Mousambi Vs Orange: Nutrition And Health Benefits



Published on: 06-Mar-2023


10 min read


Updated on : 30-Nov-2023




Ritika Sharma


Mousambi Vs Orange: Nutrition And Health Benefits

Mousambi Vs Orange: Nutrition And Health Benefits

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Orange and sweet lime flavours are practically comparable. However, the variation in its qualities is not that different. Sweet Lime is also called mousambi and Sathukudi fruit. Orange is commonly known as santra in Hindi. 

Both mousambi and orange are nutritious fruits that are often consumed during detox and help fight many medical conditions like cholesterol, jaundice, indigestion, etc. The question that arises is, what is the difference between orange and sweet lime? What is the impact of both on health? This blog will answer your every query related to mousambi vs orange.

Table Of Contents

1. What Is Orange?

2. What Is Mousambi?

3. Nutritional Facts Of Mousambi

4. Nutritional Facts Of Orange

5. 5 Health Benefits Of Mousambi

6. 5 Health Benefits Of Orange

7. Distinction Between Mousambi And Orange

8. Dietitian’s Recommendation

9. The Final Say

10 FAQs

What Is Orange?

Oranges are a healthy, refreshing fruit packed with antioxidants and rich in vitamin C. It grows abundantly in the cold but is also easily accessible in the summer. This energising fruit comes in several varieties, some of which are so identical that they are difficult to distinguish.

What Is Mousambi?

Sweet lime is a vital fruit crop for Indian farmers, and it is widely grown in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Orissa, West Bengal, Assam, Rajasthan, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh. Mousambi is a well-known name in India, but it is also called Satukudi in Tamil, Battayi or Chinikaya in Telugu and Moushumi in Bengal.

Nutritional Facts Of Mousambi

1 mousambi contains the following quantity of nutrition:

  • Energy: 45 calories
  • Protein: 0.8 gm
  • Vitamin C: 53 mg
  • Fats: 0.3 gm
  • Vitamin A: 90.2 mcg
  • Dietary Fibre: 41.64 gm

Nutritional Facts Of Orange

1 orange contains the following quantity of nutrition:

  • Calories - 47
  • Water - 87%
  • Protein - 0.9 grams
  • Carbs - 11.8 grams
  • Fibre - 2.4 grams
  • Fat - 0.1 gram
  • Potassium - 181 mg
  • Magnesium - 2 %
  • Vitamin C - 88%
  • Vitamin A - 4%
  • Vitamin B6 - 5%

5 Health Benefits Of Mousambi

Health Benefits Of Orange & Health Benefits Of Mousambi

1. Source Of Multinutrients

Mousambi has a high calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and vitamin C content. The fruit has no fat. It may be used to prepare homemade jams, sorbets, and pickles. These nutrients encourage healthy growth and learning abilities in youngsters.

2. Boosts Immunity

A strong immune system is a blessing since it helps the body fight viruses and germs. Because mousambi is a citrus fruit, it helps to boost the immune system.

3. Helps In Digestion

Mousambi juice helps digestion and controls bowel motions when consumed regularly. It includes flavonoids, which aid in treating stomach disorders and removing toxins from the body. It prevents acidity and soothes the stomach.

4. Heals Jaundice

Another amazing benefit of utilising mousambi is that it is considered a good therapy for jaundice. It relieves jaundice and instantly improves liver function.

5. Aids Nervous System

Mousambi is a highly pleasant fruit that aids in the treatment of respiratory issues such as asthma. It can help in the treatment of mental diseases like anxiety and sadness.

5 Health Benefits Of Orange

1. Source Of Vitamin C

Sunlight and oranges are the most natural sources of vitamin C. This vitamin helps to avoid catastrophic illnesses like skin cancer. Another intriguing fact about oranges is that they contain 100% vitamin C.

2. Manages Cholesterol And Blood Sugar

Orange is a fibre-rich fruit that diabetics may consume and gives natural sweetness. Because it controls blood sugar and cholesterol levels, it is a safe fruit. It includes fructose, which aids in the regulation of insulin synthesis in the body.

3. Boosts Eyesight

You may have heard that vitamin A enhances eyesight. It is, nevertheless, accurate, with the caveat that oranges are strong in vitamin A. It aids in the prevention of eye disorders such as cataracts. This fruit is critical in preventing night blindness and unexpected eyesight loss.

4. Benefits The Skin

Eating meals high in nutritional value is the key to obtaining a natural shine on your skin. Oranges are high in dietary fibre and aid in skin health. Oranges are excellent for keeping your skin fresh and preventing premature ageing.

5. Beneficial For Heart Patients

Oranges are abundant in fibre, potassium, vitamin C, and choline, all of which are beneficial to the heart. Reduce your salt consumption while increasing your potassium intake if you want to lessen your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Distinction Between Mousambi And Orange

1. Nutritive Value

Mousambi contains less fat but more sugar than an orange. Oranges, on the other hand, have more sugar. Comparing the two citrus cultivars in terms of nutrients is tricky. Oranges include more antioxidants and vitamin C than mousambi.

2. Appearance

Oranges are often saffron or orange in colour, whereas mousambi is green. Mousambi's skin is tough and can only be peeled with a knife.

3. Taste And Flavour

Oranges have a significantly sweeter flavour due to their higher sugar content. Mousambi, on the other hand, has a sour disposition and has a moderately sweet flavour.

4. Availability And Cost

Mousambi is readily accessible and abundantly farmed throughout India.

They are, without a doubt, the less expensive choice. Oranges require certain climatic conditions to flourish, which may explain their higher price. Because of their huge output, oranges are believed to be more pricey than mousambi. Mousambi is the more affordable of the two.

Colour Distinction

The distinction is visible to the naked eye since mousambi is mostly green, and orange is orange-green to orange. The colour orange can range from saffron to orange.

Dietitian’s Recommendation

Mousambi and orange are both extremely and equally nutritious, yet, as demonstrated above, there are several basic variations in advantages. Both, however, are helpful to one's general health. Consequently, you can incorporate one of the two into your diet regularly.

-Dietitian Lavina Chauhan 

The Final Say

The main difference between oranges and mousambi is that oranges are sweeter than mousambi. When viewed with the naked eye, mousambi stands out from orange due to its outer colour profile, which is often greener than orange.


1. Which one is better, orange and mousambi?

In terms of nutrients, comparing the two citrus cultivars is challenging. Nonetheless, oranges prevail since they have more antioxidants and vitamin C than mousambi. Mousambi, on the other hand, has almost similar other nutritions.

2. Are orange and mousambi alike?

In terms of flavour, orange and mousambi differ somewhat. The first is acidic, while the second is moderately sweet. Although they are separate citrus fruits, the difference between orange and mousambi is insignificant.

3. Can mousambi be consumed every day?

Yes, because mousambi has a high concentration of flavonoids, it aids in releasing digestive fluids, which aids digestion and reduces constipation. During pregnancy, one glass of mousambi juice per day is recommended. The juice also maintains the body's coolness and fitness during the summer by preventing heartburn.

4. Is it advisable to consume oranges every day?

Yes, eating one orange daily can strengthen your immunity, improve the appearance of your skin, preserve your vision, avoid heart disease, and limit the formation of stomach ulcers. A maximum of two oranges should be consumed in one day.

5. Is mousambi less citric than orange?

It is claimed that mousambi has less citric acid than other limes or fruits, such as oranges.

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