Symptoms Of Being Overweight You Need To Know!



Published on: 24-Jun-2024


10 min read




Anvesha Chowdhury


Symptoms Of Being Overweight You Need To Know!

Symptoms Of Being Overweight You Need To Know!

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Millions of people worldwide struggle with excess weight in either the form of obesity or being overweight. Symptoms of being overweight can take many different forms, indicating possible health hazards and lowering quality of life. Recognising early symptoms is essential for preventing health problems and improving overall health. While some symptoms are visible, others may arise internally and affect the body and mind. These symptoms highlight the complex character of this condition. They range from overt physical indications like elevated body fat and BMI to covert ones like weariness and decreased mobility. 

An estimated 135 million people in India suffer from obesity. In India, the prevalence of obesity varies according to factors like age, gender, location, socioeconomic position, etc. The 2015 ICMR-INDIAB study reports that the prevalence rates of central obesity range from 16.9% to 36.3% and of obesity from 11.8% to 31.3%. Several health concerns, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and joint problems, can arise from accumulating excess weight, underscoring the significance of early detection and treatment. 

The prevalence of abdominal obesity in the country was found to be 40% in women and 12% in men. The findings show that 5–6 out of 10 women between the ages of 30 and 49 are abdominally obese. The association of abdominal obesity in women is stronger with older age groups, urban residents, wealthier sections, and non-vegetarians. Comprehending these indications facilitates prompt identification and endows individuals with the ability to make knowledgeable lifestyle decisions targeted at reaching and preserving a healthy weight. Read ahead to learn the signs in your body that can help you analyse if you are overweight.

Table Of Contents

1. How Do I Know If I Am Overweight?

2. Dietitian’s Recommendation

3. The Final Say

4. FAQs

5. References

How Do I Know If I Am Overweight?

Other than calculating BMI, here are some signs that your body shows when you are overweight-

1. Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms of being overweight describe the visible indicators and physiological alterations that might arise from being overweight. Although they can differ from person to person, these symptoms typically consist of-

  • Increased Body Fat- Excess body fat is the most apparent symptom of obesity. This can be seen as weight gain, especially around the stomach, thighs, and arms.

  • Breathlessness- Carrying excess weight can make the body work harder and cause shortness of breath even during mild exercise. This is because being overweight puts more pressure on your lungs and diaphragm.

  • Joint and Back Pain- Extra weight can stress your joints, mainly your knees, hips, and lower back. This leads to chronic pain and inflammation, such as osteoarthritis.

  • Sweating- Obese people can sweat profusely, even with little exercise. This is because their bodies have to work harder to maintain their temperature.

  • Fatigue- Weight gain can cause permanent fatigue. The body needs more energy to perform daily tasks, resulting in fatigue and decreased stamina.

2. Internal Symptoms

Physiological alterations and illnesses that may arise inside as a result of high body weight are referred to as internal symptoms of being overweight. Although these symptoms are not always evident, they can negatively affect general health and well-being. Some typical internal signs are as follows-

  • High Blood Pressure- Being overweight is associated with high blood pressure. Excess weight makes the blood arteries more resistant, quickening the heartbeat.

  • High cholesterol- Obese people often have higher LDL (bad cholesterol) and lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels, increasing the risk of heart disease.

  • Sleep Apnea- This condition, in which breathing stops and starts again during sleep, is more common in overweight people. Excess fat around the neck can hinder breathing and disrupt sleep patterns.

  • Insulin Resistance- People who are overweight have a high chance of developing insulin resistance, which often leads to type 2 diabetes. This condition causes the body to be unable to control blood sugar levels.

3. Psychological Symptoms

The emotional and psychological repercussions that can result from struggling with excess body weight are referred to as psychological symptoms of being overweight. These symptoms can differ from person to person but frequently consist of-

  • Low Self-Esteem- Obesity affects self-esteem and self-confidence, often leading to low self-esteem and body image problems.

  • Depression and Anxiety- Obesity and mental health problems are likely to cause anxiety. Physical discomfort and addiction due to being overweight can cause these feelings.

  • Social Isolation- Obese people may experience social isolation due to social stigma and discrimination. There is a high chance that such a scenario could cause a feeling of loneliness, leading to depression and anxiety.

Also Read- Yoga For Stress And Anxiety Relief

Dietitian’s Recommendation

If you are experiencing symptoms of obesity, such as fatigue, joint pain, or shortness of breath, it is essential to review your diet and lifestyle. Focus on eating a healthy diet in controlled portions and regular physical activity, and seek personal advice from a health expert to maintain and improve your health.

                                                                                       Dt. Akshata Gandevikar

The Final Say

Knowing the symptoms of obesity is the first step to solving the problem. This issue needs to be addressed, including physical and mental health. Regular workouts, a healthy and balanced diet, and seeking medical help are the mainstays in managing and overcoming obesity-related problems. Early identification and intervention can improve quality of life and reduce the risk of severe disease.


1. What are the side effects of being overweight?

Being overweight can cause many health issues like heart trouble, hypertension, diabetes, etc. 

2. What are the symptoms of fat in the body?

Symptoms of fat in the body are-

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Shortness of breath

  • Excessive sweating

  • Skin issues like rashes, etc. 

  • Sweating into skin folds.

3. How to avoid obesity?

You can avoid obesity by adopting a lifestyle that includes-

  • Selecting more nutritious foods and drinks, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and protein sources.

  • Reducing harmful food and drink intake (such as sugary drinks, red meat, potatoes, processed meat, refined grains and sweets).

  • Stepping up physical activity. 

  • Setting time limits for watching TV, screens, and other sitting activities.


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