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Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss? Reasons & Tips For Regrowth

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Mahi Baraskar


Published on: 23 Dec 2023


10 min



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Ever found yourself wondering why your locks might be losing their lustre? "Your hair is a reflection of your overall health," remarks Audrey Davis-Sivasothy, and indeed, which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss is more than just a strand of speculation.

A significant population is facing hair loss issues and is tracing it back to vitamin deficiencies. According to recent studies, a deficiency in key vitamins like biotin, vitamin D, and iron has been linked to hair loss in many cases. In this quest for a thicker, healthier mane, understanding how vitamin deficiency causes hair loss becomes a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Read on as we unravel the science behind it, exploring not just the problem but also the proactive steps you can take to nourish your tresses from within and restore the vitality of your crowning glory.

Your hair deserves the best, and the journey begins with unlocking the secrets of how vitamin deficiency causes hair loss.

Table Of Contents

1. What Is Vitamin Deficiency?

2. Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss

3. Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss

4. 6 Reasons For Hair Loss In Females

5. 7 Tips For Hair Regrowth And Hair Care

6. The Final Say

7. FAQs

What Is Vitamin Deficiency?

When your body fails to receive an adequate supply of essential vitamins, you experience a widespread health issue known as vitamin deficiency. The World Health Organization confirms that millions worldwide suffer from these deficiencies, which can cause various health problems.

Indeed, vitamin D deficiency specifically prevails with over 1 billion people facing this risk according to WHO's estimation. Their exposure to sunlight or dietary intake is insufficient. Similarly and without a doubt worth noting—the National Institutes of Health (NIH) emphasise the common occurrence of vitamin B12 deficiency. It particularly impacts older adults with an approximate prevalence rate among those aged fifty and above globally standing at 3.2%.

Vitamin deficiency shockingly causes hair loss and can result in a range of health complications, from weakened immune function to neurological issues.

Ensuring a well-rounded diet provides the appropriate balance of vitamin supplements is crucial for maintaining your health and well-being; alternatively, you may need to follow recommendations when necessary.

Also Read: Vitamin D Deficiency In India: How To Address The Deficiency? 

Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss

Note the given vitamin deficiency symptoms with how vitamin deficiency causes hair loss affects your hair:

Vitamin Deficiency

Common Symptoms

Effects on Hair

1. Vitamin D

Fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness

Hair thinning and slow growth

2. Vitamin A

Dry skin, night blindness

Excessive hair shedding

3. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Dermatitis, muscle pain

Hair breakage and hair loss

4. Iron

Fatigue, pale skin, brittle nails

Hair loss and slow regrowth

5. Vitamin C

Fatigue, easy bruising

Dry, weak hair and split ends

6. Zinc

Slow wound healing, diarrhoea

Thinning hair and hair loss

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

Let us explore the evidence-backed six ways vitamin deficiency causes hair loss contributions and what you can do to address them:

1. Vitamin D Deficiency (Alopecia Areata)

New studies show a strong link between alopecia areata and vitamin D insufficiency. This autoimmune disorder, with symptoms of hair loss, perhaps hints at low levels of vitamin D for people who have this disease. As it turns out, research suggests that these people tend to have considerably smaller amounts of the aforementioned vitamin.

To address this type of hair loss, it can be vital to ensure a sufficient intake of vitamin D, either through exposure to sunlight, a natural source or via supplements or an alternative method.

2. Iron Deficiency (Telogen Effluvium)

Iron deficiency is often associated with anaemia, potentially causing telogen effluvium: a form of hair loss. This condition causes an upsurge in the number of hair follicles that are entering their resting period. As a result, excessive shedding occurs.

However, according to research published in EndocrineReviews, dietary adjustments or additions perhaps increasing iron levels beyond normal ranges could effectively rectify the problem that affects up to half of women who lose their hair through insufficient amounts of iron.

