7 Yoga Exercises For Hypertension
Published on: 30-Nov-2022
10 min read
Shubhi Sidnis
7 Yoga Exercises For Hypertension
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Millions of people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure - a condition that increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, yoga has been an effective tool for reducing blood pressure and has been a lifestyle change to manage hypertension.
Not just hypertension but there are many medical conditions which can be avoided by practising yoga daily. Yoga keeps your body fit and mind calm; it releases happy hormones in the body, which keeps you optimistic during the day.
In this generation of unhealthy eating, stress over little things, and unhealthy sleeping habits, our bodies are going through a lot and need to be looked after.
Yoga is one such habit that you can adopt and keep yourself happy.
To keep your body away from ailments, major or minor, yoga is the go-to regime you can follow. Whereas hypertension is a major issue and can be life taking if not taken seriously.
This blog post will explore the science behind yoga's blood pressure-lowering benefits and provide tips on how to practise yoga to control your blood pressure. Yoga can reduce your blood pressure levels, whether you are dealing with hypertension due to lifestyle factors or simply want to live a stress-free life. So try it and see the amazing benefits for yourself!
Having high blood pressure is no joke! It can lead to heart disease, stroke, and even death. But thankfully, there are many ways to prevent and treat high blood pressure - one of which is yoga.
Yoga has been shown to lower blood pressure in several ways, reducing stress levels, improving cardiovascular health, and boosting the immune system. It also plays an active role in managing many other medical conditions. So if you are looking for a healthy lifestyle that can also help reduce your risk of hypertension, yoga should definitely be on your list of options!
What Is Blood Pressure And What Causes Hypertension?
Doubtless, yoga has many health benefits, but many people do not know that yoga can help reduce high blood pressure levels. Yoga has improved blood flow and can help reduce hypertension levels. Yoga also helps calm the mind and promote relaxation, which is important.
If you are looking for a way to reduce your blood pressure and improve your overall health adopt yoga as a lifestyle change to manage hypertension.
High Blood Pressure: Yoga Asanas To Control Hypertension
Hypertension is a major health problem and poses a significant risk for heart disease and stroke. Yoga can help manage high blood pressure levels by improving heart health and reducing stress levels. The poses in yoga are designed to stretch and strengthen the body, reduce stiffness and tension in the arteries, and prevent hypertension.
1. Child Pose Or Balasana
Child pose or Balasana helps to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. It is one of the most effective asanas for reducing hypertension, especially in people with high blood pressure who struggle to control their hypertension symptoms.
People with high blood pressure should do this pose regularly as it offers quick relief from hypertension-related symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, headache, and difficulty breathing. Ashtanga yoga poses from the Ashtanga Yoga Series can also be helpful in further reducing hypertension levels.
2. Sukhasana Or Easy Pose
Various poses can control blood pressure. Sukhasana, or easy pose, is one of them, as it lowers the heart rate and reduces stress levels. This pose helps control blood sugar levels and prevents diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. However, in order to reap the benefits of yoga for hypertension, you need to be patient while doing it - let your body heal itself naturally.
3. Shavasana
Shavasana is the most important asana for blood pressure control. It helps to lower blood pressure by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Other asanas can be practiced with Shavasana.
4. Bridge Pose
Bridge pose is the perfect option if you are looking for a yoga pose that can help lower your blood pressure. This poses stretch the chest and neck while also toning the abdominal muscles. Moreover, bridge pose has other health benefits to lowering blood pressure levels, such as improving heart health. If you struggle with hypertension or other cardiovascular conditions, start practising it regularly and see noticeable results in no time! You can also combine it with other poses to produce even better effects.
5. Cobra Pose
Try Cobra pose! It helps increase blood flow and improve overall cardiovascular health. Cobra pose also relieves symptoms and prevents the development of hypertension.
6. Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)
If you are looking for a pose that will improve your cardiovascular health and circulation, try Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose). This asana helps reduce blood pressure by improving blood flow throughout your body. Additionally, it is also great for reducing stress levels and increasing relaxation. To see these benefits for yourself, do this pose regularly!
Stress: The Culprit Of Hypertension
High blood pressure is a major medical condition affecting several people worldwide. It is caused by a number of factors, but one of the major culprits is stress. Too much stress can lead to hypertension, a condition in which the blood pressure rises above 120/80 mmHg.
That is why it is necessary to reduce your stress level as much as possible. Not only does it help reduce stress, but it can also improve cardiovascular health and promote better circulation. Moreover, yoga may also help lower blood pressure by promoting better circulation and reducing inflammation. So, if you are looking to reduce your risk of hypertension, yoga may be a good first step!
What Are The Effects Of Regular Yoga On Hypertension?
Yoga is a practice that has been shown to reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. It helps widen the arteries and reduce stress levels, both of which are known contributors to hypertension.
The practice also improves heart health by improving circulation and overall balance within the body. Mantras, poses, and breathwork combined with yoga can be very beneficial for reducing blood pressure symptoms in people with hypertension. So, why not give it a see for yourself?
The Final Say
Yoga is a lifestyle to adopt. It not only keeps you calm and stress-free but keeps you away from all kinds of ailment. Yoga is religiously followed by fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious people who believe in healing their minds and bodies naturally.
Incorporating yoga into your daily life will give you a new perspective and will keep you relaxed throughout the day. Moreover, many diseases and conditions can be prevented by practising yoga. A little of your time for yourself can save you from many severe medical conditions.
Hypertension is a big problem on the rise, and yoga can play a big role in reducing it.
High blood pressure is a common condition affecting many people worldwide. Though no one-fits-all solution, yoga effectively lowers blood pressure levels in people with hypertension.
So start practising yoga and encourage your friends and family as well!
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