What Is Yerba Mate Tea? Health Benefits, Recipe And Side Effects



Published on: 25-Apr-2024


10 min read




Anvesha Chowdhury


What Is Yerba Mate Tea? Health Benefits, Recipe And Side Effects

What Is Yerba Mate Tea? Health Benefits, Recipe And Side Effects

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Imagine a beverage that boasts the stimulating effects of coffee, the health benefits of green tea, and the social ritual of sharing a cup of mate with friends. That's yerba mate, a holly tree leaf infusion native to South America, gaining traction worldwide. Athletes swear by its pre-workout boost, health enthusiasts tout its antioxidant properties, and yerba mate tea is a daily social ritual in countries like Argentina and Uruguay.  

Science is starting to unveil yerba mate tea benefits. Studies suggest it might enhance cognitive function, improve physical performance, and even aid weight management. The unique blend of compounds in yerba mate, including caffeine, theobromine, and chlorogenic acid, could be responsible for these effects. However, some concerns linger, with potential side effects like digestive issues and possible interactions with medications. 

So, is yerba mate a magic bullet or a potentially beneficial beverage that deserves a closer look? This blog dives deep into the world of yerba mate, exploring the latest scientific research on its health benefits and potential drawbacks and even providing a recipe to brew your cup of this intriguing South American elixir. Let's separate the hype from science and discover if yerba mate tea deserves a place in your wellness routine! 


Table Of Contents 

1. What Is Yerba Mate Tea? 

2. What Is Yerba Mate Tea Good For? 5 Yerba Mate Tea Benefits For Health And Well-being 

3. How To Make Yerba Mate Tea Without A Gourd? 

4. Is Yerba Mate Stronger Than Caffeine Or Coffee? 

5. Dietitian's Recommendation 

6. The Final Say 

7. FAQs 

8. References  

What Is Yerba Mate Tea? 

Yerba Mate, also called Paraguayan tea, is obtained from the dried leaves and stems of the evergreen shrub Ilex paraguariensis. Every year, yerba mate consumption becomes increasingly popular in North America and Europe. Yerba mate is traditionally drunk from a gourd, with a metal straw and a filter to separate the leaf bits at the bottom.  

Yerba mate leaves contain caffeine, antioxidants, and other nutrients that may benefit human health. This is why many coffee lovers skip daily coffee and turn to yerba mate in the morning instead. Yerba mate is typically drunk as loose-leaf tea, washed with hot or cold water or milk. However, hot water should not boil. It should be boiled water with a temperature below 70-80 degrees. Due to its caffeine content, yerba mate is often found in energy drinks and supplements. 

Its incredible health benefits and mood and energy boost make yerba mate one of the best coffee alternatives. The beloved and well-known green tea, also found in mate tea, contains various vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols. It even contains about the same caffeine as green tea and almost as much caffeine as coffee. Essentially, yerba mate has the energy benefits of coffee and the superfood properties of green tea, so it’s no surprise that yerba mate is such a huge trend. 


What Is Yerba Mate Tea Good For? 5 Yerba Mate Tea Benefits For Health And Well-being 

Here are some benefits of yerba mate tea for your health and well-being: 

1. Provides Gradual Energy Boost For Lasting Vitality  

Yerba mate contains approximately 85 mg of caffeine per cup. This means it has less caffeine than coffee and more than tea, making it a balanced caffeine option that still creates buzz. Plus, the best part about boosting energy and alertness from caffeine, my friend, is that you don’t get the caffeine crash and jittery side effects that you typically get with coffee.   

Yerba mate has the unique ability to stimulate and soothe simultaneously. It is thought that yerba mate can do this because its adaptogenic and essential properties help the body release caffeine differently or metabolise it more slowly. Essentially, yerba mate provides more energy than tea but without the side effects of coffee. Lastly, yerba mate also contains xanthines. Xanthines are a group of alkaloids that are often used as mild stimulants. So, drinking yerba mate tea can also help boost your energy.  


