The Secret Behind Onion For Eyesight: Benefits, Uses & Side Effects!



Published on: 25-Jan-2024


10 min read




Anushka Tripathi


The Secret Behind Onion For Eyesight: Benefits, Uses & Side Effects!

The Secret Behind Onion For Eyesight: Benefits, Uses & Side Effects!

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Hello, readers! You all know onions bring tears to our eyes, but what if they held the power to shed light on better vision? Yes indeed, these onions hold potential benefits for your precious eyesight. 

In this digital age, where you spend your entire day on the laptop or computer,

excessive screen time can take your eyes a toll, dominating your mental and physical fitness. Due to continuous work and pressure, your eyes may often feel dry and irritated affecting your vision, causing myopia, eye fatigue and other related issues. 

However, the work pressure cannot be shifted, but your eyes can be taken care of with nutrition and treatment. For this, ancient wisdom says that onion can be a superhero for protecting your eyes with its antibacterial and antifungal properties and fighting infections.

This blog will peel the layer of this secret remedy and explore its intricate mechanisms of keeping infection at bay. You will also learn how to use onion for eyesight and some side effects to be cautioned about. Read on to discover the benefits of onion for eyesight!

Table Of Contents

1. Why Onion For Eyesight Is An Effective Natural Remedy?

2. 4 Benefits Of Onion For Eye Infection

3. How To Use Onion For Eyesight?

4. What Are The Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Onion?

5. Precautions When Using Onion Juice On Eyes

6. The Final Say

7. FAQs

8. References

Why Onion For Eyesight Is An Effective Natural Remedy? 

The notion of onions for eyesight dates back to ancient Egypt, where they were venerated as symbols of celestial bodies and believed to hold cosmic power. While steeped in folklore, this belief may not be entirely off the mark. Modern science unveils surprising evidence of the potential benefits of onion for eyesight. 

Onion has a remarkable nutritional profile. Rich in sulphur-containing compounds like allicin and various antioxidants (vitamin C, quercetin, and lutein), onions have long been associated with anti-inflammatory and disease-preventative properties. Allicin's anti-inflammatory effects may help combat age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma, both leading causes of vision loss. Antioxidants like lutein and quercetin, well-known for protecting delicate eye tissues from oxidative damage, are also abundant in onions.

While the research on onions' direct impact on specific eye conditions is still evolving, their well-documented anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, coupled with historical, anecdotal evidence, paint a compelling picture of an underrated yet effective natural remedy. 

Also Read: How To Use Goat Milk For Eye Infection? 5 Amazing Goat Milk Benefits! 

4 Benefits Of Onion For Eye Infection

According to Ayurveda, adding white onion juice to the eyes improves vision and clears the eyes. It is said that by pouring onion juice into the eyes, redness and swelling of the eyes can be reduced.  

Although limited scientific evidence supports these claims, it also helps improve vision and reduce the risk of cataracts. Here are some other benefits of onion for eye infection:

1. Rich In Antioxidants

Eye tissues, like any other part of the body, are constantly bombarded by free radicals – harmful molecules generated by metabolic processes and environmental factors. These free radicals can damage delicate eye cells, contributing to the development of infections. Onions are a great source of antioxidants and have at least 17 different types of flavonoids–indeed, like knights in shining armour! Quercetin, vitamin C, and lutein, onions neutralise these free radicals and help in preventing eye infections. 

Red onions are particularly rich in anthocyanins, which are plant pigments in the flavonoid family that give red onions their deep colour. These anthocyanins may protect against certain types of cancer and eye problems posed due to diabetes.  

Zeaxanthin found in onions possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties. It helps dampen harmful inflammatory responses, preventing further damage to eye tissues and promoting faster healing during infections.

2. Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Onion for eyesight has anti-inflammatory properties that can help people with eye problems or allergies. One of the most well-known antioxidants found in onion extract is quercetin. This compound helps fight inflammation and induces healing. A 2017 study in mice claims that quercetin helps your body create healthy skin and heal from an injury as opposed to a keloid scar. 

Also Read: Can Mushroom Coffee Help in Reducing Inflammation and Pain?

3. Prevents Glaucoma 

Some studies show that onions may help lower blood pressure in the body, which is good for people with glaucoma. It is a condition where the intraocular pressure (IOP) of the eye is too high, which means that your eye has too much aqueous humour in it. The disease often progresses silently, gradually robbing the patient of their peripheral vision. Onion reduces eye pressure and protects delicate ocular tissues from damaging free radicals and, hence, prevents the development of glaucoma. 

4. Provides Immune Support

Onions are rich in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and is beneficial for the eyes. Compounds like allicin in onions are thought to support detoxification processes, which can promote overall well-being.

Also Read: 6 Best Immunity Boosting Drinks

How To Use Onion For Eyesight?

Onions contain sulphur and selenium, which helps in improving your eye health and reducing the risk of eye diseases. Onion extract and juice can also be used to prevent bone haze formation and treat eye problems. Here are certain ways to determine how to use onions to improve your eyesight.