3. Vitamin A Overdose (Alopecia Induced by Excessive Vitamin A)

Research has shown that excessively high amounts of vitamin A can cause telogen effluvium (hair loss triggered when the hair follicles enter their resting phase prematurely). Thus, vitamin A is necessary for healthy hair. But its intake must be strictly limited to a certain extent. The key to preventing this adverse effect is not taking in too much vitamin A through supplements.

4. Biotin Deficiency (Alopecia)

Biotin, a B vitamin often connected with hair health is one example. According to findings, a deficiency in biotin may cause alopecia (thinning and loss of hair). Biotin deficiencies are relatively rare, but taking an adequate intake of this vitamin could still enhance your overall hair health. This deficiency is frequently countered with biotin supplementation.

5. Vitamin E Deficiency (Trichorrhexis Nodosa)

The hair disorder, trichorrhexis nodosa, involves weak points along the shaft of each hair. Over time these become spots where hairs break off. Research suggests that there may be a possible connection between this condition and vitamin E deficiency, further underlining how eating foods rich in vitamin E or taking supplements might help preserve healthy hair structure.

Also Read: Best Vitamin E-Rich Foods In India 

6. Vitamin B Deficiency (General Hair Loss)

Research demonstrates that deficiencies in a range of B vitamins, specifically, B7 (biotin), B3 (niacin), and B5 (pantothenic acid)--contribute to general hair loss; these essential nutrients are instrumental not only in maintaining optimal hair health but also preventing its untimely departure. Taking vitamin supplements or maintaining a balanced diet can benefit in addressing this type of hair loss.

6 Reasons For Hair Loss In Females

Let us discuss some common reasons why vitamin deficiency causes hair loss in females and how you can manage them:

1. Hormonal Changes (Like Menopause, Pregnancy)

When your hormones go through shifts, like during menopause or pregnancy, it can affect your hair. Thyroid disorders, which impact about 10% of people, can also lead to hair loss due to hormonal imbalances. Ensuring you get the right vitamins, especially vitamin D, is essential to counteract hormone-related hair loss.

2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Roughly 10% of women in their childbearing years experience the common condition, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This condition may induce hormonal imbalances that initiate hair loss. To manage PCOS and support your hair health, it is crucial to maintain adequate levels of vitamins and minerals.

3. Weight Loss Or Extreme Dieting

Restrictive diets, when causing rapid and extreme weight loss, can disrupt your body's nutrient balance. This imbalance may potentially induce hair loss. To prevent such a type of hair loss maintain a balanced diet and ensure adequate intake of vitamins and minerals.

4. Scalp Conditions (Like Dandruff And Psoriasis)

If you leave scalp issues such as dandruff and psoriasis untreated, they can induce hair loss. Moreover, these conditions might impede your body's absorption of vital nutrients – vitamins included. To combat hair loss attributed to scalp conditions: maintain meticulous care for your scalp and employ suitable treatments.

Also Read: Difference Between Psoriasis And Dandruff: 6 Home Remedies And 7 Tips 

5. Tight Hairstyles (Like Braids, Ponytails)

Tight braids and ponytails, styles that constantly strain your hair, may precipitate traction alopecia. Hence, whenever tying your hair, don’t pull it too tight but rather, either do a medium or low ponytail or use support to hold your high ponytail instead of feeling the pull. 

6. Physical Or Emotional Stress

Significant impacts on hair health can result from stress-induced hair loss, known as telogen effluvium and this condition affects many women. You can prevent hair loss by managing your stress through relaxation techniques – including exercise – and maintaining balanced vitamin levels.

7 Tips For Hair Regrowth And Hair Care

Here are practical tips to combat hair loss and promote hair regrowth, all while addressing the issue of vitamin deficiency head-on.

1. Prioritise Vitamin-Rich Foods

Boosting your hair health starts with nourishing your body with essential vitamins. Vitamin deficiency causes hair loss in many cases, with up to 40% of people worldwide suffering from a lack of vitamin D. 

Ensure you are consuming vitamin-rich foods like fatty fish, eggs, and fortified cereals. These choices can help support your hair growth by addressing this deficiency.