2. Enriches The Body With Powerful Antioxidants  

It is well known that green tea is incredibly high in antioxidants, making it one of the most popular sources of antioxidants. Surprisingly, yerba mate tea contains more antioxidants than green tea. Revered as the “drink of the gods,” yerba mate is rich in free radical neutralising elements and is called a “liquid vegetable” because it contains all essential nutrients, antioxidants, and benefits of amino acids. Powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols found in mates may help fight diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and ageing.   

Phytochemicals found in mate may help reduce chronic inflammation and prevent disease. However, despite its anti-cancer properties, drinking yerba mate tea has been linked to an increased risk of developing cancer, especially oesophagal cancer. More research is needed to accept or deny this. Yerba mate is unlikely to pose a risk to healthy adults who do not drink it in excessive amounts and avoid drinking it when it is too hot. 


3. Nourishes The Gut And Promotes Digestive Wellness  

When comparing coffee and mate, mate is better if you have stomach issues or want to prioritise healthy digestion. Coffee is very acidic and may cause digestive problems in some people. Acidity can negatively affect the lining of the stomach and intestines. Coffee can aggravate and worsen symptoms of indigestion, gastritis, reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, and even Crohn’s disease. 

On the other hand, yerba mate promotes good digestion. It has a high choleretic effect, which increases the amount of bile secreted by the liver and the amount of solids released. Yerba mate’s biliary effects mean that consuming it regularly can help alleviate indigestion and digestive problems. Yerba mate is also rich in soluble fibre inulin. Inulin may help aid digestion and promote gut health by encouraging the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. The anti-inflammatory compounds in the mats mentioned above also help this herb fight colon cancer. A 2012 study from the University of Illinois found that “human colon cancer cells die when exposed to approximately the number of bioactive compounds found in a cup of this beverage, which has long been consumed for its medicinal properties in South America.”   


4. Elevates Your Endurance And Physical Performance  

Yerba mate may improve training and athletic performance. The compounds and nutrients in yerba mate tea affect metabolism, allowing the body to use carbohydrates more efficiently. Having carbohydrates broken down efficiently means you can get more productive energy from your food and burn more calories from stored fat cells.   

A 2014 study found that people who took crushed yerba mate leaf capsules before exercise burned 24% more fat during exercise. This can significantly improve productivity. Considering Mate’s moderate caffeine content, it can be expected that caffeine intake will also improve physical function.   

Drinking caffeine increases your blood's epinephrine level (the hormone responsible for the fight-or-flight response). Epinephrine releases explosive energy, resulting in a noticeable increase in reaction speed and strength during physical activity. 

5. Strengthens Your Bones Naturally Without Exercise   

Yerba mate contains caffeine, and although caffeine consumption has been shown to reduce the production of osteocalcin (an abundant protein in bones that promotes mineralisation), surprisingly, yerba mate can promote stronger bones instead.   

Exercise is essential for strong bones, but consuming yerba mate can increase bone density in people who do not engage in daily physical activity.   

One study found that postmenopausal women at higher risk for osteoporosis who drank yerba mate regularly had higher bone density in the spine and an approximately 10 per cent increase in bone mineral density. 


How To Make Yerba Mate Tea Without A Gourd? 

Yerba mate tea is a famous exotic South American herbal tea. It’s like a strong-tasting, natural energy drink that helps you live your life at optimal levels. Yerba mate is a genuine coffee alternative packed with antioxidants. It is similar to green tea but has less of a seaweed taste and a more nutty, herbal flavour. 


  • 2 tsp yerba mate tea leaves  

  • 1 cup hot water 


Step 1: Add 1-2 teaspoons of yerba leaves to the kettle. 

Step 2: Add 250ml of hot water, approximately 70-80  

Step 3: Steep the tea for 4 to 7 minutes, depending on whether you prefer a lighter or more potent tea. 

