PCOS, where insulin resistance causes infertility and who are looking for a treatment to help them get pregnant quickly.   

5. Gonadotropin 

Gonadotropins are the main hormones that stimulate ovulation in women and promote fertility in men. Gonadotropin injections signal the pituitary gland to secrete certain hormones. This pituitary hormone stimulates the testicles in men and the ovaries in women to release sperm and eggs, which helps treat infertility.   

6. Bromocriptine 

Bromocriptine is a dopamine agonist used to treat ovulation problems caused by the overproduction of the hormone prolactin. This can occur in conditions such as pituitary tumours that lead to overproduction of prolactin. Bromocriptine effectively normalises high prolactin levels and helps in quick conception. 

7. Injectable Hormones 

  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) drugs - This medication is similar to the natural FSH hormone. These include lyophilises of human FSH and follitropin alfa and preparations made from recombinant FSH. This medication causes eggs to mature in the ovaries and stimulates ovulation 

  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG- is a hormonal medication used with other medications to stimulate a woman’s ovaries to release a mature egg. HCG supports implantation by stimulating progesterone production in corpus luteum cells. HCG helps men produce testosterone and sperm. 

  • Human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) - is a combination medication containing FSH and luteinising hormone (LH) that stimulates the ovaries to produce many follicles containing eggs. 

  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) - triggers the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary gland in the brain. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists (GnRH antagonists) inhibit the release of FSH and LH, allowing eggs to mature appropriately for use in in vitro fertilisation (IVF).   

Many medications can help improve fertility, but it is essential to remember that they should only be taken after consulting your doctor first. Many of these medications require precise timing and dosage, and taking them without proper guidance from a doctor may lead to serious health risks or unexpected side effects. 

Expert’s Advice  

No medication is 100% safe for everyone to use during pregnancy. If you can manage your symptoms without medication, this may be the safest option. Talk to your doctor, such as your OB/GYN, about the medicines you take. Talk to them before taking any new medication. And know that staying fit is an integral part of a healthy pregnancy. 

Health Expert  
Lavina Chauhan 

The Final Say 

Consulting with a healthcare professional before taking any medication during pregnancy is essential to evaluate the potential risks and benefits and make the best choice for both you and your baby. By understanding which medications are safe and which ones to avoid, pregnant women can improve their prenatal experience with confidence and peace of mind. 


1. Is it safe to take medications during pregnancy?  

This depends on the medication and stage of pregnancy. Some medications are considered safe during pregnancy, while others may pose risks to the fetus.  

2. What medications are generally considered safe during pregnancy?  

Some medications, such as prenatal vitamins, acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain relief, and some antibiotics, such as penicillin, are generally considered safe during pregnancy. However, you should consult your doctor before taking any medication.   

3. What medications should I avoid during pregnancy  

Certain medicines should not be taken when pregnant because they can harm the unborn baby. These include pain relievers like ibuprofen and aspirin, treatments for acne such as isotretinoin, and drugs for depression or anxiety. 

4. Can I continue taking my regular medications if I'm pregnant  

If you are taking medicine regularly and plan to get pregnant or already have a pregnancy, it is very important to talk with your healthcare professional. They can evaluate the risks and benefits of continuing or stopping drugs during the period of being pregnant, as well as suggest advice that fits you personally. 


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