2. Iron Intake

Maintaining hair strength and preventing hair loss hinge on the pivotal role of iron. Approximately 25% of the global population grapples with iron deficiency, a condition that may weaken their hair. To counteract this issue, incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet - spinach, tofu, and lean red meat are excellent choices.

3. Zinc For Hair Growth

Zinc deficiency is another culprit behind hair loss, and it's crucial to address it. Studies show that zinc is essential for healthy hair growth. To boost your zinc intake, include nuts, seeds, and whole grains in your meals. These sources can significantly contribute to the development and strength of your hair.

Also Read: 9 Incredible Foods High in Zinc: Boost Your Health Naturally 

4. Vitamin C For Collagen Production

Vitamin C influences collagen, a crucial element of hair structure; your hair's health can suffer from a deficiency in this vitamin. Enhance collagen production and subsequently bolster the strength of your hair by taking steps to incorporate vitamin C-rich foods such as citrus fruits and berries into your diet.

5. Avoid Crash Diets

Crash diets, often extreme and unbalanced, can lead to rapid weight loss. Unfortunately, this can also trigger hair loss. Research suggests gradual and balanced weight loss approaches are less likely to harm your hair. Prioritise long-term health over quick fixes to protect your hair.

6. Get Adequate Sleep

Not only is sleep essential for your holistic wellness, but it also significantly influences your hair. Your body requires an ideal 7-9 hours of sleep each night to recover and rejuvenate effectively. The resilience of your hair may weaken due to inadequate rest, thus emphasising the crucial role quality sleep plays in caring for our tresses.

7. Stress Management

Roughly 30% of individuals suffer from hair loss related to stress. Chronic stress may indeed impair your hair's health, leading it to thin and become brittle. To counteract this effect, engage in stress management techniques like meditation, yoga or deep breathing exercises.

The Final Say

As we conclude this exploration of the hair-health connection, have you discovered the secret about the vitamin deficiency that causes hair loss? Moreover, have you found invaluable tips - ones that ensure your locks remain lustrous and abundant?

Understanding that maintaining healthy hair necessitates more than just external care, but also internal nourishment you embark on your fitness journey. Research indicates that up to 50% of hair loss cases are traced back to vitamin deficiencies thus, making informed choices about diet and lifestyle becomes crucial.

Why not prioritise the health of your hair, recognising that you hold the power to fight hair loss and foster growth? Your locks merit excellence, and through optimal nutrition and care – they can indeed flourish. Seize control of your hair's destiny and let it radiate the vibrancy and healthiness within you!


1. Is hair loss a side effect of multivitamins?

Hair loss is not typically a common side effect of multivitamins. They are designed to provide essential nutrients that can promote hair health. However, excessive intake of specific vitamins, like vitamin A, may lead to hair loss.

2. Can one a day vitamins cause hair loss?

"One A Day" vitamins are formulated to support overall health, including hair. They are unlikely to cause hair loss when taken as recommended. Always follow the dosage instructions to avoid any potential adverse effects.

3. Can vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

Indeed, a deficiency in vitamin D significantly contributes to the loss of hair follicles. Vitamin D actively maintains the health of hair follicles; insufficient levels may result in thinning or shedding of hair. Therefore: Ensure adequate exposure to sunlight–an excellent natural source for this essential nutrient–or consider taking supplements when deficient.

4. Can low B12 cause hair loss?

Indeed, low levels of vitamin B12 can lead to hair loss. The body requires B12 for robust hair growth; thus, a deficiency may weaken the hair follicles and intensify shedding. If you suspect such a deficiency, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare professional.

5. Is there a connection between iron deficiency and hair loss?

Often, iron deficiency is associated with hair loss as it is crucial for the transportation of oxygen to hair follicles. A lack thereof can instigate not only thinning but potentially complete loss. To foster healthy growth in our hair, addressing this deficiency through diet or supplementation becomes imperative: it's a necessary step towards maintaining optimal health and vitality.


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