1. Make An Onion Compress

Soak a clean cloth with a few pieces of spring onion. and water in solution. Gently place the wet cloth over your eyes and hold the medicine over your eyes for as long as it feels comfortable. Change the cloth after it has warmed up.

Also Read: 10 Health Benefits Of Green Onions

2. Make Onion Eye Drop

Onion peels contain quercetin, an antioxidant associated with eye health. It also contains sulphur compounds and selenium, which help prevent eye inflammation. 

Using onions and onion peels is known to slow down many eye diseases by stopping blood vessels. However, eating onions alone is not enough to protect eye health. You must also incorporate a healthy diet and regular eye examinations. Here is how you can make eye drops at home:


Onion juice

2-3 tablespoons


1 tablespoon

Ginger juice

½ tablespoon

Peeled lemon juice

½ tablespoon


  • Grate some onion and squeeze out the juice. 

  • Take a glass and mix 1 teaspoon of white onion juice, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of ginger juice. 

  • Now add around 3 tablespoons of honey and mix well. 

  • Your eye cream is ready. 

  • Leave it in the refrigerator for a few days, and it is ready to use. 

  • Apply 1-2 drops to both eyes using eye drops. 

  • With the use of this eye drop, along with increasing the light of the eyes, you will get rid of the problem of redness, burning, etc.

3. Eat onions

Including more onions in your diet can help your body function better and keep your eyes healthy. You can add onions to your salads, casseroles, and soups. When cooked, onions retain some of their nutritional value while enhancing their flavour. Onions are a classic ingredient that can provide both flavour and nutrition to soups and stews. Pickled onions add a rich and delicious flavour to many dishes. Grilled onions can be used as a garnish for a delicious meal or burger.

Also Read: 5 Nutritious And Healthy Indian Raw Salad Recipes For Dinner 

4. Supplements

You can take supplements containing onion extract to improve your eyesight. Some good ingredients to consider are quercetin, lutein, selenium, sulphur and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants that help promote eye health. Quercetin, selenium, and sulphur present in onion can help reduce inflammation in the eyes. You can talk to your doctor to find the right supplement for your needs.

Before starting any treatment, be sure to consult a doctor or optician to make sure this treatment is safe for you and your condition. If you are allergic to onions, you should avoid this treatment. Also, if you feel pain or irritation, wash your eyes with cold water and do not apply the onion to your eyes again.

What Are The Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Onion?

Here are some side effects of eating too much onion, something that you need to be cautioned about: 

  • Eating too many raw onions can cause heartburn and even damage the stomach lining. It can cause vomiting, heartburn, and nausea.

  • Too much raw onion in the diet can cause IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. It is a problem that occurs with symptoms such as indigestion, fatigue, gas, cramps, bloating, and stomach upset. 

  • People with irritable bowel syndrome should follow a diet low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. 

  • Since onions are high-FODMAP foods, they may relieve IBS symptoms.

  • Using raw onion or onion extract as medication may slow blood clotting, thus increasing the risk of bleeding. 

  • Onion has many benefits for the skin. However, regular use may irritate the skin or cause eczema.

  • Raw onions contain a lot of sulphur, which often causes bad breath.

  • Touching raw onions can irritate our eyes. This is because onions produce sulphur metabolites to defend against animal and microbial attacks.

Precautions When Using Onion Juice On Eyes

Here are some of the precautions that you must read before using onion juice on eyes:

  • Onions may irritate your eyes, so it is recommended that you wash your knife each time you slice it. So that the residual juice is washed away, which when exposed to the eyes, may cause a burning sensation in the eyes.

  • People who are allergic to onions may experience itching and rashes on the body and even inflammation.

  • It is important to dilute onion juice with water or another liquid before applying it to your eyes because undiluted juice will cause severe irritation.

The Final Say

As the blog concludes about onion for eyesight and benefits, you must have discovered that this underrated ingredient could be a powerful aid in maintaining ocular health and preventing eye infections. Taking care of our eye health is important, and including onions in your meals can promote good eye health. 

The presence of potent antioxidants, including vitamin C, quercetin, and lutein, alongside the anti-inflammatory properties attributed to allicin, paints a promising picture of the onion's role in supporting eye health. These bioactive compounds may potentially contribute to the prevention and management of age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other vision-threatening ailments.

While onions offer a holistic approach to eye health, it's essential to be mindful of individual sensitivities and potential side effects. Striking the right balance and embracing a comprehensive eye care routine can contribute to long-term visual well-being.


1. How much onion should I eat per day?

Consuming 40-50 grams of onions daily can provide health benefits, including eye health.

2. Which onion is the healthiest?

Although any kind of onion is considered healthy, white onions, in particular, are extremely good for eye health.

3. Is onion peel good for eyesight?

Yes, onion peels are good for eyesight because of quercetin, selenium and sulphur, which boost eye health. 

4. Is onion good for dry eyes?

Several studies say that using onions to treat dry eyes is highly effective. Onions are a natural and safe alternative to the pharmaceutical solutions currently available.

5. Which onion is the healthiest?

Red and yellow onions are richer in antioxidants than other types of onions. Also, yellow onions contain almost 11 times more antioxidants than white onions.


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