Step 4: Pour in and enjoy. Go on an adventure and share it with your friends. 


Is Yerba Mate Stronger Than Caffeine or Coffee? 

Coffee and yerba mate tea are strong beverages, but they come from different plants and have different nutritional profiles, influencing your choice. Here are some key differences: 



Yerba Mate Tea 


Made from roasted coffee beans, usually Arabica or Robusta.   

Tea made from the leaves of the yerba mate plant, Ilex paraguariensis. 

Caffeine content   

Typically, it has more caffeine than mate, resulting in a more intense burst of energy. 

It contains caffeine, but often in more moderate amounts than coffee. The presence of theobromine in the mat provides a gentler stimulation. 

Nutritional profile    

Coffee is rich in antioxidants and may also contain nutrients such as vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and magnesium. 

It contains vitamins A, B, C, and E, antioxidants, and minerals (calcium, iron, potassium). 


The rich flavour can vary depending on the type of coffee bean and the roasting process. 

It has an earthy, herbal aroma and, depending on the type of yerba mate, can have a smoky flavour. (Option to choose a naturally sweet, ready-to-drink yerba mate beverage) 

Cultural traditions 

It is widely consumed in many cultures around the world. 

Traditionally consumed in South America, especially Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. 

Digestive effects 

Coffee can sometimes cause stomach problems for some people  

Often considered gentler on the stomach. Personal choice: If you prefer a more intense energy boost and a variety of coffee flavours, choose coffee. If you’re looking for more balanced energy, a variety of nutritional benefits, and other cultural benefits, choose yerba mate. 

Yerba Mate Tea Side Effects  

Yerba mate consumed in moderation is generally considered safe for 12 weeks. However, because it contains caffeine, it can potentially cause the following side effects- 

  • Difficulty sleeping  

  • Nausea  

  • Increased heart rate  

  • Vomiting  

  • Nervousness  

  • Jitteriness 


Drinking more than 10 cups may increase your risk of caffeine-related side effects. Regular consumption of large amounts (1 to 2 litres) of yerba mate over a long period has been linked to cancers of the mouth, lungs, stomach, abdomen, kidneys and bladder, primarily of the oesophagus. 

This increased risk may be due to yerba mate consumption at high temperatures, which releases potentially carcinogenic contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).  


Dietitian’s Recommendation 

Yerba mate is rich in antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds. However, consuming large amounts of yerba mate, especially when it is hot, may increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer. If you want to incorporate yerba mate into your daily routine, consult your doctor to determine the safe and appropriate amount.   

Dt. Lavina Chauhan 


The Final Say   

In conclusion, yerba mate tea presents a fascinating case study of traditional beverages. While not a cure-all, the initial scientific evidence suggests promise for its ability to enhance cognitive function, physical performance, and potentially even weight management. However, further research is needed to understand its long-term effects and potential interactions with medications fully. If you're looking for a potentially energising and health-promoting beverage, consider trying yerba mate, but always consult your healthcare provider before making any significant dietary changes, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or take medications.    



1. What does yerba mate tea taste like? 

Yerba mate tea has a very distinctive taste. It can be slightly bitter at first, like coffee, but once you acquire its taste, you will be fine.

2. How to make yerba mate tea without a gourd? 

You can make yerba mate tea at home, like any other tea, by taking a tablespoon and putting it in hot water. 

3. Can I drink yerba mate every day? 

Yerba Mate tea is safe if taken in moderation. Excessive consumption of it may lead to cancer. 

4. What is yerba mate in India known as? 

While yerba mate is gaining popularity worldwide, it isn't as widely known or consumed in India compared to South American countries. There isn't a common or specific name for yerba mate in India. However, you might find it referred to by its botanical name, Ilex paraguariensis, or even a more generic term like " Paraguayan tea" or "mate tea" (though it's important to distinguish it from traditional Indian masala chai). 



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